#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Daemon used to watch the maillog messages for certain messages and trigger events when # certain messages occur # # By Jason Warnes # # Change Log # ~~~~~~~~~~ # 2006-08-22: Initial release # 2006-09-05: Fixed signal handling # Added /var/run/watchmaillog.pid file for logrotate usage # 2006-09-07: Added proper signal handling (Thanks pvenezia!) # Added SpamAssassin spamd checking support for SPAM (Thanks raiten!) # 2006-09-18: Added new item mess_waiting, which is the number of messages MailScanner # detects when a new batch is started. # 2006-11-02: Changed the way SPAM messages were detected so the script works # on servers configured for less verbose logging. (Thanks sdetroch!) # 2006-11-08: Added new item mess_rejected, which is the number of rejected # messages by Sendmail. # 2007-02-06: Fixed close statement at end of main program. (Thanks Avenger!) # Fixed warning messages about uninitialized $line used in pattern # matching (Thanks Avenger!) # 2007-05-04: Properly closed the maillog file on SIGHUP received. (Thansks thomasch!) $debug=0; # 1=Debug messages are displayed, 0=No debug messages are displayed $daemon=1; # 1=Daemonize the program, 0=Run interactive $syslog=1; # 1=Log stuff to syslog, 0=No logging to syslog $self="/opt/librenms/scripts/watchmaillog/watchmaillog.sh"; # Location of this script $counterfile="/opt/librenms/scripts/watchmaillog/watchmaillog_counters"; # Location to store the counter file $resetfile="/opt/librenms/scripts/watchmaillog/watchmaillog_reset"; # Location of the reset counter flag file $pidfile="/var/run/watchmaillog.pid"; # Location of the running process ID file (used in logrotate) use Sys::Syslog; use POSIX; use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval ); $|=1; my $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new(); my $hupaction = POSIX::SigAction->new('hup_signal_handler', $sigset, &POSIX::SA_NODEFER); my $osigaction = POSIX::SigAction->new('signal_handler', $sigset, &POSIX::SA_NODEFER); POSIX::sigaction(&POSIX::SIGHUP, $hupaction); POSIX::sigaction(&POSIX::SIGINT, $osigaction); POSIX::sigaction(&POSIX::SIGTERM, $osigaction); if($daemon){ $pid=fork; if($pid) { open(PID,">".$pidfile) or die "Cannot open PID file: $!."; print PID ("$pid\n"); # Write the PID out to the PID file for logrotate close(PID); } exit if $pid; die "Couldn't fork : $!" unless defined($pid); setsid() or die "Can't start a new session: $!"; $time_to_die=0; } sub signal_handler { $time_to_die=1; } sub hup_signal_handler { if($debug){print "got SIGHUP\n";} close(MAILLOG); exec($self) or die "Couldn't restart: $!\n"; } if($syslog){openlog("watchmaillog","pid","daemon");} if($syslog){syslog("notice","Starting.");} if($debug){print("watchmaillog is starting.\n");} # Main part of the program open(MAILLOG, "tail -n 0 -f /var/log/maillog|") or die "Cannot open maillog: $!."; my $line=""; while(!$time_to_die && ( $line = )){ # $line=; # Look for received messages where the sender is not from our domain(s) if(($line=~/from\=/) && ($line!~/\@domain1.com|\@domain2.com/)){ $item="mess_recv"; &readcounterfile; $counter{$item}++; if($debug){print("Found an inbound message, incrementing the message recieve counter to $counter{$item}.\n");} &writecounterfile; } # Look for messages sent to our domain(s), indicates an inbound message relayed to an internal server if(($line=~/stat\=Sent/) && ($line=~/\@domain1.com|\@domain2.com/)){ $item="mess_relay"; &readcounterfile; $counter{$item}++; if($debug){print("Found an clean inbound message, incrementing the clean message recieve counter to $counter{$item}.\n");} &writecounterfile; } # Look for sent messages to NOT our email domain(s), indicates an outbound message if(($line=~/stat\=Sent/) && ($line!~/\@domain1.comd|\@domain2.com/)){ $item="mess_sent"; &readcounterfile; $counter{$item}++; if($debug){print("Found an outbound message, incrementing the message sent counter to $counter{$item}.\n");} &writecounterfile; } # Look for rejected messages if((($line=~/ruleset/) && ($line=~/reject\=/)) || ($line =~/rejecting/)){ $item="mess_rejected"; &readcounterfile; $counter{$item}++; if($debug){print("Found a rejected message, incrementing the message rejected counter to $counter{$item}.\n");} &writecounterfile; } # Look for MailScanner spam scanning batch results if($line=~/Spam\ Checks\:\ Found/){ $item="spam"; $spam_count_pos = index($line,"Spam\ Checks\:\ Found"); $spam_count_pos2 = index($line, "\ spam\ messages"); $spam_count = substr($line,($spam_count_pos+19),($spam_count_pos2-($spam_count_pos+19))); &readcounterfile; $counter{$item}=$counter{$item}+$spam_count; if($debug){print("Found $spam_count SPAM in the MailScanner batch, incrementing the spam counter to $counter{$item}.\n");} &writecounterfile; } # Look for MainScanner virus scanning batch results if($line=~/Virus\ Scanning\:\ Found/){ $item="virus"; $virus_count_pos = index($line,"Virus\ Scanning\:\ Found"); $virus_count_pos2 = index($line, "\ viruses"); $virus_count = substr($line,($virus_count_pos+22),($virus_count_pos2-($virus_count_pos+22))); &readcounterfile; $counter{$item}=$counter{$item}+$virus_count; if($debug){print("Found $virus_count viruses in the MailScanner batch, incrementing the virus counter to $counter{$item}.\n");} &writecounterfile; } # Look for MailScanner waiting messages if($line=~/New\ Batch\:\ Found/){ $item="mess_waiting"; $mess_waiting_pos = index($line,"New\ Batch\:\ Found"); $mess_waiting_pos2 = index($line,"\ messages\ waiting"); $mess_waiting = substr($line,($mess_waiting_pos+17),($mess_waiting_pos2-($mess_waiting_pos+17))); &readcounterfile; $counter{$item}=$mess_waiting; if($debug){print("Mailscanner found $mess_waiting messages waiting, setting the mess_waiting counter to $counter{$item}.\n");} &writecounterfile; } } close(MAILLOG); if($debug){print("watchmaillog is ending.\n");} if($syslog){syslog("notice","Ending.");} unlink($pidfile); # Subroutine to read the contents of the counter file sub readcounterfile { # Read the counter values from the file if($debug){print("Reading contents of counter file.\n");} open(COUNTER,$counterfile); while($line=){ @line=split(/\:/,$line); chop($line[1]); # Drop the trailing LF off the value # Check for reset counter flag file if(-e $resetfile."_".$line[0]){ if($debug){print("Reset counter flag file found for counter $line[0], resetting counter value to 0.\n");} $counter{$line[0]}=0; unlink($resetfile."_".$line[0]); } else { $counter{$line[0]}=$line[1]; } if($debug){print("Counter $line[0] = $counter{$line[0]}.\n");} } close(COUNTER); } # Subrouting to write the contents of the counter file sub writecounterfile { if($debug){print("Writing counter values to counter file.\n");} open(COUNTER,">".$counterfile); # Write each counter item out to the counter file foreach $item (sort keys(%counter)) { print COUNTER ($item."\:".$counter{$item}."\n"); } close(COUNTER); chmod(0666,$counterfile); }