2014-03-12 22:21:33 +00:00

131 lines
4.8 KiB
Executable File

// FIXME should do the deletion etc in a common file perhaps? like for the sensors
# Try to discover Libvirt Virtual Machines.
if ($config['enable_libvirt'] == '1' && $device['os'] == "linux" )
$libvirt_vmlist = array();
echo("Libvirt VM: ");
$ssh_ok = 0;
foreach ($config['libvirt_protocols'] as $method)
if (strstr($method,'qemu'))
$uri = $method.'://' . $device['hostname'] . '/system';
$uri = $method.'://' . $device['hostname'];
if (strstr($method,'ssh') && !$ssh_ok)
# Check if we are using SSH if we can log in without password - without blocking the discovery
# Also automatically add the host key so discovery doesn't block on the yes/no question, and run echo so we don't get stuck in a remote shell ;-)
exec('ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "PreferredAuthentications publickey" -o "IdentitiesOnly yes" ' . $device['hostname'] . ' echo -e', $out, $ret);
if ($ret != 255) { $ssh_ok = 1; }
if ($ssh_ok || !strstr($method,'ssh'))
# Fetch virtual machine list
exec($config['virsh'] . ' -c '.$uri.' list',$domlist);
foreach ($domlist as $dom)
list($dom_id,) = explode(' ',trim($dom),2);
if (is_numeric($dom_id))
# Fetch the Virtual Machine information.
exec($config['virsh'] . ' -c '.$uri.' dumpxml ' . $dom_id,$vm_info_array);
# <domain type='kvm' id='3'>
# <name></name>
# <uuid>48cf6378-6fd5-4610-0611-63dd4b31cfd6</uuid>
# <memory>1048576</memory>
# <currentMemory>1048576</currentMemory>
# <vcpu>8</vcpu>
# <os>
# <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-0.12'>hvm</type>
# <boot dev='hd'/>
# </os>
# <features>
# <acpi/>
# (...)
# Convert array to string
foreach ($vm_info_array as $line) { $vm_info_xml .= $line; }
$xml = simplexml_load_string('<?xml version="1.0"?> ' . $vm_info_xml);
if ($debug) { print_r($xml); }
$vmwVmDisplayName = $xml->name;
$vmwVmGuestOS = ''; # libvirt does not supply this
$vmwVmMemSize = $xml->currentMemory / 1024;
exec($config['virsh'] . ' -c '.$uri.' domstate ' . $dom_id,$vm_state);
$vmwVmState = ucfirst($vm_state[0]);
$vmwVmCpus = $xml->vcpu;
# Check whether the Virtual Machine is already known for this host.
$result = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `vminfo` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `vmwVmVMID` = ? AND `vm_type` = 'libvirt'",array($device['device_id'],$dom_id));
if (count($result['device_id']) == 0)
$inserted_id = dbInsert(array('`device_id`' => $device['device_id'], '`vm_type`' => 'libvirt', '`vmwVmVMID`' => $dom_id,'`vmwVmDisplayName`' => mres($vmwVmDisplayName), '`vmwVmGuestOS`' => mres($vmwVmGuestOS), '`vmwVmMemSize`' => mres($vmwVmMemSize), '`vmwVmCpus`' => mres($vmwVmCpus), '`vmwVmState`' => mres($vmwVmState)), 'vminfo');
log_event("Virtual Machine added: $vmwVmDisplayName ($vmwVmMemSize MB)", $device, 'vm', $inserted_id);
} else {
if ($result['vmwVmState'] != $vmwVmState
|| $result['vmwVmDisplayName'] != $vmwVmDisplayName
|| $result['vmwVmCpus'] != $vmwVmCpus
|| $result['vmwVmGuestOS'] != $vmwVmGuestOS
|| $result['vmwVmMemSize'] != $vmwVmMemSize)
dbUpdate(array('vmwVmState' => mres($vmwVmState), '`vmwVmGuestOS' => mres($vmwVmGuestOS), '`vmwVmDisplayName`' => mres($vmwVmDisplayName), '`vmwVmMemSize`' => mres($vmwVmMemSize), '`vmwVmCpus`' => mres($vmwVmCpus)), 'vminfo', "device_id=? AND vm_type='libvirt' AND vmwVmVMID=?",array($device['device_id'],$dom_id));
// FIXME eventlog
# Save the discovered Virtual Machine.
$libvirt_vmlist[] = $dom_id;
# If we found VMs, don't cycle the other protocols anymore.
if (count($libvirt_vmlist)) { break; }
# Get a list of all the known Virtual Machines for this host.
$sql = "SELECT id, vmwVmVMID, vmwVmDisplayName FROM vminfo WHERE device_id = '" . $device["device_id"] . "' AND vm_type='libvirt'";
foreach (dbFetchRows($sql) as $db_vm)
# Delete the Virtual Machines that are removed from the host.
if (!in_array($db_vm["vmwVmVMID"], $libvirt_vmlist))
dbDelete('vminfo', '`id` = ?', array($db_vm['id']));
log_event("Virtual Machine removed: " . $db_vm['vmwVmDisplayName'], $device, 'vm', $db_vm['id']);