2015-05-24 20:48:54 +01:00

1195 lines
34 KiB

* Observium
* This file is part of Observium.
* @package observium
* @subpackage functions
* @author Adam Armstrong <>
* @copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Adam Armstrong
// Include from PEAR
// Observium Includes
include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/common.php");
include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/");
include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/billing.php");
include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/cisco-entities.php");
include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/syslog.php");
include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/rewrites.php");
include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/");
include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/");
include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/dbFacile.php");
include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/console_colour.php");
$console_color = new Console_Color2();
if ($config['alerts']['email']['enable'])
include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php");
include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/phpmailer/class.smtp.php");
function array_sort($array, $on, $order=SORT_ASC)
$new_array = array();
$sortable_array = array();
if (count($array) > 0) {
foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2) {
if ($k2 == $on) {
$sortable_array[$k] = $v2;
} else {
$sortable_array[$k] = $v;
switch ($order) {
case SORT_ASC:
foreach ($sortable_array as $k => $v) {
$new_array[$k] = $array[$k];
return $new_array;
function mac_clean_to_readable($mac)
$r = substr($mac, 0, 2);
$r .= ":".substr($mac, 2, 2);
$r .= ":".substr($mac, 4, 2);
$r .= ":".substr($mac, 6, 2);
$r .= ":".substr($mac, 8, 2);
$r .= ":".substr($mac, 10, 2);
function only_alphanumeric($string)
return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $string);
function logfile($string)
global $config;
$fd = fopen($config['log_file'],'a');
fputs($fd,$string . "\n");
function getHostOS($device)
global $config, $debug;
$sysDescr = snmp_get ($device, "SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0", "-Ovq");
$sysObjectId = snmp_get ($device, "SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0", "-Ovqn");
if ($debug)
echo("| $sysDescr | $sysObjectId | ");
$path = $config['install_dir'] . "/includes/discovery/os";
$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path");
while ($file = readdir($dir_handle))
if (preg_match("/.php$/", $file))
include($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/discovery/os/" . $file);
if ($os) { return $os; } else { return "generic"; }
function percent_colour($perc)
$r = min(255, 5 * ($perc - 25));
$b = max(0, 255 - (5 * ($perc + 25)));
return sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x', $r, $b, $b);
function interface_errors($rrd_file, $period = '-1d') // Returns the last in/out errors value in RRD
global $config;
$errors = array();
$cmd = $config['rrdtool']." fetch -s $period -e -300s $rrd_file AVERAGE | grep : | cut -d\" \" -f 4,5";
$data = trim(shell_exec($cmd));
$in_errors = 0;
$out_errors = 0;
foreach (explode("\n", $data) as $entry)
list($in, $out) = explode(" ", $entry);
$in_errors += ($in * 300);
$out_errors += ($out * 300);
$errors['in'] = round($in_errors);
$errors['out'] = round($out_errors);
return $errors;
function getImage($device)
global $config;
$device['os'] = strtolower($device['os']);
if ($device['icon'] && file_exists($config['html_dir'] . "/images/os/" . $device['icon'] . ".png"))
$image = '<img src="' . $config['base_url'] . '/images/os/' . $device['icon'] . '.png" />';
elseif (isset($config['os'][$device['os']]['icon']) && $config['os'][$device['os']]['icon'] && file_exists($config['html_dir'] . "/images/os/" . $config['os'][$device['os']]['icon'] . ".png"))
$image = '<img src="' . $config['base_url'] . '/images/os/' . $config['os'][$device['os']]['icon'] . '.png" />';
} else {
if (file_exists($config['html_dir'] . '/images/os/' . $device['os'] . '.png'))
$image = '<img src="' . $config['base_url'] . '/images/os/' . $device['os'] . '.png" />';
if ($device['os'] == "linux")
$features = strtolower(trim($device['features']));
list($distro) = explode(" ", $features);
if (file_exists($config['html_dir'] . "/images/os/$distro" . ".png"))
$image = '<img src="' . $config['base_url'] . '/images/os/' . $distro . '.png" />';
if (empty($image)) {
$image = '<img src="' . $config['base_url'] . '/images/os/generic.png" />';
return $image;
function getImageSrc($device)
global $config;
$device['os'] = strtolower($device['os']);
if ($device['icon'] && file_exists($config['html_dir'] . "/images/os/" . $device['icon'] . ".png"))
$image = $config['base_url'] . '/images/os/' . $device['icon'] . '.png';
elseif ($config['os'][$device['os']]['icon'] && file_exists($config['html_dir'] . "/images/os/" . $config['os'][$device['os']]['icon'] . ".png"))
$image = $config['base_url'] . '/images/os/' . $config['os'][$device['os']]['icon'] . '.png';
} else {
if (file_exists($config['html_dir'] . '/images/os/' . $device['os'] . '.png'))
$image = $config['base_url'] . '/images/os/' . $device['os'] . '.png';
if ($device['os'] == "linux")
$features = strtolower(trim($device['features']));
list($distro) = explode(" ", $features);
if (file_exists($config['html_dir'] . "/images/os/$distro" . ".png"))
$image = $config['base_url'] . '/images/os/' . $distro . '.png';
if (empty($image)) {
$image = $config['base_url'] . '/images/os/generic.png';
return $image;
function renamehost($id, $new, $source = 'console')
global $config;
// FIXME does not check if destination exists!
$host = dbFetchCell("SELECT `hostname` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($id));
if (rename($config['rrd_dir']."/$host",$config['rrd_dir']."/$new") === TRUE) {
dbUpdate(array('hostname' => $new), 'devices', 'device_id=?', array($id));
log_event("Hostname changed -> $new ($source)", $id, 'system');
} else {
echo "Renaming of $host failed\n";
log_event("Renaming of $host failed", $id, 'system');
function delete_device($id)
global $config, $debug;
$ret = '';
$host = dbFetchCell("SELECT hostname FROM devices WHERE device_id = ?", array($id));
if( empty($host) ) {
return "No such host.";
foreach (dbFetch("SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($id)) as $int_data)
$int_if = $int_data['ifDescr'];
$int_id = $int_data['port_id'];
$ret .= "Removed interface $int_id ($int_if)\n";
$fields = array('device_id','host');
foreach( $fields as $field ) {
foreach( dbFetch("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = ? AND column_name = ?",array($config['db_name'],$field)) as $table ) {
$table = $table['table_name'];
$entries = (int) dbDelete($table, "`$field` = ?", array($id));
if( $entries > 0 && $debug === true ) {
$ret .= "$field@$table = #$entries\n";
$ex = shell_exec("bash -c '( [ ! -d ".trim($config['rrd_dir'])."/".$host." ] || rm -vrf ".trim($config['rrd_dir'])."/".$host." 2>&1 ) && echo -n OK'");
$tmp = explode("\n",$ex);
if( $tmp[sizeof($tmp)-1] != "OK" ) {
$ret .= "Could not remove files:\n$ex\n";
$ret .= "Removed device $host\n";
return $ret;
function addHost($host, $snmpver, $port = '161', $transport = 'udp', $quiet = '0', $poller_group = '0', $force_add = '0')
global $config;
list($hostshort) = explode(".", $host);
// Test Database Exists
if (dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname` = ?", array($host)) == '0')
// Test reachability
if ($force_add == 1 || isPingable($host))
if (empty($snmpver))
// Try SNMPv2c
$snmpver = 'v2c';
$ret = addHost($host, $snmpver, $port, $transport, $quiet, $poller_group, $force_add);
if (!$ret)
//Try SNMPv3
$snmpver = 'v3';
$ret = addHost($host, $snmpver, $port, $transport, $quiet, $poller_group, $force_add);
if (!$ret)
// Try SNMPv1
$snmpver = 'v1';
return addHost($host, $snmpver, $port, $transport, $quiet, $poller_group, $force_add);
} else {
return $ret;
} else {
return $ret;
if ($snmpver === "v3")
// Try each set of parameters from config
foreach ($config['snmp']['v3'] as $v3)
$device = deviceArray($host, NULL, $snmpver, $port, $transport, $v3);
if($quiet == '0') { print_message("Trying v3 parameters " . $v3['authname'] . "/" . $v3['authlevel'] . " ... "); }
if ($force_add == 1 || isSNMPable($device))
$snmphost = snmp_get($device, "sysName.0", "-Oqv", "SNMPv2-MIB");
if (empty($snmphost) or ($snmphost == $host || $hostshort = $host))
$device_id = createHost ($host, NULL, $snmpver, $port, $transport, $v3, $poller_group);
return $device_id;
} else {
if($quiet == '0') {print_error("Given hostname does not match SNMP-read hostname ($snmphost)!"); }
} else {
if($quiet == '0') {print_error("No reply on credentials " . $v3['authname'] . "/" . $v3['authlevel'] . " using $snmpver"); }
elseif ($snmpver === "v2c" or $snmpver === "v1")
// try each community from config
foreach ($config['snmp']['community'] as $community)
$device = deviceArray($host, $community, $snmpver, $port, $transport, NULL);
if($quiet == '0') { print_message("Trying community $community ..."); }
if ($force_add == 1 || isSNMPable($device))
$snmphost = snmp_get($device, "sysName.0", "-Oqv", "SNMPv2-MIB");
if (empty($snmphost) || ($snmphost && ($snmphost == $host || $hostshort = $host)))
$device_id = createHost ($host, $community, $snmpver, $port, $transport,array(),$poller_group);
return $device_id;
} else {
if($quiet == '0') { print_error("Given hostname does not match SNMP-read hostname ($snmphost)!"); }
} else {
if($quiet == '0') { print_error("No reply on community $community using $snmpver"); }
if($quiet == '0') { print_error("Unsupported SNMP Version \"$snmpver\"."); }
if (!$device_id)
// Failed SNMP
if($quiet == '0') { print_error("Could not reach $host with given SNMP community using $snmpver"); }
} else {
// failed Reachability
if($quiet == '0') { print_error("Could not ping $host"); }
} else {
// found in database
if($quiet == '0') { print_error("Already got host $host"); }
return 0;
function scanUDP($host, $port, $timeout)
$handle = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 2);
socket_set_timeout ($handle, $timeout);
$write = fwrite($handle,"\x00");
if (!$write) { next; }
$startTime = time();
$endTime = time();
$timeDiff = $endTime - $startTime;
if ($timeDiff >= $timeout)
fclose($handle); return 1;
} else { fclose($handle); return 0; }
function deviceArray($host, $community, $snmpver, $port = 161, $transport = 'udp', $v3)
$device = array();
$device['hostname'] = $host;
$device['port'] = $port;
$device['transport'] = $transport;
$device['snmpver'] = $snmpver;
if ($snmpver === "v2c" or $snmpver === "v1")
$device['community'] = $community;
elseif ($snmpver === "v3")
$device['authlevel'] = $v3['authlevel'];
$device['authname'] = $v3['authname'];
$device['authpass'] = $v3['authpass'];
$device['authalgo'] = $v3['authalgo'];
$device['cryptopass'] = $v3['cryptopass'];
$device['cryptoalgo'] = $v3['cryptoalgo'];
return $device;
function netmask2cidr($netmask)
$addr = Net_IPv4::parseAddress("$netmask");
return $addr->bitmask;
function cidr2netmask($netmask)
return (long2ip(ip2long("") << (32-$netmask)));
function formatUptime($diff, $format="long")
$yearsDiff = floor($diff/31536000);
$diff -= $yearsDiff*31536000;
$daysDiff = floor($diff/86400);
$diff -= $daysDiff*86400;
$hrsDiff = floor($diff/60/60);
$diff -= $hrsDiff*60*60;
$minsDiff = floor($diff/60);
$diff -= $minsDiff*60;
$secsDiff = $diff;
$uptime = "";
if ($format == "short")
if ($yearsDiff > '0') { $uptime .= $yearsDiff . "y "; }
if ($daysDiff > '0') { $uptime .= $daysDiff . "d "; }
if ($hrsDiff > '0') { $uptime .= $hrsDiff . "h "; }
if ($minsDiff > '0') { $uptime .= $minsDiff . "m "; }
if ($secsDiff > '0') { $uptime .= $secsDiff . "s "; }
if ($yearsDiff > '0') { $uptime .= $yearsDiff . " years, "; }
if ($daysDiff > '0') { $uptime .= $daysDiff . " day" . ($daysDiff != 1 ? 's' : '') . ", "; }
if ($hrsDiff > '0') { $uptime .= $hrsDiff . "h "; }
if ($minsDiff > '0') { $uptime .= $minsDiff . "m "; }
if ($secsDiff > '0') { $uptime .= $secsDiff . "s "; }
return trim($uptime);
function isSNMPable($device)
global $config;
$pos = snmp_get($device, "sysObjectID.0", "-Oqv", "SNMPv2-MIB");
if(empty($pos)) {
// Support for Hikvision
$pos = snmp_get($device, "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.39165.1.1.0", "-Oqv", "SNMPv2-MIB");
if ($pos === '' || $pos === false)
return false;
} else {
return true;
function isPingable($hostname,$device_id = FALSE)
global $config;
$fping_params = '';
if(is_numeric($config['fping_options']['retries']) || $config['fping_options']['retries'] > 1) {
$fping_params .= ' -r ' . $config['fping_options']['retries'];
if(is_numeric($config['fping_options']['timeout']) || $config['fping_options']['timeout'] > 1) {
$fping_params .= ' -t ' . $config['fping_options']['timeout'];
$status = shell_exec($config['fping'] . "$fping_params -e $hostname 2>/dev/null");
$response = array();
if (strstr($status, "alive"))
$response['result'] = TRUE;
} else {
$status = shell_exec($config['fping6'] . "$fping_params -e $hostname 2>/dev/null");
if (strstr($status, "alive"))
$response['result'] = TRUE;
} else {
$response['result'] = FALSE;
if(is_numeric($device_id) && !empty($device_id))
preg_match('/(\d+\.*\d*) (ms)/', $status, $time);
$response['last_ping_timetaken'] = $time[1];
function is_odd($number)
return $number & 1; // 0 = even, 1 = odd
function utime()
$time = explode(" ", microtime());
$usec = (double)$time[0];
$sec = (double)$time[1];
return $sec + $usec;
function createHost($host, $community = NULL, $snmpver, $port = 161, $transport = 'udp', $v3 = array(), $poller_group='0')
global $config;
$host = trim(strtolower($host));
if (is_numeric($poller_group) === FALSE) {
$poller_group = $config['distributed_poller_group'];
$device = array('hostname' => $host,
'sysName' => $host,
'community' => $community,
'port' => $port,
'transport' => $transport,
'status' => '1',
'snmpver' => $snmpver,
'poller_group' => $poller_group
$device = array_merge($device, $v3);
$device['os'] = getHostOS($device);
if ($device['os'])
$device_id = dbInsert($device, 'devices');
if ($device_id)
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
function isDomainResolves($domain)
return (gethostbyname($domain) != $domain || count(dns_get_record($domain)) != 0);
function hoststatus($id)
return dbFetchCell("SELECT `status` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($id));
function match_network($nets, $ip, $first=false)
$return = false;
if (!is_array ($nets)) $nets = array ($nets);
foreach ($nets as $net)
$rev = (preg_match ("/^\!/", $net)) ? true : false;
$net = preg_replace ("/^\!/", "", $net);
$ip_arr = explode('/', $net);
$net_long = ip2long($ip_arr[0]);
$x = ip2long($ip_arr[1]);
$mask = long2ip($x) == $ip_arr[1] ? $x : 0xffffffff << (32 - $ip_arr[1]);
$ip_long = ip2long($ip);
if ($rev)
if (($ip_long & $mask) == ($net_long & $mask)) return false;
} else {
if (($ip_long & $mask) == ($net_long & $mask)) $return = true;
if ($first && $return) return true;
return $return;
function snmp2ipv6($ipv6_snmp)
$ipv6 = explode('.',$ipv6_snmp);
$ipv6_2 = array();
# Workaround stupid Microsoft bug in Windows 2008 -- this is fixed length!
# < fenestro> "because whoever implemented this mib for Microsoft was ignorant of RFC 2578 section 7.7 (2)"
if (count($ipv6) == 17 && $ipv6[0] == 16)
for ($i = 0;$i <= 15;$i++) { $ipv6[$i] = zeropad(dechex($ipv6[$i])); }
for ($i = 0;$i <= 15;$i+=2) { $ipv6_2[] = $ipv6[$i] . $ipv6[$i+1]; }
return implode(':',$ipv6_2);
function ipv62snmp($ipv6)
$ipv6_split = array();
$ipv6_ex = explode(':',Net_IPv6::uncompress($ipv6));
for ($i = 0;$i < 8;$i++) { $ipv6_ex[$i] = zeropad($ipv6_ex[$i],4); }
$ipv6_ip = implode('',$ipv6_ex);
for ($i = 0;$i < 32;$i+=2) $ipv6_split[] = hexdec(substr($ipv6_ip,$i,2));
return implode('.',$ipv6_split);
function get_astext($asn)
global $config,$cache;
if (isset($config['astext'][$asn]))
return $config['astext'][$asn];
if (isset($cache['astext'][$asn]))
return $cache['astext'][$asn];
$result = dns_get_record("AS$",DNS_TXT);
$txt = explode('|',$result[0]['txt']);
$result = trim(str_replace('"', '', $txt[4]));
$cache['astext'][$asn] = $result;
return $result;
# Use this function to write to the eventlog table
function log_event($text, $device = NULL, $type = NULL, $reference = NULL)
global $debug;
if (!is_array($device)) { $device = device_by_id_cache($device); }
$insert = array('host' => ($device['device_id'] ? $device['device_id'] : "NULL"),
'reference' => ($reference ? $reference : "NULL"),
'type' => ($type ? $type : "NULL"),
'datetime' => array("NOW()"),
'message' => $text);
dbInsert($insert, 'eventlog');
// Parse string with emails. Return array with email (as key) and name (as value)
function parse_email($emails)
$result = array();
$regex = '/^[\"\']?([^\"\']+)[\"\']?\s{0,}<([^@]+@[^>]+)>$/';
if (is_string($emails))
$emails = preg_split('/[,;]\s{0,}/', $emails);
foreach ($emails as $email)
if (preg_match($regex, $email, $out, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
$result[$out[2][0]] = $out[1][0];
} else {
if (strpos($email, "@")) { $result[$email] = NULL; }
} else {
// Return FALSE if input not string
return FALSE;
return $result;
function send_mail($emails,$subject,$message,$html=false) {
global $config;
if( is_array($emails) || ($emails = parse_email($emails)) ) {
if( !class_exists("PHPMailer",false) )
include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php");
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->Hostname = php_uname('n');
if (empty($config['email_from']))
$config['email_from'] = '"' . $config['project_name'] . '" <' . $config['email_user'] . '@'.$mail->Hostname.'>';
foreach (parse_email($config['email_from']) as $from => $from_name)
$mail->setFrom($from, $from_name);
foreach ($emails as $email => $email_name)
$mail->addAddress($email, $email_name);
$mail->Subject = $subject;
$mail->XMailer = $config['project_name_version'];
$mail->CharSet = 'utf-8';
$mail->WordWrap = 76;
$mail->Body = $message;
if( $html )
switch (strtolower(trim($config['email_backend']))) {
case 'sendmail':
$mail->Mailer = 'sendmail';
$mail->Sendmail = $config['email_sendmail_path'];
case 'smtp':
$mail->Host = $config['email_smtp_host'];
$mail->Timeout = $config['email_smtp_timeout'];
$mail->SMTPAuth = $config['email_smtp_auth'];
$mail->SMTPSecure = $config['email_smtp_secure'];
$mail->Port = $config['email_smtp_port'];
$mail->Username = $config['email_smtp_username'];
$mail->Password = $config['email_smtp_password'];
$mail->SMTPDebug = false;
$mail->Mailer = 'mail';
return $mail->send() ? true : $mail->ErrorInfo;
function notify($device,$title,$message)
global $config;
if ($config['alerts']['email']['enable'])
if (!get_dev_attrib($device,'disable_notify'))
if ($config['alerts']['email']['default_only'])
$email = $config['alerts']['email']['default'];
} else {
if (get_dev_attrib($device,'override_sysContact_bool'))
$email = get_dev_attrib($device,'override_sysContact_string');
elseif ($device['sysContact'])
$email = $device['sysContact'];
} else {
$email = $config['alerts']['email']['default'];
$emails = parse_email($email);
if ($emails)
$message_header = $config['page_title_prefix']."\n\n"; // FIXME: use different config element
$message_footer = "\n\nE-mail sent to: ";
$i = 0;
$count = count($emails);
foreach ($emails as $email => $email_name)
$message_footer .= $email;
if ($i < $count)
$message_footer .= ", ";
} else {
$message_footer .= "\n";
$message_footer .= "E-mail sent at: " . date($config['timestamp_format']) . "\n";
if( ($err = send_mail($emails,$title, $message_header.$message.$message_footer)) !== true) { echo "Mailer Error: ".$err."\n"; }
function formatCiscoHardware(&$device, $short = false)
if ($device['os'] == "ios")
if ($device['hardware'])
if (preg_match("/^WS-C([A-Za-z0-9]+).*/", $device['hardware'], $matches))
if (!$short)
$device['hardware'] = "Cisco " . $matches[1] . " (" . $device['hardware'] . ")";
$device['hardware'] = "Cisco " . $matches[1];
elseif (preg_match("/^CISCO([0-9]+)$/", $device['hardware'], $matches))
$device['hardware'] = "Cisco " . $matches[1];
if (preg_match("/Cisco IOS Software, C([A-Za-z0-9]+) Software.*/", $device['sysDescr'], $matches))
$device['hardware'] = "Cisco " . $matches[1];
elseif (preg_match("/Cisco IOS Software, ([0-9]+) Software.*/", $device['sysDescr'], $matches))
$device['hardware'] = "Cisco " . $matches[1];
# from
function hex2str($hex)
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($hex)-1; $i+=2)
$string .= chr(hexdec($hex[$i].$hex[$i+1]));
return $string;
# Convert an SNMP hex string to regular string
function snmp_hexstring($hex)
return hex2str(str_replace(' ','',str_replace(' 00','',$hex)));
# Check if the supplied string is an SNMP hex string
function isHexString($str)
return preg_match("/^[a-f0-9][a-f0-9]( [a-f0-9][a-f0-9])*$/is",trim($str));
# Include all .inc.php files in $dir
function include_dir($dir, $regex = "")
global $device, $config, $debug, $valid;
if ($regex == "")
$regex = "/\.inc\.php$/";
if ($handle = opendir($config['install_dir'] . '/' . $dir))
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
if (filetype($config['install_dir'] . '/' . $dir . '/' . $file) == 'file' && preg_match($regex, $file))
if ($debug) { echo("Including: " . $config['install_dir'] . '/' . $dir . '/' . $file . "\n"); }
include($config['install_dir'] . '/' . $dir . '/' . $file);
function is_port_valid($port, $device)
global $config, $debug;
if (strstr($port['ifDescr'], "irtual"))
$valid = 0;
} else {
$valid = 1;
$if = strtolower($port['ifDescr']);
$fringe = $config['bad_if'];
if( is_array($config['os'][$device['os']]['bad_if']) ) {
$fringe = array_merge($config['bad_if'],$config['os'][$device['os']]['bad_if']);
foreach ($fringe as $bi)
if (strstr($if, $bi))
$valid = 0;
if ($debug) { echo("ignored : $bi : $if"); }
if (is_array($config['bad_if_regexp']))
$fringe = $config['bad_if_regexp'];
if( is_array($config['os'][$device['os']]['bad_if_regexp']) ) {
$fringe = array_merge($config['bad_if_regexp'],$config['os'][$device['os']]['bad_if_regexp']);
foreach ($fringe as $bi)
if (preg_match($bi ."i", $if))
$valid = 0;
if ($debug) { echo("ignored : $bi : ".$if); }
if (is_array($config['bad_iftype']))
$fringe = $config['bad_iftype'];
if( is_array($config['os'][$device['os']]['bad_iftype']) ) {
$fringe = array_merge($config['bad_iftype'],$config['os'][$device['os']]['bad_iftype']);
foreach ($fringe as $bi)
if (strstr($port['ifType'], $bi))
$valid = 0;
if ($debug) { echo("ignored ifType : ".$port['ifType']." (matched: ".$bi." )"); }
if (empty($port['ifDescr'])) { $valid = 0; }
if ($device['os'] == "catos" && strstr($if, "vlan")) { $valid = 0; }
if ($device['os'] == "dlink") { $valid = 1; }
return $valid;
function scan_new_plugins()
global $config, $debug;
$installed = 0; // Track how many plugins we install.
$plugin_files = scandir($config['plugin_dir']);
foreach($plugin_files as $name)
if($name != '.' && $name != '..')
if(is_file($config['plugin_dir'].'/'.$name.'/'.$name.'.php') && is_file($config['plugin_dir'].'/'.$name.'/'.$name.'.inc.php'))
$plugin_id = dbFetchRow("SELECT `plugin_id` FROM `plugins` WHERE `plugin_name` = '$name'");
if(dbInsert(array('plugin_name' => $name, 'plugin_active' => '0'), 'plugins'))
return( $installed );
function validate_device_id($id)
global $config;
if(empty($id) || !is_numeric($id))
$return = false;
$device_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($id));
if($device_id == $id)
$return = true;
$return = false;
// The original source of this code is from Stackoverflow (
// Answer provided by stewe (
if (!defined('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT'))
define('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT', 128);
function _json_encode($data, $options = 448)
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '>=')) {
return json_encode($data, $options);
else {
return _json_format(json_encode($data), $options);
function _json_format($json, $options = 448)
$prettyPrint = (bool) ($options & JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
$unescapeUnicode = (bool) ($options & JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
$unescapeSlashes = (bool) ($options & JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
if (!$prettyPrint && !$unescapeUnicode && !$unescapeSlashes)
return $json;
$result = '';
$pos = 0;
$strLen = strlen($json);
$indentStr = ' ';
$newLine = "\n";
$outOfQuotes = true;
$buffer = '';
$noescape = true;
for ($i = 0; $i < $strLen; $i++)
// Grab the next character in the string
$char = substr($json, $i, 1);
// Are we inside a quoted string?
if ('"' === $char && $noescape)
$outOfQuotes = !$outOfQuotes;
if (!$outOfQuotes)
$buffer .= $char;
$noescape = '\\' === $char ? !$noescape : true;
elseif ('' !== $buffer)
if ($unescapeSlashes)
$buffer = str_replace('\\/', '/', $buffer);
if ($unescapeUnicode && function_exists('mb_convert_encoding'))
$buffer = preg_replace_callback('/\\\\u([0-9a-f]{4})/i',
function ($match)
return mb_convert_encoding(pack('H*', $match[1]), 'UTF-8', 'UCS-2BE');
}, $buffer);
$result .= $buffer . $char;
$buffer = '';
elseif(false !== strpos(" \t\r\n", $char))
if (':' === $char)
// Add a space after the : character
$char .= ' ';
elseif (('}' === $char || ']' === $char))
$prevChar = substr($json, $i - 1, 1);
if ('{' !== $prevChar && '[' !== $prevChar)
// If this character is the end of an element,
// output a new line and indent the next line
$result .= $newLine;
for ($j = 0; $j < $pos; $j++)
$result .= $indentStr;
// Collapse empty {} and []
$result = rtrim($result) . "\n\n" . $indentStr;
$result .= $char;
// If the last character was the beginning of an element,
// output a new line and indent the next line
if (',' === $char || '{' === $char || '[' === $char)
$result .= $newLine;
if ('{' === $char || '[' === $char)
for ($j = 0; $j < $pos; $j++)
$result .= $indentStr;
// If buffer not empty after formating we have an unclosed quote
if (strlen($buffer) > 0)
//json is incorrectly formatted
$result = false;
return $result;
function convert_delay($delay) {
$delay = preg_replace('/\s/','',$delay);
if(strstr($delay, 'm',TRUE)) {
$delay_sec = $delay * 60;
} elseif(strstr($delay, 'h',TRUE)) {
$delay_sec = $delay * 3600;
} elseif(strstr($delay, 'd',TRUE)) {
$delay_sec = $delay * 86400;
} elseif(is_numeric($delay)) {
$delay_sec = $delay;
} else {
$delay_sec = 300;
function guidv4($data) {
// From: Jack
assert(strlen($data) == 16);
$data[6] = chr(ord($data[6]) & 0x0f | 0x40); // set version to 0100
$data[8] = chr(ord($data[8]) & 0x3f | 0x80); // set bits 6-7 to 10
return vsprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', str_split(bin2hex($data), 4));
function set_curl_proxy($post)
global $config;
if (isset($_ENV['https_proxy'])) {
$tmp = rtrim($_ENV['https_proxy'], "/");
$proxystr = str_replace(array("http://", "https://"), "", $tmp);
$config['callback_proxy'] = $proxystr;
echo "Setting proxy to ".$proxystr." (from https_proxy=".$_ENV['https_proxy'].")\n";
if (isset($config['callback_proxy'])) {
echo "Using ".$config['callback_proxy']." as proxy\n";
curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_PROXY, $config['callback_proxy']);
function target_to_id($target) {
if( $target[0].$target[1] == "g:" ) {
$target = "g".dbFetchCell('SELECT id FROM device_groups WHERE name = ?',array(substr($target,2)));
} else {
$target = dbFetchCell('SELECT device_id FROM devices WHERE hostname = ?',array($target));
return $target;
function id_to_target($id) {
if( $id[0] == "g" ) {
$id = 'g:'.dbFetchCell("SELECT name FROM device_groups WHERE id = ?",array(substr($id,1)));
} else {
$id = dbFetchCell("SELECT hostname FROM devices WHERE device_id = ?",array($id));
return $id;