2011-05-20 15:24:46 +00:00

113 lines
4.5 KiB

$port = mres($_GET['id']);
if ($_GET['stat']) { $stat = mres($_GET['stat']); } else { $stat = "bits"; }
$sort = mres($_GET['sort']);
if (is_numeric($_GET['topn'])) { $topn = $_GET['topn']; } else { $topn = '10'; }
if ($stat == "pkts")
$units='pps'; $unit = 'p'; $multiplier = '1';
$colours = 'purples';
$prefix = "P";
if ($sort == "in")
$sort = "cipMacHCSwitchedPkts_input_rate";
} elseif ($sort == "out") {
$sort = "cipMacHCSwitchedPkts_output_rate";
} else {
$sort = "bps";
} elseif ($stat == "bits") {
$units='bps'; $unit='B'; $multiplier='8';
if ($sort == "in")
$sort = "cipMacHCSwitchedBytes_input_rate";
} elseif ($sort == "out") {
$sort = "cipMacHCSwitchedBytes_output_rate";
} else {
$sort = "bps";
$accs = dbFetchRows("SELECT *, (M.cipMacHCSwitchedBytes_input_rate + M.cipMacHCSwitchedBytes_output_rate) AS bps,
(M.cipMacHCSwitchedPkts_input_rate + M.cipMacHCSwitchedPkts_output_rate) AS pps
FROM `mac_accounting` AS M, `ports` AS I, `devices` AS D WHERE M.interface_id = ?
AND I.interface_id = M.interface_id AND D.device_id = I.device_id ORDER BY $sort DESC LIMIT 0," . $topn, array($port));
$pluses = ""; $iter = '0';
$rrd_options .= " COMMENT:' In\: Current Maximum Total Out\: Current Maximum Total\\\\n'";
foreach ($accs as $acc)
$this_rrd = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $acc['hostname'] . "/" . safename("cip-" . $acc['ifIndex'] . "-" . $acc['mac'] . ".rrd");
if (is_file($this_rrd))
$mac = formatmac($acc['mac']);
$name = $mac;
$addy = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM ipv4_mac where mac_address = ? AND interface_id = ?", array($acc['mac'], $acc['interface_id']));
if ($addy)
$name = $addy['ipv4_address'] . " (".$mac.")";
$peer = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM ipv4_addresses AS A, ports AS I, devices AS D
WHERE A.ipv4_address = ? AND I.interface_id = A.interface_id AND D.device_id = I.device_id", array($addy['ipv4_address']));
if ($peer)
$name = $peer['hostname'] . " " . makeshortif($peer['ifDescr']) . " (".$mac.")";
if (dbFetchCell("SELECT count(*) FROM bgpPeers WHERE device_id = '".$acc['device_id']."' AND bgpPeerIdentifier = ?", array($addy['ipv4_address'])))
$peer_info = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM bgpPeers WHERE device_id = ? AND bgpPeerIdentifier = ?", array($acc['device_id'], $addy['ipv4_address']));
$name .= " - AS".$peer_info['bgpPeerRemoteAs'];
if ($peer_info)
$asn = "AS".$peer_info['bgpPeerRemoteAs']; $astext = $peer_info['astext'];
} else {
unset ($as); unset ($astext); unset($asn);
$this_id = str_replace(".", "", $acc['mac']);
if (!$config['graph_colours'][$colours][$iter]) { $iter = 0; }
$descr = str_pad($name, 36);
$descr = substr($descr,0,36);
$descr = str_replace("(", "(", $descr);
$descr = str_replace(")", ")", $descr);
$descr = str_replace(":", "\\:", $descr);
$rrd_options .= " DEF:in".$this_id."=$this_rrd:".$prefix."IN:AVERAGE ";
$rrd_options .= " DEF:out".$this_id."temp=$this_rrd:".$prefix."OUT:AVERAGE ";
$rrd_options .= " CDEF:inB".$this_id."=in".$this_id.",$multiplier,* ";
$rrd_options .= " CDEF:outB".$this_id."temp=out".$this_id."temp,$multiplier,*";
$rrd_options .= " CDEF:outB".$this_id."=outB".$this_id."temp,-1,*";
$rrd_options .= " CDEF:octets".$this_id."=inB".$this_id.",outB".$this_id."temp,+";
$rrd_options .= " VDEF:totin".$this_id."=inB".$this_id.",TOTAL";
$rrd_options .= " VDEF:totout".$this_id."=outB".$this_id."temp,TOTAL";
$rrd_options .= " VDEF:tot".$this_id."=octets".$this_id.",TOTAL";
$rrd_options .= " AREA:inB".$this_id."#" . $colour . ":'" . $descr . "':STACK";
if ($rrd_optionsb) { $stack="STACK"; }
$rrd_optionsb .= " AREA:outB".$this_id."#" . $colour . "::$stack";
$rrd_options .= " GPRINT:inB".$this_id.":LAST:%6.2lf%s$units";
$rrd_options .= " GPRINT:inB".$this_id.":MAX:%6.2lf%s$units";
$rrd_options .= " GPRINT:totin".$this_id.":%6.2lf%s$unit";
$rrd_options .= " COMMENT:' '";
$rrd_options .= " GPRINT:outB".$this_id."temp:LAST:%6.2lf%s$units";
$rrd_options .= " GPRINT:outB".$this_id."temp:MAX:%6.2lf%s$units";
$rrd_options .= " GPRINT:totout".$this_id.":%6.2lf%s$unit\\\\n";
$rrd_options .= $rrd_optionsb;
$rrd_options .= " HRULE:0#999999";