mirror of
synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
115 lines
3.9 KiB
115 lines
3.9 KiB
use LibreNMS\Config;
use LibreNMS\Data\Graphing\GraphParameters;
use LibreNMS\Enum\ImageFormat;
try {
if (isset($vars['device'])) {
$device = is_numeric($vars['device'])
? device_by_id_cache($vars['device'])
: device_by_name($vars['device']);
if (isset($device['device_id'])) {
// variables for included graphs
$graph_params = new GraphParameters($vars);
// set php variables for legacy graphs
$type = $graph_params->type;
$subtype = $graph_params->subtype;
$height = $graph_params->height;
$width = $graph_params->width;
$from = $graph_params->from;
$to = $graph_params->to;
$period = $graph_params->period;
$prev_from = $graph_params->prev_from;
$inverse = $graph_params->inverse;
$in = $graph_params->in;
$out = $graph_params->out;
$float_precision = $graph_params->float_precision;
$title = $graph_params->visible('title');
$nototal = ! $graph_params->visible('total');
$nodetails = ! $graph_params->visible('details');
$noagg = ! $graph_params->visible('aggregate');
$rrd_options = '';
$env = [];
if (session('preferences.timezone')) {
$env['TZ'] = session('preferences.timezone');
require Config::get('install_dir') . "/includes/html/graphs/$type/auth.inc.php";
if ($auth && is_customoid_graph($type, $subtype)) {
$unit = $vars['unit'];
include Config::get('install_dir') . '/includes/html/graphs/customoid/customoid.inc.php';
} elseif ($auth && is_file(Config::get('install_dir') . "/includes/html/graphs/$type/$subtype.inc.php")) {
include Config::get('install_dir') . "/includes/html/graphs/$type/$subtype.inc.php";
} else {
graph_error("$type*$subtype Graph Template Missing", "$type*$subtype");
if ($auth === null) {
// We are unauthenticated :(
graph_error('No Authorization', 'No Auth');
// check after auth
if (isset($vars['device']) && empty($device['device_id'])) {
throw new \LibreNMS\Exceptions\RrdGraphException('Device not found');
$rrd_options = $graph_params . ' ' . $rrd_options;
// command output requested
if (! empty($command_only)) {
echo "<div class='infobox'>";
echo "<p style='font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;'>RRDTool Command</p>";
echo "<pre class='rrd-pre'>";
echo escapeshellcmd('rrdtool ' . Rrd::buildCommand('graph', Config::get('temp_dir') . '/' . strgen(), $rrd_options));
echo '</pre>';
try {
Rrd::graph($rrd_options, $env);
} catch (\LibreNMS\Exceptions\RrdGraphException $e) {
echo "<p style='font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;'>RRDTool Output</p>";
echo "<pre class='rrd-pre'>";
echo $e->getMessage();
echo '</pre>';
echo '</div>';
if (empty($rrd_options)) {
graph_error('Graph Definition Error', 'Def Error');
// Generating the graph!
$image_data = Rrd::graph($rrd_options, $env);
// output the graph
if (\LibreNMS\Util\Debug::isEnabled()) {
echo '<img src="data:' . ImageFormat::forGraph($vars['graph_type'] ?? null)->contentType() . ';base64,' . base64_encode($image_data) . '" alt="graph" />';
} else {
header('Content-type: ' . ImageFormat::forGraph($vars['graph_type'] ?? null)->contentType());
echo (isset($vars['output']) && $vars['output'] === 'base64') ? base64_encode($image_data) : $image_data;
} catch (\LibreNMS\Exceptions\RrdGraphException $e) {
if (\LibreNMS\Util\Debug::isEnabled()) {
throw $e;
if (isset($rrd_filename) && ! Rrd::checkRrdExists($rrd_filename)) {
graph_error('No Data file ' . basename($rrd_filename), 'No Data');
} else {
graph_error('Error Drawing Graph: ' . $e->getMessage(), 'Draw Error');