2016-05-27 17:04:29 +01:00

886 lines
34 KiB

* Observium Network Management and Monitoring System
* Copyright (C) 2006-2011, Observium Developers -
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See COPYING for more details.
* @package observium
* @subpackage config
* @author Adam Armstrong <>
* @copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Adam Armstrong
* @license GNU GPL
// Please don't edit this file -- make changes to the configuration array in config.php
function set_debug($debug) {
if (isset($debug)) {
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 0);
ini_set('log_errors', 0);
ini_set('allow_url_fopen', 0);
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
}//end set_debug()
// Default directories
$config['project_name'] = 'LibreNMS';
$config['project_id'] = strtolower($config['project_name']);
$config['temp_dir'] = '/tmp';
$config['install_dir'] = '/opt/'.$config['project_id'];
$config['log_dir'] = $config['install_dir'].'/logs';
// MySQL extension to use
$config['db']['extension'] = 'mysql';//mysql and mysqli available
// What is my own hostname (used to identify this host in its own database)
$config['own_hostname'] = 'localhost';
// Location of executables
$config['rrdtool'] = '/usr/bin/rrdtool';
$config['rrdtool_version'] = 1.4; // Doesn't need to contain minor numbers.
$config['fping'] = '/usr/bin/fping';
$config['fping6'] = 'fping6';
$config['fping_options']['retries'] = 3;
$config['fping_options']['timeout'] = 500;
$config['fping_options']['count'] = 3;
$config['fping_options']['millisec'] = 200;
$config['snmpwalk'] = '/usr/bin/snmpwalk';
$config['snmpget'] = '/usr/bin/snmpget';
$config['snmpbulkwalk'] = '/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk';
$config['whois'] = '/usr/bin/whois';
$config['ping'] = '/bin/ping';
$config['mtr'] = '/usr/bin/mtr';
$config['nmap'] = '/usr/bin/nmap';
$config['nagios_plugins'] = '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins';
$config['ipmitool'] = '/usr/bin/ipmitool';
$config['virsh'] = '/usr/bin/virsh';
$config['dot'] = '/usr/bin/dot';
$config['sfdp'] = '/usr/bin/sfdp';
// Memcached - Keep immediate statistics
$config['memcached']['enable'] = false;
$config['memcached']['host'] = 'localhost';
$config['memcached']['port'] = 11211;
$config['memcached']['ttl'] = 240;
$config['slow_statistics'] = true;
// RRD Format Settings
// These should not normally be changed
// Though one could conceivably increase or decrease the size of each RRA if one had performance problems
// Or if one had a very fast I/O subsystem with no performance worries.
$config['rrd_rra'] = ' RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:2016 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:1440 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:1440 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:1440 ';
$config['rrd_rra'] .= ' RRA:MIN:0.5:1:720 RRA:MIN:0.5:6:1440 RRA:MIN:0.5:24:775 RRA:MIN:0.5:288:797 ';
$config['rrd_rra'] .= ' RRA:MAX:0.5:1:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:6:1440 RRA:MAX:0.5:24:775 RRA:MAX:0.5:288:797 ';
$config['rrd_rra'] .= ' RRA:LAST:0.5:1:1440 ';
// RRDCacheD - Make sure it can write to your RRD dir!
// $config['rrdcached'] = "unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock";
$config['rrdcached_dir'] = false;
// Set this if you are using tcp connections to rrdcached
// Web Interface Settings
if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) {
if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], ':')) {
// Literal IPv6
$config['base_url'] = 'http://['.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].']'.($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 ? ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '').'/';
else {
$config['base_url'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 ? ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '').'/';
$config['project_home'] = '';
$config['project_issues'] = '';
$config['github_api'] = '';
$config['site_style'] = 'light';
// Options are dark or light
$config['stylesheet'] = 'css/styles.css';
$config['mono_font'] = 'DejaVuSansMono';
$config['favicon'] = '';
$config['page_refresh'] = '300';
// Refresh the page every xx seconds, 0 to disable
$config['front_page'] = 'pages/front/tiles.php';
$config['front_page_settings']['top']['ports'] = 10;
$config['front_page_settings']['top']['devices'] = 10;
$config['front_page_down_box_limit'] = 10;
$config['vertical_summary'] = 0;
// Enable to use vertical summary on front page instead of horizontal
$config['top_ports'] = 1;
// This enables the top X ports box
$config['top_devices'] = 1;
// This enables the top X devices box
$config['page_title_prefix'] = '';
$config['page_title_suffix'] = $config['project_name'];
$config['timestamp_format'] = 'd-m-Y H:i:s';
$config['page_gen'] = 0;
$config['enable_lazy_load'] = true;
// display MySqL & PHP stats in footer?
$config['login_message'] = 'Unauthorised access or use shall render the user liable to criminal and/or civil prosecution.';
$config['public_status'] = false;
// Enable public accessable status page
$config['old_graphs'] = 1;
// RRDfiles from before the great rra reform. This is default for a while.
$config['int_customers'] = 1;
// Enable Customer Port Parsing
$config['customers_descr'] = 'cust';
$config['transit_descr'] = '';
// Add custom transit descriptions (can be an array)
$config['peering_descr'] = '';
// Add custom peering descriptions (can be an array)
$config['core_descr'] = '';
// Add custom core descriptions (can be an array)
$config['custom_descr'] = '';
// Add custom interface descriptions (can be an array)
$config['int_transit'] = 1;
// Enable Transit Types
$config['int_peering'] = 1;
// Enable Peering Types
$config['int_core'] = 1;
// Enable Core Port Types
$config['int_l2tp'] = 0;
// Enable L2TP Port Types
$config['show_locations'] = 1;
// Enable Locations on menu
$config['show_locations_dropdown'] = 1;
// Enable Locations dropdown on menu
$config['show_services'] = 0;
// Enable Services on menu
$config['ports_page_default'] = 'details';
// eg "details" or "basic"
// Adding Host Settings
$config['addhost_alwayscheckip'] = FALSE; # TRUE - check for duplicate ips even when adding host by name. FALSE- only check when adding host by ip.
// SNMP Settings - Timeouts/Retries disabled as default
// $config['snmp']['timeout'] = 1; # timeout in seconds
// $config['snmp']['retries'] = 5; # how many times to retry the query
$config['snmp']['transports'] = array(
$config['snmp']['version'] = 'v2c';
// Default version to use
// SNMPv1/2c default settings
$config['snmp']['community'][0] = 'public';
// Communities to try during adding hosts and discovery
$config['snmp']['port'] = 161;
// Port Client SNMP is running on
// SNMPv3 default settings
// The array can be expanded to give another set of parameters
// NOTE: If you change these, also change the equivalents in includes/ - not sure why they are separate
$config['snmp']['v3'][0]['authlevel'] = 'noAuthNoPriv';
// noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv | authPriv
$config['snmp']['v3'][0]['authname'] = 'root';
// User Name (required even for noAuthNoPriv)
$config['snmp']['v3'][0]['authpass'] = '';
// Auth Passphrase
$config['snmp']['v3'][0]['authalgo'] = 'MD5';
// MD5 | SHA
$config['snmp']['v3'][0]['cryptopass'] = '';
// Privacy (Encryption) Passphrase
$config['snmp']['v3'][0]['cryptoalgo'] = 'AES';
// AES | DES
// Devices must respond to icmp by default
$config['icmp_check'] = true;
// Autodiscovery Settings
$config['autodiscovery']['xdp'] = true;
// Autodiscover hosts via discovery protocols
$config['autodiscovery']['ospf'] = true;
// Autodiscover hosts via OSPF
$config['autodiscovery']['bgp'] = true;
// Autodiscover hosts via BGP
$config['autodiscovery']['snmpscan'] = true;
// autodiscover hosts via SNMP scanning
$config['discover_services'] = false;
// Autodiscover services via SNMP on devices of type "server"
// Networks to exclude from autodiscovery
$config['autodiscovery']['nets-exclude'][] = '';
$config['autodiscovery']['nets-exclude'][] = '';
$config['autodiscovery']['nets-exclude'][] = '';
$config['autodiscovery']['nets-exclude'][] = '';
$config['autodiscovery']['nets-exclude'][] = '';
// Autodiscover by IP
$config['discovery_by_ip'] = false;// Set to true if you want to enable auto discovery by IP.
$config['alerts']['email']['enable'] = false;
// Enable email alerts
$config['alerts']['bgp']['whitelist'] = null;
// Populate as an array() with ASNs to alert on.
$config['alerts']['port']['ifdown'] = false;
// Generate alerts for ports that go down
// Port bandwidth threshold percentage %age utilisation above this will cause an alert
$config['alerts']['port_util_alert'] = false;
// Disabled as default
$config['alerts']['port_util_perc'] = 85;
// %age above which to alert
$config['uptime_warning'] = '84600';
// Time in seconds to display a "Device Rebooted" Alert. 0 to disable warnings.
// Cosmetics
$config['rrdgraph_def_text'] = '-c BACK#EEEEEE00 -c SHADEA#EEEEEE00 -c SHADEB#EEEEEE00 -c FONT#000000 -c CANVAS#FFFFFF00 -c GRID#a5a5a5';
$config['rrdgraph_def_text'] .= ' -c MGRID#FF9999 -c FRAME#5e5e5e -c ARROW#5e5e5e -R normal';
$config['rrdgraph_real_95th'] = false;
// Set to TRUE if you want to display the 95% based on the highest value. (aka real 95%)
$config['overlib_defaults'] = ",FGCOLOR,'#ffffff', BGCOLOR, '#e5e5e5', BORDER, 5, CELLPAD, 4, CAPCOLOR, '#555555', TEXTCOLOR, '#3e3e3e'";
$config['web_mouseover'] = true;
// Set this to false if you want to disable the mouseover popup graphs
$list_colour_a = '#ffffff';
$list_colour_b = '#eeeeee';
$list_colour_a_a = '#f9f9f9';
$list_colour_a_b = '#f0f0f0';
$list_colour_b_a = '#f0f0f0';
$list_colour_b_b = '#e3e3e3';
$list_highlight = '#ffcccc';
$warn_colour_a = '#ffeeee';
$warn_colour_b = '#ffcccc';
// $config['graph_colours'] = array("000066","330066","990066","990066","CC0033","FF0000"); // Purple to Red
// $config['graph_colours'] = array("006600","336600","996600","996600","CC3300","FF0000"); // Green to Red
// $config['graph_colours'] = array("002200","004400","006600","008800","00AA00","00CC00"); // Green
// $config['graph_colours'] = array("220000","440000","660000","880000","AA0000","CC0000"); // Red
// $config['graph_colours'] = array("001122","002244","003366","004488","0055AA","0066CC"); // Blue
// $config['graph_colours'] = array("002233","004466","006699","0088CC","0099FF"); // Sky-Blue
// $config['graph_colours'] = array("110022","330066","440088","6600AA","8800FF"); // Purple
// $config['graph_colours'] = array("002200","004400","006600","008800","00AA00","00AA00","00CC00"); // Forest Greens
// $config['graph_colours']['greens'] = array("112200","224400","336600","448800","66AA00","88FF00"); // Grass Greens
// $config['graph_colours']['greens'] = array("95FFA7","4EFF97","33FF66","336600","224400","112200");
// $config['graph_colours']['greens'] = array("B7d6A9","8fcb73","50b91d","3ab419","0a8612","034f11");
// $config['graph_colours']['blues'] = array("b5d7ff","6eb7ff","0064ff","0082ff","0019d5","0016cb","00007d"); // Cold Blues
$config['graph_colours']['mixed'] = array(
$config['graph_colours']['oranges'] = array(
$config['graph_colours']['greens'] = array(
$config['graph_colours']['pinks'] = array(
$config['graph_colours']['blues'] = array(
$config['graph_colours']['purples'] = array(
$config['graph_colours']['default'] = $config['graph_colours']['blues'];
// Colour values from
$config['graph_colours']['manycolours'] = array(
"FFF8A3", "FAE16B", "F8D753", "F3C01C", "F0B400", // yellows
"A9CC8F", "82B16A", "5C9746", "3D8128", "1E6C0B", // greens
"B2C8D9", "779DBF", "3E75A7", "205F9A", "00488C", // blues
"BEA37A", "907A52", "7A653E", "63522B", "3D3000", // browns
"F3AA79", "EB8953", "E1662A", "DC5313", "D84000", // oranges
"B5B5A9", "8B8D82", "74796F", "5D645A", "434C43", // greys
"E6A4A5", "D6707B", "C4384F", "BC1C39", "B30023", // pinks
// Map colors
$config['network_map_legend'] = array(
'0' => '#aeaeae',
'10' => '#79847e',
'20' => '#97ffca',
'30' => '#a800ff',
'40' => '#6c00ff',
'50' => '#00d2ff',
'60' => '#0090ff',
'70' => '#ffe400',
'80' => '#ffa200',
'90' => '#ff6600',
'100' => '#ff0000',
// Network Map Items
$config['network_map_items'] = array('xdp','mac');
// Network Map Visualization Options
// See for description of these options.
$config['network_map_vis_options'] = '{
"edges": {
arrows: {
to: {enabled: true, scaleFactor:0.5},
"smooth": {
enabled: false
font: {
size: 14,
color: "red",
face: "sans",
background: "white",
align: "middle",
strokeWidth: 2
"physics": {
"barnesHut": {
"gravitationalConstant": -2000,
"centralGravity": 0.3,
"springLength": 200,
"springConstant": 0.04,
"damping": 0.09,
"avoidOverlap": 1
"forceAtlas2Based": {
"gravitationalConstant": -50,
"centralGravity": 0.01,
"springLength": 200,
"springConstant": 0.08,
"damping": 0.4,
"avoidOverlap": 1
"repulsion": {
"centralGravity": 0.2,
"springLength": 250,
"springConstant": 0.2,
"nodeDistance": 200,
"damping": 0.07
"hierarchicalRepulsion": {
"nodeDistance": 300,
"centralGravity": 0.2,
"springLength": 300,
"springConstant": 0.2,
"damping": 0.07
"maxVelocity": 50,
"minVelocity": 0.4,
"solver": "hierarchicalRepulsion",
"stabilization": {
"enabled": true,
"iterations": 1000,
"updateInterval": 100,
"onlyDynamicEdges": false,
"fit": true
"timestep": 0.4,
// Device page options
$config['show_overview_tab'] = true;
$config['cpu_details_overview'] = false; //By default show only average cpu in device overview
// The device overview page options
$config['overview_show_sysDescr'] = true;
// Enable checking of version in discovery
// Poller/Discovery Modules
$config['enable_bgp'] = 1;
// Enable BGP session collection and display
$config['enable_syslog'] = 0;
// Enable Syslog
$config['enable_inventory'] = 1;
// Enable Inventory
$config['enable_pseudowires'] = 1;
// Enable Pseudowires
$config['enable_vrfs'] = 1;
// Enable VRFs
$config['enable_vrf_lite_cisco'] = 1;
// Enable routes for VRF lite cisco
$config['enable_printers'] = 0;
// Enable Printer support
$config['enable_sla'] = 0;
// Enable Cisco SLA collection and display
// Ports extension modules
$config['port_descr_parser'] = 'includes/';
// Parse port descriptions into fields
$config['enable_ports_etherlike'] = 0;
// Enable Polling EtherLike-MIB (doubles interface processing time)
$config['enable_ports_junoseatmvp'] = 0;
// Enable JunOSe ATM VC Discovery/Poller
$config['enable_ports_adsl'] = 1;
$config['enable_ports_poe'] = 0;
// Enable PoE stats collection
// Billing System Configuration
$config['enable_billing'] = 0;
// Enable Billing
$config['billing']['customer_autoadd'] = 0;
// Enable Auto-add bill per customer
$config['billing']['circuit_autoadd'] = 0;
// Enable Auto-add bill per circuit_id
$config['billing']['bill_autoadd'] = 0;
// Enable Auto-add bill per bill_id
$config['billing']['base'] = 1000;
// Set the base to divider bytes to kB, MB, GB ,... (1000|1024)
// External Integration
// $config['rancid_configs'][] = '/var/lib/rancid/network/configs/';
$config['rancid_ignorecomments'] = 0;
// Ignore lines starting with #
// $config['collectd_dir'] = '/var/lib/collectd/rrd';
// $config['smokeping']['dir'] = "/var/lib/smokeping/";
$config['smokeping']['pings'] = 20;
// $config['oxidized']['enabled'] = FALSE;//Set to TRUE
// $config['oxidized']['url'] = '';// Set the Oxidized rest URL
// $config['oxidized']['reload_nodes'] = FALSE;//Set to TRUE, check documentation
// NFSen RRD dir.
$config['nfsen_enable'] = 0;
// $config['nfsen_split_char'] = "_";
// $config['nfsen_rrds'] = "/var/nfsen/profiles-stat/live/";
// $config['nfsen_suffix'] = "_yourdomain_com";
// Location Mapping
// Use this feature to map ugly locations to pretty locations
// config['location_map']['Under the Sink'] = "Under The Sink, The Office, London, UK";
// Ignores & Allows
// Has to be lowercase
$config['bad_if'][] = 'voip-null';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'virtual-';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'unrouted';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'eobc';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'lp0';
$config['bad_if'][] = '-atm';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'faith0';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'container';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'async';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'plip';
$config['bad_if'][] = '-physical';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'container';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'unrouted';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'bluetooth';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'isatap';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'ras';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'qos';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'span rp';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'span sp';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'sslvpn';
$config['bad_if'][] = 'pppoe-';
// $config['bad_if'][] = "control plane"; // Example for cisco control plane
// Ignore ports based on ifType. Case-sensitive.
$config['bad_iftype'][] = 'voiceEncap';
$config['bad_iftype'][] = 'voiceFXO';
$config['bad_iftype'][] = 'voiceFXS';
$config['bad_iftype'][] = 'voiceOverAtm';
$config['bad_iftype'][] = 'voiceOverFrameRelay';
$config['bad_iftype'][] = 'voiceOverIp';
$config['bad_iftype'][] = 'ds0';
$config['bad_iftype'][] = 'ds1';
$config['bad_iftype'][] = 'ds3';
// $config['bad_iftype'][] = "isdn"; #show signaling traffic
// $config['bad_iftype'][] = "lapd"; #show signaling traffic
$config['bad_iftype'][] = 'sonet';
$config['bad_iftype'][] = 'atmSubInterface';
$config['bad_iftype'][] = 'aal5';
$config['bad_iftype'][] = 'shdsl';
$config['bad_iftype'][] = 'mpls';
$config['bad_if_regexp'][] = '/^ng[0-9]+$/';
$config['bad_if_regexp'][] = '/^sl[0-9]/';
// Rewrite Interfaces
$config['rewrite_if_regexp']['/^cpu interface/'] = 'Mgmt';
$config['ignore_mount_removable'] = 1;
// Ignore removable disk storage
$config['ignore_mount_network'] = 1;
// Ignore network mounted storage
$config['ignore_mount_optical'] = 1;
// Ignore mounted optical discs
// Per-device interface graph filters
$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/loopback/';
$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/tunnel/';
$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/virtual/';
$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/mpls/';
$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/ieee8023adLag/';
$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/l2vlan/';
$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/ppp/';
$config['device_traffic_descr'][] = '/loopback/';
$config['device_traffic_descr'][] = '/vlan/';
$config['device_traffic_descr'][] = '/tunnel/';
$config['device_traffic_descr'][] = '/bond/';
$config['device_traffic_descr'][] = '/null/';
$config['device_traffic_descr'][] = '/dummy/';
// IRC Bot configuration
$config['irc_host'] = '';
$config['irc_port'] = '';
$config['irc_maxretry'] = 3;
$config['irc_nick'] = $config['project_name'];
$config['irc_chan'][] = '##'.$config['project_id'];
$config['irc_pass'] = '';
$config['irc_external'] = '';
$config['irc_authtime'] = 3;
$config['irc_debug'] = false;
$config['irc_alert'] = false;
$config['irc_alert_utf8'] = false;
// Authentication
$config['allow_unauth_graphs'] = false;
// Allow graphs to be viewed by anyone
$config['allow_unauth_graphs_cidr'] = array();
// Allow graphs to be viewed without authorisation from certain IP ranges
$config['auth_mechanism'] = 'mysql';
// Available mechanisms: mysql (default), ldap, http-auth
$config['auth_remember'] = '30';
// This is how long in days to remember users who select remember me
// LDAP Authentication
$config['auth_ldap_version'] = 3;
// v2 or v3
$config['auth_ldap_server'] = '';
$config['auth_ldap_port'] = 389;
$config['auth_ldap_prefix'] = 'uid=';
$config['auth_ldap_suffix'] = ',ou=People,dc=example,dc=com';
$config['auth_ldap_group'] = 'cn=groupname,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com';
$config['auth_ldap_attr']['uid'] = "uid";
$config['auth_ldap_groupbase'] = 'ou=group,dc=example,dc=com';
$config['auth_ldap_groups']['admin']['level'] = 10;
$config['auth_ldap_groups']['pfy']['level'] = 7;
$config['auth_ldap_groups']['support']['level'] = 1;
$config['auth_ldap_groupmemberattr'] = 'memberUid';
$config['auth_ldap_emailattr'] = 'mail';
$config['auth_ldap_cache_ttl'] = 300;
// How long in seconds should ldap* module cache user information in $_SESSION
// Sensors
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['amperes'] = 1;
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['celsius'] = 1;
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['dBm'] = 1;
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['voltsDC'] = 1;
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['voltsAC'] = 1;
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['watts'] = 1;
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['truthvalue'] = 1;
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['specialEnum'] = 1;
// Filesystems
$config['ignore_mount'][] = '/kern';
$config['ignore_mount'][] = '/mnt/cdrom';
$config['ignore_mount'][] = '/proc';
$config['ignore_mount'][] = '/dev';
$config['ignore_mount_string'][] = 'packages';
$config['ignore_mount_string'][] = 'devfs';
$config['ignore_mount_string'][] = 'procfs';
$config['ignore_mount_string'][] = 'UMA';
$config['ignore_mount_string'][] = 'MALLOC';
$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/on: \/packages/';
$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/on: \/dev/';
$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/on: \/proc/';
$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/on: \/junos^/';
$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/on: \/junos\/dev/';
$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/on: \/jail\/dev/';
$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/^(dev|proc)fs/';
$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/^\/dev\/md0/';
$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/^\/var\/dhcpd\/dev,/';
$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/UMA/';
$config['ignore_mount_removable'] = 1;
// Ignore removable disk storage
$config['ignore_mount_network'] = 1;
// Ignore network mounted storage
// Syslog Settings
// Entries older than this will be removed
$config['syslog_filter'][] = 'last message repeated';
$config['syslog_filter'][] = 'Connection from UDP: [';
$config['syslog_filter'][] = 'ipSystemStatsTable node ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs not implemented';
$config['syslog_filter'][] = 'diskio.c';
// Ignore some crappy stuff from SNMP daemon
// Virtualization
$config['enable_libvirt'] = 0;
// Enable Libvirt VM support
$config['libvirt_protocols'] = array(
// Mechanisms used, add or remove if not using this on any of your machines.
// Hardcoded ASN descriptions
$config['astext'][65332] = 'Cymru FullBogon Feed';
$config['astext'][65333] = 'Cymru Bogon Feed';
// Nicer labels for the SLA types
$config['sla_type_labels']['echo'] = 'ICMP ping';
$config['sla_type_labels']['pathEcho'] = 'Path ICMP ping';
$config['sla_type_labels']['fileIO'] = 'File I/O';
$config['sla_type_labels']['script'] = 'Script';
$config['sla_type_labels']['udpEcho'] = 'UDP ping';
$config['sla_type_labels']['tcpConnect'] = 'TCP connect';
$config['sla_type_labels']['http'] = 'HTTP';
$config['sla_type_labels']['dns'] = 'DNS';
$config['sla_type_labels']['jitter'] = 'Jitter';
$config['sla_type_labels']['dlsw'] = 'DLSW';
$config['sla_type_labels']['dhcp'] = 'DHCP';
$config['sla_type_labels']['ftp'] = 'FTP';
$config['sla_type_labels']['voip'] = 'VoIP';
$config['sla_type_labels']['rtp'] = 'RTP';
$config['sla_type_labels']['lspGroup'] = 'LSP group';
$config['sla_type_labels']['icmpjitter'] = 'ICMP jitter';
$config['sla_type_labels']['lspPing'] = 'LSP ping';
$config['sla_type_labels']['lspTrace'] = 'LSP trace';
$config['sla_type_labels']['ethernetPing'] = 'Ethernet ping';
$config['sla_type_labels']['ethernetJitter'] = 'Ethernet jitter';
$config['sla_type_labels']['lspPingPseudowire'] = 'LSP Pseudowire ping';
// Warnings on front page
$config['warn']['ifdown'] = true;
// Show down interfaces
// List of poller modules. Need to be in the array to be
// considered for execution.
$config['poller_modules']['unix-agent'] = 0;
$config['poller_modules']['os'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['ipmi'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['sensors'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['processors'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['mempools'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['storage'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['netstats'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['hr-mib'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['ucd-mib'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['ipSystemStats'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['ports'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['bgp-peers'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['junose-atm-vp'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['toner'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['ucd-diskio'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['wifi'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['ospf'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['cisco-remote-access-monitor'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['cisco-cef'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['cisco-sla'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['cisco-mac-accounting'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['cipsec-tunnels'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['cisco-ace-loadbalancer'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['cisco-ace-serverfarms'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['netscaler-vsvr'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['aruba-controller'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['entity-physical'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['applications'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['cisco-asa-firewall'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['mib'] = 0;
$config['poller_modules']['cisco-voice'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['cisco-cbqos'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['stp'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['cisco-otv'] = 1;
$config['poller_modules']['services'] = 1;
// List of discovery modules. Need to be in this array to be
// considered for execution.
$config['discovery_modules']['os'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['ports'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['ports-stack'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['entity-physical'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['processors'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['mempools'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['cisco-vrf-lite'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['ipv4-addresses'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['ipv6-addresses'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['route'] = 0;
$config['discovery_modules']['sensors'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['storage'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['hr-device'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['discovery-protocols'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['arp-table'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['discovery-arp'] = 0;
$config['discovery_modules']['junose-atm-vp'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['bgp-peers'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['vlans'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['cisco-mac-accounting'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['cisco-pw'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['cisco-vrf'] = 1;
//$config['discovery_modules']['cisco-cef'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['cisco-sla'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['vmware-vminfo'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['libvirt-vminfo'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['toner'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['ucd-diskio'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['services'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['charge'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['cisco-cbqos'] = 0;
$config['discovery_modules']['stp'] = 1;
$config['discovery_modules']['cisco-otv'] = 1;
$config['modules_compat']['rfc1628']['liebert'] = 1;
$config['modules_compat']['rfc1628']['netmanplus'] = 1;
$config['modules_compat']['rfc1628']['deltaups'] = 1;
$config['modules_compat']['rfc1628']['poweralert'] = 1;
$config['modules_compat']['rfc1628']['multimatic'] = 1;
$config['modules_compat']['rfc1628']['webpower'] = 1;
$config['modules_compat']['rfc1628']['huaweiups'] = 1;
// Enable daily updates
$config['update'] = 1;
// Purge syslog and eventlog
$config['syslog_purge'] = 30;
// Number in days of how long to keep syslog entries for.
$config['eventlog_purge'] = 30;
// Number in days of how long to keep eventlog entries for.
$config['authlog_purge'] = 30;
// Number in days of how long to keep authlog entries for.
$config['perf_times_purge'] = 30;
// Number in days of how long to keep performace polling stats entries for.
$config['device_perf_purge'] = 7;
// Number in days of how long to keep device performance data for.
$config['alert_log_purge'] = 365;
// Number in days of how long to keep alert log data for.
// Date format for PHP date()s
$config['dateformat']['long'] = 'r';
// RFC2822 style
$config['dateformat']['compact'] = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
$config['dateformat']['byminute'] = 'Y-m-d H:i';
$config['dateformat']['time'] = 'H:i:s';
// Date format for MySQL DATE_FORMAT
$config['dateformat']['mysql']['compact'] = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s';
$config['dateformat']['mysql']['date'] = '%Y-%m-%d';
$config['dateformat']['mysql']['time'] = '%H:%i:%s';
$config['enable_clear_discovery'] = 1;
// Set this to 0 if you want to disable the web option to rediscover devices
$config['force_ip_to_sysname'] = false;// Set to true if you want to use sysName in place of IPs
// Allow duplicate devices by sysName
$config['allow_duplicate_sysName'] = true;// Set to false if you want to only allow unique sysName's
$config['enable_port_relationship'] = true;
// Set this to false to not display neighbour relationships for ports
$config['enable_footer'] = 1;
// Set this to 0 if you want to disable the footer copyright in the web interface
$config['api_demo'] = 0;
// Set this to 1 if you want to disable some untrusting features for the API
// Distributed Poller-Settings
$config['distributed_poller'] = false;
$config['distributed_poller_name'] = file_get_contents('/proc/sys/kernel/hostname');
$config['distributed_poller_group'] = 0;
$config['distributed_poller_memcached_host'] = '';
$config['distributed_poller_memcached_port'] = '11211';
// Stats callback system
$config['callback_post'] = '';
$config['callback_clear'] = '';
// Stat graphs
$config['alert_graph_date_format'] = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i';
// IPMI type
$config['ipmi']['type'][] = 'lanplus';
$config['ipmi']['type'][] = 'lan';
$config['ipmi']['type'][] = 'imb';
$config['ipmi']['type'][] = 'open';
// Options needed for dyn config - do NOT edit
$dyn_config['email_backend'] = array(
$dyn_config['email_smtp_secure'] = array(
// Unix-agent poller module config settings
$config['unix-agent-connection-time-out'] = 10;
// seconds
$config['unix-agent-read-time-out'] = 10;
// seconds
// Lat / Lon support for maps
$config['geoloc']['latlng'] = false; // True to enable translation of location to latlng co-ordinates
$config['geoloc']['engine'] = 'google';
$config['map']['engine'] = 'leaflet';
$config['mapael']['default_map'] = 'maps/world_countries.js';
$config['leaflet']['default_lat'] = '51.4800';
$config['leaflet']['default_lng'] = '0';
$config['leaflet']['default_zoom'] = 2;
$config['leaflet']['tile_url'] = "{s}";
// General GUI options
$config['gui']['network-map']['style'] = 'new';//old is also valid
// Navbar variables
$config['navbar']['manage_groups']['hide'] = 0;
// Show errored ports in the summary table on the dashboard
$config['summary_errors'] = 0;
// Default width of the availability map's tiles
$config['availability-map-width'] = 25;
// Default notifications Feed
$config['notifications']['LibreNMS'] = '';
$config['notifications']['local'] = 'misc/notifications.rss';
// Update channel (Can be 'master' or 'release')
$config['update_channel'] = 'master';
// Default port association mode
$config['default_port_association_mode'] = 'ifIndex';
// Ignore ports which can't be mapped using a devices port_association_mode
// See include/polling/ for a lenghty explanation.
$config['ignore_unmapable_port'] = False;
// InfluxDB default configuration
$config['influxdb']['timeout'] = 0;
$config['influxdb']['verifySSL'] = false;
// Xirrus - Disable station/client polling if true as it may take a long time on larger/heavily used APs.
$config['xirrus_disable_stations'] = false;