mirror of
synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
git-svn-id: http://www.observium.org/svn/observer/trunk@2 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8
96 lines
4.4 KiB
96 lines
4.4 KiB
$if_id = $interface['id'];
$inf = fixifName($interface['if']);
$ifIndex = $interface['ifIndex'];
$ifclass = ifclass($interface['up'], $interface['up_admin']);
$ifname = $interface['name'];
if($ifname) {$ifname = $ifname . "</br>";}
<td valign=top width=250>
<a class='$ifclass' href='?page=interface&id=$interface[id]'>
$i. $inf
</a><br /><span class=interface-desc>$ifname</span>");
if($ifalias && $ifalias != "") { echo("<span class=interface-desc>$ifalias</span><br />"); }
unset ($break);
$iftype = fixiftype($interface[ifType]);
if($show_all) {
if($iftype && $iftype != "") { echo("<span class=box-desc>$iftype</span> ");
if($mac && $mac != "") { echo("<span class=box-desc>$mac</span><br />");
} else { echo("<br />"); }
if($interface[ifType] != "softwareLoopback") {
if($speed == '0') { $speed = "0bps"; }
echo("<span class=box-desc>$speed");
if($interface[ifDuplex] != unknown) { echo(" / $interface[ifDuplex]-duplex"); }
if($interface[ifMtu] && $interface[ifMtu] != "") { echo(" / $interface[ifMtu]MTU</span>"); }
echo("</span><br />");
echo ("<span class=box-desc><b>$status</b></span> <br />");
$ipdata = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `ipaddr` WHERE `interface_id` = '$interface[id]'");
while($ip = mysql_fetch_Array($ipdata)) {
echo("$break <a href=\"javascript:popUp('/whois.php?query=$ip[addr]')\">$ip[addr]/$ip[cidr]</a>");
$break = "<br />";
echo("<td valign=top class=interface-desc>");
if ( strpos($inf, "oopback") === false ) {
$link_query = mysql_query("select I.if, D.hostname, D.id AS dev_id, I.id from links AS L, interfaces AS I, devices AS D WHERE L.src_if = '$if_id' AND L.dst_if = I.id AND I.host = D.id");
while($link = mysql_fetch_array($link_query)) {
$link_if = fixifName($link['if']);
echo("--> <a href='?page=interface&id=$link[id]'>$link_if</a> on <a href='?page=device&id=$link[dev_id]'>$link[hostname]</a><br />");
$br = "<br />";
$adj_sql = "SELECT * FROM networks AS N, interfaces AS I, adjacencies AS A ";
$adj_sql = $adj_sql . "WHERE I.id = A.interface_id AND A.network_id = N.id ";
$adj_sql = $adj_sql . "AND I.id = '$if_id'";
$adj_query = mysql_query("$adj_sql");
while($adjs = mysql_fetch_array($adj_query)) {
$network_id = $adjs['network_id'];
$newsql = "SELECT *, I.id AS iid, D.id AS did FROM adjacencies AS A, networks as N, interfaces as I, devices as D ";
$newsql = $newsql . "WHERE N.id = '$network_id' AND A.network_id = N.id AND I.id = A.interface_id AND D.id = I.host ";
$newsql = $newsql . "AND D.id != '$device[id]' AND I.if NOT LIKE '%loopback%' GROUP BY D.id ORDER BY D.hostname";
$new_query = mysql_query($newsql);
while($new = mysql_fetch_array($new_query)) {
if ($new['status'] == '0') { $class = "red"; } else { $class = "blue"; }
if ($new['ignore'] == '1') {
$class = "list-device-ignored";
if ($new['status'] == '1') { $class = "green"; }
$this_ifid = $new['iid'];
$this_hostid = $new['did'];
$this_hostname = $new['hostname'];
$this_ifname = fixifName($new['if']);
$wq = mysql_query("select count(*) FROM links WHERE dst_if = '$this_ifid' AND src_if = $if_id;");
if (@mysql_result($wq, 0) == '0') {
echo("$br |- <a href=?page=interface&id=$this_ifid>$this_ifname</a> on <a class=$class href=?page=device&id=$this_hostid>$this_hostname</a>");
$br = "<br />";
// If we're showing graphs, generate the graph and print the img tags
if($_GET[graphs] == 'yes' && is_file("rrd/" . $hostname . ".". $ifIndex . ".rrd")) {
$trafgraph = trafgraph ($hostname . ".". $ifIndex . ".rrd", $hostname . ".". $ifIndex . "-traf.png");
$trafgraphmonth = trafgraph ($hostname . ".". $ifIndex . ".rrd", $hostname . ".". $ifIndex . "-month-traf.png", "-1m");
if($trafgraph !== false) {
echo("<tr><td colspan=2><img src='$trafgraph'> <img src='$trafgraphmonth'></td></tr>");
echo("<tr height=5><td colspan=2></td></tr>");