mirror of
synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
git-svn-id: http://www.observium.org/svn/observer/trunk@1633 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8
224 lines
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224 lines
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### Default directories
$config['temp_dir'] = "/tmp";
$config['install_dir'] = "/opt/observium";
$config['html_dir'] = $config['install_dir'] . "/html";
$config['rrd_dir'] = $config['install_dir'] . "/rrd";
$config['log_file'] = $config['install_dir'] . "/observium.log";
### Location of executables
$config['sipcalc'] = "/usr/bin/sipcalc";
$config['rrdtool'] = "/usr/bin/rrdtool";
$config['fping'] = "/usr/bin/fping";
$config['ipcalc'] = "/usr/bin/ipcalc";
$config['snmpwalk'] = "/usr/bin/snmpwalk";
$config['snmpget'] = "/usr/bin/snmpget";
$config['snmpbulkwalk'] = "/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk";
$config['whois'] = "/usr/bin/whois";
$config['ping'] = "/bin/ping";
$config['mtr'] = "/usr/bin/mtr";
$config['nmap'] = "/usr/bin/nmap";
$config['nagios_plugins'] = "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins";
### RRDCacheD - Make sure it can write to your RRD dir!
#$config['rrdcached'] = "unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock";
### Web Interface Settings
$config['base_url'] = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] .":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"];
$config['title_image'] = "images/observium-logo.png";
$config['stylesheet'] = "css/styles.css";
$config['mono_font'] = "DejaVuSansMono";
$config['favicon'] = "images/observium-icon.png";
$config['header_color'] = "#1F334E";
$config['page_refresh'] = "300"; ## Refresh the page every xx seconds
$config['frong_page'] = "pages/front/default.php";
$config['page_title'] = "Observium :: Network Observation and Monitoring";
$config['timestamp_format'] = 'd-m-Y H:i:s';
$config['page_gen'] = 1;
$config['web_header'] = "header.inc.php"; # in html/includes
$config['login_message'] = "Unauthorised access or use shall render the user liable to criminal and/or civil prosecution.";
$config['int_customers'] = 1; # Enable Customer Port Parsing
$config['int_transit'] = 1; # Enable Transit Types
$config['int_peering'] = 1; # Enable Peering Types
$config['int_core'] = 1; # Enable Core Port Types
$config['int_l2tp'] = 0; # Enable L2TP Port Types
$config['show_locations'] = 1; # Enable Locations on menu
$config['show_locations_dropdown'] = 1; # Enable Locations dropdown on menu
$config['show_services'] = 1; # Enable Services on menu
$config['ports_page_default'] = "details/"; ## eg "details/" "graphs/bits/"
### SNMP Settings
$config['snmp']['timeout'] = 300; # timeout in ms
$config['snmp']['retries'] = 6; # how many times to retry the query
$config['snmp']['community'][] = "public"; # Communities to try during discovery (dangerous)
### Autodiscovery Settings
$config['cdp_autocreate'] = false; ## Autodiscover unknown hosts seen via CDP
$config['snmp_autodiscovery'] = false; ## Autodiscover hosts on new subnets
### Alerting Settings
$config['alerts']['email']['default'] = NULL; ## Default alert recipient
$config['alerts']['email']['default_only'] = FALSE; ## Only use default recipient
$config['alerts']['email']['enable'] = TRUE; ## Enable email alerts
### Cosmetics
$config['rrdgraph_def_text'] = "-c BACK#EEEEEE00 -c SHADEA#EEEEEE00 -c SHADEB#EEEEEE00 -c FONT#000000 -c CANVAS#FFFFFF -c GRID#a5a5a5";
$config['rrdgraph_def_text'] .= " -c MGRID#FF9999 -c FRAME#5e5e5e -c ARROW#5e5e5e -R normal";
$config['overlib_defaults'] = ",FGCOLOR,'#ffffff', BGCOLOR, '#e5e5e5', BORDER, 5, CELLPAD, 4, CAPCOLOR, '#555555', TEXTCOLOR, '#3e3e3e'";
$list_colour_a = "#ffffff";
$list_colour_b = "#eeeeee";
$list_colour_a_a = "#f9f9f9";
$list_colour_a_b = "#f0f0f0";
$list_colour_b_a = "#f0f0f0";
$list_colour_b_b = "#e3e3e3";
$list_highlight = "#ffcccc";
$warn_colour_a = "#ffeeee";
$warn_colour_b = "#ffcccc";
#$config['graph_colours'] = array("000066","330066","990066","990066","CC0033","FF0000"); ## Purple to Red
#$config['graph_colours'] = array("006600","336600","996600","996600","CC3300","FF0000"); ## Green to Red
#$config['graph_colours'] = array("002200","004400","006600","008800","00AA00","00CC00"); ## Green
#$config['graph_colours'] = array("220000","440000","660000","880000","AA0000","CC0000"); ## Red
#$config['graph_colours'] = array("001122","002244","003366","004488","0055AA","0066CC"); ## Blue
#$config['graph_colours'] = array("002233","004466","006699","0088CC","0099FF"); ## Sky-Blue
#$config['graph_colours'] = array("110022","330066","440088","6600AA","8800FF"); ## Purple
#$config['graph_colours'] = array("002200","004400","006600","008800","00AA00","00AA00","00CC00"); ## Forest Greens
#$config['graph_colours']['greens'] = array("112200","224400","336600","448800","66AA00","88FF00"); ## Grass Greens
#$config['graph_colours']['greens'] = array("95FFA7","4EFF97","33FF66","336600","224400","112200");
#$config['graph_colours']['greens'] = array("B7d6A9","8fcb73","50b91d","3ab419","0a8612","034f11");
#$config['graph_colours']['blues'] = array("b5d7ff","6eb7ff","0064ff","0082ff","0019d5","0016cb","00007d"); ## Cold Blues
$config['graph_colours']['mixed'] = array('CC0000','008C00','4096EE','73880A','D01F3C','36393D','FF0084');
$config['graph_colours']['greens'] = array('B6D14B','91B13C','6D912D','48721E','24520F','003300');
$config['graph_colours']['pinks'] = array('D0558F','B34773','943A57','792C38','5C1F1E','401F10');
$config['graph_colours']['blues'] = array('A0A0E5','8080BD','606096','40406F','202048','000033');
$config['graph_colours']['purples'] = array('CC7CCC','AF63AF','934A93','773177','5B185B','3F003F');
$config['graph_colours']['default'] = $config['graph_colours']['blues'];
### Device page options
$config['show_overview_tab'] = true;
### The device overview page options
$config['overview_show_sysDescr'] = true;
### Poller/Discovery Modules
$config['enable_bgp'] = 1; # Enable BGP session collection and display
$config['enable_syslog'] = 0; # Enable Syslog
$config['enable_inventory'] = 1; # Enable Inventory
$config['enable_pseudowires'] = 1; # Enable Pseudowires
$config['enable_printers'] = 0; # Enable Printer support
### Ports extension modules
$config['port_descr_parser'] = "includes/port-descr-parser.inc.php"; # Parse port descriptions into fields
$config['enable_ports_Xbcmc'] = 1; # Enable ifXEntry broadcast/multicast
$config['enable_ports_etherlike'] = 0; # Enable Polling EtherLike-MIB (doubles interface processing time)
$config['enable_ports_junoseatmvp'] = 0; # Enable JunOSe ATM VC Discovery/Poller
$config['enable_ports_adsl'] = 1; # Enable ADSL-LINE-MIB
$config['enable_ports_poe'] = 0; # Enable PoE stats collection
### Billing System Configuration
$config['enable_billing'] = 0; # Enable Billing
$config['billing']['customer_autoadd'] = 0; # Enable Auto-add bill per customer
$config['billing']['circuit_autoadd'] = 0; # Enable Auto-add bill per circuit_id
$config['billing']['bill_autoadd'] = 0; # Enable Auto-add bill per bill_id
### External Integration
#$config['rancid_configs'] = '/var/lib/rancid/network/configs/';
$config['rancid_ignorecomments'] = 0; # Ignore lines starting with #
#$config['collectd_dir'] = '/var/lib/collectd/rrd';
### Ignores & Allows
$config['bad_if'] = array("voip-null", "virtual-", "unrouted", "eobc", "mpls", "sl0", "lp0", "faith0",
"-atm layer", "-atm subif", "-shdsl", "-aal5", "-atm", "container",
"async", "plip", "-physical", "-signalling", "control", "container", "unrouted",
"bri", "-bearer", "bluetooth", "isatap", "ras", "qos", "miniport", "sonet/sdh",
"span rp", "span sp", "sslvpn");
$config['bad_if_regexp'] = array("/serial[0-9]:/");
$config['processor_filter'][] = "An electronic chip that makes the computer work.";
$config['ignore_mount_removable'] = 1; # Ignore removable disk storage
$config['ignore_mount_network'] = 1; # Ignore network mounted storage
$config['ignore_mount_optical'] = 1; # Ignore mounted optical discs
$config['device_traffic_iftype'] = array('/loopback/','/tunnel/','/virtual/','/mpls/');
$config['device_traffic_descr'] = array('/loopback/','/vlan/','/tunnel/','/:\d+/');
### Authentication
$config['allow_unauth_graphs'] = 0; ## Allow graphs to be viewed by anyone
$config['auth_mechanism'] = "mysql"; # Auth Type.
### Sensors
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['amperes'] = 1;
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['celsius'] = 1;
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['dBm'] = 1;
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['voltsDC'] = 1;
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['voltsAC'] = 1;
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['watts'] = 1;
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['truthvalue'] = 1;
$config['allow_entity_sensor']['specialEnum'] = 1;
### Set default alert limits for various sensors and metrics
$config['limit']['fan'] = "1000";
$config['limit']['temp'] = "60";
### Filesystems
$config['ignore_mount'] = array("/kern", "/mnt/cdrom", "/proc", "/dev");
$config['ignore_mount_string'] = array("packages", "devfs", "procfs", "UMA", "MALLOC");
$config['ignore_mount_regexp'] = array("/on: \/packages/", "/on: \/dev/", "/on: \/proc/", "/on: \/junos^/", ## JunOS Drives
"/on: \/junos\/dev/", "/on: \/jail\/dev/", "/^(dev|proc)fs/", "/^\/dev\/md0/", ## JunOS Drives
"/^\/var\/dhcpd\/dev,/", "/UMA/" ## BSD Drives
$config['ignore_mount_removable'] = 1; # Ignore removable disk storage
$config['ignore_mount_network'] = 1; # Ignore network mounted storage
### Syslog Settings
$config['syslog_age'] = "1 month"; ## Entries older than this will be removed
$config['syslog_filter'] = array("last message repeated", "Connection from UDP: [",
"ipSystemStatsTable node ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs not implemented",
"diskio.c: don't know how to handle"); ## Ignore some crappy stuff from SNMP daemon
### LDAP Authentication
$config['auth_ldap_version'] = 3; # v2 or v3
### Hardcoded ASN descriptions
$config['astext'][65333] = "Cymru Bogon Feed";
### Default warning settings
### What should we warn about?
$config['warn']['ifdown'] = false;