Paul Gear aa9dded019 Remove user-facing references to Observium
This eliminates nearly all of the user-facing references to Observium,
including in the names of temporary files and in the metadata of PDFs.  Many
of these may not be used any more, but I've adjusted them anyway.  These
changes should also make it easier to change the branding later if it is
needed.  There are a few references of which I still don't understand the
significance, so I've left them as-is for now.  The Unix agent in particular
is rather untidy.
2013-11-05 09:33:32 +10:00

1245 lines
50 KiB
Executable File

# ============================================================================
# This is a script to retrieve information from a MySQL server for input to a
# Cacti graphing process. It is hosted at
# This program is copyright (c) 2007 Baron Schwartz. Feedback and improvements
# are welcome.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, version 2.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
# Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
# To make this code testable, we need to prevent code from running when it is
# included from the test script. The test script and this file have different
# filenames, so we can compare them. In some cases $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']
# seems not to be defined, so we skip the check -- this check should certainly
# pass in the test environment.
# ============================================================================
if (!array_key_exists('SCRIPT_FILENAME', $_SERVER)
|| basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) ) {
# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
# Define MySQL connection constants in config.php. Arguments explicitly passed
# in from Cacti will override these. However, if you leave them blank in Cacti
# and set them here, you can make life easier. Instead of defining parameters
# here, you can define them in another file named the same as this file, with a
# .cnf extension.
# ============================================================================
# FIXME: why are these not taken from config.php?
$mysql_user = 'observium';
$mysql_pass = 'flobbleobservium';
$mysql_host = 'localhost';
$mysql_port = 3306;
$mysql_ssl = FALSE; # Whether to use SSL to connect to MySQL.
$heartbeat = ''; # db.tbl in case you use mk-heartbeat from Maatkit.
$cache_dir = '/tmp'; # If set, this uses caching to avoid multiple calls.
$poll_time = 300; # Adjust to match your polling interval.
$chk_options = array (
'innodb' => true, # Do you want to check InnoDB statistics?
'master' => true, # Do you want to check binary logging?
'slave' => true, # Do you want to check slave status?
'procs' => true, # Do you want to check SHOW PROCESSLIST?
$use_ss = FALSE; # Whether to use the script server or not
$debug = FALSE; # Define whether you want debugging behavior.
$debug_log = FALSE; # If $debug_log is a filename, it'll be used.
# ============================================================================
# You should not need to change anything below this line.
# ============================================================================
$version = "1.1.7";
# ============================================================================
# Include settings from an external config file (issue 39).
# ============================================================================
if (file_exists(__FILE__ . '.cnf' ) ) {
require(__FILE__ . '.cnf');
# Make this a happy little script even when there are errors.
$no_http_headers = true;
ini_set('implicit_flush', false); # No output, ever.
if ($debug ) {
ini_set('display_errors', true);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', true);
ini_set('error_reporting', 2147483647);
else {
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ERROR);
ob_start(); # Catch all output such as notices of undefined array indexes.
function error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
print("$errstr at $errfile line $errline\n");
debug("$errstr at $errfile line $errline");
# ============================================================================
# Set up the stuff we need to be called by the script server.
# ============================================================================
if ($use_ss ) {
if (file_exists( dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/global.php") ) {
# See issue 5 for the reasoning behind this.
debug("including " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/global.php");
include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/global.php");
elseif (file_exists( dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/config.php" ) ) {
# Some Cacti installations don't have global.php.
debug("including " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/config.php");
include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/config.php");
# ============================================================================
# Make sure we can also be called as a script.
# ============================================================================
if (!isset($called_by_script_server)) {
array_shift($_SERVER["argv"]); # Strip off this script's filename
$options = parse_cmdline($_SERVER["argv"]);
$result = ss_get_mysql_stats($options);
if (!$debug ) {
# Throw away the buffer, which ought to contain only errors.
else {
ob_end_flush(); # In debugging mode, print out the errors.
# Split the result up and extract only the desired parts of it.
$options['items'] = "";
$wanted = explode(',', $options['items']);
$output = array();
foreach ( explode(' ', $result) as $item ) {
if (in_array(substr($item, 0, 2), $wanted) ) {
$output[] = $item;
list($short, $val) = explode(":", $item);
debug(array("Final result", $output));
print(implode(' ', $output));
# ============================================================================
# End "if file was not included" section.
# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
# Work around the lack of array_change_key_case in older PHP.
# ============================================================================
if (!function_exists('array_change_key_case') ) {
function array_change_key_case($arr) {
$res = array();
foreach ( $arr as $key => $val ) {
$res[strtolower($key)] = $val;
return $res;
# ============================================================================
# Validate that the command-line options are here and correct
# ============================================================================
function validate_options($options) {
$opts = array('items', 'user', 'pass', 'heartbeat', 'nocache', 'port');
# Required command-line options
foreach ( array() as $option ) {
if (!isset($options[$option]) || !$options[$option] ) {
usage("Required option --$option is missing");
foreach ( $options as $key => $val ) {
if (!in_array($key, $opts) ) {
usage("Unknown option --$key");
# ============================================================================
# Print out a brief usage summary
# ============================================================================
function usage($message) {
global $mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_port, $heartbeat;
$usage = <<<EOF
Usage: php ss_get_mysql_stats.php --host <host> --items <item,...> [OPTION]
--host Hostname to connect to; use host:port syntax to specify a port
Use :/path/to/socket if you want to connect via a UNIX socket
--items Comma-separated list of the items whose data you want
--user MySQL username; defaults to $mysql_user if not given
--pass MySQL password; defaults to $mysql_pass if not given
--heartbeat MySQL heartbeat table; defaults to '$heartbeat' (see mk-heartbeat)
--nocache Do not cache results in a file
--port MySQL port; defaults to $mysql_port if not given
--mysql_ssl Add the MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL flag to mysql_connect() call
# ============================================================================
# Parse command-line arguments, in the format --arg value --arg value, and
# return them as an array ( arg => value )
# ============================================================================
function parse_cmdline( $args ) {
$result = array();
$cur_arg = '';
foreach ($args as $val) {
if (strpos($val, '--') === 0 ) {
if (strpos($val, '--no') === 0 ) {
# It's an option without an argument, but it's a --nosomething so
# it's OK.
$result[substr($val, 2)] = 1;
$cur_arg = '';
elseif ($cur_arg ) { # Maybe the last --arg was an option with no arg
if ($cur_arg == '--user' || $cur_arg == '--pass' || $cur_arg == '--port' ) {
# Special case because Cacti will pass these without an arg
$cur_arg = '';
else {
die("No arg: $cur_arg\n");
else {
$cur_arg = $val;
else {
$result[substr($cur_arg, 2)] = $val;
$cur_arg = '';
if ($cur_arg && ($cur_arg != '--user' && $cur_arg != '--pass' && $cur_arg != '--port') ) {
die("No arg: $cur_arg\n");
return $result;
# ============================================================================
# This is the main function. Some parameters are filled in from defaults at the
# top of this file.
# ============================================================================
function ss_get_mysql_stats( $options ) {
# Process connection options and connect to MySQL.
global $debug, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $heartbeat, $cache_dir, $poll_time,
$chk_options, $mysql_host, $mysql_port, $mysql_ssl;
# Connect to MySQL.
$user = isset($options['user']) ? $options['user'] : $mysql_user;
$pass = isset($options['pass']) ? $options['pass'] : $mysql_pass;
$port = isset($options['port']) ? $options['port'] : $mysql_port;
$host = isset($options['host']) ? $options['host'] : $mysql_host;
$heartbeat = isset($options['heartbeat']) ? $options['heartbeat'] : $heartbeat;
# If there is a port, or if it's a non-standard port, we add ":$port" to the
# hostname.
$host_str = $host
. $port != 3306 ? ":$port" : '';
debug(array('connecting to', $host_str, $user, $pass));
if (!extension_loaded('mysql') ) {
debug("The MySQL extension is not loaded");
die("The MySQL extension is not loaded");
if ($mysql_ssl || (isset($options['mysql_ssl']) && $options['mysql_ssl']) ) {
$conn = mysql_connect($host_str, $user, $pass, true, MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL);
else {
$conn = mysql_connect($host_str, $user, $pass);
if (!$conn ) {
die("MySQL: " . mysql_error());
$sanitized_host = str_replace(array(":", "/"), array("", "_"), $host);
$cache_file = "$cache_dir/$sanitized_host-mysql_cacti_stats.txt"
. $port != 3306 ? ":$port" : '';
debug("Cache file is $cache_file");
# First, check the cache.
$fp = null;
if (!isset($options['nocache']) ) {
if ($fp = fopen($cache_file, 'a+') ) {
$locked = flock($fp, 1); # LOCK_SH
if ($locked ) {
if (filesize($cache_file) > 0
&& filectime($cache_file) + ($poll_time/2) > time()
&& ($arr = file($cache_file))
) {# The cache file is good to use.
debug("Using the cache file");
return $arr[0];
else {
debug("The cache file seems too small or stale");
# Escalate the lock to exclusive, so we can write to it.
if (flock($fp, 2) ) { # LOCK_EX
# We might have blocked while waiting for that LOCK_EX, and
# another process ran and updated it. Let's see if we can just
# return the data now:
if (filesize($cache_file) > 0
&& filectime($cache_file) + ($poll_time/2) > time()
&& ($arr = file($cache_file))
) {# The cache file is good to use.
debug("Using the cache file");
return $arr[0];
ftruncate($fp, 0); # Now it's ready for writing later.
else {
debug("Couldn't lock the cache file, ignoring it.");
$fp = null;
else {
$fp = null;
debug("Couldn't open the cache file");
# Set up variables.
$status = array( # Holds the result of SHOW STATUS, SHOW INNODB STATUS, etc
# Define some indexes so they don't cause errors with += operations.
'relay_log_space' => null,
'binary_log_space' => null,
'current_transactions' => null,
'locked_transactions' => null,
'active_transactions' => null,
'innodb_locked_tables' => null,
'innodb_tables_in_use' => null,
'innodb_lock_structs' => null,
'innodb_lock_wait_secs' => null,
'innodb_sem_waits' => null,
'innodb_sem_wait_time_ms'=> null,
# Values for the 'state' column from SHOW PROCESSLIST (converted to
# lowercase, with spaces replaced by underscores)
'State_closing_tables' => null,
'State_copying_to_tmp_table' => null,
'State_end' => null,
'State_freeing_items' => null,
'State_init' => null,
'State_locked' => null,
'State_login' => null,
'State_preparing' => null,
'State_reading_from_net' => null,
'State_sending_data' => null,
'State_sorting_result' => null,
'State_statistics' => null,
'State_updating' => null,
'State_writing_to_net' => null,
'State_none' => null,
'State_other' => null, # Everything not listed above
# Get SHOW STATUS and convert the name-value array into a simple
# associative array.
$result = run_query("SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS", $conn);
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
$status[$row[0]] = $row[1];
# Get SHOW VARIABLES and do the same thing, adding it to the $status array.
$result = run_query("SHOW VARIABLES", $conn);
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
$status[$row[0]] = $row[1];
# Get SHOW SLAVE STATUS, and add it to the $status array.
if ($chk_options['slave'] ) {
$result = run_query("SHOW SLAVE STATUS", $conn);
$slave_status_rows_gotten = 0;
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
# Must lowercase keys because different MySQL versions have different
# lettercase.
$row = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER);
$status['relay_log_space'] = $row['relay_log_space'];
$status['slave_lag'] = $row['seconds_behind_master'];
# Check replication heartbeat, if present.
if ($heartbeat ) {
$result2 = run_query(
. " AS delay FROM $heartbeat WHERE id = 1", $conn);
$slave_delay_rows_gotten = 0;
foreach ( $result2 as $row2 ) {
if ($row2 && is_array($row2)
&& array_key_exists('delay', $row2) )
$status['slave_lag'] = $row2['delay'];
else {
debug("Couldn't get slave lag from $heartbeat");
if ($slave_delay_rows_gotten == 0 ) {
debug("Got nothing from heartbeat query");
# Scale slave_running and slave_stopped relative to the slave lag.
$status['slave_running'] = ($row['slave_sql_running'] == 'Yes')
? $status['slave_lag'] : 0;
$status['slave_stopped'] = ($row['slave_sql_running'] == 'Yes')
? 0 : $status['slave_lag'];
if ($slave_status_rows_gotten == 0 ) {
debug("Got nothing from SHOW SLAVE STATUS");
# Get SHOW MASTER STATUS, and add it to the $status array.
if ($chk_options['master']
&& array_key_exists('log_bin', $status)
&& $status['log_bin'] == 'ON'
) { # See issue #8
$binlogs = array(0);
$result = run_query("SHOW MASTER LOGS", $conn);
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
$row = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER);
# Older versions of MySQL may not have the File_size column in the
# results of the command. Zero-size files indicate the user is
# deleting binlogs manually from disk (bad user! bad!).
if (array_key_exists('file_size', $row) && $row['file_size'] > 0 ) {
$binlogs[] = $row['file_size'];
if (count($binlogs)) {
$status['binary_log_space'] = to_int(array_sum($binlogs));
# Get SHOW PROCESSLIST and aggregate it by state, then add it to the array
# too.
if ($chk_options['procs'] ) {
$result = run_query('SHOW PROCESSLIST', $conn);
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
$state = $row['State'];
if (is_null($state) ) {
$state = 'NULL';
if ($state == '' ) {
$state = 'none';
$state = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($state));
if (array_key_exists("State_$state", $status) ) {
increment($status, "State_$state", 1);
else {
increment($status, "State_other", 1);
# Get SHOW INNODB STATUS and extract the desired metrics from it, then add
# those to the array too.
if ($chk_options['innodb']
&& array_key_exists('have_innodb', $status)
&& $status['have_innodb'] == 'YES'
) {
$result = run_query("SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS", $conn);
$istatus_text = $result[0]['Status'];
$istatus_vals = get_innodb_array($istatus_text);
# Override values from InnoDB parsing with values from SHOW STATUS,
# because InnoDB status might not have everything and the SHOW STATUS is
# to be preferred where possible.
$overrides = array(
'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data' => 'database_pages',
'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty' => 'modified_pages',
'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free' => 'free_pages',
'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total' => 'pool_size',
'Innodb_data_fsyncs' => 'file_fsyncs',
'Innodb_data_pending_reads' => 'pending_normal_aio_reads',
'Innodb_data_pending_writes' => 'pending_normal_aio_writes',
'Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs' => 'pending_log_flushes',
'Innodb_pages_created' => 'pages_created',
'Innodb_pages_read' => 'pages_read',
'Innodb_pages_written' => 'pages_written',
'Innodb_rows_deleted' => 'rows_deleted',
'Innodb_rows_inserted' => 'rows_inserted',
'Innodb_rows_read' => 'rows_read',
'Innodb_rows_updated' => 'rows_updated',
# If the SHOW STATUS value exists, override...
foreach ( $overrides as $key => $val ) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $status) ) {
debug("Override $key");
$istatus_vals[$val] = $status[$key];
# Now copy the values into $status.
foreach ( $istatus_vals as $key => $val ) {
$status[$key] = $istatus_vals[$key];
# Make table_open_cache backwards-compatible (issue 63).
if (array_key_exists('table_open_cache', $status) ) {
$status['table_cache'] = $status['table_open_cache'];
# Compute how much of the key buffer is used and unflushed (issue 127).
= big_sub($status['key_buffer_size'],
= big_multiply($status['Key_blocks_not_flushed'],
if (array_key_exists('unflushed_log', $status)
&& $status['unflushed_log']
) {
# TODO: I'm not sure what the deal is here; need to debug this. But the
# unflushed log bytes spikes a lot sometimes and it's impossible for it to
# be more than the log buffer.
debug("Unflushed log: $status[unflushed_log]");
= max($status['unflushed_log'], $status['innodb_log_buffer_size']);
# Define the variables to output. I use shortened variable names so maybe
# it'll all fit in 1024 bytes for Cactid and Spine's benefit. This list must
# come right after the word MAGIC_VARS_DEFINITIONS. The Perl script parses
# it and uses it as a Perl variable.
$keys = array(
'Key_read_requests' => 'a0',
'Key_reads' => 'a1',
'Key_write_requests' => 'a2',
'Key_writes' => 'a3',
'history_list' => 'a4',
'innodb_transactions' => 'a5',
'read_views' => 'a6',
'current_transactions' => 'a7',
'locked_transactions' => 'a8',
'active_transactions' => 'a9',
'pool_size' => 'aa',
'free_pages' => 'ab',
'database_pages' => 'ac',
'modified_pages' => 'ad',
'pages_read' => 'ae',
'pages_created' => 'af',
'pages_written' => 'ag',
'file_fsyncs' => 'ah',
'file_reads' => 'ai',
'file_writes' => 'aj',
'log_writes' => 'ak',
'pending_aio_log_ios' => 'al',
'pending_aio_sync_ios' => 'am',
'pending_buf_pool_flushes' => 'an',
'pending_chkp_writes' => 'ao',
'pending_ibuf_aio_reads' => 'ap',
'pending_log_flushes' => 'aq',
'pending_log_writes' => 'ar',
'pending_normal_aio_reads' => 'as',
'pending_normal_aio_writes' => 'at',
'ibuf_inserts' => 'au',
'ibuf_merged' => 'av',
'ibuf_merges' => 'aw',
'spin_waits' => 'ax',
'spin_rounds' => 'ay',
'os_waits' => 'az',
'rows_inserted' => 'b0',
'rows_updated' => 'b1',
'rows_deleted' => 'b2',
'rows_read' => 'b3',
'Table_locks_waited' => 'b4',
'Table_locks_immediate' => 'b5',
'Slow_queries' => 'b6',
'Open_files' => 'b7',
'Open_tables' => 'b8',
'Opened_tables' => 'b9',
'innodb_open_files' => 'ba',
'open_files_limit' => 'bb',
'table_cache' => 'bc',
'Aborted_clients' => 'bd',
'Aborted_connects' => 'be',
'Max_used_connections' => 'bf',
'Slow_launch_threads' => 'bg',
'Threads_cached' => 'bh',
'Threads_connected' => 'bi',
'Threads_created' => 'bj',
'Threads_running' => 'bk',
'max_connections' => 'bl',
'thread_cache_size' => 'bm',
'Connections' => 'bn',
'slave_running' => 'bo',
'slave_stopped' => 'bp',
'Slave_retried_transactions' => 'bq',
'slave_lag' => 'br',
'Slave_open_temp_tables' => 'bs',
'Qcache_free_blocks' => 'bt',
'Qcache_free_memory' => 'bu',
'Qcache_hits' => 'bv',
'Qcache_inserts' => 'bw',
'Qcache_lowmem_prunes' => 'bx',
'Qcache_not_cached' => 'by',
'Qcache_queries_in_cache' => 'bz',
'Qcache_total_blocks' => 'c0',
'query_cache_size' => 'c1',
'Questions' => 'c2',
'Com_update' => 'c3',
'Com_insert' => 'c4',
'Com_select' => 'c5',
'Com_delete' => 'c6',
'Com_replace' => 'c7',
'Com_load' => 'c8',
'Com_update_multi' => 'c9',
'Com_insert_select' => 'ca',
'Com_delete_multi' => 'cb',
'Com_replace_select' => 'cc',
'Select_full_join' => 'cd',
'Select_full_range_join' => 'ce',
'Select_range' => 'cf',
'Select_range_check' => 'cg',
'Select_scan' => 'ch',
'Sort_merge_passes' => 'ci',
'Sort_range' => 'cj',
'Sort_rows' => 'ck',
'Sort_scan' => 'cl',
'Created_tmp_tables' => 'cm',
'Created_tmp_disk_tables' => 'cn',
'Created_tmp_files' => 'co',
'Bytes_sent' => 'cp',
'Bytes_received' => 'cq',
'innodb_log_buffer_size' => 'cr',
'unflushed_log' => 'cs',
'log_bytes_flushed' => 'ct',
'log_bytes_written' => 'cu',
'relay_log_space' => 'cv',
'binlog_cache_size' => 'cw',
'Binlog_cache_disk_use' => 'cx',
'Binlog_cache_use' => 'cy',
'binary_log_space' => 'cz',
'innodb_locked_tables' => 'd0',
'innodb_lock_structs' => 'd1',
'State_closing_tables' => 'd2',
'State_copying_to_tmp_table' => 'd3',
'State_end' => 'd4',
'State_freeing_items' => 'd5',
'State_init' => 'd6',
'State_locked' => 'd7',
'State_login' => 'd8',
'State_preparing' => 'd9',
'State_reading_from_net' => 'da',
'State_sending_data' => 'db',
'State_sorting_result' => 'dc',
'State_statistics' => 'dd',
'State_updating' => 'de',
'State_writing_to_net' => 'df',
'State_none' => 'dg',
'State_other' => 'dh',
'Handler_commit' => 'di',
'Handler_delete' => 'dj',
'Handler_discover' => 'dk',
'Handler_prepare' => 'dl',
'Handler_read_first' => 'dm',
'Handler_read_key' => 'dn',
'Handler_read_next' => 'do',
'Handler_read_prev' => 'dp',
'Handler_read_rnd' => 'dq',
'Handler_read_rnd_next' => 'dr',
'Handler_rollback' => 'ds',
'Handler_savepoint' => 'dt',
'Handler_savepoint_rollback' => 'du',
'Handler_update' => 'dv',
'Handler_write' => 'dw',
# Some InnoDB stats added later...
'innodb_tables_in_use' => 'dx',
'innodb_lock_wait_secs' => 'dy',
'hash_index_cells_total' => 'dz',
'hash_index_cells_used' => 'e0',
'total_mem_alloc' => 'e1',
'additional_pool_alloc' => 'e2',
'uncheckpointed_bytes' => 'e3',
'ibuf_used_cells' => 'e4',
'ibuf_free_cells' => 'e5',
'ibuf_cell_count' => 'e6',
'adaptive_hash_memory' => 'e7',
'page_hash_memory' => 'e8',
'dictionary_cache_memory' => 'e9',
'file_system_memory' => 'ea',
'lock_system_memory' => 'eb',
'recovery_system_memory' => 'ec',
'thread_hash_memory' => 'ed',
'innodb_sem_waits' => 'ee',
'innodb_sem_wait_time_ms' => 'ef',
'Key_buf_bytes_unflushed' => 'eg',
'Key_buf_bytes_used' => 'eh',
'key_buffer_size' => 'ei',
'Innodb_row_lock_time' => 'ej',
'Innodb_row_lock_waits' => 'ek',
# Return the output.
$output = array();
foreach ($keys as $key => $short ) {
# If the value isn't defined, return -1 which is lower than (most graphs')
# minimum value of 0, so it'll be regarded as a missing value.
$val = isset($status[$key]) ? $status[$key] : -1;
$output[] = "$short:$val";
$result = implode(' ', $output);
if ($fp ) {
if (fwrite($fp, $result) === FALSE ) {
die("Can't write '$cache_file'");
return $result;
# ============================================================================
# Given INNODB STATUS text, returns a key-value array of the parsed text. Each
# line shows a sample of the input for both standard InnoDB as you would find in
# MySQL 5.0, and XtraDB or enhanced InnoDB from Percona if applicable. Note
# that extra leading spaces are ignored due to trim().
# ============================================================================
function get_innodb_array($text) {
$results = array(
'spin_waits' => array(),
'spin_rounds' => array(),
'os_waits' => array(),
'pending_normal_aio_reads' => null,
'pending_normal_aio_writes' => null,
'pending_ibuf_aio_reads' => null,
'pending_aio_log_ios' => null,
'pending_aio_sync_ios' => null,
'pending_log_flushes' => null,
'pending_buf_pool_flushes' => null,
'file_reads' => null,
'file_writes' => null,
'file_fsyncs' => null,
'ibuf_inserts' => null,
'ibuf_merged' => null,
'ibuf_merges' => null,
'log_bytes_written' => null,
'unflushed_log' => null,
'log_bytes_flushed' => null,
'pending_log_writes' => null,
'pending_chkp_writes' => null,
'log_writes' => null,
'pool_size' => null,
'free_pages' => null,
'database_pages' => null,
'modified_pages' => null,
'pages_read' => null,
'pages_created' => null,
'pages_written' => null,
'queries_inside' => null,
'queries_queued' => null,
'read_views' => null,
'rows_inserted' => null,
'rows_updated' => null,
'rows_deleted' => null,
'rows_read' => null,
'innodb_transactions' => null,
'unpurged_txns' => null,
'history_list' => null,
'current_transactions' => null,
'hash_index_cells_total' => null,
'hash_index_cells_used' => null,
'total_mem_alloc' => null,
'additional_pool_alloc' => null,
'last_checkpoint' => null,
'uncheckpointed_bytes' => null,
'ibuf_used_cells' => null,
'ibuf_free_cells' => null,
'ibuf_cell_count' => null,
'adaptive_hash_memory' => null,
'page_hash_memory' => null,
'dictionary_cache_memory' => null,
'file_system_memory' => null,
'lock_system_memory' => null,
'recovery_system_memory' => null,
'thread_hash_memory' => null,
'innodb_sem_waits' => null,
'innodb_sem_wait_time_ms' => null,
$txn_seen = FALSE;
foreach ( explode("\n", $text) as $line ) {
$line = trim($line);
$row = preg_split('/ +/', $line);
if (strpos($line, 'Mutex spin waits') === 0 ) {
# Mutex spin waits 79626940, rounds 157459864, OS waits 698719
# Mutex spin waits 0, rounds 247280272495, OS waits 316513438
$results['spin_waits'][] = to_int($row[3]);
$results['spin_rounds'][] = to_int($row[5]);
$results['os_waits'][] = to_int($row[8]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'RW-shared spins') === 0 ) {
# RW-shared spins 3859028, OS waits 2100750; RW-excl spins 4641946, OS waits 1530310
$results['spin_waits'][] = to_int($row[2]);
$results['spin_waits'][] = to_int($row[8]);
$results['os_waits'][] = to_int($row[5]);
$results['os_waits'][] = to_int($row[11]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'seconds the semaphore:') > 0) {
# --Thread 907205 has waited at handler/ line 7156 for 1.00 seconds the semaphore:
increment($results, 'innodb_sem_waits', 1);
'innodb_sem_wait_time_ms', to_int($row[9]) * 1000);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Trx id counter') === 0 ) {
# The beginning of the TRANSACTIONS section: start counting
# transactions
# Trx id counter 0 1170664159
# Trx id counter 861B144C
$results['innodb_transactions'] = make_bigint($row[3], $row[4]);
$txn_seen = TRUE;
elseif (strpos($line, 'Purge done for trx') === 0 ) {
# Purge done for trx's n:o < 0 1170663853 undo n:o < 0 0
# Purge done for trx's n:o < 861B135D undo n:o < 0
$purged_to = make_bigint($row[6], $row[7] == 'undo' ? null : $row[7]);
= big_sub($results['innodb_transactions'], $purged_to);
elseif (strpos($line, 'History list length') === 0 ) {
# History list length 132
$results['history_list'] = to_int($row[3]);
elseif ($txn_seen && strpos($line, '---TRANSACTION') === 0 ) {
# ---TRANSACTION 0, not started, process no 13510, OS thread id 1170446656
increment($results, 'current_transactions', 1);
if (strpos($line, 'ACTIVE') > 0 ) {
increment($results, 'active_transactions', 1);
elseif ($txn_seen && strpos($line, '------- TRX HAS BEEN') === 0 ) {
increment($results, 'innodb_lock_wait_secs', to_int($row[5]));
elseif (strpos($line, 'read views open inside InnoDB') > 0 ) {
# 1 read views open inside InnoDB
$results['read_views'] = to_int($row[0]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'mysql tables in use') === 0 ) {
# mysql tables in use 2, locked 2
increment($results, 'innodb_tables_in_use', to_int($row[4]));
increment($results, 'innodb_locked_tables', to_int($row[6]));
elseif ($txn_seen && strpos($line, 'lock struct(s)') > 0 ) {
# 23 lock struct(s), heap size 3024, undo log entries 27
# LOCK WAIT 12 lock struct(s), heap size 3024, undo log entries 5
# LOCK WAIT 2 lock struct(s), heap size 368
if (strpos($line, 'LOCK WAIT') === 0 ) {
increment($results, 'innodb_lock_structs', to_int($row[2]));
increment($results, 'locked_transactions', 1);
else {
increment($results, 'innodb_lock_structs', to_int($row[0]));
elseif (strpos($line, ' OS file reads, ') > 0 ) {
# 8782182 OS file reads, 15635445 OS file writes, 947800 OS fsyncs
$results['file_reads'] = to_int($row[0]);
$results['file_writes'] = to_int($row[4]);
$results['file_fsyncs'] = to_int($row[8]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Pending normal aio reads:') === 0 ) {
# Pending normal aio reads: 0, aio writes: 0,
$results['pending_normal_aio_reads'] = to_int($row[4]);
$results['pending_normal_aio_writes'] = to_int($row[7]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'ibuf aio reads') === 0 ) {
# ibuf aio reads: 0, log i/o's: 0, sync i/o's: 0
$results['pending_ibuf_aio_reads'] = to_int($row[3]);
$results['pending_aio_log_ios'] = to_int($row[6]);
$results['pending_aio_sync_ios'] = to_int($row[9]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Pending flushes (fsync)') === 0 ) {
# Pending flushes (fsync) log: 0; buffer pool: 0
$results['pending_log_flushes'] = to_int($row[4]);
$results['pending_buf_pool_flushes'] = to_int($row[7]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Ibuf for space 0: size ') === 0 ) {
# Older InnoDB code seemed to be ready for an ibuf per tablespace. It
# had two lines in the output. Newer has just one line, see below.
# Ibuf for space 0: size 1, free list len 887, seg size 889, is not empty
# Ibuf for space 0: size 1, free list len 887, seg size 889,
$results['ibuf_used_cells'] = to_int($row[5]);
$results['ibuf_free_cells'] = to_int($row[9]);
$results['ibuf_cell_count'] = to_int($row[12]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Ibuf: size ') === 0 ) {
# Ibuf: size 1, free list len 4634, seg size 4636,
$results['ibuf_used_cells'] = to_int($row[2]);
$results['ibuf_free_cells'] = to_int($row[6]);
$results['ibuf_cell_count'] = to_int($row[9]);
elseif (strpos($line, ' merged recs, ') > 0 ) {
# 19817685 inserts, 19817684 merged recs, 3552620 merges
$results['ibuf_inserts'] = to_int($row[0]);
$results['ibuf_merged'] = to_int($row[2]);
$results['ibuf_merges'] = to_int($row[5]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Hash table size ') === 0 ) {
# In some versions of InnoDB, the used cells is omitted.
# Hash table size 4425293, used cells 4229064, ....
# Hash table size 57374437, node heap has 72964 buffer(s) <-- no used cells
$results['hash_index_cells_total'] = to_int($row[3]);
= strpos($line, 'used cells') > 0 ? to_int($row[6]) : '0';
elseif (strpos($line, " log i/o's done, ") > 0 ) {
# 3430041 log i/o's done, 17.44 log i/o's/second
# 520835887 log i/o's done, 17.28 log i/o's/second, 518724686 syncs, 2980893 checkpoints
# TODO: graph syncs and checkpoints
$results['log_writes'] = to_int($row[0]);
elseif (strpos($line, " pending log writes, ") > 0 ) {
# 0 pending log writes, 0 pending chkp writes
$results['pending_log_writes'] = to_int($row[0]);
$results['pending_chkp_writes'] = to_int($row[4]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Log sequence number") === 0 ) {
# This number is NOT printed in hex in InnoDB plugin.
# Log sequence number 13093949495856 //plugin
# Log sequence number 125 3934414864 //normal
= isset($row[4])
? make_bigint($row[3], $row[4])
: to_int($row[3]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Log flushed up to") === 0 ) {
# This number is NOT printed in hex in InnoDB plugin.
# Log flushed up to 13093948219327
# Log flushed up to 125 3934414864
= isset($row[5])
? make_bigint($row[4], $row[5])
: to_int($row[4]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Last checkpoint at") === 0 ) {
# Last checkpoint at 125 3934293461
= isset($row[4])
? make_bigint($row[3], $row[4])
: to_int($row[3]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Total memory allocated") === 0 ) {
# Total memory allocated 29642194944; in additional pool allocated 0
$results['total_mem_alloc'] = to_int($row[3]);
$results['additional_pool_alloc'] = to_int($row[8]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Adaptive hash index ') === 0 ) {
# Adaptive hash index 1538240664 (186998824 + 1351241840)
$results['adaptive_hash_memory'] = to_int($row[3]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Page hash ') === 0 ) {
# Page hash 11688584
$results['page_hash_memory'] = to_int($row[2]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Dictionary cache ') === 0 ) {
# Dictionary cache 145525560 (140250984 + 5274576)
$results['dictionary_cache_memory'] = to_int($row[2]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'File system ') === 0 ) {
# File system 313848 (82672 + 231176)
$results['file_system_memory'] = to_int($row[2]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Lock system ') === 0 ) {
# Lock system 29232616 (29219368 + 13248)
$results['lock_system_memory'] = to_int($row[2]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Recovery system ') === 0 ) {
# Recovery system 0 (0 + 0)
$results['recovery_system_memory'] = to_int($row[2]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Threads ') === 0 ) {
# Threads 409336 (406936 + 2400)
$results['thread_hash_memory'] = to_int($row[1]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'innodb_io_pattern ') === 0 ) {
# innodb_io_pattern 0 (0 + 0)
$results['innodb_io_pattern_memory'] = to_int($row[1]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Buffer pool size ") === 0 ) {
# The " " after size is necessary to avoid matching the wrong line:
# Buffer pool size 1769471
# Buffer pool size, bytes 28991012864
$results['pool_size'] = to_int($row[3]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Free buffers") === 0 ) {
# Free buffers 0
$results['free_pages'] = to_int($row[2]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Database pages") === 0 ) {
# Database pages 1696503
$results['database_pages'] = to_int($row[2]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Modified db pages") === 0 ) {
# Modified db pages 160602
$results['modified_pages'] = to_int($row[3]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Pages read ahead") === 0 ) {
# Must do this BEFORE the next test, otherwise it'll get fooled by this
# line from the new plugin (see samples/innodb-015.txt):
# Pages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.06/s
# TODO: No-op for now, see issue 134.
elseif (strpos($line, "Pages read") === 0 ) {
# Pages read 15240822, created 1770238, written 21705836
$results['pages_read'] = to_int($row[2]);
$results['pages_created'] = to_int($row[4]);
$results['pages_written'] = to_int($row[6]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Number of rows inserted') === 0 ) {
# Number of rows inserted 50678311, updated 66425915, deleted 20605903, read 454561562
$results['rows_inserted'] = to_int($row[4]);
$results['rows_updated'] = to_int($row[6]);
$results['rows_deleted'] = to_int($row[8]);
$results['rows_read'] = to_int($row[10]);
elseif (strpos($line, " queries inside InnoDB, ") > 0 ) {
# 0 queries inside InnoDB, 0 queries in queue
$results['queries_inside'] = to_int($row[0]);
$results['queries_queued'] = to_int($row[4]);
foreach ( array('spin_waits', 'spin_rounds', 'os_waits') as $key ) {
$results[$key] = to_int(array_sum($results[$key]));
= big_sub($results['log_bytes_written'], $results['log_bytes_flushed']);
= big_sub($results['log_bytes_written'], $results['last_checkpoint']);
# foreach ($results as $key => $value) {
# echo(strtolower($key).":".strtolower($value)."\n");
# }
return $results;
# ============================================================================
# Returns a bigint from two ulint or a single hex number. This is tested in
# t/mysql_stats.php and copied, without tests, to ss_get_by_ssh.php.
# ============================================================================
function make_bigint ($hi, $lo = null) {
debug(array($hi, $lo));
if (is_null($lo) ) {
# Assume it is a hex string representation.
return base_convert($hi, 16, 10);
else {
$hi = $hi ? $hi : '0'; # Handle empty-string or whatnot
$lo = $lo ? $lo : '0';
return big_add(big_multiply($hi, 4294967296), $lo);
# ============================================================================
# Extracts the numbers from a string. You can't reliably do this by casting to
# an int, because numbers that are bigger than PHP's int (varies by platform)
# will be truncated. And you can't use sprintf(%u) either, because the maximum
# value that will return on some platforms is 4022289582. So this just handles
# them as a string instead. It extracts digits until it finds a non-digit and
# quits. This is tested in t/mysql_stats.php and copied, without tests, to
# ss_get_by_ssh.php.
# ============================================================================
function to_int ( $str ) {
global $debug;
preg_match('{(\d+)}', $str, $m);
if (isset($m[1]) ) {
return $m[1];
elseif ($debug ) {
else {
return 0;
# ============================================================================
# Wrap mysql_query in error-handling, and instead of returning the result,
# return an array of arrays in the result.
# ============================================================================
function run_query($sql, $conn) {
global $debug;
$result = @mysql_query($sql, $conn);
if ($debug ) {
$error = @mysql_error($conn);
if ($error ) {
debug(array($sql, $error));
die("SQLERR $error in $sql");
$array = array();
while ( $row = @mysql_fetch_array($result) ) {
$array[] = $row;
debug(array($sql, $array));
return $array;
# ============================================================================
# Safely increments a value that might be null.
# ============================================================================
function increment(&$arr, $key, $howmuch) {
debug(array($key, $howmuch));
if (array_key_exists($key, $arr) && isset($arr[$key]) ) {
$arr[$key] = big_add($arr[$key], $howmuch);
else {
$arr[$key] = $howmuch;
# ============================================================================
# Multiply two big integers together as accurately as possible with reasonable
# effort. This is tested in t/mysql_stats.php and copied, without tests, to
# ss_get_by_ssh.php. $force is for testability.
# ============================================================================
function big_multiply ($left, $right, $force = null) {
if (function_exists("gmp_mul") && (is_null($force) || $force == 'gmp') ) {
debug(array('gmp_mul', $left, $right));
return gmp_strval( gmp_mul( $left, $right ));
elseif (function_exists("bcmul") && (is_null($force) || $force == 'bc') ) {
debug(array('bcmul', $left, $right));
return bcmul( $left, $right );
else { # Or $force == 'something else'
debug(array('sprintf', $left, $right));
return sprintf("%.0f", $left * $right);
# ============================================================================
# Subtract two big integers as accurately as possible with reasonable effort.
# This is tested in t/mysql_stats.php and copied, without tests, to
# ss_get_by_ssh.php. $force is for testability.
# ============================================================================
function big_sub ($left, $right, $force = null) {
debug(array($left, $right));
if (is_null($left) ) { $left = 0; }
if (is_null($right) ) { $right = 0; }
if (function_exists("gmp_sub") && (is_null($force) || $force == 'gmp')) {
debug(array('gmp_sub', $left, $right));
return gmp_strval( gmp_sub( $left, $right ));
elseif (function_exists("bcsub") && (is_null($force) || $force == 'bc')) {
debug(array('bcsub', $left, $right));
return bcsub( $left, $right );
else { # Or $force == 'something else'
debug(array('to_int', $left, $right));
return to_int($left - $right);
# ============================================================================
# Add two big integers together as accurately as possible with reasonable
# effort. This is tested in t/mysql_stats.php and copied, without tests, to
# ss_get_by_ssh.php. $force is for testability.
# ============================================================================
function big_add ($left, $right, $force = null) {
if (is_null($left) ) { $left = 0; }
if (is_null($right) ) { $right = 0; }
if (function_exists("gmp_add") && (is_null($force) || $force == 'gmp')) {
debug(array('gmp_add', $left, $right));
return gmp_strval( gmp_add( $left, $right ));
elseif (function_exists("bcadd") && (is_null($force) || $force == 'bc')) {
debug(array('bcadd', $left, $right));
return bcadd( $left, $right );
else { # Or $force == 'something else'
debug(array('to_int', $left, $right));
return to_int($left + $right);
# ============================================================================
# Writes to a debugging log.
# ============================================================================
function debug($val) {
global $debug_log;
if (!$debug_log ) {
if ($fp = fopen($debug_log, 'a+') ) {
$trace = debug_backtrace();
$calls = array();
$i = 0;
$line = 0;
$file = '';
foreach ( debug_backtrace() as $arr ) {
if ($i++ ) {
$calls[] = "$arr[function]() at $file:$line";
$line = array_key_exists('line', $arr) ? $arr['line'] : '?';
$file = array_key_exists('file', $arr) ? $arr['file'] : '?';
if (!count($calls) ) {
$calls[] = "at $file:$line";
fwrite($fp, date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . ' ' . implode(' <- ', $calls));
fwrite($fp, "\n" . var_export($val, TRUE) . "\n");
else { # Disable logging
print("Warning: disabling debug logging to $debug_log\n");
$debug_log = FALSE;