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synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
This eliminates nearly all of the user-facing references to Observium, including in the names of temporary files and in the metadata of PDFs. Many of these may not be used any more, but I've adjusted them anyway. These changes should also make it easier to change the branding later if it is needed. There are a few references of which I still don't understand the significance, so I've left them as-is for now. The Unix agent in particular is rather untidy.
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188 lines
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# Daemon used to watch the maillog messages for certain messages and trigger events when
# certain messages occur
# By Jason Warnes
# Change Log
# ~~~~~~~~~~
# 2006-08-22: Initial release
# 2006-09-05: Fixed signal handling
# Added /var/run/watchmaillog.pid file for logrotate usage
# 2006-09-07: Added proper signal handling (Thanks pvenezia!)
# Added SpamAssassin spamd checking support for SPAM (Thanks raiten!)
# 2006-09-18: Added new item mess_waiting, which is the number of messages MailScanner
# detects when a new batch is started.
# 2006-11-02: Changed the way SPAM messages were detected so the script works
# on servers configured for less verbose logging. (Thanks sdetroch!)
# 2006-11-08: Added new item mess_rejected, which is the number of rejected
# messages by Sendmail.
# 2007-02-06: Fixed <MAILLOG> close statement at end of main program. (Thanks Avenger!)
# Fixed warning messages about uninitialized $line used in pattern
# matching (Thanks Avenger!)
# 2007-05-04: Properly closed the maillog file on SIGHUP received. (Thansks thomasch!)
$debug=0; # 1=Debug messages are displayed, 0=No debug messages are displayed
$daemon=1; # 1=Daemonize the program, 0=Run interactive
$syslog=1; # 1=Log stuff to syslog, 0=No logging to syslog
$self="/opt/librenms/scripts/watchmaillog/watchmaillog.sh"; # Location of this script
$counterfile="/opt/librenms/scripts/watchmaillog/watchmaillog_counters"; # Location to store the counter file
$resetfile="/opt/librenms/scripts/watchmaillog/watchmaillog_reset"; # Location of the reset counter flag file
$pidfile="/var/run/watchmaillog.pid"; # Location of the running process ID file (used in logrotate)
use Sys::Syslog;
use POSIX;
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval );
my $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new();
my $hupaction = POSIX::SigAction->new('hup_signal_handler',
my $osigaction = POSIX::SigAction->new('signal_handler',
POSIX::sigaction(&POSIX::SIGHUP, $hupaction);
POSIX::sigaction(&POSIX::SIGINT, $osigaction);
POSIX::sigaction(&POSIX::SIGTERM, $osigaction);
if($pid) {
open(PID,">".$pidfile) or die "Cannot open PID file: $!.";
print PID ("$pid\n"); # Write the PID out to the PID file for logrotate
exit if $pid;
die "Couldn't fork : $!" unless defined($pid);
setsid() or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
sub signal_handler {
sub hup_signal_handler {
if($debug){print "got SIGHUP\n";}
exec($self) or die "Couldn't restart: $!\n";
if($debug){print("watchmaillog is starting.\n");}
# Main part of the program
open(MAILLOG, "tail -n 0 -f /var/log/maillog|") or die "Cannot open maillog: $!.";
my $line="";
while(!$time_to_die && ( $line = <MAILLOG> )){
# $line=<MAILLOG>;
# Look for received messages where the sender is not from our domain(s)
if(($line=~/from\=/) && ($line!~/\@domain1.com|\@domain2.com/)){
if($debug){print("Found an inbound message, incrementing the message recieve counter to $counter{$item}.\n");}
# Look for messages sent to our domain(s), indicates an inbound message relayed to an internal server
if(($line=~/stat\=Sent/) && ($line=~/\@domain1.com|\@domain2.com/)){
if($debug){print("Found an clean inbound message, incrementing the clean message recieve counter to $counter{$item}.\n");}
# Look for sent messages to NOT our email domain(s), indicates an outbound message
if(($line=~/stat\=Sent/) && ($line!~/\@domain1.comd|\@domain2.com/)){
if($debug){print("Found an outbound message, incrementing the message sent counter to $counter{$item}.\n");}
# Look for rejected messages
if((($line=~/ruleset/) && ($line=~/reject\=/)) || ($line =~/rejecting/)){
if($debug){print("Found a rejected message, incrementing the message rejected counter to $counter{$item}.\n");}
# Look for MailScanner spam scanning batch results
if($line=~/Spam\ Checks\:\ Found/){
$spam_count_pos = index($line,"Spam\ Checks\:\ Found");
$spam_count_pos2 = index($line, "\ spam\ messages");
$spam_count = substr($line,($spam_count_pos+19),($spam_count_pos2-($spam_count_pos+19)));
if($debug){print("Found $spam_count SPAM in the MailScanner batch, incrementing the spam counter to $counter{$item}.\n");}
# Look for MainScanner virus scanning batch results
if($line=~/Virus\ Scanning\:\ Found/){
$virus_count_pos = index($line,"Virus\ Scanning\:\ Found");
$virus_count_pos2 = index($line, "\ viruses");
$virus_count = substr($line,($virus_count_pos+22),($virus_count_pos2-($virus_count_pos+22)));
if($debug){print("Found $virus_count viruses in the MailScanner batch, incrementing the virus counter to $counter{$item}.\n");}
# Look for MailScanner waiting messages
if($line=~/New\ Batch\:\ Found/){
$mess_waiting_pos = index($line,"New\ Batch\:\ Found");
$mess_waiting_pos2 = index($line,"\ messages\ waiting");
$mess_waiting = substr($line,($mess_waiting_pos+17),($mess_waiting_pos2-($mess_waiting_pos+17)));
if($debug){print("Mailscanner found $mess_waiting messages waiting, setting the mess_waiting counter to $counter{$item}.\n");}
if($debug){print("watchmaillog is ending.\n");}
# Subroutine to read the contents of the counter file
sub readcounterfile {
# Read the counter values from the file
if($debug){print("Reading contents of counter file.\n");}
chop($line[1]); # Drop the trailing LF off the value
# Check for reset counter flag file
if(-e $resetfile."_".$line[0]){
if($debug){print("Reset counter flag file found for counter $line[0], resetting counter value to 0.\n");}
} else {
if($debug){print("Counter $line[0] = $counter{$line[0]}.\n");}
# Subrouting to write the contents of the counter file
sub writecounterfile {
if($debug){print("Writing counter values to counter file.\n");}
# Write each counter item out to the counter file
foreach $item (sort keys(%counter)) {
print COUNTER ($item."\:".$counter{$item}."\n");