mirror of
synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
git-svn-id: http://www.observium.org/svn/observer/trunk@1496 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8
173 lines
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173 lines
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echo("<div style='margin: 10px;'>");
if($_SESSION['userlevel'] != '10') { include("includes/error-no-perm.inc.php"); } else {
if($_GET['user_id']) {
$user_data = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = '" . $_GET['user_id'] . "'"));
echo("<p><h2>" . $user_data['realname'] . "</h2><a href='?page=edituser'>Change...</a></p>");
// Perform actions if requested
if($_GET['action'] == "deldevperm") {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM devices_perms WHERE `device_id` = '" . $_GET['device_id'] . "' AND `user_id` = '" . $_GET['user_id'] . "'");
if($_GET['action'] == "adddevperm") {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO devices_perms (`device_id`, `user_id`) VALUES ('" . $_GET['device_id'] . "', '" . $_GET['user_id'] . "')");
if($_GET['action'] == "delifperm") {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM ports_perms WHERE `interface_id` = '" . $_GET['interface_id'] . "' AND `user_id` = '" . $_GET['user_id'] . "'");
if($_GET['action'] == "addifperm") {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ports_perms (`interface_id`, `user_id`) VALUES ('" . $_GET['interface_id'] . "', '" . $_GET['user_id'] . "')");
if($_GET['action'] == "delbillperm") {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM bill_perms WHERE `bill_id` = '" . $_GET['bill_id'] . "' AND `user_id` = '" . $_GET['user_id'] . "'");
if($_GET['action'] == "addbillperm") {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO bill_perms (`bill_id`, `user_id`) VALUES ('" . $_GET['bill_id'] . "', '" . $_GET['user_id'] . "')");
echo("<table width=100%><tr><td valign=top width=33%>");
// Display devices this users has access to
echo("<h3>Device Access</h3>");
// Display devices this user doesn't have access to
echo("<h4>Grant access to new device</h4>");
echo("<form method='get' action=''>
<input type='hidden' value='" . $_GET['user_id'] . "' name='user_id'>
<input type='hidden' value='edituser' name='page'>
<input type='hidden' value='adddevperm' name='action'>
<select name='device_id' class=selector>");
$device_list = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `devices` ORDER BY hostname");
while($device = mysql_fetch_array($device_list)) {
foreach($access_list as $ac) { if($ac == $device['device_id']) { $done = 1; } }
if(!$done) {
echo("<option value='" . $device['device_id'] . "'>" . $device['hostname'] . "</option>");
echo("</select> <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Add'></form>");
$device_perm_data = mysql_query("SELECT * from devices_perms as P, devices as D WHERE `user_id` = '" . $_GET['user_id'] . "' AND D.device_id = P.device_id");
while($device_perm = mysql_fetch_array($device_perm_data)) {
echo($device_perm['hostname'] . " <a href='?page=edituser&action=deldevperm&user_id=" . $_GET['user_id'] . "&device_id=" . $device_perm['device_id'] . "'><img src='images/16/cross.png' align=absmiddle border=0></a><br />");
$access_list[] = $device_perm['device_id'];
$permdone = "yes";
if(!$permdone) { echo("None Configured"); }
echo("</td><td valign=top width=33%>");
echo("<h3>Interface Access</h3>");
$interface_perm_data = mysql_query("SELECT * from ports_perms as P, ports as I, devices as D WHERE `user_id` = '" . $_GET['user_id'] .
"' AND I.interface_id = P.interface_id AND D.device_id = I.device_id");
while($interface_perm = mysql_fetch_array($interface_perm_data)) {
echo("<table><tr><td><strong>".$interface_perm['hostname']." - ".$interface_perm['ifDescr']."</strong><br />".
"" . $interface_perm['ifAlias'] . "</td><td width=50> <a href='?page=edituser&action=delifperm&user_id=" . $_GET['user_id'] .
"&interface_id=" . $interface_perm['interface_id'] . "'><img src='images/16/cross.png' align=absmiddle border=0></a></td></tr></table>");
$ipermdone = "yes";
if(!$ipermdone) { echo("None Configured"); }
// Display devices this user doesn't have access to
echo("<h4>Grant access to new interface</h4>");
echo("<form action='' method='get'>
<input type='hidden' value='" . $_GET['user_id'] . "' name='user_id'>
<input type='hidden' value='edituser' name='page'>
<input type='hidden' value='addifperm' name='action'>
<table><tr><td>Device: </td>
<td><select id='device' class='selector' name='device' onchange='getInterfaceList(this)'>
<option value=''>Select a device</option>");
$device_list = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `devices` ORDER BY hostname");
while($device = mysql_fetch_array($device_list)) {
foreach($access_list as $ac) { if($ac == $device['device_id']) { $done = 1; } }
if(!$done) { echo("<option value='" . $device['device_id'] . "'>" . $device['hostname'] . "</option>"); }
<td>Interface: </td><td><select class=selector id='interface_id' name='interface_id'>
</tr><tr></table><input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Add'></form>");
echo("</td><td valign=top width=33%>");
echo("<h3>Bill Access</h3>");
$bill_perm_data = mysql_query("SELECT * from bills AS B, bill_perms AS P WHERE P.user_id = '" . $_GET['user_id'] .
"' AND P.bill_id = B.bill_id");
while($bill_perm = mysql_fetch_array($bill_perm_data)) {
echo("<table><tr><td><strong>".$bill_perm['bill_name']."</strong></td><td width=50> <a href='?page=edituser&action=delbillperm&user_id=" .
$_GET['user_id'] . "&bill_id=" . $bill_perm['bill_id'] . "'><img src='images/16/cross.png' align=absmiddle border=0></a></td></tr></table>");
$bill_access_list[] = $bill_perm['bill_id'];
$bpermdone = "yes";
if(!$bpermdone) { echo("None Configured"); }
// Display devices this user doesn't have access to
echo("<h4>Grant access to new bill</h4>");
echo("<form method='get' action=''>
<input type='hidden' value='" . $_GET['user_id'] . "' name='user_id'>
<input type='hidden' value='edituser' name='page'>
<input type='hidden' value='addbillperm' name='action'>
<select name='bill_id' class=selector>");
$bills = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bills` ORDER BY `bill_name`");
while($bill = mysql_fetch_array($bills)) {
foreach($bill_access_list as $ac) { if($ac == $bill['bill_id']) { $done = 1; } }
if(!$done) {
echo("<option value='" . $bill['bill_id'] . "'>" . $bill['bill_name'] . "</option>");
echo("</select> <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Add'></form>");
} else {
$user_list = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users`");
echo("<h3>Select a user to edit</h3>");
echo("<form method='get' action=''>
<input type='hidden' value='edituser' name='page'>
<select name='user_id'>");
while($user_entry = mysql_fetch_array($user_list)) {
echo("<option value='" . $user_entry['user_id'] . "'>" . $user_entry['username'] . "</option>");
echo("</select><input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Select'></form>");