Tony Murray b8e9b2d917 Implement an autoloader (#4140)
* Implement an autoloader

When cleaning up classes for psr2, things got a bit unwieldy, so I implemented a class autoloader.
I created a PSR-0 compliant LibreNMS directory and moved all classes there that made sense.
Implemented LibreNMS\ClassLoader which supports adding manual class mappings

This reduces the file includes needed and only loads classes when needed.

* Add teh autoloader to graph.php

* Add a small bit of docs
Fix incomplete class in includes/discovery/
2016-08-21 14:07:14 +01:00

357 lines
14 KiB

* Component.php
* LibreNMS module to Interface with the Component System
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @package LibreNMS
* @link
* @copyright 2015 Aaron Daniels <>
* @author Aaron Daniels <>
namespace LibreNMS;
class Component {
* These fields are used in the component table. They are returned in the array
* so that they can be modified but they can not be set as user attributes. We
* also set their default values.
private $reserved = array(
'type' => '',
'label' => '',
'status' => 0,
'ignore' => 0,
'disabled' => 0,
'error' => '',
public function getComponentType($TYPE=null) {
if (is_null($TYPE)) {
$SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT `type` as `name` FROM `component` ORDER BY `name`";
$row = dbFetchRow($SQL, array());
else {
$SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT `type` as `name` FROM `component` WHERE `type` = ? ORDER BY `name`";
$row = dbFetchRow($SQL, array($TYPE));
if (!isset($row)) {
// We didn't find any component types
return false;
else {
// We found some..
return $row;
public function getComponents($device_id=null,$options=array()) {
// Define our results array, this will be set even if no rows are returned.
$RESULT = array();
$PARAM = array();
// Our base SQL Query, with no options.
$SQL = "SELECT `C`.`id`,`C`.`device_id`,`C`.`type`,`C`.`label`,`C`.`status`,`C`.`disabled`,`C`.`ignore`,`C`.`error`,`CP`.`attribute`,`CP`.`value` FROM `component` as `C` LEFT JOIN `component_prefs` as `CP` on `C`.`id`=`CP`.`component` WHERE ";
// Device_id is shorthand for filter C.device_id = $device_id.
if (!is_null($device_id)) {
$options['filter']['device_id'] = array('=', $device_id);
// Type is shorthand for filter type = $type.
if (isset($options['type'])) {
$options['filter']['type'] = array('=', $options['type']);
// filter field => array(operator,value)
// Filters results based on the field, operator and value
$COUNT = 0;
if (isset($options['filter'])) {
$validFields = array('device_id','type','id','label','status','disabled','ignore','error');
$SQL .= " ( ";
foreach ($options['filter'] as $field => $array) {
// Only add valid fields to the query
if (in_array($field,$validFields)) {
if ($array[0] == 'LIKE') {
$SQL .= "`".$field."` LIKE ? AND ";
$array[1] = "%".$array[1]."%";
else {
// Equals operator is the default
$SQL .= "`".$field."` = ? AND ";
// Strip the last " AND " before closing the bracket.
$SQL = substr($SQL,0,-5)." )";
if ($COUNT == 0) {
// Strip the " WHERE " that we didn't use.
$SQL = substr($SQL,0,-7);
// sort column direction
// Add SQL sorting to the results
if (isset($options['sort'])) {
$SQL .= " ORDER BY ".$options['sort'];
// Get our component records using our built SQL.
$COMPONENTS = dbFetchRows($SQL, $PARAM);
// if we have no components we need to return nothing
if (count($COMPONENTS) == 0) {
return $RESULT;
// Add the AVP's to the array.
if ($COMPONENT['attribute'] != "") {
// if this component has attributes, set them in the array.
$RESULT[$COMPONENT['device_id']][$COMPONENT['id']][$COMPONENT['attribute']] = $COMPONENT['value'];
// Populate our reserved fields into the Array, these cant be used as user attributes.
foreach ($this->reserved as $k => $v) {
$RESULT[$COMPONENT['device_id']][$COMPONENT['id']][$k] = $COMPONENT[$k];
// Sort each component array so the attributes are in order.
// limit array(start,count)
if (isset($options['limit'])) {
$TEMP = array();
$COUNT = 0;
// k = device_id, v = array of components for that device_id
foreach ($RESULT as $k => $v) {
// k1 = component id, v1 = component array
foreach ($v as $k1 => $v1) {
if ( ($COUNT >= $options['limit'][0]) && ($COUNT < $options['limit'][0]+$options['limit'][1])) {
$TEMP[$k][$k1] = $v1;
// We are counting components.
return $RESULT;
public function getComponentStatus($device=null) {
$sql_query = "SELECT status, count(status) as count FROM component WHERE";
$sql_param = array();
$add = 0;
if (!is_null($device)) {
// Add a device filter to the SQL query.
$sql_query .= " `device_id` = ?";
$sql_param[] = $device;
if ($add == 0) {
// No filters, remove " WHERE" -6
$sql_query = substr($sql_query, 0, strlen($sql_query)-6);
$sql_query .= " GROUP BY status";
d_echo("SQL Query: ".$sql_query);
// $service is not null, get only what we want.
$result = dbFetchRows($sql_query, $sql_param);
// Set our defaults to 0
$count = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0);
// Rebuild the array in a more convenient method
foreach ($result as $v) {
$count[$v['status']] = $v['count'];
d_echo("Component Count by Status: ".print_r($count,TRUE)."\n");
return $count;
public function getComponentStatusLog($component=null,$start=null,$end=null) {
if ( ($component == null) || ($start == null) || ($end == null) ) {
// Error...
d_echo("Required arguments are missing. Component: ".$component.", Start: ".$start.", End: ".$end."\n");
return false;
// Create our return array.
$return = array();
// 1. find the previous value, this is the value when $start occurred.
$sql_query = "SELECT status FROM component_statuslog WHERE `component` = ? AND time < ? ORDER BY `id` desc LIMIT 1";
$sql_param = array($component,$start);
$result = dbFetchRow($sql_query, $sql_param);
if ($result == false) {
$return['initial'] = false;
else {
$return['initial'] = $result['status'];
// 2. Then we just need a list of all the entries for the time period.
$sql_query = "SELECT status, time, message FROM component_statuslog WHERE `component` = ? AND time >= ? AND time < ? ORDER BY `time`";
$sql_param = array($component,$start,$end);
$return['data'] = dbFetchRows($sql_query, $sql_param);
d_echo("Status Log Data: ".print_r($return,TRUE)."\n");
return $return;
public function createComponent ($device_id,$TYPE) {
// Prepare our default values to be inserted.
$DATA = $this->reserved;
// Add the device_id and type
$DATA['device_id'] = $device_id;
$DATA['type'] = $TYPE;
// Insert a new component into the database.
$id = dbInsert($DATA, 'component');
// Add a default status log entry - we always start ok.
$this->createStatusLogEntry($id,0,'Component Created');
// Create a default component array based on what was inserted.
$ARRAY = array();
$ARRAY[$id] = $DATA;
unset ($ARRAY[$id]['device_id']); // This doesn't belong here.
return $ARRAY;
public function createStatusLogEntry($component,$status,$message) {
// Add an entry to the statuslog table for a particular component.
$DATA = array(
'component' => $component,
'status' => $status,
'message' => $message,
return dbInsert($DATA, 'component_statuslog');
public function deleteComponent ($id) {
// Delete a component from the database.
return dbDelete('component', "`id` = ?",array($id));
public function setComponentPrefs ($device_id,$ARRAY) {
// Compare the arrays. Update/Insert where necessary.
$OLD = $this->getComponents($device_id);
// Loop over each component.
foreach ($ARRAY as $COMPONENT => $AVP) {
// Make sure the component already exists.
if (!isset($OLD[$device_id][$COMPONENT])) {
// Error. Component doesn't exist in the database.
// Ignore type, we cant change that.
// If the Status has changed we need to add a log entry
if ($AVP['status'] != $OLD[$device_id][$COMPONENT]['status']) {
d_echo("Status Changed - Old: ".$OLD[$device_id][$COMPONENT]['status'].", New: ".$AVP['status']."\n");
// Process our reserved components first.
$UPDATE = array();
foreach ($this->reserved as $k => $v) {
// does the reserved field exist, if not skip.
if (isset($AVP[$k])) {
// Has the value changed?
if ($AVP[$k] != $OLD[$device_id][$COMPONENT][$k]) {
// The value has been modified, add it to our update array.
$UPDATE[$k] = $AVP[$k];
// Unset the reserved field. We don't want to insert it below.
// Has anything changed, do we need to update?
if (count($UPDATE) > 0) {
// We have data to update
dbUpdate($UPDATE, 'component', '`id` = ?', array($COMPONENT));
// Log the update to the Eventlog.
$MSG = "Component ".$COMPONENT." has been modified: ";
foreach ($UPDATE as $k => $v) {
$MSG .= $k." => ".$v.",";
$MSG = substr($MSG,0,-1);
// Process our AVP Adds and Updates
foreach ($AVP as $ATTR => $VALUE) {
// We have our AVP, lets see if we need to do anything with it.
if (!isset($OLD[$device_id][$COMPONENT][$ATTR])) {
// We have a newly added attribute, need to insert into the DB
$DATA = array('component'=>$COMPONENT, 'attribute'=>$ATTR, 'value'=>$VALUE);
dbInsert($DATA, 'component_prefs');
// Log the addition to the Eventlog.
log_event ("Component: " . $AVP[$COMPONENT]['type'] . "(" . $COMPONENT . "). Attribute: " . $ATTR . ", was added with value: " . $VALUE, $device_id, 'component', $COMPONENT);
elseif ($OLD[$device_id][$COMPONENT][$ATTR] != $VALUE) {
// Attribute exists but the value is different, need to update
$DATA = array('value'=>$VALUE);
dbUpdate($DATA, 'component_prefs', '`component` = ? AND `attribute` = ?', array($COMPONENT, $ATTR));
// Add the modification to the Eventlog.
log_event("Component: ".$AVP[$COMPONENT]['type']."(".$COMPONENT."). Attribute: ".$ATTR.", was modified from: ".$OLD[$COMPONENT][$ATTR].", to: ".$VALUE,$device_id,'component',$COMPONENT);
} // End Foreach AVP
// Process our Deletes.
$DELETE = array_diff_key($OLD[$device_id][$COMPONENT], $AVP);
foreach ($DELETE as $KEY => $VALUE) {
// As the Attribute has been removed from the array, we should remove it from the database.
dbDelete('component_prefs', "`component` = ? AND `attribute` = ?",array($COMPONENT,$KEY));
// Log the addition to the Eventlog.
log_event ("Component: " . $AVP[$COMPONENT]['type'] . "(" . $COMPONENT . "). Attribute: " . $KEY . ", was deleted.", $COMPONENT);
return true;