Eldon Koyle 996c2fa4ca Add group filtering to alerts widget
* Add filtering by device_group to alerts widget
* Allow searching by state == recovered
2016-01-21 12:51:49 -07:00

188 lines
5.6 KiB

require_once $config['install_dir'].'/includes/device-groups.inc.php';
$where = 1;
$alert_states = array(
// divined from librenms/alerts.php
'recovered' => 0,
'alerted' => 1,
'acknowledged' => 2,
'worse' => 3,
'better' => 4
$alert_severities = array(
// alert_rules.status is enum('ok','warning','critical')
'ok' => 1,
'warning' => 2,
'critical' => 3
$show_recovered = FALSE;
if (is_numeric($_POST['device_id']) && $_POST['device_id'] > 0) {
$where .= ' AND `alerts`.`device_id`='.$_POST['device_id'];
if (is_numeric($_POST['acknowledged'])) {
// I assume that if we are searching for acknowleged/not, we aren't interested in recovered
$where .= " AND `alerts`.`state`".($_POST['acknowledged'] ? "=" : "!=").$alert_states['acknowledged'];
if (is_numeric($_POST['state'])) {
$where .= " AND `alerts`.`state`=".$_POST['state'];
if ($_POST['state'] == $alert_states['recovered']) {
$show_recovered = TRUE;
if (isset($_POST['min_severity'])) {
if (is_numeric($_POST['min_severity'])) {
$min_severity_id = $_POST['min_severity'];
else if (!empty($_POST['min_severity'])) {
$min_severity_id = $alert_severities[$_POST['min_severity']];
if (isset($min_severity_id)) {
$where .= " AND `alert_rules`.`severity` >= ".$min_severity_id;
if (is_numeric($_POST['group'])) {
$group_pattern = dbFetchCell('SELECT `pattern` FROM `device_groups` WHERE id = '.$_POST['group']);
$group_pattern = rtrim($group_pattern, '&&');
$group_pattern = rtrim($group_pattern, '||');
$device_id_sql = GenGroupSQL($group_pattern);
if ($device_id_sql) {
$where .= " AND devices.device_id IN ($device_id_sql)";
if (!$show_recovered) {
$where .= " AND `alerts`.`state`!=".$alert_states['recovered'];
if (isset($searchPhrase) && !empty($searchPhrase)) {
$where .= " AND (`timestamp` LIKE '%$searchPhrase%' OR `rule` LIKE '%$searchPhrase%' OR `name` LIKE '%$searchPhrase%' OR `hostname` LIKE '%$searchPhrase%')";
$sql = ' FROM `alerts` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `alerts`.`device_id`=`devices`.`device_id`';
if (is_admin() === false && is_read() === false) {
$sql .= ' LEFT JOIN `devices_perms` AS `DP` ON `devices`.`device_id` = `DP`.`device_id`';
$where .= ' AND `DP`.`user_id`=?';
$param[] = $_SESSION['user_id'];
$sql .= " RIGHT JOIN `alert_rules` ON `alerts`.`rule_id`=`alert_rules`.`id` WHERE $where";
$count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(`alerts`.`id`) $sql";
$total = dbFetchCell($count_sql, $param);
if (empty($total)) {
$total = 0;
if (!isset($sort) || empty($sort)) {
$sort = 'timestamp DESC';
$sql .= " ORDER BY $sort";
if (isset($current)) {
$limit_low = (($current * $rowCount) - ($rowCount));
$limit_high = $rowCount;
if ($rowCount != -1) {
$sql .= " LIMIT $limit_low,$limit_high";
$sql = "SELECT `alerts`.*, `devices`.`hostname` AS `hostname`,`alert_rules`.`rule` AS `rule`, `alert_rules`.`name` AS `name`, `alert_rules`.`severity` AS `severity` $sql";
$rulei = 0;
$format = $_POST['format'];
foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, $param) as $alert) {
$log = dbFetchCell('SELECT details FROM alert_log WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id']));
$fault_detail = alert_details($log);
$ico = 'ok';
$col = 'green';
$extra = '';
$msg = '';
if ((int) $alert['state'] === 0) {
$ico = 'ok';
$col = 'green';
$extra = 'success';
$msg = 'ok';
else if ((int) $alert['state'] === 1 || (int) $alert['state'] === 3 || (int) $alert['state'] === 4) {
$ico = 'volume-up';
$col = 'red';
$extra = 'danger';
$msg = 'alert';
if ((int) $alert['state'] === 3) {
$msg = 'worse';
else if ((int) $alert['state'] === 4) {
$msg = 'better';
else if ((int) $alert['state'] === 2) {
$ico = 'volume-off';
$col = '#800080';
$extra = 'warning';
$msg = 'muted';
}//end if
$alert_checked = '';
$orig_ico = $ico;
$orig_col = $col;
$orig_class = $extra;
$severity = $alert['severity'];
if ($alert['state'] == 3) {
$severity .= ' <strong>+</strong>';
else if ($alert['state'] == 4) {
$severity .= ' <strong>-</strong>';
$ack_ico = 'volume-up';
$ack_col = 'success';
if ($alert['state'] == 2) {
$ack_ico = 'volume-off';
$ack_col = 'danger';
$hostname = '
<div class="incident">
<div id="incident'.($rulei + 1).'" class="collapse">'.$fault_detail.'</div>
$response[] = array(
'id' => $rulei++,
'rule' => '<i title="'.htmlentities($alert['rule']).'"><a href="'.generate_url(array('page'=>'alert-rules')).'">'.htmlentities($alert['name']).'</a></i>',
'details' => '<a class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus incident-toggle" style="display:none" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#incident'.($rulei).'" data-parent="#alerts"></a>',
'hostname' => $hostname,
'timestamp' => ($alert['timestamp'] ? $alert['timestamp'] : 'N/A'),
'severity' => $severity,
'ack_col' => $ack_col,
'state' => $alert['state'],
'alert_id' => $alert['id'],
'ack_ico' => $ack_ico,
'extra' => $extra,
'msg' => $msg,
}//end foreach
$output = array(
'current' => $current,
'rowCount' => $rowCount,
'rows' => $response,
'total' => $total,
echo _json_encode($output);