Tony Murray c5b63bde86 New Blade Components: x-device-link, x-port-link, x-graph-row, x-popup (#13197)
* working popover

* popup component

* cleanup

* finalize device-link component

* attributes WIP

* working graph component

* widgets WIP

* More dynamic configs

* Graph row component

* Build CSS so we can use a dark theme

* graph row set columns

* only one popup visible at a time.

* Just set graph row width statically

* responsive WIP

* rsponsive option for graph-row "working"

* remove @deviceLink and @portLink

* fix non-responsive graph row

* update js/css

* fix style

* bad type?

* types

* types

* types #3

* remove testing code

* full rebel, no closing tags for meta and link

* match previous formatting

* fix vlans display

* restore newline

* remove silly comment

* remove unused line

* style I guess
2021-09-10 08:07:08 -05:00

45 lines
1.3 KiB

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