tgregory86 394d66a3f0 Typo in Spelling prevented new services from being added. (#10420)
When attempting to add a new services this was showing up in the logs:
[2019-07-07 09:44:53] production.ERROR: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'servcie_disabled' in 'field list' (SQL: INSERT IGNORE INTO `services` (`device_id`,`service_ip`,`service_type`,`service_changed`,`service_desc`,`service_param`,`service_ignore`,`service_status`,`service_message`,`service_ds`,`servcie_disabled`)

No error was presented in the gui, it said the service was added but in fact it was not and when you went back to the list of all services the one you tried to add was not present.
2019-07-07 17:53:15 +02:00

335 lines
12 KiB

use LibreNMS\Config;
use LibreNMS\RRD\RrdDefinition;
function get_service_status($device = null)
$sql_query = "SELECT service_status, count(service_status) as count FROM services WHERE";
$sql_param = array();
$add = 0;
if (!is_null($device)) {
// Add a device filter to the SQL query.
$sql_query .= " `device_id` = ?";
$sql_param[] = $device;
if ($add == 0) {
// No filters, remove " WHERE" -6
$sql_query = substr($sql_query, 0, strlen($sql_query)-6);
$sql_query .= " GROUP BY service_status";
// $service is not null, get only what we want.
$result = dbFetchRows($sql_query, $sql_param);
// Set our defaults to 0
$service_count = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0);
// Rebuild the array in a more convenient method
foreach ($result as $v) {
$service_count[$v['service_status']] = $v['count'];
return $service_count;
function add_service($device, $type, $desc, $ip = 'localhost', $param = "", $ignore = 0, $disabled = 0)
if (!is_array($device)) {
$device = device_by_id_cache($device);
if (empty($ip)) {
$ip = $device['hostname'];
$insert = array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'service_ip' => $ip, 'service_type' => $type, 'service_changed' => array('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())'), 'service_desc' => $desc, 'service_param' => $param, 'service_ignore' => $ignore, 'service_status' => 3, 'service_message' => 'Service not yet checked', 'service_ds' => '{}', 'service_disabled' => $disabled);
return dbInsert($insert, 'services');
function service_get($device = null, $service = null)
$sql_query = "SELECT `service_id`,`device_id`,`service_ip`,`service_type`,`service_desc`,`service_param`,`service_ignore`,`service_status`,`service_changed`,`service_message`,`service_disabled`,`service_ds` FROM `services` WHERE";
$sql_param = array();
$add = 0;
d_echo("SQL Query: ".$sql_query);
if (!is_null($service)) {
// Add a service filter to the SQL query.
$sql_query .= " `service_id` = ? AND";
$sql_param[] = $service;
if (!is_null($device)) {
// Add a device filter to the SQL query.
$sql_query .= " `device_id` = ? AND";
$sql_param[] = $device;
if ($add == 0) {
// No filters, remove " WHERE" -6
$sql_query = substr($sql_query, 0, strlen($sql_query)-6);
} else {
// We have filters, remove " AND" -4
$sql_query = substr($sql_query, 0, strlen($sql_query)-4);
d_echo("SQL Query: ".$sql_query);
// $service is not null, get only what we want.
$services = dbFetchRows($sql_query, $sql_param);
d_echo("Service Array: ".print_r($services, true)."\n");
return $services;
function edit_service($update = array(), $service = null)
if (!is_numeric($service)) {
return false;
return dbUpdate($update, 'services', '`service_id`=?', array($service));
function delete_service($service = null)
if (!is_numeric($service)) {
return false;
return dbDelete('services', '`service_id` = ?', array($service));
function discover_service($device, $service)
if (! dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(service_id) FROM `services` WHERE `service_type`= ? AND `device_id` = ?', array($service, $device['device_id']))) {
add_service($device, $service, "(Auto discovered) $service");
log_event('Autodiscovered service: type ' . mres($service), $device, 'service', 2);
echo '+';
echo "$service ";
function poll_service($service)
$update = array();
$old_status = $service['service_status'];
$check_cmd = "";
// if we have a script for this check, use it.
$check_script = Config::get('install_dir') . '/includes/services/check_' . strtolower($service['service_type']) . '.inc.php';
if (is_file($check_script)) {
include $check_script;
// If we do not have a cmd from the check script, build one.
if ($check_cmd == "") {
$check_cmd = Config::get('nagios_plugins') . "/check_" . $service['service_type'] . " -H " . ($service['service_ip'] ? $service['service_ip'] : $service['hostname']);
$check_cmd .= " " . $service['service_param'];
$service_id = $service['service_id'];
// Some debugging
d_echo("\nNagios Service - $service_id\n");
// the check_service function runs $check_cmd through escapeshellcmd, so
list($new_status, $msg, $perf) = check_service($check_cmd);
d_echo("Response: $msg\n");
// If we have performance data we will store it.
if (count($perf) > 0) {
// Yes, We have perf data.
$rrd_name = array('services', $service_id);
// Set the DS in the DB if it is blank.
$DS = array();
foreach ($perf as $k => $v) {
$DS[$k] = $v['uom'];
d_echo("Service DS: "._json_encode($DS)."\n");
if (($service['service_ds'] == "{}") || ($service['service_ds'] == "")) {
$update['service_ds'] = json_encode($DS);
// rrd definition
$rrd_def = new RrdDefinition();
foreach ($perf as $k => $v) {
if (($v['uom'] == 'c') && !(preg_match('/[Uu]ptime/', $k))) {
// This is a counter, create the DS as such
$rrd_def->addDataset($k, 'COUNTER', 0);
} else {
// Not a counter, must be a gauge
$rrd_def->addDataset($k, 'GAUGE', 0);
// Update data
$fields = array();
foreach ($perf as $k => $v) {
$fields[$k] = $v['value'];
$tags = compact('service_id', 'rrd_name', 'rrd_def');
//TODO not sure if we have $device at this point, if we do replace faked $device
data_update(array('hostname' => $service['hostname']), 'services', $tags, $fields);
if ($old_status != $new_status) {
// Status has changed, update.
$update['service_changed'] = time();
$update['service_status'] = $new_status;
$update['service_message'] = $msg;
// TODO: Put the 3 lines below in a function getStatus(int) ?
$status_text = array(0 => 'OK', 1 => 'Warning', 3 => 'Unknown');
$old_status_text = isset($status_text[$old_status]) ? $status_text[$old_status] : 'Critical';
$new_status_text = isset($status_text[$new_status]) ? $status_text[$new_status] : 'Critical';
"Service '{$service['service_type']}' changed status from $old_status_text to $new_status_text - {$service['service_desc']} - $msg",
if ($service['service_message'] != $msg) {
// Message has changed, update.
$update['service_message'] = $msg;
if (count($update) > 0) {
edit_service($update, $service['service_id']);
return true;
function check_service($command)
// This array is used to test for valid UOM's to be used for graphing.
// Valid values from:
// Note: This array must be decend from 2 char to 1 char so that the search works correctly.
$valid_uom = array ('us', 'ms', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'c', 's', '%', 'B');
// Make our command safe.
$parts = preg_split('~(?:\'[^\']*\'|"[^"]*")(*SKIP)(*F)|\h+~', trim($command));
$safe_command = implode(' ', array_map(function ($part) {
$trimmed = preg_replace('/^(\'(.*)\'|"(.*)")$/', '$2$3', $part);
return escapeshellarg($trimmed);
}, $parts));
d_echo("Request: $safe_command\n");
// Run the command and return its response.
exec('LC_NUMERIC="C" ' . $safe_command, $response_array, $status);
// exec returns an array, lets implode it back to a string.
$response_string = implode("\n", $response_array);
// Split out the response and the performance data.
list($response, $perf) = explode("|", $response_string);
// Split each performance metric
$perf_arr = explode(' ', $perf);
// Create an array for our metrics.
$metrics = array();
// Loop through the perf string extracting our metric data
foreach ($perf_arr as $string) {
// Separate the DS and value: DS=value
list ($ds,$values) = explode('=', trim($string));
// Keep the first value, discard the others.
list($value,,,) = explode(';', trim($values));
$value = trim($value);
// Set an empty uom
$uom = '';
// is the UOM valid -
foreach ($valid_uom as $v) {
if ((strlen($value)-strlen($v)) === strpos($value, $v)) {
// Yes, store and strip it off the value
$uom = $v;
$value = substr($value, 0, -strlen($v));
if ($ds != "") {
// Normalize ds for rrd : ds-name must be 1 to 19 characters long in the characters [a-zA-Z0-9_]
$normalized_ds = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', $ds);
// if ds_name is longer than 19 characters, only use the first 19
if (strlen($normalized_ds) > 19) {
$normalized_ds = substr($normalized_ds, 0, 19);
d_echo($ds . " exceeded 19 characters, renaming to " . $normalized_ds . "\n");
if ($ds != $normalized_ds) {
// ds has changed. check if normalized_ds is already in the array
if (isset($metrics[$normalized_ds])) {
d_echo($normalized_ds . " collides with an existing index\n");
$perf_unique = 0;
// Try to generate a unique name
for ($i = 0; $i<10; $i++) {
$tmp_ds_name = substr($normalized_ds, 0, 18) . $i;
if (!isset($metrics[$tmp_ds_name])) {
d_echo($normalized_ds . " collides with an existing index\n");
$normalized_ds = $tmp_ds_name;
$perf_unique = 1;
break 1;
if ($perf_unique == 0) {
// Try harder to generate a unique name
for ($i = 0; $i<10; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j<10; $j++) {
$tmp_ds_name = substr($normalized_ds, 0, 17) . $j . $i;
if (!isset($perf[$tmp_ds_name])) {
$normalized_ds = $tmp_ds_name;
$perf_unique = 1;
break 2;
if ($perf_unique == 0) {
d_echo("could not generate a unique ds-name for " . $ds . "\n");
$ds = $normalized_ds ;
// We have a DS. Add an entry to the array.
d_echo("Perf Data - DS: ".$ds.", Value: ".$value.", UOM: ".$uom."\n");
$metrics[$ds] = array ('value'=>$value, 'uom'=>$uom);
} else {
// No DS. Don't add an entry to the array.
d_echo("Perf Data - None.\n");
return array ($status, $response, $metrics);
* List all available services from nagios plugins directory
* @return array
function list_available_services()
$services = array();
foreach (scandir(Config::get('nagios_plugins')) as $file) {
if (substr($file, 0, 6) === 'check_') {
$services[] = substr($file, 6);
return $services;