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synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
Remove overwrite IP when adding devices, it is very rare this should be used and the setting is misleading.
242 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable File
242 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env php
* LibreNMS
* This file is part of LibreNMS.
* @package LibreNMS
* @subpackage cli
* @copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Adam Armstrong
use LibreNMS\Config;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\HostUnreachableException;
$init_modules = array();
require __DIR__ . '/includes/init.php';
$options = getopt('Pbg:p:f::');
if (isset($options['g']) && $options['g'] >= 0) {
$cmd = array_shift($argv);
array_unshift($argv, $cmd);
$poller_group = $options['g'];
} elseif (Config::get('distributed_poller') === true) {
$poller_group = Config::get('distributed_poller_group');
} else {
$poller_group = 0;
if (isset($options['f']) && $options['f'] == 0) {
$cmd = array_shift($argv);
array_unshift($argv, $cmd);
$force_add = true;
} else {
$force_add = false;
$port_assoc_mode = Config::get('default_port_association_mode');
$valid_assoc_modes = get_port_assoc_modes();
if (isset($options['p'])) {
$port_assoc_mode = $options['p'];
if (! in_array($port_assoc_mode, $valid_assoc_modes)) {
echo "Invalid port association mode '" . $port_assoc_mode . "'\n";
echo 'Valid modes: ' . join(', ', $valid_assoc_modes) . "\n";
$cmd = array_shift($argv);
array_unshift($argv, $cmd);
if (isset($options['P'])) {
$cmd = array_shift($argv);
array_unshift($argv, $cmd);
if (isset($options['b'])) {
$cmd = array_shift($argv);
array_unshift($argv, $cmd);
$transports_regex = implode('|', Config::get('snmp.transports'));
if (!empty($argv[1])) {
$host = strtolower($argv[1]);
$community = $argv[2];
$snmpver = strtolower($argv[3]);
$port = 161;
$transport = 'udp';
$additional = array();
if (isset($options['b'])) {
$additional = array(
'ping_fallback' => 1,
if (isset($options['P'])) {
$community = '';
$snmpver = 'v2c';
$additional = array(
'snmp_disable' => 1,
'os' => $argv[2] ? mres($argv[2]) : "ping",
'hardware' => $argv[3] ? mres($argv[3]) : '',
} elseif ($snmpver === 'v3') {
$seclevel = $community;
// These values are the same as in defaults.inc.php
$v3 = array(
'authlevel' => 'noAuthNoPriv',
'authname' => 'root',
'authpass' => '',
'authalgo' => 'MD5',
'cryptopass' => '',
'cryptoalgo' => 'AES',
// v3
if ($seclevel === 'nanp' or $seclevel === 'any' or $seclevel === 'noAuthNoPriv') {
$v3['authlevel'] = 'noAuthNoPriv';
$v3args = array_slice($argv, 4);
while ($arg = array_shift($v3args)) {
// parse all remaining args
if (is_numeric($arg)) {
$port = $arg;
} elseif (preg_match('/^(' . $transports_regex . ')$/', $arg)) {
$transport = $arg;
} else {
// should add a sanity check of chars allowed in user
$user = $arg;
if ($seclevel === 'nanp') {
$v3_config = Config::get('snmp.v3');
array_unshift($v3_config, $v3);
Config::set('snmp.v3', $v3_config);
} elseif ($seclevel === 'anp' or $seclevel === 'authNoPriv') {
$v3['authlevel'] = 'authNoPriv';
$v3args = array_slice($argv, 4);
$v3['authname'] = array_shift($v3args);
$v3['authpass'] = array_shift($v3args);
while ($arg = array_shift($v3args)) {
// parse all remaining args
if (is_numeric($arg)) {
$port = $arg;
} elseif (preg_match('/^(' . $transports_regex . ')$/i', $arg)) {
$transport = $arg;
} elseif (preg_match('/^(sha|md5)$/i', $arg)) {
$v3['authalgo'] = $arg;
} else {
echo 'Invalid argument: '.$arg."\n";
$v3_config = Config::get('snmp.v3');
array_unshift($v3_config, $v3);
Config::set('snmp.v3', $v3_config);
} elseif ($seclevel === 'ap' or $seclevel === 'authPriv') {
$v3['authlevel'] = 'authPriv';
$v3args = array_slice($argv, 4);
$v3['authname'] = array_shift($v3args);
$v3['authpass'] = array_shift($v3args);
$v3['cryptopass'] = array_shift($v3args);
while ($arg = array_shift($v3args)) {
// parse all remaining args
if (is_numeric($arg)) {
$port = $arg;
} elseif (preg_match('/^(' . $transports_regex . ')$/i', $arg)) {
$transport = $arg;
} elseif (preg_match('/^(sha|md5)$/i', $arg)) {
$v3['authalgo'] = $arg;
} elseif (preg_match('/^(aes|des)$/i', $arg)) {
$v3['cryptoalgo'] = $arg;
} else {
echo 'Invalid argument: '.$arg."\n";
}//end while
$v3_config = Config::get('snmp.v3');
array_unshift($v3_config, $v3);
Config::set('snmp.v3', $v3_config);
} else {
// v2c or v1
$v2args = array_slice($argv, 2);
while ($arg = array_shift($v2args)) {
// parse all remaining args
if (is_numeric($arg)) {
$port = $arg;
} elseif (preg_match('/(' . $transports_regex . ')/i', $arg)) {
$transport = $arg;
} elseif (preg_match('/^(v1|v2c)$/i', $arg)) {
$snmpver = $arg;
if ($community) {
$comm_config = Config::get('snmp.community');
array_unshift($comm_config, $community);
Config::set('snmp.community', $comm_config);
}//end if
try {
$device_id = addHost($host, $snmpver, $port, $transport, $poller_group, $force_add, $port_assoc_mode, $additional);
$device = device_by_id_cache($device_id);
echo "Added device {$device['hostname']} ($device_id)\n";
} catch (HostUnreachableException $e) {
foreach ($e->getReasons() as $reason) {
echo " $reason\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
} else {
"\n". Config::get('project_name').' Add Host Tool
Usage (SNMPv1/2c) : ./addhost.php [-g <poller group>] [-f] [-b] [-p <port assoc mode>] <%Whostname or IP%n> [community] [v1|v2c] [port] [' . $transports_regex . ']
Usage (SNMPv3) :
Config Defaults : ./addhost.php [-g <poller group>] [-f] [-b] [-p <port assoc mode>] <%Whostname or IP%n> any v3 [user] [port] [' . $transports_regex . ']
No Auth, No Priv : ./addhost.php [-g <poller group>] [-f] [-b] [-p <port assoc mode>] <%Whostname or IP%n> nanp v3 [user] [port] [' . $transports_regex . ']
Auth, No Priv : ./addhost.php [-g <poller group>] [-f] [-b] [-p <port assoc mode>] <%Whostname or IP%n> anp v3 <user> <password> [md5|sha] [port] [' . $transports_regex . ']
Auth, Priv : ./addhost.php [-g <poller group>] [-f] [-b] [-p <port assoc mode>] <%Whostname or IP%n> ap v3 <user> <password> <enckey> [md5|sha] [aes|des] [port] [' . $transports_regex . ']
Usage (ICMP only) : ./addhost.php [-g <poller group>] [-f] -P <%Whostname or IP%n> [os] [hardware]
-g <poller group> allows you to add a device to be pinned to a specific poller when using distributed polling. X can be any number associated with a poller group
-f forces the device to be added by skipping the icmp and snmp check against the host.
-p <port assoc mode> allow you to set a port association mode for this device. By default ports are associated by \'ifIndex\'.
For Linux/Unix based devices \'ifName\' or \'ifDescr\' might be useful for a stable iface mapping.
The default for this installation is \'' . Config::get('default_port_association_mode') . '\'
Valid port assoc modes are: ' . join(', ', $valid_assoc_modes) . '
-b Add the host with SNMP if it replies to it, otherwise only ICMP.
-P Add the host with only ICMP, no SNMP or OS discovery.
%rRemember to run discovery for the host afterwards.%n