Glen Pike c0a2bde09c Fix for bug #493 including unit tests to prove.
Run npm install and visit test/jquery.gridster-amd.html in browser.
2015-03-03 00:46:11 +00:00

29 lines
850 B

/* global require */
"use strict";
], function(QUnit, $, gridster) {
QUnit.module("Gridster AMD", {
setup: function () {
teardown: function () {
QUnit.test('window.$ should be undefined.', function() {
equal(typeof window.$, 'undefined', 'window.$ should be undefined');
equal(typeof window.jQuery, 'undefined', 'window.jQuery should be undefined');
QUnit.test('gridster should be initialized.', function() {
$('.wrapper ul').gridster();
equal($(".wrapper").hasClass('ready'), true, 'Gridster should initialized wrapper.');
equal($(".wrapper ul li").length, $(".gs-w").length, 'grid elements get a .gs-w class');