mirror of
synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
* feat(api): added max in/out per bill_history period * chore(Docs): updated docs to include in/out max values * chore(formatting): style-ci * chore(db): update db-schema * fix(db): reverted wrong changes in schema * fix: wrong table name in migration * feat(billing-history-frontend): added max in/out values to frontend bill-history * chore: renamed to peak instead of min/max
475 lines
17 KiB
475 lines
17 KiB
use LibreNMS\Config;
use LibreNMS\Util\Number;
function format_bytes_billing($value)
return Number::formatBase($value, Config::get('billing.base'));
}//end format_bytes_billing()
function format_bytes_billing_short($value)
return Number::formatBase($value, Config::get('billing.base'), 2, 3, '');
}//end format_bytes_billing_short()
function getDates($dayofmonth, $months = 0)
$dayofmonth = zeropad($dayofmonth);
$year = date('Y');
$month = date('m');
if (date('d') > $dayofmonth) {
// Billing day is past, so it is next month
$date_end = date_create($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $dayofmonth);
$date_start = date_create($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $dayofmonth);
date_add($date_end, date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 month'));
} else {
// Billing day will happen this month, therefore started last month
$date_end = date_create($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $dayofmonth);
$date_start = date_create($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $dayofmonth);
date_sub($date_start, date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 month'));
if ($months > 0) {
date_sub($date_start, date_interval_create_from_date_string($months . ' month'));
date_sub($date_end, date_interval_create_from_date_string($months . ' month'));
// date_sub($date_start, date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 month'));
date_sub($date_end, date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 day'));
$date_from = date_format($date_start, 'Ymd') . '000000';
$date_to = date_format($date_end, 'Ymd') . '235959';
date_sub($date_start, date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 month'));
date_sub($date_end, date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 month'));
$last_from = date_format($date_start, 'Ymd') . '000000';
$last_to = date_format($date_end, 'Ymd') . '235959';
$return = [];
$return['0'] = $date_from;
$return['1'] = $date_to;
$return['2'] = $last_from;
$return['3'] = $last_to;
return $return;
}//end getDates()
function getPredictedUsage($bill_day, $cur_used)
$tmp = getDates($bill_day, 0);
$start = new DateTime($tmp[0], new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$end = new DateTime($tmp[1], new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$now = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d'), new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$total = $end->diff($start)->format('%a');
$since = $now->diff($start)->format('%a');
return $cur_used / $since * $total;
function getValue($host, $port, $id, $inout)
$oid = 'IF-MIB::ifHC' . $inout . 'Octets.' . $id;
$device = dbFetchRow('SELECT * from `devices` WHERE `hostname` = ? LIMIT 1', [$host]);
$value = snmp_get($device, $oid, '-Oqv');
if (! is_numeric($value)) {
$oid = 'IF-MIB::if' . $inout . 'Octets.' . $id;
$value = snmp_get($device, $oid, '-Oqv');
return $value;
}//end getValue()
function getLastPortCounter($port_id, $bill_id)
$return = [];
$row = dbFetchRow('SELECT timestamp, in_counter, in_delta, out_counter, out_delta FROM bill_port_counters WHERE `port_id` = ? AND `bill_id` = ?', [$port_id, $bill_id]);
if (! is_null($row)) {
$return['timestamp'] = $row['timestamp'];
$return['in_counter'] = $row['in_counter'];
$return['in_delta'] = $row['in_delta'];
$return['out_counter'] = $row['out_counter'];
$return['out_delta'] = $row['out_delta'];
$return['state'] = 'ok';
} else {
$return['state'] = 'failed';
return $return;
}//end getLastPortCounter()
function getLastMeasurement($bill_id)
$return = [];
$row = dbFetchRow('SELECT timestamp,delta,in_delta,out_delta FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = ? ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1', [$bill_id]);
if (! is_null($row)) {
$return['delta'] = $row['delta'];
$return['delta_in'] = $row['delta_in'];
$return['delta_out'] = $row['delta_out'];
$return['timestamp'] = $row['timestamp'];
$return['state'] = 'ok';
} else {
$return['state'] = 'failed';
return $return;
}//end getLastMeasurement()
function get95thagg($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto)
$mq_sql = 'SELECT count(delta) FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = ?';
$mq_sql .= ' AND timestamp > ? AND timestamp <= ?';
$measurements = dbFetchCell($mq_sql, [$bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto]);
$measurement_95th = (round(($measurements / 100 * 95)) - 1);
$q_95_sql = 'SELECT (delta / period * 8) AS rate FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = ?';
$q_95_sql .= ' AND timestamp > ? AND timestamp <= ? ORDER BY rate ASC';
$a_95th = dbFetchColumn($q_95_sql, [$bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto]);
$m_95th = $a_95th[$measurement_95th];
return round($m_95th, 2);
}//end get95thagg()
function get95thIn($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto)
$mq_sql = 'SELECT count(delta) FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = ?';
$mq_sql .= ' AND timestamp > ? AND timestamp <= ?';
$measurements = dbFetchCell($mq_sql, [$bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto]);
$measurement_95th = (round(($measurements / 100 * 95)) - 1);
$q_95_sql = 'SELECT (in_delta / period * 8) AS rate FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = ?';
$q_95_sql .= ' AND timestamp > ? AND timestamp <= ? ORDER BY rate ASC';
$a_95th = dbFetchColumn($q_95_sql, [$bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto]);
$m_95th = $a_95th[$measurement_95th];
return round($m_95th, 2);
}//end get95thIn()
function get95thout($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto)
$mq_sql = 'SELECT count(delta) FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = ?';
$mq_sql .= ' AND timestamp > ? AND timestamp <= ?';
$measurements = dbFetchCell($mq_sql, [$bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto]);
$measurement_95th = (round(($measurements / 100 * 95)) - 1);
$q_95_sql = 'SELECT (out_delta / period * 8) AS rate FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = ?';
$q_95_sql .= ' AND timestamp > ? AND timestamp <= ? ORDER BY rate ASC';
$a_95th = dbFetchColumn($q_95_sql, [$bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto]);
$m_95th = $a_95th[$measurement_95th];
return round($m_95th, 2);
}//end get95thout()
function getRates($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto, $dir_95th)
$data = [];
$sum_data = getSum($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto);
$mtot = $sum_data['total'];
$mtot_in = $sum_data['inbound'];
$mtot_out = $sum_data['outbound'];
$ptot = $sum_data['period'];
$data['rate_95th_in'] = get95thIn($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto);
$data['rate_95th_out'] = get95thout($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto);
if ($dir_95th == 'agg') {
$data['rate_95th'] = get95thagg($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto);
$data['dir_95th'] = 'agg';
} else {
if ($data['rate_95th_out'] > $data['rate_95th_in']) {
$data['rate_95th'] = $data['rate_95th_out'];
$data['dir_95th'] = 'out';
} else {
$data['rate_95th'] = $data['rate_95th_in'];
$data['dir_95th'] = 'in';
$data['total_data'] = $mtot;
$data['total_data_in'] = $mtot_in;
$data['total_data_out'] = $mtot_out;
$data['rate_average'] = ($mtot / $ptot * 8);
$data['rate_average_in'] = ($mtot_in / $ptot * 8);
$data['rate_average_out'] = ($mtot_out / $ptot * 8);
// print_r($data);
return $data;
}//end getRates()
function getTotal($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto)
$mtot = dbFetchCell('SELECT SUM(delta) FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = ? AND timestamp > ? AND timestamp <= ?', [$bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto]);
return $mtot;
}//end getTotal()
function getSum($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto)
$sum = dbFetchRow('SELECT SUM(period) as period, SUM(delta) as total, SUM(in_delta) as inbound, SUM(out_delta) as outbound FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = ? AND timestamp > ? AND timestamp <= ?', [$bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto]);
return $sum;
}//end getSum()
function getPeriod($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto)
$ptot = dbFetchRow('SELECT SUM(period) as `period`, MAX(in_delta) as `peak_in`, MAX(out_delta) as `peak_out` FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = ? AND timestamp > ? AND timestamp <= ?', [$bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto]);
return $ptot;
}//end getPeriod()
function getBillingHistoryBitsGraphData($bill_id, $bill_hist_id, $reducefactor)
$histrow = dbFetchRow('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bill_datefrom) as `from`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bill_dateto) AS `to`, rate_95th, rate_average, bill_type FROM bill_history WHERE bill_id = ? AND bill_hist_id = ?', [$bill_id, $bill_hist_id]);
if (is_null($histrow)) {
return null;
$graph_data = getBillingBitsGraphData($bill_id, $histrow['from'], $histrow['to'], $reducefactor);
// Overwrite the rate data with the historical version
$graph_data['rate_95th'] = $histrow['rate_95th'];
$graph_data['rate_average'] = $histrow['rate_average'];
$graph_data['bill_type'] = $histrow['bill_type'];
return $graph_data;
function getBillingBitsGraphData($bill_id, $from, $to, $reducefactor)
$i = '0';
$iter = 0;
$first = null;
$last = null;
$iter_in = 0;
$iter_out = 0;
$iter_period = 0;
$max_in = 0;
$max_out = 0;
$tot_in = 0;
$tot_out = 0;
$tot_period = 0;
$in_delta = null;
$out_delta = null;
$period = null;
$in_data = [];
$out_data = [];
$tot_data = [];
$ticks = [];
if (! isset($reducefactor) || ! is_numeric($reducefactor) || $reducefactor < 1) {
// Auto calculate reduce factor
$expectedpoints = ceil(($to - $from) / 300);
$desiredpoints = 400;
$reducefactor = max(1, floor($expectedpoints / $desiredpoints));
$bill_data = dbFetchRow('SELECT * from `bills` WHERE `bill_id`= ? LIMIT 1', [$bill_id]);
foreach (dbFetch('SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) AS formatted_date FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = ? AND `timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME( ? ) AND `timestamp` <= FROM_UNIXTIME( ? ) ORDER BY timestamp ASC', [$bill_id, $from, $to]) as $row) {
$timestamp = $row['formatted_date'];
if (! $first) {
$first = $timestamp;
$period = $row['period'];
$in_delta = $row['in_delta'] * 8;
$out_delta = $row['out_delta'] * 8;
$last = $timestamp;
$iter_in += $in_delta;
$iter_out += $out_delta;
$iter_period += $period;
if ($period > 0) {
$max_in = max($max_in, $in_delta / $period);
$max_out = max($max_out, $out_delta / $period);
$tot_in += $in_delta;
$tot_out += $out_delta;
$tot_period += $period;
if (++$iter >= $reducefactor) {
$out_data[$i] = round(($iter_out / $iter_period), 2);
$in_data[$i] = round(($iter_in / $iter_period), 2);
$tot_data[$i] = ($out_data[$i] + $in_data[$i]);
$ticks[$i] = $timestamp;
$iter = 0;
unset($iter_out, $iter_in, $iter_period);
}//end foreach
if (! empty($iter_in)) { // Write last element
$out_data[$i] = round(($iter_out / $iter_period), 2);
$in_data[$i] = round(($iter_in / $iter_period), 2);
$tot_data[$i] = ($out_data[$i] + $in_data[$i]);
$ticks[$i] = $timestamp;
$result = [
'from' => $from,
'to' => $to,
'first' => $first,
'last' => $last,
'in_data' => $in_data,
'out_data' => $out_data,
'tot_data' => $tot_data,
'ticks' => $ticks,
'rate_95th' => $bill_data['rate_95th'],
'rate_average' => $bill_data['rate_average'],
'bill_type' => $bill_data['bill_type'],
if ($period) {
$result['max_in'] = $max_in;
$result['max_out'] = $max_out;
$result['ave_in'] = $tot_in / $tot_period;
$result['ave_out'] = $tot_out / $tot_period;
$result['last_in'] = $in_delta / $period;
$result['last_out'] = $out_delta / $period;
return $result;
}//end getBillingBitsGraphData
function getHistoricTransferGraphData($bill_id)
$i = '0';
$in_data = [];
$out_data = [];
$tot_data = [];
$allow_data = [];
$ave_data = [];
$overuse_data = [];
$ticklabels = [];
$allowed_val = null;
foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM `bill_history` WHERE `bill_id` = ? ORDER BY `bill_datefrom` DESC LIMIT 12', [$bill_id]) as $data) {
$datefrom = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime($data['bill_datefrom']));
$dateto = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime($data['bill_dateto']));
$datelabel = $datefrom . ' - ' . $dateto;
array_push($ticklabels, $datelabel);
array_push($in_data, $data['traf_in']);
array_push($out_data, $data['traf_out']);
array_push($tot_data, $data['traf_total']);
array_push($allow_data, $allowed_val = ($data['bill_type'] == 'Quota' ? $data['bill_allowed'] : 0));
array_push($overuse_data, $data['bill_type'] == 'Quota' ? $data['bill_overuse'] : 0);
}//end foreach
if ($i < 12) {
$y = (12 - $i);
for ($x = 0; $x < $y; $x++) {
$allowed = (($x == '0') ? $allowed_val : '0');
array_push($in_data, '0');
array_push($out_data, '0');
array_push($tot_data, '0');
array_push($allow_data, $allowed);
array_push($overuse_data, '0');
array_push($ticklabels, '');
$graph_name = 'Historical bandwidth over the last 12 billing periods';
return [
'graph_name' => $graph_name,
'in_data' => $in_data,
'out_data' => $out_data,
'tot_data' => $tot_data,
'allow_data' => $allow_data,
'ave_data' => $ave_data,
'overuse_data' => $overuse_data,
'ticklabels' => $ticklabels,
function getBillingBandwidthGraphData($bill_id, $bill_hist_id, $from, $to, $imgtype)
if (is_numeric($bill_hist_id)) {
$histrow = dbFetchRow('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bill_datefrom) as `from`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bill_dateto) AS `to`, rate_95th, rate_average FROM bill_history WHERE bill_id = ? AND bill_hist_id = ?', [$bill_id, $bill_hist_id]);
if (is_null($histrow)) {
return null;
$from = $histrow['from'];
$to = $histrow['to'];
} else {
if (! is_numeric($from) || ! is_numeric($to)) {
exit('Must supply from and to if bill_hist_id is not supplied');
$in_data = [];
$out_data = [];
$tot_data = [];
$allow_data = [];
$ave_data = [];
$overuse_data = [];
$ticklabels = [];
$data = [];
$average = 0;
if ($imgtype == 'day') {
foreach (dbFetch('SELECT DISTINCT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) as timestamp, SUM(delta) as traf_total, SUM(in_delta) as traf_in, SUM(out_delta) as traf_out FROM bill_data WHERE `bill_id` = ? AND `timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(?) AND `timestamp` <= FROM_UNIXTIME(?) GROUP BY DATE(timestamp) ORDER BY timestamp ASC', [$bill_id, $from, $to]) as $data) {
array_push($ticklabels, strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $data['timestamp']));
array_push($in_data, isset($data['traf_in']) ? $data['traf_in'] : 0);
array_push($out_data, isset($data['traf_out']) ? $data['traf_out'] : 0);
array_push($tot_data, isset($data['traf_total']) ? $data['traf_total'] : 0);
$average += $data['traf_total'];
$ave_count = count($tot_data);
// Add empty items for the days not yet passed
$days = (strftime('%e', date($to - $from)) - $ave_count - 1);
for ($x = 0; $x < $days; $x++) {
array_push($ticklabels, '');
array_push($in_data, 0);
array_push($out_data, 0);
array_push($tot_data, 0);
} elseif ($imgtype == 'hour') {
foreach (dbFetch('SELECT DISTINCT HOUR(timestamp) as hour, SUM(delta) as traf_total, SUM(in_delta) as traf_in, SUM(out_delta) as traf_out FROM bill_data WHERE `bill_id` = ? AND `timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(?) AND `timestamp` <= FROM_UNIXTIME(?) GROUP BY HOUR(timestamp) ORDER BY HOUR(timestamp) ASC', [$bill_id, $from, $to]) as $data) {
array_push($ticklabels, sprintf('%02d', $data['hour']) . ':00');
array_push($in_data, isset($data['traf_in']) ? $data['traf_in'] : 0);
array_push($out_data, isset($data['traf_out']) ? $data['traf_out'] : 0);
array_push($tot_data, isset($data['traf_total']) ? $data['traf_total'] : 0);
$average += $data['traf_total'];
$ave_count = count($tot_data);
} else {
exit("Unknown graph type $imgtype");
}//end if
$average = ($average / $ave_count);
$tot_data_size = count($tot_data);
for ($x = 0; $x <= $tot_data_size; $x++) {
array_push($ave_data, $average);
$graph_name = date('M j g:ia', $from) . ' - ' . date('M j g:ia', $to);
return [
'graph_name' => $graph_name,
'in_data' => $in_data,
'out_data' => $out_data,
'tot_data' => $tot_data,
'allow_data' => $allow_data,
'ave_data' => $ave_data,
'overuse_data' => $overuse_data,
'ticklabels' => $ticklabels,
//end getBillingBandwidthGraphData