mirror of
synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
235 lines
10 KiB
235 lines
10 KiB
if ($config['enable_bgp']) {
// Discover BGP peers
echo 'BGP Sessions : ';
$bgpLocalAs = trim(snmp_walk($device, '.', '-Oqvn', 'BGP4-MIB', $config['mibdir']));
if (is_numeric($bgpLocalAs)) {
echo "AS$bgpLocalAs ";
if ($bgpLocalAs != $device['bgpLocalAs']) {
dbUpdate(array('bgpLocalAs' => $bgpLocalAs), 'devices', 'device_id=?', array($device['device_id']));
echo 'Updated AS ';
$peer2 = false;
$peers_data = snmp_walk($device, 'cbgpPeer2RemoteAs', '-Oq', 'CISCO-BGP4-MIB', $config['mibdir']);
if (empty($peers_data)) {
$peers_data = snmp_walk($device, 'BGP4-MIB::bgpPeerRemoteAs', '-Oq', 'BGP4-MIB', $config['mibdir']);
else {
$peer2 = true;
d_echo("Peers : $peers_data \n");
$peers = trim(str_replace('CISCO-BGP4-MIB::cbgpPeer2RemoteAs.', '', $peers_data));
$peers = trim(str_replace('BGP4-MIB::bgpPeerRemoteAs.', '', $peers));
foreach (explode("\n", $peers) as $peer) {
if ($peer2 === true) {
list($ver, $peer) = explode('.', $peer, 2);
list($peer_ip, $peer_as) = explode(' ', $peer);
if (strstr($peer_ip, ':')) {
$peer_ip_snmp = preg_replace('/:/', ' ', $peer_ip);
$peer_ip = preg_replace('/(\S+\s+\S+)\s/', '$1:', $peer_ip_snmp);
$peer_ip = str_replace('"', '', str_replace(' ', '', $peer_ip));
if ($peer && $peer_ip != '') {
d_echo("Found peer $peer_ip (AS$peer_as)\n");
$peerlist[] = array(
'ip' => $peer_ip,
'as' => $peer_as,
'ver' => $ver,
if ($device['os'] == 'junos') {
// Juniper BGP4-V2 MIB
// FIXME: needs a big cleanup! also see below.
// FIXME: is .0.ipv6 the only possible value here?
$result = snmp_walk($device, 'jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAs.0.ipv6', '-Onq', 'BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER', $config['install_dir'].'/mibs/junos');
$peers = trim(str_replace('.', '', $result));
foreach (explode("\n", $peers) as $peer) {
list($peer_ip_snmp, $peer_as) = explode(' ', $peer);
// Magic! Basically, takes SNMP form and finds peer IPs from the walk OIDs.
$peer_ip = Net_IPv6::compress(snmp2ipv6(implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', $peer_ip_snmp), (count(explode('.', $peer_ip_snmp)) - 16)))));
if ($peer) {
d_echo("Found peer $peer_ip (AS$peer_as)\n");
$peerlist[] = array(
'ip' => $peer_ip,
'as' => $peer_as,
else {
echo 'No BGP on host';
if ($device['bgpLocalAs']) {
dbUpdate(array('bgpLocalAs' => 'NULL'), 'devices', 'device_id=?', array($device['device_id']));
echo ' (Removed ASN) ';
// Process disovered peers
if (isset($peerlist)) {
foreach ($peerlist as $peer) {
$astext = get_astext($peer['as']);
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) from `bgpPeers` WHERE device_id = ? AND bgpPeerIdentifier = ?', array($device['device_id'], $peer['ip'])) < '1') {
$add = dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'bgpPeerIdentifier' => $peer['ip'], 'bgpPeerRemoteAs' => $peer['as']), 'bgpPeers');
if ($config['autodiscovery']['bgp'] === true) {
$name = gethostbyaddr($peer['ip']);
$remote_device_id = discover_new_device($name, $device, 'BGP');
echo '+';
else {
$update = dbUpdate(array('bgpPeerRemoteAs' => $peer['as'], 'astext' => mres($astext)), 'bgpPeers', 'device_id=? AND bgpPeerIdentifier=?', array($device['device_id'], $peer['ip']));
echo '.';
if ($device['os_group'] == 'cisco' || $device['os'] == 'junos') {
if ($device['os_group'] == 'cisco') {
// Get afi/safi and populate cbgp on cisco ios (xe/xr)
if ($peer2 === true) {
$af_data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'cbgpPeer2AddrFamilyEntry', $cbgp, 'CISCO-BGP4-MIB', $config['mibdir']);
else {
$af_data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'cbgpPeerAddrFamilyEntry', $cbgp, 'CISCO-BGP4-MIB', $config['mibdir']);
d_echo('afi data :: ');
foreach ($af_data as $k => $v) {
if ($peer2 === true) {
list(,$k) = explode('.', $k, 2);
d_echo("AFISAFI = $k\n");
$afisafi_tmp = explode('.', $k);
$safi = array_pop($afisafi_tmp);
$afi = array_pop($afisafi_tmp);
$bgp_ip = str_replace(".$afi.$safi", '', $k);
$bgp_ip = preg_replace('/:/', ' ', $bgp_ip);
$bgp_ip = preg_replace('/(\S+\s+\S+)\s/', '$1:', $bgp_ip);
$bgp_ip = str_replace('"', '', str_replace(' ', '', $bgp_ip));
if ($afi && $safi && $bgp_ip == $peer['ip']) {
$af_list[$bgp_ip][$afi][$safi] = 1;
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) from `bgpPeers_cbgp` WHERE device_id = ? AND bgpPeerIdentifier = ?, AND afi=? AND safi=?', array($device['device_id'], $peer['ip'], $afi, $safi)) == 0) {
dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'bgpPeerIdentifier' => $peer['ip'], 'afi' => $afi, 'safi' => $safi), 'bgpPeers_cbgp');
if ($device['os'] == 'junos') {
$safis[1] = 'unicast';
$safis[2] = 'multicast';
if (!isset($j_peerIndexes)) {
$j_bgp = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'jnxBgpM2PeerTable', $jbgp, 'BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER', $config['install_dir'].'/mibs/junos');
foreach ($j_bgp as $index => $entry) {
switch ($entry['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType']) {
case 'ipv4':
$ip = long2ip(hexdec($entry['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddr']));
d_echo("peerindex for ipv4 $ip is ".$entry['jnxBgpM2PeerIndex']."\n");
$j_peerIndexes[$ip] = $entry['jnxBgpM2PeerIndex'];
case 'ipv6':
$ip6 = trim(str_replace(' ', '', $entry['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddr']), '"');
$ip6 = substr($ip6, 0, 4).':'.substr($ip6, 4, 4).':'.substr($ip6, 8, 4).':'.substr($ip6, 12, 4).':'.substr($ip6, 16, 4).':'.substr($ip6, 20, 4).':'.substr($ip6, 24, 4).':'.substr($ip6, 28, 4);
$ip6 = Net_IPv6::compress($ip6);
d_echo("peerindex for ipv6 $ip6 is ".$entry['jnxBgpM2PeerIndex']."\n");
$j_peerIndexes[$ip6] = $entry['jnxBgpM2PeerIndex'];
echo "HALP? Don't know RemoteAddrType ".$entry['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType']."!\n";
if (!isset($j_afisafi)) {
$j_prefixes = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'jnxBgpM2PrefixCountersTable', $jbgp, 'BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER', $config['install_dir'].'/mibs/junos');
foreach (array_keys($j_prefixes) as $key) {
list($index,$afisafi) = explode('.', $key, 2);
$j_afisafi[$index][] = $afisafi;
foreach ($j_afisafi[$j_peerIndexes[$peer['ip']]] as $afisafi) {
list ($afi,$safi) = explode('.', $afisafi);
$safi = $safis[$safi];
$af_list[$afi][$safi] = 1;
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) from `bgpPeers_cbgp` WHERE device_id = ? AND bgpPeerIdentifier = ?, AND afi=? AND safi=?', array($device['device_id'], $peer['ip'], $afi, $safi)) == 0) {
dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'bgpPeerIdentifier' => $peer['ip'], 'afi' => $afi, 'safi' => $safi), 'bgpPeers_cbgp');
$af_query = "SELECT * FROM bgpPeers_cbgp WHERE `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND bgpPeerIdentifier = '".$peer['ip']."'";
foreach (dbFetchRows($af_query) as $entry) {
$afi = $entry['afi'];
$safi = $entry['safi'];
if (!$af_list[$afi][$safi] || !$af_list[$entry['bgpPeerIdentifier']][$afi][$safi]) {
dbDelete('bgpPeers_cbgp', '`device_id` = ? AND `bgpPeerIdentifier` = ?, afi=?, safi=?', array($device['device_id'], $peer['ip'], $afi, $safi));
// Delete removed peers
$sql = "SELECT * FROM bgpPeers AS B, devices AS D WHERE B.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = '".$device['device_id']."'";
foreach (dbFetchRows($sql) as $entry) {
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($peerlist) && !isset($exists)) {
if ($peerlist[$i]['ip'] == $entry['bgpPeerIdentifier']) {
$exists = 1;
if (!isset($exists)) {
dbDelete('bgpPeers', '`bgpPeer_id` = ?', array($entry['bgpPeer_id']));
dbDelete('bgpPeers_cbgp', '`bgpPeer_id` = ?', array($entry['bgpPeer_id']));
echo '-';
echo "\n";