mirror of
synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
* mempools to modern module quick hacky hrstorage port * port ucd-snmp-mib to Mempools * Populate DB for ucd Prep for yaml * initial yaml attempt * more complex conversions fixes to YamlDiscovery, make leading $ optional and allow mib::oid format * walk full tables and skip values normalize percentages above 100 * handle precent only ones (specify total as 100) * Move default polling out of YamlMempoolsDiscovery * fixes * Update test data hrstorage should be correct. * perc_warn for hrstorage * Host Resources, record buffer, cached, and shared * Host Resources is always better, don't do both HR and UCD * fix unix, include warning levels * variable size * consolidate skip_values * define mempools schema * number instead of integer * more schema refactor * one more skip_values reference * throw error for invalid oid translation aos6 * a* and Cisco * updated test data * update almost all hrstorage data files * b* * c* with test data use standard cache for hrStorage * use cache for storage module too * hand bsnmp properly * bdcom * exclude total oid from yaml so it is not polled May add a way to ignore this behavior and poll it, but I don't know if that is needed. * automatically handle percent only values * ciscowlc * only poll used or free if we have used, free, and total. * fix skipping * the dlinkoning fix find value when value "name" is numeric * support numeric oids * dnos/ftos attempt * I guess we can't filter on total > 0 * edgecos * e* * f WIP * f* * gwd (aka g*) * h* + procurve * i* * j* * m* * support 0% used memory (however unlikely) * n* * CISCO-PROCESS-MIB memory, share cache with processors module * ignore mempools with invalid total * p* * quanta * r* fix raisecom mibs terribly broken * s-z * style fixes * Move VRP back to PHP and make it actually work * fix zynos * update schema * Update Cisco processor data for description bug fixes * fix comware processors * comware mempools with memory size default precision to 1 * sophos-xg updated data * hrstorage use ram size for buffers, cache, and shared * Show memory available instead of free in device overview * UCD, use same rrd format, store available instead of free in the db. * Calculate availability for HOST-RESOURCES-MIB * Convert UCD to standard polling * rename old rrd files * initial graph work * graph WIP * Graph looking decent * Graph looking decent for hr * remove old ucd_graph code * handle availability mempool more graph cleanup * color adjustments * remove accidental free calculation * Update test data and fix corner cases * fis pfsense * update schema * add default value for mempool_class * fix whitespace * update schema * update schema correctly * one more time * fortigate_1500d-sensors missing oids * Update docs. * fix indent * add implements MempoolsDiscovery explicitly to OS * remove ucd_memory graph references remove unused device_memory graph * remove unused functions * set devices with mempools to rediscover to prevent/minimize gaps * use a subquery * add overview graph * port health mempools table * Update device mempool * only show overview if multiple * Don't override user set warn percentages in discovery * fix missed usage * fix style * Safety check to not rename rrd files incorrectly if migration has not been run. * Fix overview percent bar and represent available and used on the bar * missed an item to convert to mempool_class * percent on the wrong side
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| Web Routes
| Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These
| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
| contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great!
// Auth
Auth::routes(['register' => false, 'reset' => false, 'verify' => false]);
// WebUI
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth'], 'guard' => 'auth'], function () {
// pages
Route::resource('device-groups', 'DeviceGroupController');
Route::group(['prefix' => 'poller'], function () {
Route::get('', 'PollerController@pollerTab')->name('poller.index');
Route::get('log', 'PollerController@logTab')->name('poller.log');
Route::get('groups', 'PollerController@groupsTab')->name('poller.groups');
Route::get('settings', 'PollerController@settingsTab')->name('poller.settings');
Route::get('performance', 'PollerController@performanceTab')->name('poller.performance');
Route::resource('{id}/settings', 'PollerSettingsController', ['as' => 'poller'])->only(['update', 'destroy']);
Route::get('locations', 'LocationController@index');
Route::resource('preferences', 'UserPreferencesController', ['only' => ['index', 'store']]);
Route::resource('users', 'UserController');
Route::get('about', 'AboutController@index');
Route::get('authlog', 'UserController@authlog');
Route::get('overview', 'OverviewController@index')->name('overview');
Route::get('/', 'OverviewController@index')->name('home');
Route::view('vminfo', 'vminfo');
// Device Tabs
Route::group(['prefix' => 'device/{device}', 'namespace' => 'Device\Tabs', 'as' => 'device.'], function () {
Route::put('notes', 'NotesController@update')->name('notes.update');
Route::match(['get', 'post'], 'device/{device}/{tab?}/{vars?}', 'DeviceController@index')
->name('device')->where(['vars' => '.*']);
// Maps
Route::group(['prefix' => 'maps', 'namespace' => 'Maps'], function () {
Route::get('devicedependency', 'DeviceDependencyController@dependencyMap');
// admin pages
Route::group(['middleware' => ['can:admin']], function () {
Route::get('settings/{tab?}/{section?}', 'SettingsController@index')->name('settings');
Route::put('settings/{name}', 'SettingsController@update')->name('settings.update');
Route::delete('settings/{name}', 'SettingsController@destroy')->name('settings.destroy');
// old route redirects
Route::permanentRedirect('poll-log', 'poller/log');
// Two Factor Auth
Route::group(['prefix' => '2fa', 'namespace' => 'Auth'], function () {
Route::get('', 'TwoFactorController@showTwoFactorForm')->name('2fa.form');
Route::post('', 'TwoFactorController@verifyTwoFactor')->name('2fa.verify');
Route::post('add', 'TwoFactorController@create')->name('2fa.add');
Route::post('cancel', 'TwoFactorController@cancelAdd')->name('2fa.cancel');
Route::post('remove', 'TwoFactorController@destroy')->name('2fa.remove');
Route::post('{user}/unlock', 'TwoFactorManagementController@unlock')->name('2fa.unlock');
Route::delete('{user}', 'TwoFactorManagementController@destroy')->name('2fa.delete');
// Ajax routes
Route::group(['prefix' => 'ajax'], function () {
// page ajax controllers
Route::resource('location', 'LocationController', ['only' => ['update', 'destroy']]);
Route::resource('pollergroup', 'PollerGroupController', ['only' => ['destroy']]);
// misc ajax controllers
Route::group(['namespace' => 'Ajax'], function () {
Route::post('set_map_group', 'AvailabilityMapController@setGroup');
Route::post('set_map_view', 'AvailabilityMapController@setView');
Route::post('set_resolution', 'ResolutionController@set');
Route::get('netcmd', 'NetCommand@run');
Route::post('ripe/raw', 'RipeNccApiController@raw');
Route::get('settings/list', 'SettingsController@listAll')->name('settings.list');
// form ajax handlers, perhaps should just be page controllers
Route::group(['prefix' => 'form', 'namespace' => 'Form'], function () {
Route::resource('widget-settings', 'WidgetSettingsController');
// js select2 data controllers
Route::group(['prefix' => 'select', 'namespace' => 'Select'], function () {
Route::get('application', 'ApplicationController');
Route::get('bill', 'BillController');
Route::get('dashboard', 'DashboardController')->name('ajax.select.dashboard');
Route::get('device', 'DeviceController');
Route::get('device-field', 'DeviceFieldController');
Route::get('device-group', 'DeviceGroupController');
Route::get('eventlog', 'EventlogController');
Route::get('graph', 'GraphController');
Route::get('graph-aggregate', 'GraphAggregateController');
Route::get('graylog-streams', 'GraylogStreamsController');
Route::get('syslog', 'SyslogController');
Route::get('location', 'LocationController');
Route::get('munin', 'MuninPluginController');
Route::get('service', 'ServiceController');
Route::get('port', 'PortController');
Route::get('port-field', 'PortFieldController');
// jquery bootgrid data controllers
Route::group(['prefix' => 'table', 'namespace' => 'Table'], function () {
Route::post('alert-schedule', 'AlertScheduleController');
Route::post('customers', 'CustomersController');
Route::post('device', 'DeviceController');
Route::post('eventlog', 'EventlogController');
Route::post('fdb-tables', 'FdbTablesController');
Route::post('graylog', 'GraylogController');
Route::post('location', 'LocationController');
Route::post('mempools', 'MempoolsController');
Route::post('outages', 'OutagesController');
Route::post('port-nac', 'PortNacController');
Route::post('routes', 'RoutesTablesController');
Route::post('syslog', 'SyslogController');
Route::post('vminfo', 'VminfoController');
// dashboard widgets
Route::group(['prefix' => 'dash', 'namespace' => 'Widgets'], function () {
Route::post('alerts', 'AlertsController');
Route::post('alertlog', 'AlertlogController');
Route::post('availability-map', 'AvailabilityMapController');
Route::post('component-status', 'ComponentStatusController');
Route::post('device-summary-horiz', 'DeviceSummaryHorizController');
Route::post('device-summary-vert', 'DeviceSummaryVertController');
Route::post('eventlog', 'EventlogController');
Route::post('generic-graph', 'GraphController');
Route::post('generic-image', 'ImageController');
Route::post('globe', 'GlobeController');
Route::post('graylog', 'GraylogController');
Route::post('placeholder', 'PlaceholderController');
Route::post('notes', 'NotesController');
Route::post('server-stats', 'ServerStatsController');
Route::post('syslog', 'SyslogController');
Route::post('top-devices', 'TopDevicesController');
Route::post('top-interfaces', 'TopInterfacesController');
Route::post('worldmap', 'WorldMapController');
Route::post('alertlog-stats', 'AlertlogStatsController');
// demo helper
Route::permanentRedirect('demo', '/');
// installation routes
Route::group(['prefix' => 'install', 'namespace' => 'Install'], function () {
Route::get('/', 'InstallationController@redirectToFirst')->name('install');
Route::get('/checks', 'ChecksController@index')->name('install.checks');
Route::get('/database', 'DatabaseController@index')->name('install.database');
Route::get('/user', 'MakeUserController@index')->name('install.user');
Route::get('/finish', 'FinalizeController@index')->name('install.finish');
Route::post('/user/create', 'MakeUserController@create')->name('install.action.user');
Route::post('/database/test', 'DatabaseController@test')->name('install.acton.test-database');
Route::get('/ajax/database/migrate', 'DatabaseController@migrate')->name('install.action.migrate');
Route::get('/ajax/steps', 'InstallationController@stepsCompleted')->name('install.action.steps');
Route::any('{path?}', 'InstallationController@invalid')->where('path', '.*'); // 404
// Legacy routes
Route::any('/dummy_legacy_auth/{path?}', 'LegacyController@dummy')->middleware('auth');
Route::any('/dummy_legacy_unauth/{path?}', 'LegacyController@dummy');
Route::any('/{path?}', 'LegacyController@index')
->where('path', '^((?!_debugbar).)*')