Tony Murray 1ad7f3138b Add Laravel to LibreNMS (#8318)
* Add Laravel to LibreNMS.

* Try to set permissions during initial install and first composer update to Laravel.

* Fix composer.lock
Fix missing db config keys

* Start building v1 layout
Port ajax_setresolution, inject csrf into jquery ajax calls
Layout works, building menu
Partially done.

* Fix device group list
remove stupid count relationships

* Print messages for common boot errors.
Don't log to laravel.log file.
Log to error_log until booted, then librenms.log

* Fix up some issues with Config loading
Start of custom directives

* Custom blade directives: config, notconfig, admin

* Preflight checks
Only load config files once.

* Update the composer.lock for php 5.6

* Menu through routing

* Start of alert menu

* Better alert scopes

* reduce cruft in models

* Alerting menu more or less working :D

* Fix style

* Improved preflight

* Fix chicken-eggs!

* Remove examples

* Better alert_rule status queries

* fix app.env check

* User Menu

* Settings bar (dropped refresh)
Search JS

* Toastr messages

* Rename preflight

* Use hasAccess(User) on most models.
Add port counts

* Missed a Preflight -> Checks rename

* Fix some formatting

* Boot Eloquent outside of Laravel
Use Eloquent for Config and Plugins so we don't have to connect with dbFacile inside Laravel.
Move locate_binary() into Config class

* Config WIP

* Try to fix a lot of config loading issues.

* Improve menu for non-admins removing unneeded menus
url() for all in menu

* Only use eloquent if it exists

* Include APP_URL in initial .env settings

* Implement Legacy User Provider

* Helper class for using Eloquent outside of Laravel.
Allows access to DB style queries too and checking the connection status.

* Fix up tests

* Fix device groups query

* Checking Travis

* copy config.test.php earlier

* dbFacile check config before connecting
Don't use exception to check if eloquent is connected, it gets grabbed by the exception handler.
Ignore missing config.php error.

* Fix config load with database is not migrated yet.

* Remove Config::load() from early boot.

* Use laravel config settings to init db (this prefers .env settings)
Fix bgp vars not set in menu
add _ide_helper.php to .gitignore

* Restrict dependencies to versions that support php 5.6

* Update ConfigTest

* Fix a couple of installation issues

* Add unique NODE_ID to .env

* Correct handling of title image

* Fix database config not loading. Thanks @laf

* Don't prepend /

* add class_exists checks for development service providers

* Fix config value casting

* Don't use functions that may not exist

* Update dbFacile.php

* d_echo may not be defined when Config used called.

* Add SELinux configuration steps
More detailed permissions check.
Check all and give complete corrective commands in one step.

* Ignore node_modules directory

* Re-add accidetal removal
2018-05-09 08:05:17 -05:00

315 lines
9.1 KiB

* DeviceGroup.php
* Dynamic groups of devices
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @package LibreNMS
* @link
* @copyright 2016 Tony Murray
* @author Tony Murray <>
namespace App\Models;
use App\Util;
use DB;
use Settings;
class DeviceGroup extends BaseModel
public $timestamps = false;
protected $appends = ['patternSql'];
protected $fillable = ['name', 'desc', 'pattern', 'params'];
protected $casts = ['params' => 'array'];
// ---- Helper Functions ----
public function updateRelations()
// we need an id to add relationships
if (is_null($this->id)) {
$device_ids = $this->getDeviceIdsRaw();
// update the relationships (deletes and adds as needed)
* Get an array of the device ids from this group by re-querying the database with
* either the specified pattern or the saved pattern of this group
* @param string $statement Optional, will use the pattern from this group if not specified
* @param array $params array of paremeters
* @return array
public function getDeviceIdsRaw($statement = null, $params = null)
if (is_null($statement)) {
$statement = $this->pattern;
if (is_null($params)) {
if (empty($this->params)) {
if (!starts_with($statement, '%')) {
// can't build sql
return [];
} else {
$params = $this->params;
$statement = $this->applyGroupMacros($statement);
$tables = $this->getTablesFromPattern($statement);
$query = null;
if (count($tables) == 1) {
$query = DB::table($tables[0])->select('device_id')->distinct();
} else {
$query = DB::table('devices')->select('devices.device_id')->distinct();
foreach ($tables as $table) {
// skip devices table, we used that as the base.
if ($table == 'devices') {
$query = $query->join($table, 'devices.device_id', '=', $table.'.device_id');
// match the device ids
if (is_null($params)) {
return $query->whereRaw($statement)->pluck('device_id')->toArray();
} else {
return $query->whereRaw($statement, $params)->pluck('device_id')->toArray();
* Process Macros
* @param string $pattern Rule to process
* @param int $x Recursion-Anchor, do not pass
* @return string|boolean
public static function applyGroupMacros($pattern, $x = 1)
if (!str_contains($pattern, 'macros.')) {
return $pattern;
foreach (Settings::get('', []) as $macro => $value) {
$value = str_replace(['%', '&&', '||'], ['', 'AND', 'OR'], $value); // this might need something more complex
if (!str_contains($macro, ' ')) {
$pattern = str_replace('macros.'.$macro, '('.$value.')', $pattern);
if (str_contains($pattern, 'macros.')) {
if (++$x < 30) {
$pattern = self::applyGroupMacros($pattern, $x);
} else {
return false;
return $pattern;
* Extract an array of tables in a pattern
* @param string $pattern
* @return array
private function getTablesFromPattern($pattern)
preg_match_all('/[A-Za-z_]+(?=\.[A-Za-z_]+ )/', $pattern, $tables);
if (is_null($tables)) {
return [];
return array_keys(array_flip($tables[0])); // unique tables only
* Convert a v1 device group pattern to sql that can be ingested by jQuery-QueryBuilder
* @param $pattern
* @return array
private function convertV1Pattern($pattern)
$pattern = rtrim($pattern, ' &&');
$pattern = rtrim($pattern, ' ||');
$ops = ['=', '!=', '<', '<=', '>', '>='];
$parts = str_getcsv($pattern, ' '); // tokenize the pattern, respecting quoted parts
$out = "";
$count = count($parts);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$cur = $parts[$i];
if (starts_with($cur, '%')) {
// table and column or macro
$out .= substr($cur, 1).' ';
} elseif (substr($cur, -1) == '~') {
// like operator
$content = $parts[++$i]; // grab the content so we can format it
if (starts_with($cur, '!')) {
// prepend NOT
$out .= 'NOT ';
$out .= "LIKE('".$this->convertRegexToLike($content)."') ";
} elseif ($cur == '&&') {
$out .= 'AND ';
} elseif ($cur == '||') {
$out .= 'OR ';
} elseif (in_array($cur, $ops)) {
// pass-through operators
$out .= $cur.' ';
} else {
// user supplied input
$out .= "'".trim($cur, '"\'')."' "; // TODO: remove trim, only needed with invalid input
return rtrim($out);
* Convert sql regex to like, many common uses can be converted
* Should only be used to convert v1 patterns
* @param $pattern
* @return string
private function convertRegexToLike($pattern)
$startAnchor = starts_with($pattern, '^');
$endAnchor = ends_with($pattern, '$');
$pattern = trim($pattern, '^$');
$wildcards = ['@', '.*'];
if (str_contains($pattern, $wildcards)) {
// contains wildcard
$pattern = str_replace($wildcards, '%', $pattern);
// add ends appropriately
if ($startAnchor && !$endAnchor) {
$pattern .= '%';
} elseif (!$startAnchor && $endAnchor) {
$pattern = '%'.$pattern;
// if there are no wildcards, assume substring
if (!str_contains($pattern, '%')) {
$pattern = '%'.$pattern.'%';
return $pattern;
// ---- Accessors/Mutators ----
* Returns an sql formatted string
* Mostly, this is for ingestion by JQuery-QueryBuilder
* @return string
public function getPatternSqlAttribute()
$sql = $this->pattern;
// fill in parameters
foreach ((array)$this->params as $value) {
if (!is_numeric($value) && !starts_with($value, "'")) {
$value = "'".$value."'";
$sql = preg_replace('/\?/', $value, $sql, 1);
return $sql;
* Custom mutator for params attribute
* Allows already encoded json to pass through
* @param array|string $params
public function setParamsAttribute($params)
if (!Util::isJson($params)) {
$params = json_encode($params);
$this->attributes['params'] = $params;
* Check if the stored pattern is v1
* Convert it to v2 for display
* Currently, it will only be updated in the database if the user saves the rule in the ui
* @param $pattern
* @return string
public function getPatternAttribute($pattern)
// If this is a v1 pattern, convert it to sql
if (starts_with($pattern, '%')) {
return $this->convertV1Pattern($pattern);
return $pattern;
// ---- Query Scopes ----
public function scopeHasAccess($query, User $user)
if ($user->hasGlobalRead()) {
return $query;
if (!$this->isJoined($query, 'device_group_device')) {
$query->join('device_group_device', 'device_group_device.device_group_id', '');
return $this->hasDeviceAccess($query, $user, 'device_group_device');
// ---- Define Relationships ----
public function rules()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\AlertRule', 'alert_group_map', 'group_id', 'rule_id');
public function devices()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Device', 'device_group_device', 'device_group_id', 'device_id');