mirror of
synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
git-svn-id: http://www.observium.org/svn/observer/trunk@2805 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8
194 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
194 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env php
/* Observium Network Management and Monitoring System
* Copyright (C) 2006-2011, Observium Developers - http://www.observium.org
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See COPYING for more details.
$start = utime();
$runtime_stats = array();
### Observium Device Discovery
$options = getopt("h:m:i:n:d::a::q");
if (!isset($options['q']))
echo("Observium v".$config['version']." Discovery\n\n");
if (isset($options['h']))
if ($options['h'] == "odd") { $options['n'] = "1"; $options['i'] = "2"; }
elseif ($options['h'] == "even") { $options['n'] = "0"; $options['i'] = "2"; }
elseif ($options['h'] == "all") { $where = " "; $doing = "all"; }
elseif ($options['h'] == "new") { $where = "AND `last_discovered` IS NULL"; $doing = "new"; }
elseif ($options['h'])
if (is_numeric($options['h']))
$where = "AND `device_id` = '".$options['h']."'";
$doing = $options['h'];
$where = "AND `hostname` LIKE '".str_replace('*','%',mres($options['h']))."'";
$doing = $options['h'];
if (isset($options['i']) && $options['i'] && isset($options['n']))
$where = "AND MOD(device_id,".$options['i'].") = '" . $options['n'] . "'";
$doing = $options['n'] ."/".$options['i'];
if (isset($options['d']))
$debug = TRUE;
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
ini_set('error_reporting', 1);
} else {
$debug = FALSE;
# ini_set('display_errors', 0);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 0);
ini_set('log_errors', 0);
# ini_set('error_reporting', 0);
if (!$where)
echo("-h <device id> | <device hostname wildcard> Poll single device\n");
echo("-h odd Poll odd numbered devices (same as -i 2 -n 0)\n");
echo("-h even Poll even numbered devices (same as -i 2 -n 1)\n");
echo("-h all Poll all devices\n");
echo("-h new Poll all devices that have not had a discovery run before\n\n");
echo("-i <instances> -n <number> Poll as instance <number> of <instances>\n");
echo(" Instances start at 0. 0-3 for -n 4\n\n");
echo("Debugging and testing options:\n");
echo("-d Enable debugging output\n");
echo("-m Specify single module to be run\n");
echo("Invalid arguments!\n");
if (file_exists('.svn'))
list(,$dbu_rev) = preg_split('/: /',@shell_exec('svn info database-update.sql|grep ^Revision'));
if ($db_rev = @dbFetchCell("SELECT revision FROM `dbSchema`")) {} else
$db_rev = 0;
if ($db_rev+0 < 1223)
include('upgrade-scripts/fix-events.php'); ## Fix events table (needs to copy some data around, so needs script)
if ($db_rev+0 < 1656)
include('upgrade-scripts/fix-port-rrd.php'); ## Rewrites all port RRDs. Nothing will work without this after 1656
if ($db_rev+0 < 1757)
include('upgrade-scripts/fix-sensor-rrd.php'); ## Rewrites all sensor RRDs. Nothing will work without this after 1757
if ($db_rev+0 < 2758)
include('upgrade-scripts/fix-billing-2758.inc.php'); ## Rewrites all sensor RRDs. Nothing will work without this after 1757
if ($dbu_rev+0 > $db_rev)
echo("SVN revision changed.\n");
if ($db_rev+0 < "1000")
echo("Running pre-revision 1000 SQL update script...\n");
shell_exec("scripts/update-sql.php database-update-pre1000.sql");
if ($db_rev+0 < "1435")
echo("Running pre-revision 1435 SQL update script...\n");
shell_exec("scripts/update-sql.php database-update-pre1435.sql");
if ($db_rev+0 < "2245")
echo("Running pre-revision 2245 (0.11.5) SQL update script...\n");
shell_exec("scripts/update-sql.php database-update-pre2245.sql");
if ($db_rev+0 < "2804")
echo("Running pre-revision 2804 (0.11.12) SQL update script...\n");
shell_exec("scripts/update-sql.php database-update-pre2804.sql");
echo("Running development SQL update script to update from r$db_rev to r" . trim($dbu_rev) . "...\n");
shell_exec("scripts/update-sql.php database-update.sql");
if ($db_rev == 0)
dbInsert(array('revision' => $dbu_rev), 'dbSchema');
dbUpdate(array('revision' => $dbu_rev), 'dbSchema');
$discovered_devices = 0;
foreach (dbFetch("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE status = 1 AND disabled = 0 $where ORDER BY device_id DESC") as $device)
discover_device($device, $options);
$end = utime(); $run = $end - $start;
$proctime = substr($run, 0, 5);
if ($discovered_devices)
dbInsert(array('type' => 'discover', 'doing' => $doing, 'start' => $start, 'duration' => $proctime, 'devices' => $discovered_devices), 'perf_times');
$string = $argv[0] . " $doing " . date("F j, Y, G:i") . " - $discovered_devices devices discovered in $proctime secs";
if ($debug) echo("$string\n");
if(!$options['h'] == "new" && $config['version_check']) {
if(!isset($options['q'])) {
echo('MySQL: Cell['.($db_stats['fetchcell']+0).'/'.round($db_stats['fetchcell_sec']+0,2).'s]'.
' Row['.($db_stats['fetchrow']+0). '/'.round($db_stats['fetchrow_sec']+0,2).'s]'.
' Rows['.($db_stats['fetchrows']+0).'/'.round($db_stats['fetchrows_sec']+0,2).'s]'.
' Column['.($db_stats['fetchcol']+0). '/'.round($db_stats['fetchcol_sec']+0,2).'s]'.
' Update['.($db_stats['update']+0).'/'.round($db_stats['update_sec']+0,2).'s]'.
' Insert['.($db_stats['insert']+0). '/'.round($db_stats['insert_sec']+0,2).'s]'.
' Delete['.($db_stats['delete']+0). '/'.round($db_stats['delete_sec']+0,2).'s]');