jonathon-k 5b3ee62b33 webui: Update Alerts table (and widget) to re-sort rather than reload page when ack'ed (#4440)
* Update Alerts table to re-sort rather than reload page when ack'ing

* msg box updates
2016-09-15 08:44:22 +01:00

308 lines
11 KiB

require_once $config['install_dir'].'/includes/';
/* FIXME: is there a central place we can put this? */
$alert_states = array(
// divined from librenms/alerts.php
'recovered' => 0,
'alerted' => 1,
'acknowledged' => 2,
'worse' => 3,
'better' => 4
$alert_severities = array(
// alert_rules.status is enum('ok','warning','critical')
'ok' => 1,
'warning' => 2,
'critical' => 3
//if( defined('SHOW_SETTINGS') || empty($widget_settings) ) {
if (defined('SHOW_SETTINGS')) {
$current_acknowledged = isset($widget_settings['acknowledged']) ? $widget_settings['acknowledged'] : '';
$current_severity = isset($widget_settings['severity']) ? $widget_settings['severity'] : '';
$current_state = isset($widget_settings['state']) ? $widget_settings['state'] : '';
$current_group = isset($widget_settings['group']) ? $widget_settings['group'] : '';
$current_proc = isset($widget_settings['proc']) ? $widget_settings['proc'] : '';
$common_output[] = '
<form class="form" onsubmit="widget_settings(this); return false;">
<div class="form-group row">
<div class="col-sm-4">
<label for="acknowledged" class="control-label">Show acknowledged alerts: </label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<select class="form-control" name="acknowledged">';
$common_output[] = '<option value=""'.($current_acknowledged == '' ? ' selected' : ' ').'>not filtered</option>';
$common_output[] = '<option value="1"'.($current_acknowledged == '1' ? ' selected' : ' ').'>show only acknowledged</option>';
$common_output[] = '<option value="0"'.($current_acknowledged == '0' ? ' selected' : ' ').'>hide acknowledged</option>';
$common_output[] = '
<div class="form-group row">
<div class="col-sm-4">
<label for="min_severity" class="control-label">Minimum displayed severity:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<select class="form-control" name="min_severity">
<option value="">any severity</option>';
foreach ($alert_severities as $name => $val) {
$common_output[] = "<option value=\"$val\"".($current_severity == $name || $current_severity == $val ? ' selected' : '').">$name or higher</option>";
$common_output[] = '
<div class="form-group row">
<div class="col-sm-4">
<label for="state" class="control-label">State:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<select class="form-control" name="state">';
$common_output[] = '<option value=""'.($current_state == '' ? ' selected' : '').'>any state</option>';
foreach ($alert_states as $name => $val) {
$common_output[] = "<option value=\"$val\"".($current_state == $name || (is_numeric($current_state) && $current_state == $val) ? ' selected' : '').">$name</option>";
$common_output[] = '
<div class="form-group row">
<div class="col-sm-4">
<label for="group" class="control-label">Device Group:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<select class="form-control" name="group">';
$common_output[] = '<option value=""'.($current_group == '' ? ' selected' : '').'>any group</option>';
$device_groups = GetDeviceGroups();
$common_output[] = "<!-- ".print_r($device_groups, true)." -->";
foreach ($device_groups as $group) {
$group_id = $group['id'];
$common_output[] = "<option value=\"$group_id\"".(is_numeric($current_group) && $current_group == $group_id ? ' selected' : '').">".$group['name']." - ".$group['description']."</option>";
$common_output[] = '
<div class="form-group row">
<div class="col-sm-4">
<label for="proc" class="control-label">Show Procedure field: </label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<select class="form-control" name="proc">';
$common_output[] = '<option value="1"'.($current_proc == '1' ? ' selected' : ' ').'>show</option>';
$common_output[] = '<option value="0"'.($current_proc == '0' ? ' selected' : ' ').'>hide</option>';
$common_output[] = '
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Set</button>
} else {
$device_id = $device['device_id'];
$acknowledged = $widget_settings['acknowledged'];
$state = $widget_settings['state'];
$min_severity = $widget_settings['min_severity'];
$group = $widget_settings['group'];
$proc = $widget_settings['proc'];
$title = "Alerts";
// state can be 0 or '', be sure they are treated differently
if (is_numeric($state)) {
$state_name = array_search($state, $alert_states);
$title = "$title ($state_name)";
} elseif ($state) {
$title = "$title ($state)";
if (is_numeric($acknowledged)) {
if ($acknowledged == '0') {
$title = "Unacknowledged $title";
} elseif ($acknowledged == '1') {
$title = "Acknowledged $title";
if (is_numeric($group)) {
$group_row = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM device_groups WHERE id = ?", array($group));
if ($group_row) {
$title = "$title for ".$group_row['name'];
if ($min_severity) {
$sev_name = $min_severity;
if (is_numeric($min_severity)) {
$sev_name = array_search($min_severity, $alert_severities);
$title = "$title >=$sev_name";
$widget_settings['title'] = $title;
$group = $widget_settings['group'];
$common_output[] = '
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<span id="message"></span>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table id="alerts_'.$unique_id.'" class="table table-hover table-condensed alerts">
<th data-column-id="status" data-formatter="status" data-sortable="false">Status</th>
<th data-column-id="rule">Rule</th>
<th data-column-id="details" data-sortable="false">&nbsp;</th>
<th data-column-id="hostname">Hostname</th>
<th data-column-id="timestamp">Timestamp</th>
<th data-column-id="severity" data-formatter="severity">Severity</th>
<th data-column-id="ack" data-formatter="ack" data-sortable="false">Acknowledge</th>';
if (is_numeric($proc)) {
if ($proc) {
$common_output[] = '<th data-column-id="proc" data-formatter="proc" data-sortable="false">Procedure</th>';
} else {
$common_output[] = '<th data-column-id="proc" data-formatter="proc" data-sortable="false">Procedure</th>';
$common_output[] = '
var alerts_grid = $("#alerts_'.$unique_id.'").bootgrid({
ajax: true,
post: function ()
return {
id: "alerts",
if (is_numeric($acknowledged)) {
$common_output[]="acknowledged: '$acknowledged',\n";
if (isset($state) && $state != '') {
$common_output[]="state: '$state',\n";
if (isset($min_severity) && $min_severity != '') {
$common_output[]="min_severity: '$min_severity',\n";
if (is_numeric($group)) {
$common_output[]="group: '$group',\n";
if (is_numeric($proc)) {
$common_output[]="proc: '$proc',\n";
device_id: \'' . $device['device_id'] .'\'
url: "ajax_table.php",
formatters: {
"status": function(column,row) {
return "<h4><span class=\'label label-"+row.extra+" threeqtr-width\'>" + row.msg + "</span></h4>";
"ack": function(column,row) {
return "<button type=\'button\' class=\'btn btn-"+row.ack_col+" btn-sm command-ack-alert\' data-target=\'#ack-alert\' data-state=\'"+row.state+"\' data-alert_id=\'"+row.alert_id+"\' name=\'ack-alert\' id=\'ack-alert\' data-extra=\'"+row.extra+"\'><span class=\'glyphicon glyphicon-"+row.ack_ico+"\'aria-hidden=\'true\'></span></button>";
"proc": function(column,row) {
return "<button type=\'button\' class=\'btn command-open-proc\' data-alert_id=\'"+row.alert_id+"\' name=\'open-proc\' id=\'open-proc\'>Open</button>";
"severity": function(column,row) {
var eventColor = "info";
if (row.severity.match (/critical/)) { eventColor = "danger"; }
else if (row.severity.match (/warning/)) { eventColor = "warning"; }
else if (row.severity.match (/ok/)) { eventColor = "success"; }
return "<h4><span class=\'label label-" + eventColor + " threeqtr-width\'>" + row.severity + "</span></h4>";
templates: {
}).on("", function() {
alerts_grid.find(".incident-toggle").each( function() {
}).on("click", function(e) {
var target = $(this).data("target");
$(this).toggleClass(\'glyphicon-plus glyphicon-minus\');
alerts_grid.find(".incident").each( function() {
$(this).parent().addClass(\'col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4\');
$(this).parent().parent().on("mouseenter", function() {
}).on("mouseleave", function() {
}).on("click", "td:not(.incident-toggle-td)", function() {
var target = $(this).parent().find(".incident-toggle").data("target");
if( $(this).parent().find(".incident-toggle").hasClass(\'glyphicon-plus\') ) {
$(this).parent().find(".incident-toggle").toggleClass(\'glyphicon-plus glyphicon-minus\');
alerts_grid.find(".command-open-proc").on("click", function(e) {
var alert_id = $(this).data("alert_id");
type: "POST",
url: "ajax_form.php",
data: { type: "open-proc", alert_id: alert_id },
success: function(msg){
if (msg != "ERROR") {; }
else {
toastr.error("Procedure link does not seem to be valid, please check the rule");
error: function(){
toastr.error("An error occurred opening procedure for this alert. Was the procedure link configured?");
alerts_grid.find(".command-ack-alert").on("click", function(e) {
var alert_id = $(this).data("alert_id");
var state = $(this).data("state");
type: "POST",
url: "ajax_form.php",
data: { type: "ack-alert", alert_id: alert_id, state: state },
success: function(msg){
if(msg.indexOf("ERROR:") <= -1) {
var $sortDictionary = alerts_grid.bootgrid("getSortDictionary");
alerts_grid.bootgrid("sort", $sortDictionary);
error: function(){
toastr.error("An error occurred acking this alert");