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681 lines
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681 lines
29 KiB
Integer32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks
TruthValue, RowStatus
pimCandidateRPEntry, pimInterfaceEntry, pimComponentEntry,
LAST-UPDATED "200508041619Z" -- August 4, 2005
ORGANIZATION "Hewlett-Packard Company
ProCurve Networking Business"
CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett-Packard Company
8000 Foothills Blvd.
Roseville, CA 95747"
DESCRIPTION "This MIB module contains HP proprietary
extensions to the standard PIM MIB (RFC 2934)."
REVISION "200508041619Z" -- August 4, 2005
DESCRIPTION "Added PIM-SM objects."
REVISION "200406300000Z" -- June 30, 2004
DESCRIPTION "Initial revision."
::= { hpSwitch 20 }
-- **********************************************************************
-- The PIM MIB Groups
-- **********************************************************************
hpicfPimObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfPimMIB 1 }
hpicfPimTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfPimObjects 0 }
hpicfPim OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfPimObjects 1 }
hpicfPimConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfPimMIB 2 }
hpicfPimGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfPimConformance 1 }
hpicfPimCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfPimConformance 2 }
-- **********************************************************************
-- Start of MIB objects
-- **********************************************************************
hpicfPimAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the PIM routing protocol
on this router. Default is disabled."
DEFVAL { disable }
::= { hpicfPim 1 }
hpicfPimStateRefreshInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (10..300)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The interval between successive State Refresh
messages originated by this router.
Default is 60 seconds."
DEFVAL { 60 }
::= { hpicfPim 2 }
hpicfPimSPTThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Specifies a threshold for switching to the Shortest
Path Tree (SPT) on this router. If the object has
the special value of -1, the Shared Tree rooted to the
Rendezvous Point (RP) will be used indefinitely on the
router. Default is -1."
DEFVAL { -1 }
::= { hpicfPim 3 }
hpicfPimTrapControl OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the PIM-enabled router will generate
SNMP traps for PIM events. The set bit means 'enabled'.
- neighborLoss(0)
This bit controls whether the notification trap is
allowed to be send when the neighbour timer expires
and the router has no other neighbours on the same
interface with a lower IP address than itself.
- hardMrtFull(1)
This bit controls whether the notification trap is
allowed to be send when the MRT table is full and
the error has been originated by hardware.
- softMrtFull(2)
This bit controls whether the notification trap is
allowed to be send when the MRT table is full and
the error has been originated by software."
::= { hpicfPim 4 }
-- **********************************************************************
-- The PIM Static RP-Set Table
-- **********************************************************************
hpicfPimStaticRPSetTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table containing statically
configured Rendezvous Points (RPs) for IP multicast
group mappings. This information is being used
in the PIM Sparse mode only."
::= { hpicfPim 5 }
hpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An entry (row) in the hpicfPimStaticRPSetTable.
NOTE: the pimRPSetComponent is an index that uniquely
identifies the component. Each protocol instance
connected to a separate domain should have a different
index value."
INDEX { pimRPSetComponent,
hpicfPimStaticRPSetAddress }
::= { hpicfPimStaticRPSetTable 1 }
HpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry ::=
hpicfPimStaticRPSetGroupAddress IpAddress,
hpicfPimStaticRPSetGroupMask IpAddress,
hpicfPimStaticRPSetAddress IpAddress,
hpicfPimStaticRPSetOverride TruthValue,
hpicfPimStaticRPSetRowStatus RowStatus
hpicfPimStaticRPSetGroupAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The IP multicast group address which, when combined
with hpicfPimStaticRPSetGroupMask, gives the group
prefix for which this entry contains information
about the statically configured RP."
::= { hpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry 1 }
hpicfPimStaticRPSetGroupMask OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The multicast group address mask which, when combined
with hpicfPimStaticRPSetGroupAddress, gives the group
prefix for which this entry contains information about
the statically configured RP."
::= { hpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry 2 }
hpicfPimStaticRPSetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The IP address of statically configured RP for the
given IP multicast group(s)."
::= { hpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry 3 }
hpicfPimStaticRPSetOverride OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "If true, indicates that the router should ignore the
information learned by a BSR if there is a conflict
between the information this static entry contains and
the information that is learned by the BSR.
Default is false."
DEFVAL { false }
::= { hpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry 4 }
hpicfPimStaticRPSetRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this row, by which new entries may be
created, or old entries deleted from this table."
::= { hpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry 5 }
-- **********************************************************************
-- The Extensions to the PIM Interface Table (RFC 2934)
-- **********************************************************************
hpicfPimIfTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "HP extensions to the pimInterfaceTable."
::= { hpicfPim 6 }
hpicfPimIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HpicfPimIfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "HP extensions for an entry in the pimInterfaceTable."
AUGMENTS { pimInterfaceEntry }
::= { hpicfPimIfTable 1 }
HpicfPimIfEntry ::=
hpicfPimIfAddress IpAddress,
hpicfPimIfTrigHelloInterval Integer32,
hpicfPimIfHelloHoldtime Integer32,
hpicfPimIfLanPruneDelay TruthValue,
hpicfPimIfPropagationDelay Integer32,
hpicfPimIfOverrideInterval Integer32,
hpicfPimIfGenerationID TruthValue,
hpicfPimIfJoinPruneHoldtime Unsigned32,
hpicfPimIfGraftRetryInterval Integer32,
hpicfPimIfMaxGraftRetries Integer32,
hpicfPimIfSRTTLThreshold Unsigned32,
hpicfPimIfLanDelayEnabled TruthValue,
hpicfPimIfSRCapable TruthValue,
hpicfPimIfDRPriority Unsigned32,
hpicfPimIfNBRTimeout Integer32
hpicfPimIfAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is copy of pimInterfaceAddress with read-create
access. PIM uses this source address to send its
protocol packets out on this interface. This address can
be set to one of IP addresses of the interface or
| if the address is determined dynamically
based on the current IP configuration.
The currently used source address is value of
pimInterfaceAddress in the latter case."
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 1 }
hpicfPimIfTrigHelloInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..5)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The maximum time before a triggered PIM Hello message
is transmitted on this interface. Default is 5 seconds."
DEFVAL { 5 }
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 2 }
hpicfPimIfHelloHoldtime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (17..1050)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The value set in the Holdtime field of Hello messages
transmitted on this interface. This should be 3.5
times the value of pimInterfaceHelloInterval.
Default is 105 seconds."
DEFVAL { 105 }
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 3 }
hpicfPimIfLanPruneDelay OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Turns the LAN Prune Delay Option off and on on this
interface. Default is true."
DEFVAL { true }
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 4 }
hpicfPimIfPropagationDelay OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (250..2000)
UNITS "milliseconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The value inserted into the LAN Prune Delay field of a
LAN Prune Delay option on this interface.
Default is 500 milliseconds."
DEFVAL { 500 }
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 5 }
hpicfPimIfOverrideInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (500..6000)
UNITS "milliseconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The value inserted into the Override Interval field of
a LAN Prune Delay option on this interface.
Default is 2500 milliseconds."
DEFVAL { 2500 }
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 6 }
hpicfPimIfGenerationID OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Turns the Generation ID Option off and on on this
interface. Default is false."
DEFVAL { false }
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 7 }
hpicfPimIfJoinPruneHoldtime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The value inserted into the Holdtime field of a Join/
Prune message sent on this interface. The value should
be 3.5 times pimInterfaceJoinPruneInterval.
Default is 210 seconds."
DEFVAL { 210 }
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 8 }
hpicfPimIfGraftRetryInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The interval a PIM router waits for a Graft Ack before
re-sending a Graft on this interface.
Default is 3 seconds."
DEFVAL { 3 }
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 9 }
hpicfPimIfMaxGraftRetries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of times this router will re-send a
Graft on this interface. Default is 2."
DEFVAL { 2 }
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 10 }
hpicfPimIfSRTTLThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Time To Live in a PIM-DM State Refresh message at
which it is not forwarded on this interface. Default is 0."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 11 }
hpicfPimIfLanDelayEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Evaluates to TRUE if all routers on this interface are
using the LAN Prune Delay Option."
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 12 }
hpicfPimIfSRCapable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Evaluates to TRUE if all routers on this interface are
using the State Refresh Capable Option."
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 13 }
hpicfPimIfDRPriority OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Designated Router Priority inserted into the DR
priority option on this interface. Default is 1."
DEFVAL { 1 }
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 14 }
hpicfPimIfNBRTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (60..8000)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Time interval after which the router will consider a
neighbour to not be present, if no PIM Hello messages
arrived on the interface. Default is 180 seconds."
DEFVAL { 180 }
::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 15 }
-- **********************************************************************
-- The Extensions to the PIM Component Table (RFC 2934)
-- **********************************************************************
hpicfPimComponentTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpicfPimComponentEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "HP extensions to the pimComponentTable - the
(conceptual) table containing objects specific to a
PIM domain. One row exists for each domain to which
the router is connected. Typically, a PIM-SM router
will be a member of exactly one domain, however, the
table also supports routers which may form a border
between two PIM-SM domains and do not forward Bootstrap
messages between them."
::= { hpicfPim 7 }
hpicfPimComponentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HpicfPimComponentEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "HP extensions for an entry in the pimComponentTable."
AUGMENTS { pimComponentEntry }
::= { hpicfPimComponentTable 1 }
HpicfPimComponentEntry ::=
-- ------------------
-- read-write objects
-- ------------------
hpicfPimComponentCBSRAdminStatus INTEGER,
hpicfPimComponentCBSRAddress IpAddress,
hpicfPimComponentCBSRPriority Integer32,
hpicfPimComponentCBSRHashMaskLength Integer32,
hpicfPimComponentCBSRMessageInterval Integer32,
hpicfPimComponentCRPPriority Integer32,
-- ------------------
-- read-only objects
-- ------------------
hpicfPimComponentCRPAdvInterval Unsigned32,
hpicfPimComponentBSRPriority Unsigned32,
hpicfPimComponentBSRHashMaskLength Unsigned32,
hpicfPimComponentBSRUpTime TimeTicks,
hpicfPimComponentBSRNextMessage TimeTicks
hpicfPimComponentCBSRAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This objects specifies whether or not the router
configured to be a Candidate BSR for the local
PIM region. Default is disabled."
DEFVAL { disable }
::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 1 }
hpicfPimComponentCBSRAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The IP address the Candidate BSR router will advertise
for the local PIM region."
::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 2 }
hpicfPimComponentCBSRPriority OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The priority for Candidate BSR router. In BSR election
process the candidate BSR with the highest (numerically
bigger) priority becomes the BSR. If the priority values
are the same, the router with the larger IP address is
the BSR. Default is 0."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 3 }
hpicfPimComponentCBSRHashMaskLength OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..128)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Specifies the length (in bits) of a multicast group
address to use when mapping a group to one of the
candidate RPs from the RP-Set whose group-prefix
includes the group. The recommended value for IPv4
is 30, for IPv6 is 126. Default is 30."
DEFVAL { 30 }
::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 4 }
hpicfPimComponentCBSRMessageInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (5..65535)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "If this router is the elected BSR, then this is the
interval for sending (multicast out) periodic Bootstrap
(RP-Set) messages on all PIM SM interfaces.
Default is 60 seconds."
DEFVAL { 60 }
::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 5 }
hpicfPimComponentCRPPriority OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The priority for the Candidate RP for the local PIM
domain. Determines which Candidate RPs get selected by
the BSR to be in the RP Set. The smaller value means
the higher priority (a value of zero is the highest
possible priority). Default is 192."
DEFVAL { 192 }
::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 6 }
hpicfPimComponentCRPAdvInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The interval at which the Candidate RP transmits
(unicast to the elected BSR) advertise messages in
the local PIM domain."
::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 7 }
hpicfPimComponentBSRPriority OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The priority of the Bootstrap Router (BSR) elected
for the local PIM region."
::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 8 }
hpicfPimComponentBSRHashMaskLength OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The hash mask length of the elected Bootstrap
Router (BSR)."
::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 9 }
hpicfPimComponentBSRUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeTicks
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Length of time that the elected Bootstrap Router (BSR)
has been up."
::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 10 }
hpicfPimComponentBSRNextMessage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeTicks
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Time in which the next bootstrap message is due from
the elected Bootstrap Router (BSR)."
::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 11 }
-- **********************************************************************
-- PIM Notifications Trap Definitions
-- **********************************************************************
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This notification signifies that the MRT table is
full and the error has been originated by hardware.
This trap should be generated whenever a multicast
flow or MRT entry cannot be added."
::= { hpicfPimTraps 1 }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This notification signifies that the MRT table is
full and the error has been originated by software.
This trap should be generated whenever a multicast
flow or MRT entry cannot be added."
::= { hpicfPimTraps 2 }
-- **********************************************************************
-- Conformance Information
-- **********************************************************************
hpicfPimNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
{ hpicfPimHardMRTFull,
hpicfPimSoftMRTFull }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of notifications that extends
notifications defined in RFC 2934 - used for signalling
important PIM events."
::= { hpicfPimGroups 1 }
hpicfPimBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfPimAdminStatus,
hpicfPimTrapControl }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects to support basic PIM
configuration information on HP routers."
::= { hpicfPimGroups 2 }
hpicfPimStaticRPSetMappingGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfPimStaticRPSetOverride,
hpicfPimStaticRPSetRowStatus }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects to support management of
static Rendezvous Point (RP) to IP multicast group
::= { hpicfPimGroups 3 }
hpicfPimSparseIfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfPimIfAddress,
hpicfPimIfNBRTimeout }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that extends objects defined
in pimInterfaceTable and used to support management of
interfaces operating in PIM Sparse Mode."
::= { hpicfPimGroups 4 }
hpicfPimDenseIfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfPimIfAddress,
hpicfPimIfDRPriority }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that extends objects defined
in pimInterfaceTable and used to support management of
interfaces operating in PIM Dense Mode."
::= { hpicfPimGroups 5 }
hpicfPimComponentGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfPimComponentCBSRAdminStatus,
hpicfPimComponentBSRNextMessage }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that extends objects defined
in pimComponentTable (RFC 2934)."
::= { hpicfPimGroups 6 }
-- **********************************************************************
-- Compliance statements
-- **********************************************************************
hpicfPimSparseMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP routers running
PIM Sparse Mode and implementing the HP-ICF-PIM MIB."
MODULE -- this module
MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfPimBaseGroup,
hpicfPimComponentGroup }
::= { hpicfPimCompliances 1 }
hpicfPimDenseMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP routers running
PIM Dense Mode and implementing the HP-ICF-PIM MIB."
MODULE -- this module
MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfPimBaseGroup,
hpicfPimDenseIfGroup }
::= { hpicfPimCompliances 2 }