Tony Murray 7c4fac489a Fix issues cause by new location and other misc (#9490)
* Fix issues cause by new location and other misc
fix some queries so we return devices with null locations
remove unnecessary query of all ports on ports page lists
make locations menu available to non-admins for the legacy menu
fix a few issues with the old network-map

* fix graphs

* fix oxidized query
2018-11-29 13:04:11 -06:00

232 lines
9.5 KiB

* LibreNMS
* This file is part of LibreNMS.
* @package librenms
* @subpackage map
* @copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Adam Armstrong
use LibreNMS\Authentication\LegacyAuth;
$links = 1;
$init_modules = array('web', 'auth');
require realpath(__DIR__ . '/..') . '/includes/init.php';
$options = getopt('d::');
if (set_debug(isset($options['d']))) {
echo "DEBUG!\n";
if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'anon')) {
$anon = 1;
if (isset($config['branding']) && is_array($config['branding'])) {
if (isset($config['branding'][$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']])) {
$config = array_replace_recursive($config, $config['branding'][$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']]);
} else {
$config = array_replace_recursive($config, $config['branding']['default']);
$where = '';
$param = [];
if (isset($_GET['device']) && is_numeric($_GET['device'])) {
$where = '&& device_id = ?';
$param[] = $_GET['device'];
// FIXME this shit probably needs tidied up.
if (isset($_GET['format']) && preg_match("/^[a-z]*$/", $_GET['format'])) {
$map = '
digraph G { bgcolor=transparent; splines=true; overlap=scale; concentrate=0; epsilon=0.001; rankdir=LR;
node [ fontname="helvetica", fontstyle=bold, style=filled, color=white, fillcolor=lightgrey, overlap=false];
edge [ bgcolor=white, fontname="helvetica", fontstyle=bold, arrowhead=dot, arrowtail=dot];
graph [bgcolor=transparent];
if (!LegacyAuth::check()) {
$map .= "\"Not authenticated\" [fontsize=20 fillcolor=\"lightblue\", URL=\"/\" shape=box3d]\n";
} else {
$loc_count = 1;
foreach (dbFetch("SELECT *, locations.location FROM devices LEFT JOIN locations ON devices.location_id = WHERE 1 ".$where, $param) as $device) {
if ($device) {
$links = dbFetch("SELECT * from ports AS I, links AS L WHERE I.device_id = ? AND L.local_port_id = I.port_id ORDER BY L.remote_hostname", array($device['device_id']));
if (count($links)) {
if ($anon) {
$device['hostname'] = md5($device['hostname']);
if (!isset($locations[$device['location']])) {
$locations[$device['location']] = $loc_count;
$loc_id = $locations[$device['location']];
$map .= "\"".$device['hostname']."\" [fontsize=20, fillcolor=\"lightblue\", group=".$loc_id." URL=\"{$config['base_url']}/device/device=".$device['device_id']."/tab=neighbours/selection=map/\" shape=box3d]\n";
foreach ($links as $link) {
$local_port_id = $link['local_port_id'];
$remote_port_id = $link['remote_port_id'];
$i = 0;
$done = 0;
if ($linkdone[$remote_port_id][$local_port_id]) {
$done = 1;
if (!$done) {
$linkdone[$local_port_id][$remote_port_id] = true;
if ($link['ifSpeed'] >= "10000000000") {
$info = "color=red3 style=\"setlinewidth(6)\"";
} elseif ($link['ifSpeed'] >= "1000000000") {
$info = "color=lightblue style=\"setlinewidth(4)\"";
} elseif ($link['ifSpeed'] >= "100000000") {
$info = "color=lightgrey style=\"setlinewidth(2)\"";
} elseif ($link['ifSpeed'] >= "10000000") {
$info = "style=\"setlinewidth(1)\"";
} else {
$info = "style=\"setlinewidth(1)\"";
$src = $device['hostname'];
if ($anon) {
$src = md5($src);
if ($remote_port_id) {
$dst = dbFetchCell("SELECT `hostname` FROM `devices` AS D, `ports` AS I WHERE I.port_id = ? AND D.device_id = I.device_id", array($remote_port_id));
$dst_host = dbFetchCell("SELECT D.device_id FROM `devices` AS D, `ports` AS I WHERE I.port_id = ? AND D.device_id = I.device_id", array($remote_port_id));
} else {
$dst = $link['remote_hostname'];
if ($anon) {
$dst = md5($dst);
$src = md5($src);
$sif = cleanPort(dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM ports WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($link['local_port_id'])), $device);
if ($remote_port_id) {
$dif = cleanPort(dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM ports WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($link['remote_port_id'])));
} else {
$dif['label'] = $link['remote_port'];
$dif['port_id'] = $link['remote_hostname'] . '/' . $link['remote_port'];
if ($where == "") {
if (!$ifdone[$dst][$dif['port_id']] && !$ifdone[$src][$sif['port_id']]) {
$map .= "\"$src\" -> \"" . $dst . "\" [weight=500000, arrowsize=0, len=0];\n";
$ifdone[$src][$sif['port_id']] = 1;
} else {
$map .= "\"" . $sif['port_id'] . "\" [label=\"" . $sif['label'] . "\", fontsize=12, fillcolor=lightblue, URL=\"{$config['base_url']}/device/device=".$device['device_id']."/tab=port/port=$local_port_id/\"]\n";
if (!$ifdone[$src][$sif['port_id']]) {
$map .= "\"$src\" -> \"" . $sif['port_id'] . "\" [weight=500000, arrowsize=0, len=0];\n";
$ifdone[$src][$sif['port_id']] = 1;
if ($dst_host) {
$map .= "\"$dst\" [URL=\"{$config['base_url']}/device/device=$dst_host/tab=neighbours/selection=map/\", fontsize=20, shape=box3d]\n";
} else {
$map .= "\"$dst\" [ fontsize=20 shape=box3d]\n";
if ($dst_host == $device['device_id'] || $where == '') {
$map .= "\"" . $dif['port_id'] . "\" [label=\"" . $dif['label'] . "\", fontsize=12, fillcolor=lightblue, URL=\"{$config['base_url']}/device/device=$dst_host/tab=port/port=$remote_port_id/\"]\n";
} else {
$map .= "\"" . $dif['port_id'] . "\" [label=\"" . $dif['label'] . " \", fontsize=12, fillcolor=lightgray";
if ($dst_host) {
$map .= ", URL=\"{$config['base_url']}/device/device=$dst_host/tab=port/port=$remote_port_id/\"";
$map .= "]\n";
if (!$ifdone[$dst][$dif['port_id']]) {
$map .= "\"" . $dif['port_id'] . "\" -> \"$dst\" [weight=500000, arrowsize=0, len=0];\n";
$ifdone[$dst][$dif['port_id']] = 1;
$map .= "\"" . $sif['port_id'] . "\" -> \"" . $dif['port_id'] . "\" [weight=1, arrowhead=normal, arrowtail=normal, len=2, $info] \n";
$done = 0;
$map .= "\n};";
if ($_GET['debug'] == 1) {
echo '<pre>$map</pre>';
switch ($_GET['format']) {
case 'svg':
case 'png':
$_GET['format'] = 'png:gd';
case 'dot':
$_GET['format'] = 'png:gd';
if ($links > 30) {
// Unflatten if there are more than 10 links. beyond that it gets messy
$maptool = $config['dot'];
} else {
$maptool = $config['dot'];
if ($where == '') {
$maptool = $config['sfdp'] . ' -Gpack -Goverlap=prism -Gcharset=latin1 -Gsize=20,20';
$maptool = $config['dot'];
$descriptorspec = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"),1 => array("pipe", "w") );
$mapfile = $config['temp_dir'] . "/" . strgen() . ".png";
$process = proc_open($maptool.' -T'.$_GET['format'], $descriptorspec, $pipes);
if (is_resource($process)) {
fwrite($pipes[0], "$map");
while (! feof($pipes[1])) {
$img .= fgets($pipes[1]);
$return_value = proc_close($process);
if ($_GET['format'] == "png:gd") {
header("Content-type: image/png");
} elseif ($_GET['format'] == "svg") {
header("Content-type: image/svg+xml");
$img = str_replace("<a ", '<a target="_parent" ', $img);
echo $img;
} else {
if (LegacyAuth::check()) {
// FIXME level 10 only?
echo '<center>
<object width=1200 height=1000 data="'. $config['base_url'] . '/network-map.php?format=svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>