Josh Driver 72cebe413e Improvements for the link selection for the Network Map
Currently the Network Map will draw multiple links between
devices and ports, overlapping themselves on the graph. The
criteria used to select the link is also unspecified.

Instead only allow a single link between any two devices/ports.
Also prefer links with shorter names, and for links derived
using arp/mac, prioritise links with a matching ip address.
2016-06-05 21:45:46 +09:30

267 lines
12 KiB

* LibreNMS
* Copyright (c) 2014 Neil Lathwood <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. Please see LICENSE.txt at the top level of
* the source code distribution for details.
//Don't know where this should come from, but it is used later, so I just define it here.
$sql_array= array();
if (!empty($device['hostname'])) {
$sql = ' AND (`D1`.`hostname`=? OR `D2`.`hostname`=?)';
$sql_array = array($device['hostname'], $device['hostname']);
$mac_sql = ' AND `D`.`hostname` = ?';
$mac_array = array($device['hostname']);
else {
$sql = ' ';
if (is_admin() === false && is_read() === false) {
$join_sql .= ' LEFT JOIN `devices_perms` AS `DP` ON `D1`.`device_id` = `DP`.`device_id`';
$sql .= ' AND `DP`.`user_id`=?';
$sql_array[] = $_SESSION['user_id'];
$devices_by_id = array();
$links = array();
$link_assoc_seen = array();
$device_assoc_seen = array();
$ports = array();
$devices = array();
$where = "";
if (is_numeric($vars['group'])) {
$group_pattern = dbFetchCell('SELECT `pattern` FROM `device_groups` WHERE id = '.$vars['group']);
$group_pattern = rtrim($group_pattern, '&&');
$group_pattern = rtrim($group_pattern, '||');
$device_id_sql = GenGroupSQL($group_pattern);
if ($device_id_sql) {
$where .= " AND D1.device_id IN ($device_id_sql) OR D2.device_id IN ($device_id_sql)";
if (in_array('mac',$config['network_map_items'])) {
$ports = dbFetchRows("SELECT
`D1`.`device_id` AS `local_device_id`,
`D1`.`os` AS `local_os`,
`D1`.`hostname` AS `local_hostname`,
`D2`.`device_id` AS `remote_device_id`,
`D2`.`os` AS `remote_os`,
`D2`.`hostname` AS `remote_hostname`,
`P1`.`port_id` AS `local_port_id`,
`P1`.`device_id` AS `local_port_device_id`,
`P1`.`ifName` AS `local_ifname`,
`P1`.`ifSpeed` AS `local_ifspeed`,
`P1`.`ifOperStatus` AS `local_ifoperstatus`,
`P1`.`ifAdminStatus` AS `local_ifadminstatus`,
`P1`.`ifInOctets_rate` AS `local_ifinoctets_rate`,
`P1`.`ifOutOctets_rate` AS `local_ifoutoctets_rate`,
`P2`.`port_id` AS `remote_port_id`,
`P2`.`device_id` AS `remote_port_device_id`,
`P2`.`ifName` AS `remote_ifname`,
`P2`.`ifSpeed` AS `remote_ifspeed`,
`P2`.`ifOperStatus` AS `remote_ifoperstatus`,
`P2`.`ifAdminStatus` AS `remote_ifadminstatus`,
`P2`.`ifInOctets_rate` AS `remote_ifinoctets_rate`,
`P2`.`ifOutOctets_rate` AS `remote_ifoutoctets_rate`,
SUM(IF(`P2_ip`.`ipv4_address` = `M`.`ipv4_address`, 1, 0))
AS `remote_matching_ips`
FROM `ipv4_mac` AS `M`
LEFT JOIN `ports` AS `P1` ON `P1`.`port_id`=`M`.`port_id`
LEFT JOIN `ports` AS `P2` ON `P2`.`ifPhysAddress`=`M`.`mac_address`
LEFT JOIN `devices` AS `D1` ON `P1`.`device_id`=`D1`.`device_id`
LEFT JOIN `devices` AS `D2` ON `P2`.`device_id`=`D2`.`device_id`
LEFT JOIN `ipv4_addresses` AS `P2_ip` ON `P2_ip`.`port_id` = `P2`.`port_id`
`M`.`mac_address` NOT IN ('000000000000','ffffffffffff') AND
`P1`.`port_id` IS NOT NULL AND
`P2`.`port_id` IS NOT NULL AND
`D1`.`device_id` != `D2`.`device_id`
GROUP BY `P1`.`port_id`,`P2`.`port_id`
ORDER BY `remote_matching_ips` DESC, `local_ifname`, `remote_ifname`
", $sql_array);
if (in_array('xdp', $config['network_map_items'])) {
$devices = dbFetchRows("SELECT
`D1`.`device_id` AS `local_device_id`,
`D1`.`os` AS `local_os`,
`D1`.`hostname` AS `local_hostname`,
`D2`.`device_id` AS `remote_device_id`,
`D2`.`os` AS `remote_os`,
`D2`.`hostname` AS `remote_hostname`,
`P1`.`port_id` AS `local_port_id`,
`P1`.`device_id` AS `local_port_device_id`,
`P1`.`ifName` AS `local_ifname`,
`P1`.`ifSpeed` AS `local_ifspeed`,
`P1`.`ifOperStatus` AS `local_ifoperstatus`,
`P1`.`ifAdminStatus` AS `local_ifadminstatus`,
`P1`.`ifInOctets_rate` AS `local_ifinoctets_rate`,
`P1`.`ifOutOctets_rate` AS `local_ifoutoctets_rate`,
`P2`.`port_id` AS `remote_port_id`,
`P2`.`device_id` AS `remote_port_device_id`,
`P2`.`ifName` AS `remote_ifname`,
`P2`.`ifSpeed` AS `remote_ifspeed`,
`P2`.`ifOperStatus` AS `remote_ifoperstatus`,
`P2`.`ifAdminStatus` AS `remote_ifadminstatus`,
`P2`.`ifInOctets_rate` AS `remote_ifinoctets_rate`,
`P2`.`ifOutOctets_rate` AS `remote_ifoutoctets_rate`
FROM `links`
LEFT JOIN `devices` AS `D1` ON `D1`.`device_id`=`links`.`local_device_id`
LEFT JOIN `devices` AS `D2` ON `D2`.`device_id`=`links`.`remote_device_id`
LEFT JOIN `ports` AS `P1` ON `P1`.`port_id`=`links`.`local_port_id`
LEFT JOIN `ports` AS `P2` ON `P2`.`port_id`=`links`.`remote_port_id`
`active`=1 AND
`local_device_id` != 0 AND
`remote_device_id` != 0 AND
`local_device_id` IS NOT NULL AND
`remote_device_id` IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY `P1`.`port_id`,`P2`.`port_id`
ORDER BY `local_ifname`, `remote_ifname`
", $sql_array);
$list = array_merge($ports,$devices);
// Iterate though ports and links, generating a set of devices (nodes)
// and links (edges) that make up the topology graph.
foreach ($list as $items) {
$local_device = array('device_id'=>$items['local_device_id'], 'os'=>$items['local_os'], 'hostname'=>$items['local_hostname']);
$remote_device = array('device_id'=>$items['remote_device_id'], 'os'=>$items['remote_os'], 'hostname'=>$items['remote_hostname']);
$local_port = array('port_id'=>$items['local_port_id'],'device_id'=>$items['local_port_device_id'],'ifName'=>$items['local_ifname'],'ifSpeed'=>$items['local_ifspeed'],'ifOperStatus'=>$items['local_ifoperstatus'],'ifAdminStatus'=>$items['local_adminstatus']);
$remote_port = array('port_id'=>$items['remote_port_id'],'device_id'=>$items['remote_port_device_id'],'ifName'=>$items['remote_ifname'],'ifSpeed'=>$items['remote_ifspeed'],'ifOperStatus'=>$items['remote_ifoperstatus'],'ifAdminStatus'=>$items['remote_adminstatus']);
$local_device_id = $items['local_device_id'];
if (!array_key_exists($local_device_id, $devices_by_id)) {
$devices_by_id[$local_device_id] = array('id'=>$local_device_id,'label'=>$items['local_hostname'],'title'=>generate_device_link($local_device,'',array(),'','','',0),'shape'=>'box');
$remote_device_id = $items['remote_device_id'];
if (!array_key_exists($remote_device_id, $devices_by_id)) {
$devices_by_id[$remote_device_id] = array('id'=>$remote_device_id,'label'=>$items['remote_hostname'],'title'=>generate_device_link($remote_device,'',array(),'','','',0),'shape'=>'box');
$speed = $items['local_ifspeed']/1000/1000;
if ($speed == 100) {
$width = 3;
elseif ($speed == 1000) {
$width = 5;
elseif ($speed == 10000) {
$width = 10;
elseif ($speed == 40000) {
$width = 15;
elseif ($speed == 100000) {
$width = 20;
else {
$width = 1;
$link_in_used = ($items['local_ifinoctets_rate'] * 8) / $items['local_ifspeed'] * 100;
$link_out_used = ($items['local_ifoutoctets_rate'] * 8) / $items['local_ifspeed'] * 100;
if ($link_in_used > $link_out_used) {
$link_used = $link_in_used;
else {
$link_used = $link_out_used;
$link_used = round($link_used, -1);
if ($link_used > 100) {
$link_used = 100;
$link_color = $config['network_map_legend'][$link_used];
$link_id1 = $items['local_port_id'].':'.$items['remote_port_id'];
$link_id2 = $items['remote_port_id'].':'.$items['local_port_id'];
$device_id1 = $items['local_device_id'].':'.$items['remote_device_id'];
$device_id2 = $items['remote_device_id'].':'.$items['local_device_id'];
// Ensure only one link exists between any two ports, or any two devices.
if (!array_key_exists($link_id1, $link_assoc_seen) &&
!array_key_exists($link_id2, $link_assoc_seen) &&
!array_key_exists($device_id1, $device_assoc_seen) &&
!array_key_exists($device_id2, $device_assoc_seen)) {
$local_port = ifNameDescr($local_port);
$remote_port = ifNameDescr($remote_port);
$links[] = array('from'=>$items['local_device_id'],'to'=>$items['remote_device_id'],'label'=>shorten_interface_type($local_port['ifName']) . ' > ' . shorten_interface_type($remote_port['ifName']),'title'=>generate_port_link($local_port, "<img src='graph.php?type=port_bits&amp;id=".$items['local_port_id']."&amp;from=".$config['time']['day']."&amp;to=".$config['time']['now']."&amp;width=100&amp;height=20&amp;legend=no&amp;bg=".str_replace("#","", $row_colour)."'>\n",'',0,1),'width'=>$width,'color'=>$link_color);
$link_assoc_seen[$link_id1] = 1;
$link_assoc_seen[$link_id2] = 1;
$device_assoc_seen[$device_id1] = 1;
$device_assoc_seen[$device_id2] = 1;
$nodes = json_encode(array_values($devices_by_id));
$edges = json_encode($links);
if (count($devices_by_id) > 1 && count($links) > 0) {
<div id="visualization"></div>
<script src="js/vis.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var height = $(window).height() - 100;
$('#visualization').height(height + 'px');
// create an array with nodes
var nodes =
echo $nodes;
// create an array with edges
var edges =
echo $edges;
// create a network
var container = document.getElementById('visualization');
var data = {
nodes: nodes,
edges: edges,
stabilize: true
var options = <?php echo $config['network_map_vis_options']; ?>;
var network = new vis.Network(container, data, options);
network.on('click', function (properties) {
if (properties.nodes > 0) {
window.location.href = "device/device="+properties.nodes+"/tab=map/"
else {
print_message("No map to display, this may be because you aren't running autodiscovery or no devices are linked by mac address.");
$pagetitle[] = "Map";