mirror of
synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
196 lines
6.4 KiB
196 lines
6.4 KiB
use LibreNMS\Config;
// Setup here
if (session('widescreen')) {
$graph_width = 1700;
$thumb_width = 180;
} else {
$graph_width = 1075;
$thumb_width = 113;
$vars['from'] = parse_at_time($vars['from']) ?: Config::get('time.day');
$vars['to'] = parse_at_time($vars['to']) ?: Config::get('time.now');
preg_match('/^(?P<type>[A-Za-z0-9]+)_(?P<subtype>.+)/', $vars['type'], $graphtype);
$type = basename($graphtype['type']);
$subtype = basename($graphtype['subtype']);
$id = $vars['id'];
if (is_numeric($vars['device'])) {
$device = device_by_id_cache($vars['device']);
} elseif (! empty($vars['device'])) {
$device = device_by_name($vars['device']);
if (is_file('includes/html/graphs/' . $type . '/auth.inc.php')) {
require 'includes/html/graphs/' . $type . '/auth.inc.php';
if (! $auth) {
require 'includes/html/error-no-perm.inc.php';
} else {
if (Config::has("graph_types.$type.$subtype.descr")) {
$title .= ' :: ' . Config::get("graph_types.$type.$subtype.descr");
} elseif ($type == 'device' && $subtype == 'collectd') {
$title .= ' :: ' . \LibreNMS\Util\StringHelpers::niceCase($subtype) . ' :: ' . $vars['c_plugin'];
if (isset($vars['c_plugin_instance'])) {
$title .= ' - ' . $vars['c_plugin_instance'];
$title .= ' - ' . $vars['c_type'];
if (isset($vars['c_type_instance'])) {
$title .= ' - ' . $vars['c_type_instance'];
} else {
$title .= ' :: ' . \LibreNMS\Util\StringHelpers::niceCase($subtype);
$graph_array = $vars;
$graph_array['height'] = '60';
$graph_array['width'] = $thumb_width;
$graph_array['legend'] = 'no';
$graph_array['to'] = Config::get('time.now');
echo $title;
// FIXME allow switching between types for sensor and wireless also restrict types to ones that have data
if ($type != 'sensor') {
echo '<div style="float: right;"><form action="">';
echo csrf_field();
echo "<select name='type' id='type' onchange=\"window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,'_top')\" >";
foreach (get_graph_subtypes($type, $device) as $avail_type) {
echo "<option value='" . \LibreNMS\Util\Url::generate($vars, ['type' => $type . '_' . $avail_type, 'page' => 'graphs']) . "'";
if ($avail_type == $subtype) {
echo ' selected';
$display_type = \LibreNMS\Util\StringHelpers::niceCase($avail_type);
echo ">$display_type</option>";
echo '</select></form></div>';
$thumb_array = Config::get('graphs.row.normal');
echo '<table width=100% class="thumbnail_graph_table"><tr>';
foreach ($thumb_array as $period => $text) {
$graph_array['from'] = Config::get("time.$period");
$link_array = $vars;
$link_array['from'] = $graph_array['from'];
$link_array['to'] = $graph_array['to'];
$link_array['page'] = 'graphs';
$link = \LibreNMS\Util\Url::generate($link_array);
echo '<td style="text-align: center;">';
echo '<b>' . $text . '</b>';
echo '<a href="' . $link . '">';
echo \LibreNMS\Util\Url::lazyGraphTag($graph_array);
echo '</a>';
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr></table>';
$graph_array = $vars;
$graph_array['height'] = Config::get('webui.min_graph_height');
$graph_array['width'] = $graph_width;
if ($screen_width = Session::get('screen_width')) {
if ($screen_width > 800) {
$graph_array['width'] = ($screen_width - ($screen_width / 10));
} else {
$graph_array['width'] = ($screen_width - ($screen_width / 4));
if ($screen_height = Session::get('screen_height')) {
if ($screen_height > 960) {
$graph_array['height'] = ($screen_height - ($screen_height / 2));
} else {
$graph_array['height'] = max($graph_array['height'], ($screen_height - ($screen_height / 1.5)));
echo '<hr />';
include_once 'includes/html/print-date-selector.inc.php';
echo '<div style="padding-top: 5px";></div>';
echo '<center>';
if ($vars['legend'] == 'no') {
echo generate_link('Show Legend', $vars, ['page' => 'graphs', 'legend' => null]);
} else {
echo generate_link('Hide Legend', $vars, ['page' => 'graphs', 'legend' => 'no']);
// FIXME : do this properly
// if ($type == "port" && $subtype == "bits")
// {
echo ' | ';
if ($vars['previous'] == 'yes') {
echo generate_link('Hide Previous', $vars, ['page' => 'graphs', 'previous' => null]);
} else {
echo generate_link('Show Previous', $vars, ['page' => 'graphs', 'previous' => 'yes']);
// }
echo ' | ';
if ($vars['showcommand'] == 'yes') {
echo generate_link('Hide RRD Command', $vars, ['page' => 'graphs', 'showcommand' => null]);
} else {
echo generate_link('Show RRD Command', $vars, ['page' => 'graphs', 'showcommand' => 'yes']);
if ($vars['type'] == 'port_bits') {
echo ' | ';
if ($vars['port_speed_zoom'] ?? Config::get('graphs.port_speed_zoom')) {
echo generate_link('Zoom to Traffic', $vars, ['page' => 'graphs', 'port_speed_zoom' => 0]);
} else {
echo generate_link('Zoom to Port Speed', $vars, ['page' => 'graphs', 'port_speed_zoom' => 1]);
echo ' | To show trend, set to future date';
echo '</center>';
echo generate_graph_js_state($graph_array);
echo '<div style="width: ' . $graph_array['width'] . '; margin: auto;"><center>';
if (Config::get('webui.dynamic_graphs', false) === true) {
echo generate_dynamic_graph_js($graph_array);
echo generate_dynamic_graph_tag($graph_array);
} else {
echo \LibreNMS\Util\Url::lazyGraphTag($graph_array);
echo '</center></div>';
if (Config::has('graph_descr.' . $vars['type'])) {
echo '<div style="float: left; width: 30px;">
<div style="margin: auto auto;">
<i class="fa fa-info-circle fa-lg icon-theme" aria-hidden="true"></i>
echo Config::get('graph_descr.' . $vars['type']);
if ($vars['showcommand']) {
$_GET = $graph_array;
$command_only = 1;
require 'includes/html/graphs/graph.inc.php';