Vitali Kari 532ab1127a Mpls Path Visualization (#10936)
* update nokia mibs

* database migrations

* add code

* html code

* update db schema

* add test data

* add FIXME

* move mibs/nokia/MPLS-TE-MIB to mibs/MPLS-TE-MIB
2020-01-01 23:45:06 +01:00

196 lines
6.4 KiB

* LibreNMS
* Copyright (c) 2019 Vitali Kari
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. Please see LICENSE.txt at the top level of
* the source code distribution for details.
use LibreNMS\Config;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
$hops = [];
$links =[];
$options = Config::get('network_map_vis_options');
$lsp_path_id = $path['lsp_path_id'];
$last_node = dbFetchCell('SELECT L.mplsLspToAddr FROM mpls_lsps AS L, mpls_lsp_paths AS P WHERE P.lsp_path_id = ? AND L.lsp_id = P.lsp_id', [$path['lsp_path_id']]);
$device_id = $device['device_id'];
$ar_list = dbFetchRows('SELECT * from `mpls_tunnel_ar_hops` where device_id = ? AND lsp_path_id = ?', [$device_id, $lsp_path_id]);
// first node is host self
$node = device_has_ip($ar_list[0]['mplsTunnelARHopRouterId']);
if ($node) {
$node_id = $node['device_id'];
$label = $node['hostname'];
$first_node = $ar_list[0]['mplsTunnelARHopRouterId'];
} else {
$node_id = $label = $first_node;
foreach ($ar_list as $value) {
$node = device_has_ip($value['mplsTunnelARHopRouterId']);
if ($node) {
$remote_node_id = $node['device_id'];
$remote_label = $node['hostname'];
} else {
$remote_node_id = $remote_label = $value['mplsTunnelARHopRouterId'];
$hops[$remote_node_id] = [
'id' => $remote_node_id,
'label' => $remote_label . PHP_EOL . $value['mplsTunnelARHopRouterId'],
if ($value['nextNodeProtected'] == 'true') {
$hops[$remote_node_id]['color'] = '#ccffcc';
$hops[$remote_node_id]['title'] = 'Node Protected';
} else {
$hops[$remote_node_id]['color'] = '#cccccc';
$hops[$remote_node_id]['title'] = 'Node Not Protected';
if ($value['mplsTunnelARHopRouterId'] == $first_node || $value['mplsTunnelARHopRouterId'] == $last_node) {
$hops[$remote_node_id]['shape'] = 'circle';
$lsp = dbFetchCell('SELECT L.mplsLspName FROM mpls_lsps AS L, mpls_lsp_paths AS P WHERE P.lsp_path_id = ? AND L.lsp_id = P.lsp_id', [$value['lsp_path_id']]);
if ($value['localProtected'] == 'true') {
$link_color = '#004d00';
} else {
$link_color = '#000000';
$links[] = [
'from' => $node_id,
'to' => $remote_node_id,
'label' => strval($value['mplsTunnelARHopIpv4Addr']),
'font' =>
'align' => 'top',
'color' => $link_color,
'title' => $lsp . ' active hop #' . strval($value['mplsTunnelARHopIndex']) . ' Link Protected: ' . $value['localProtected'],
'width' => 4.0,
'color' =>
'color' => $link_color,
'opacity' => '0.6',
'selfReferenceSize' => 45,
// process next hop
$node_id = $remote_node_id;
$label = $remote_label;
// try to find the computed CSPF Path
$dev_mpls_tunnel_c_hops = collect(dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM mpls_tunnel_c_hops where device_id = ?', [$device_id])); // collect all computed hops
$keyed = $dev_mpls_tunnel_c_hops->keyBy('mplsTunnelCHopListIndex'); // reduce to last hops
// Filter to only with final destination
$filtered = $keyed->filter(function ($value) use ($last_node) {
return ($value['mplsTunnelCHopRouterId'] == $last_node);
// FIXME pick the last one, but it seems that the secod one could work too. On NOKIA it actually does not matter, the paths have the same hops.
// The first one is the active route path.
$filtered2 = $filtered->last()['mplsTunnelCHopListIndex'];
// get CSPF List
$c_list = dbFetchRows('SELECT * from `mpls_tunnel_c_hops` where device_id = ? AND mplsTunnelCHopListIndex = ?', [$device_id, $filtered2]);
// first node is host self
$node = device_has_ip($c_list[0]['mplsTunnelCHopRouterId']);
if ($node) {
$node_id = $node['device_id'];
$label = $node['hostname'];
} else {
$node_id = $label = $c_list[0]['mplsTunnelCHopRouterId'];
foreach ($c_list as $value) {
$node = device_has_ip($value['mplsTunnelCHopRouterId']);
if ($node) {
$remote_node_id = $node['device_id'];
$remote_label = $node['hostname'];
} else {
$remote_node_id = $remote_label = $value['mplsTunnelCHopRouterId'];
if (empty($hops[$remote_node_id])) {
$hops[$remote_node_id] = [
'id' => $remote_node_id,
'label' => $remote_label . PHP_EOL . $value['mplsTunnelCHopRouterId'],
'color' => '#cccccc',
'title' => 'Node Protection Unknown',
$links[] = [
'from' => $node_id,
'to' => $remote_node_id,
'label' => strval($value['mplsTunnelCHopIpv4Addr']),
'font' =>
'align' => 'bottom',
'color' => '#262626',
'title' => 'computed detour hop # ' . strval($value['mplsTunnelCHopIndex']),
'width' => 4.0,
'color' =>
'color' => '#262626',
'opacity' => '0.5',
'selfReferenceSize' => 25,
'dashes' => 'true',
// process next hop
$node_id = $remote_node_id;
$label = $remote_label;
$nodes = json_encode(array_values($hops));
$edges = json_encode($links);
if (count($hops) > 1 && count($links) > 0) {
$visualization = 'visualization-' . $i;
echo '<div id="visualization-' . $i . '"></div>
<script src="js/vis.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var height = $(window).height() / 2;
echo "$('#" . $visualization . "').height(height + 'px');
var nodes = " . $nodes . ";
var edges = " . $edges . ";
echo "var container = document.getElementById('" . $visualization . "');
echo "var data = {
nodes: nodes,
edges: edges,
stabilize: true
var options = " . $options . ";
echo "var network = new vis.Network(container, data, options);
network.on('click', function (properties) {
if (properties.nodes > 0) {
window.location.href = " . '"device/device="+properties.nodes+"/tab=routing/proto=mpls/view=paths/"
} else {
print_message("No Path map to display. Maybe there are no MPLS tunnel hops discovered.");