mirror of
synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
git-svn-id: http://www.observium.org/svn/observer/trunk@889 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8
467 lines
24 KiB
467 lines
24 KiB
function graph_multi_bits_trio ($ports, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height, $title, $vertical, $inverse, $legend = '1') {
global $config, $installdir;
$options = " --alt-autoscale-max -E --start $from --end " . ($to - 150) . " --width $width --height $height ";
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
if($height < "99") { $options .= " --only-graph"; }
$i = 1;
foreach(explode(",", $ports[0]) as $ifid) {
$query = mysql_query("SELECT `ifIndex`, `hostname` FROM `ports` AS I, devices as D WHERE I.interface_id = '" . $ifid . "' AND I.device_id = D.device_id");
$int = mysql_fetch_row($query);
if(is_file($config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd")) {
if(strstr($inverse, "a")) { $in = "OUT"; $out = "IN"; } else { $in = "IN"; $out = "OUT"; }
$options .= " DEF:inoctets" . $i . "=" . $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd:".$in."OCTETS:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:outoctets" . $i . "=" . $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd:".$out."OCTETS:AVERAGE";
$in_thing .= $seperator . "inoctets" . $i . ",UN,0," . "inoctets" . $i . ",IF";
$out_thing .= $seperator . "outoctets" . $i . ",UN,0," . "outoctets" . $i . ",IF";
$pluses .= $plus;
$seperator = ",";
$plus = ",+";
unset($seperator); unset($plus);
foreach(explode(",", $ports[1]) as $ifid) {
$query = mysql_query("SELECT `ifIndex`, `hostname` FROM `ports` AS I, devices as D WHERE I.interface_id = '" . $ifid . "' AND I.device_id = D.device_id");
$int = mysql_fetch_row($query);
if(is_file($config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd")) {
if(strstr($inverse, "b")) { $in = "OUT"; $out = "IN"; } else { $in = "IN"; $out = "OUT"; }
$options .= " DEF:inoctetsb" . $i . "=" . $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd:".$in."OCTETS:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:outoctetsb" . $i . "=" . $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd:".$out."OCTETS:AVERAGE";
$in_thingb .= $seperator . "inoctetsb" . $i . ",UN,0," . "inoctetsb" . $i . ",IF";
$out_thingb .= $seperator . "outoctetsb" . $i . ",UN,0," . "outoctetsb" . $i . ",IF";
$plusesb .= $plus;
$seperator = ",";
$plus = ",+";
unset($seperator); unset($plus);
foreach(explode(",", $ports[2]) as $ifid) {
$query = mysql_query("SELECT `ifIndex`, `hostname` FROM `ports` AS I, devices as D WHERE I.interface_id = '" . $ifid . "' AND I.device_id = D.device_id");
$int = mysql_fetch_row($query);
if(is_file($config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd")) {
if(strstr($inverse, "c")) { $in = "OUT"; $out = "IN"; } else { $in = "IN"; $out = "OUT"; }
$options .= " DEF:inoctetsc" . $i . "=" . $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd:".$in."OCTETS:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:outoctetsc" . $i . "=" . $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd:".$out."OCTETS:AVERAGE";
$in_thingc .= $seperator . "inoctetsc" . $i . ",UN,0," . "inoctetsc" . $i . ",IF";
$out_thingc .= $seperator . "outoctetsc" . $i . ",UN,0," . "outoctetsc" . $i . ",IF";
$plusesc .= $plus;
$seperator = ",";
$plus = ",+";
$options .= " CDEF:inoctets=" . $in_thing . $pluses;
$options .= " CDEF:outoctets=" . $out_thing . $pluses;
$options .= " CDEF:inoctetsb=" . $in_thingb . $plusesb;
$options .= " CDEF:outoctetsb=" . $out_thingb . $plusesb;
$options .= " CDEF:inoctetsc=" . $in_thingc . $plusesc;
$options .= " CDEF:outoctetsc=" . $out_thingc . $plusesc;
$options .= " CDEF:doutoctets=outoctets,-1,*";
$options .= " CDEF:inbits=inoctets,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:outbits=outoctets,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:doutbits=doutoctets,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:doutoctetsb=outoctetsb,-1,*";
$options .= " CDEF:inbitsb=inoctetsb,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:outbitsb=outoctetsb,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:doutbitsb=doutoctetsb,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:doutoctetsc=outoctetsc,-1,*";
$options .= " CDEF:inbitsc=inoctetsc,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:outbitsc=outoctetsc,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:doutbitsc=doutoctetsc,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:inbits_tot=inbits,inbitsb,inbitsc,+,+";
$options .= " CDEF:outbits_tot=outbits,outbitsb,outbitsc,+,+";
$options .= " CDEF:inbits_stot=inbitsc,inbitsb,+";
$options .= " CDEF:outbits_stot=outbitsc,outbitsb,+";
$options .= " CDEF:doutbits_stot=outbits_stot,-1,*";
$options .= " CDEF:doutbits_tot=outbits_tot,-1,*";
$options .= " CDEF:nothing=outbits_tot,outbits_tot,-";
if($legend == "no") {
$options .= " AREA:inbits_tot#cdeb8b:";
$options .= " AREA:doutbits_tot#cdeb8b:";
$options .= " LINE1.25:inbits_tot#aacc77:";
$options .= " LINE1.25:doutbits_tot#aacc88:";
$options .= " AREA:inbits_stot#c3d9ff:";
$options .= " AREA:doutbits_stot#c3d9ff:";
$options .= " LINE1:inbits_stot#b3a9cf:";
$options .= " LINE1:doutbits_stot#b3a9cf:";
$options .= " AREA:inbitsc#ffcc99:";
$options .= " AREA:doutbitsc#ffcc99:";
$options .= " LINE1.25:inbitsc#ddaa88";
$options .= " LINE1.25:doutbitsc#ddaa88";
$options .= " LINE1:inbits#006600:";
$options .= " LINE1:doutbits#006600:";
$options .= " LINE1:inbitsb#000099:";
$options .= " LINE1:doutbitsb#000099:";
$options .= " LINE0.5:nothing#555555:";
} else {
$options .= " COMMENT:BPS\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Current\ \ \ Average\ \ \ \ \ \ Min\ \ \ \ \ \ Max\\\\n";
$options .= " AREA:inbits_tot#cdeb8b:ATM\ \ In\ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " AREA:doutbits_tot#cdeb8b:";
$options .= " COMMENT:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ Out";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " LINE1.25:inbits_tot#aacc77:";
$options .= " LINE1.25:doutbits_tot#aacc88:";
$options .= " AREA:inbits_stot#c3d9ff:NGN\ \ In\ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbitsb:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbitsb:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbitsb:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbitsb:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " AREA:doutbits_stot#c3d9ff:";
$options .= " COMMENT:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ Out";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbitsb:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbitsb:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbitsb:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbitsb:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " LINE1:inbits_stot#b3a9cf:";
$options .= " LINE1:doutbits_stot#b3a9cf:";
$options .= " AREA:inbitsc#ffcc99:Wave\ In\ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbitsc:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbitsc:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbitsc:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbitsc:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " AREA:doutbitsc#ffcc99:";
$options .= " COMMENT:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ Out";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbitsc:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbitsc:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbitsc:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbitsc:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " LINE1.25:inbitsc#ddaa88";
$options .= " LINE1.25:doutbitsc#ddaa88";
$options .= " LINE1:inbits#006600:";
$options .= " LINE1:doutbits#006600:";
$options .= " LINE1:inbitsb#000099:";
$options .= " LINE1:doutbitsb#000099:";
$options .= " LINE0.5:nothing#555555:";
$options .= " COMMENT:Total\ \ In\ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits_tot:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits_tot:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits_tot:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits_tot:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " COMMENT:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ Out";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits_tot:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits_tot:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits_tot:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits_tot:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
if($width <= "300") { $options .= " --font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal"; }
echo($config['rrdtool'] . " graph $graph $options");
$thing = shell_exec($config['rrdtool'] . " graph $graph $options");
return $graph;
function graph_multi_bits_duo ($ports, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height, $title, $vertical, $inverse, $legend = '1') {
global $config, $installdir;
$options = "--alt-autoscale-max -E --start $from --end " . ($to - 150) . " --width $width --height $height";
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
if($height < "99") { $options .= " --only-graph"; }
$i = 1;
foreach(explode(",", $ports[0]) as $ifid) {
$query = mysql_query("SELECT `ifIndex`, `hostname` FROM `ports` AS I, devices as D WHERE I.interface_id = '" . $ifid . "' AND I.device_id = D.device_id");
$int = mysql_fetch_row($query);
if(is_file($config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd")) {
$options .= " DEF:inoctets" . $i . "=" . $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd:INOCTETS:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:outoctets" . $i . "=" . $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd:OUTOCTETS:AVERAGE";
$in_thing .= $seperator . "inoctets" . $i . ",UN,0," . "inoctets" . $i . ",IF";
$out_thing .= $seperator . "outoctets" . $i . ",UN,0," . "outoctets" . $i . ",IF";
$pluses .= $plus;
$seperator = ",";
$plus = ",+";
unset($seperator); unset($plus);
foreach(explode(",", $ports[1]) as $ifid) {
$query = mysql_query("SELECT `ifIndex`, `hostname` FROM `ports` AS I, devices as D WHERE I.interface_id = '" . $ifid . "' AND I.device_id = D.device_id");
$int = mysql_fetch_row($query);
if(is_file($config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd")) {
$options .= " DEF:inoctetsb" . $i . "=" . $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd:INOCTETS:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:outoctetsb" . $i . "=" . $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $int[1] . "/" . $int[0] . ".rrd:OUTOCTETS:AVERAGE";
$in_thingb .= $seperator . "inoctetsb" . $i . ",UN,0," . "inoctetsb" . $i . ",IF";
$out_thingb .= $seperator . "outoctetsb" . $i . ",UN,0," . "outoctetsb" . $i . ",IF";
$plusesb .= $plus;
$seperator = ",";
$plus = ",+";
if($inverse) { $in = 'out'; $out = 'in'; } else { $in = 'in'; $out = 'out'; }
$options .= " CDEF:".$in."octets=" . $in_thing . $pluses;
$options .= " CDEF:".$out."octets=" . $out_thing . $pluses;
$options .= " CDEF:".$in."octetsb=" . $in_thingb . $plusesb;
$options .= " CDEF:".$out."octetsb=" . $out_thingb . $plusesb;
$options .= " CDEF:doutoctets=outoctets,-1,*";
$options .= " CDEF:inbits=inoctets,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:outbits=outoctets,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:doutbits=doutoctets,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:doutoctetsb=outoctetsb,-1,*";
$options .= " CDEF:inbitsb=inoctetsb,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:outbitsb=outoctetsb,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:doutbitsb=doutoctetsb,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:inbits_tot=inbits,inbitsb,+";
$options .= " CDEF:outbits_tot=outbits,outbitsb,+";
$options .= " CDEF:doutbits_tot=outbits_tot,-1,*";
$options .= " CDEF:nothing=outbits_tot,outbits_tot,-";
if($legend == "no") {
$options .= " AREA:inbits_tot#cdeb8b:";
$options .= " AREA:inbits#ffcc99:";
$options .= " AREA:doutbits_tot#cdeb8b:";
$options .= " AREA:doutbits#ffcc99:";
$options .= " LINE1:inbits#aa9966:";
$options .= " LINE1:doutbits#aa9966:";
$options .= " LINE1:inbitsb#006600:";
$options .= " LINE1:doutbitsb#006600:";
$options .= " LINE1.25:inbits_tot#006600:";
$options .= " LINE1.25:doutbits_tot#006600:";
$options .= " LINE0.5:nothing#555555:";
} else {
$options .= " COMMENT:BPS\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Current\ \ \ Average\ \ \ \ \ \ Min\ \ \ \ \ \ Max\\\\n";
$options .= " AREA:inbits_tot#cdeb8b:Peering\ In\ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbitsb:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbitsb:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbitsb:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbitsb:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " AREA:doutbits_tot#cdeb8b:";
$options .= " COMMENT:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Out";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbitsb:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbitsb:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbitsb:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbitsb:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " AREA:inbits#ffcc99:Transit\ In\ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " AREA:doutbits#ffcc99:";
$options .= " COMMENT:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Out";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " COMMENT:Total\ \ \ \ \ In\ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits_tot:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits_tot:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits_tot:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:inbits_tot:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " COMMENT:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Out";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits_tot:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits_tot:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits_tot:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:outbits_tot:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " LINE1:inbits#aa9966:";
$options .= " LINE1:doutbits#aa9966:";
$options .= " LINE1.25:inbitsb#006600:";
$options .= " LINE1.25:doutbitsb#006600:";
$options .= " LINE1.25:inbits_tot#006600:";
$options .= " LINE1.25:doutbits_tot#006600:";
$options .= " LINE0.5:nothing#555555:";
if($width <= "300") { $options .= " --font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal"; }
$thing = shell_exec($config['rrdtool'] . " graph $graph $options");
return $graph;
function graph_cbgp_prefixes ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) {
global $config;
$database = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $rrd;
$options = "--alt-autoscale-max -E --start $from --end $to --width $width --height $height ";
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
if($width <= "300") {$options .= " --font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal "; }
$options .= " DEF:Accepted=$database:AcceptedPrefixes:AVERAGE";
#$options .= " DEF:Denied=$database:DeniedPrefixes:AVERAGE";
#$options .= " DEF:Advertised=$database:AdvertisedPrefixes:AVERAGE";
#$options .= " DEF:Suppressed=$database:SuppressedPrefixes:AVERAGE";
#$options .= " DEF:Withdrawn=$database:WithdrawnPrefixes:AVERAGE";
#$options .= " CDEF:dAdvertised=Advertised,-1,*";
$options .= " COMMENT:Prefixes\ \ \ \ \ \ Current\ \ Minimum\ \ Maximum\\\\n";
$options .= " AREA:Accepted#eeaaaa:";
$options .= " LINE2:Accepted#cc0000:Accepted\ \ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:Accepted:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:Accepted:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:Accepted:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
#$options .= " AREA:dAdvertised#aaeeaa:";
#$options .= " LINE2:dAdvertised#00cc00:Advertised";
#$options .= " GPRINT:Advertised:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
#$options .= " GPRINT:Advertised:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
#$options .= " GPRINT:Advertised:MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$thing = shell_exec($config['rrdtool'] . " graph $graph $options");
# echo($config['rrdtool'] . " graph $graph $options");
return $graph;
function bgpupdatesgraph ($rrd, $graph , $from, $to, $width, $height) {
global $config, $installdir;
$database = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $rrd;
$options = "--alt-autoscale-max -E --start $from --end $to --width $width --height $height ";
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
if($width <= "300") {$options .= " --font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal "; }
$options .= " DEF:in=$database:bgpPeerInUpdates:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:out=$database:bgpPeerOutUpdates:AVERAGE";
$options .= " CDEF:dout=out,-1,*";
$options .= " AREA:in#aa66aa:";
$options .= " COMMENT:Updates\ \ \ \ Current\ \ \ \ \ Average\ \ \ \ \ \ Maximum\\\\n";
$options .= " LINE1.25:in#330033:In\ \ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:in:LAST:%6.2lf%sU/s";
$options .= " GPRINT:in:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%sU/s";
$options .= " GPRINT:in:MAX:%6.2lf%sU/s\\\\n";
$options .= " AREA:dout#FFDD88:";
$options .= " LINE1.25:dout#FF6600:Out\ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:out:LAST:%6.2lf%sU/s";
$options .= " GPRINT:out:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%sU/s";
$options .= " GPRINT:out:MAX:%6.2lf%sU/s\\\\n";
$thing = shell_exec($config['rrdtool'] . " graph $graph $options");
return $graph;
function graph_cpu_generic_single ($rrd, $graph , $from, $to, $width, $height) {
global $config;
$database = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $rrd;
$options = "--alt-autoscale-max -l 0 -E --start $from --end $to --width $width --height $height ";
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
if($width <= "300") {$options .= " --font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal "; }
$options .= " DEF:cpu=$database:cpu:AVERAGE";
$options .= " COMMENT:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Current\ \ Minimum\ \ Maximum\ \ Average\\\\n";
$options .= " AREA:cpu#ffee99: LINE1.25:cpu#aa2200:Load\ %";
$options .= " GPRINT:cpu:LAST:%6.2lf\ GPRINT:cpu:AVERAGE:%6.2lf\ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:cpu:MAX:%6.2lf\ GPRINT:cpu:AVERAGE:%6.2lf\\\\n";
$thing = shell_exec($config['rrdtool'] . " graph $graph $options");
return $graph;
function graph_adsl_rate ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) {
global $config, $installdir;
$database = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $rrd;
$options = "--alt-autoscale-max -l 0 -E --start $from --end $to --width $width --height $height ";
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
if($width <= "300") {$options .= " --font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal "; }
$options .= " DEF:adslAtucCurrAtt=$database:adslAtucCurrAtt:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:adslAturCurrAtt=$database:adslAturCurrAtt:AVERAGE";
$options .= " CDEF:dslAtucCurrAtt=adslAtucCurrAtt,1000,/";
$options .= " CDEF:dslAturCurrAtt=adslAturCurrAtt,1000,/";
$options .= " COMMENT:Bytes\ \ \ \ \ Current\ \ Minimum\ \ Maximum\ \ Average\\\\n";
$options .= " LINE1.25:adslAtucCurrAtt#aa2200:Up\ \ \ \ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:dslAtucCurrAtt:LAST:%5.0lfk\ GPRINT:dslAtucCurrAtt:AVERAGE:%5.0lfk\ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:dslAtucCurrAtt:MAX:%5.0lfk\ GPRINT:dslAtucCurrAtt:AVERAGE:%5.0lfk\\\\n";
$options .= " LINE1.25:adslAturCurrAtt#22aa00:Down\ \ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:dslAturCurrAtt:LAST:%5.0lfk\ GPRINT:dslAturCurrAtt:AVERAGE:%5.0lfk\ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:dslAturCurrAtt:MAX:%5.0lfk\ GPRINT:dslAturCurrAtt:AVERAGE:%5.0lfk\\\\n";
$thing = shell_exec($config['rrdtool'] . " graph $graph $options");
return $graph;
function graph_adsl_snr ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) {
global $config, $installdir;
$database = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $rrd;
$options = "--alt-autoscale-max -l 0 -E --start $from --end $to --width $width --height $height ";
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
if($width <= "300") {$options .= " --font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal "; }
$options .= " DEF:adslAtucCurrSnr=$database:adslAtucCurrSnr:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:adslAturCurrSnr=$database:adslAturCurrSnr:AVERAGE";
$options .= " CDEF:dslAtucCurrSnr=adslAtucCurrSnr,10,/";
$options .= " CDEF:dslAturCurrSnr=adslAturCurrSnr,10,/";
$options .= " COMMENT:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Current\ \ Minimum\ \ Maximum\ \ Average\\\\n";
$options .= " LINE1.25:dslAtucCurrSnr#aa2200:SNR\ Up\ \ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:dslAtucCurrSnr:LAST:%3.1lfdB GPRINT:dslAtucCurrSnr:AVERAGE:%3.1lfdB\ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:dslAtucCurrSnr:MAX:%3.1lfdB GPRINT:dslAtucCurrSnr:AVERAGE:%3.1lfdB\\\\n";
$options .= " LINE1.25:dslAturCurrSnr#22aa00:SNR\ Down";
$options .= " GPRINT:dslAturCurrSnr:LAST:%3.1lfdB GPRINT:dslAturCurrSnr:AVERAGE:%3.1lfdB\ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:dslAturCurrSnr:MAX:%3.1lfdB GPRINT:dslAturCurrSnr:AVERAGE:%3.1lfdB\\\\n";
$thing = shell_exec($config['rrdtool'] . " graph $graph $options");
return $graph;
function graph_adsl_atn ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) {
global $config, $installdir;
$database = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $rrd;
$options = "--alt-autoscale-max -l 0 -E --start $from --end $to --width $width --height $height ";
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
if($width <= "300") {$options .= " --font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal "; }
$options .= " DEF:adslAtucCurrAtn=$database:adslAtucCurrAtn:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:adslAturCurrAtn=$database:adslAturCurrAtn:AVERAGE";
$options .= " CDEF:dslAtucCurrAtn=adslAtucCurrAtn,10,/";
$options .= " CDEF:dslAturCurrAtn=adslAturCurrAtn,10,/";
$options .= " COMMENT:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Current\ \ Minimum\ \ Maximum\ \ Average\\\\n";
$options .= " LINE1.25:dslAtucCurrAtn#aa2200:Atten\ Up\ \ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:dslAtucCurrAtn:LAST:%3.1lfdB GPRINT:dslAtucCurrAtn:AVERAGE:%3.1lfdb";
$options .= " GPRINT:dslAtucCurrAtn:MAX:%3.1lfdB GPRINT:dslAtucCurrAtn:AVERAGE:%3.1lfdb\\\\n";
$options .= " LINE1.25:dslAturCurrAtn#22aa00:Atten\ Down";
$options .= " GPRINT:dslAturCurrAtn:LAST:%3.1lfdB GPRINT:dslAturCurrAtn:AVERAGE:%3.1lfdb";
$options .= " GPRINT:dslAturCurrAtn:MAX:%3.1lfdB GPRINT:dslAturCurrAtn:AVERAGE:%3.1lfdb\\\\n";
$thing = shell_exec($config['rrdtool'] . " graph $graph $options");
return $graph;
function cpugraph ($rrd, $graph , $from, $to, $width, $height) {
global $config, $installdir;
$database = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $rrd;
$options = "--alt-autoscale-max -l 0 -E --start $from --end $to --width $width --height $height ";
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
if($width <= "300") {$options .= " --font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal "; }
$options .= " DEF:5s=$database:LOAD5S:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:5m=$database:LOAD5M:AVERAGE";
$options .= " COMMENT:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Current\ \ Minimum\ \ Maximum\ \ Average\\\\n";
$options .= " AREA:5m#ffee99: LINE1.25:5m#aa2200:Load\ %";
$options .= " GPRINT:5m:LAST:%6.2lf\ GPRINT:5m:AVERAGE:%6.2lf\ ";
$options .= " GPRINT:5m:MAX:%6.2lf\ GPRINT:5m:AVERAGE:%6.2lf\\\\n";
$thing = shell_exec($config['rrdtool'] . " graph $graph $options");
return $graph;
function memgraph ($rrd, $graph , $from, $to, $width, $height, $title, $vertical) {
global $config, $installdir;
$database = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $rrd;
$period = $to - $from;
$options = "-l 0 --alt-autoscale-max -E --start $from --end $to --width $width --height $height ";
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
if($width <= "300") { $options .= " --font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal "; }
$options .= " DEF:MEMTOTAL=$database:MEMTOTAL:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:IOFREE=$database:IOFREE:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:IOUSED=$database:IOUSED:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:PROCFREE=$database:PROCFREE:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:PROCUSED=$database:PROCUSED:AVERAGE";
$options .= " COMMENT:Bytes\ \ \ \ Current\ \ Minimum\ \ Maximum\ \ Average\\\\n";
$options .= " AREA:USED#ff6060:";
$options .= " LINE2:USED#cc0000:Used";
$options .= " GPRINT:USED:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:USED:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:USED:MAX:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:USED:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " AREA:FREE#e5e5e5:Free:STACK";
$options .= " GPRINT:FREE:LAST:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:FREE:MIN:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:FREE:MAX:%6.2lf%s";
$options .= " GPRINT:FREE:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s\\\\l";
$options .= " LINE1:MEMTOTAL#000000:";
$thing = shell_exec($config['rrdtool'] . " graph $graph $options");
return $graph;