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synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
If not install them with composer, If composer isn't available, spit out an error message and direct them to the documentation.
274 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable File
274 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env php
$filename = basename(__FILE__);
$install_dir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/..');
$short_opts = 'lsuphc';
$long_opts = array(
$options = getopt($short_opts, $long_opts);
if (check_opt($options, 'h', 'help')) {
echo "LibreNMS Code Tests Script
Running $filename without options runs all checks.
-l, --lint Run php lint checks to test for valid syntax.
-s, --style Run phpcs check to check for PSR-2 compliance.
-u, --unit Run phpunit tests.
-p, --passthru Display output from checks as it comes
-c, --commands Print commands only, no checks
-h, --help Show this help text.\n";
// set up some variables
$parameters = array(
'p' => false,
'c' => false,
'passthru' => false,
'commands' => false,
$passthru = check_opt($options, 'p', 'passthru');
$command_only = check_opt($options, 'c', 'commands');
$commands = array_diff_assoc($options, $parameters);
$all = empty($commands);
$ret = 0;
// run tests
if (($all || check_opt($commands, 'l', 'lint')) && !getenv('SKIP_LINT_CHECK')) {
$ret += check_lint($passthru, $command_only);
if (($all || check_opt($commands, 's', 'style')) && !getenv('SKIP_STYLE_CHECK')) {
$ret += check_style($passthru, $command_only);
if (($all || check_opt($commands, 'u', 'unit')) && !getenv('SKIP_UNIT_CHECK')) {
$ret += check_unit($passthru, $command_only);
// output Tests ok, if no arguments passed
if ($all && $ret === 0) {
echo "\033[32mTests ok, submit away :)\033[0m \n";
exit($ret); //return the combined/single return value of tests
* Runs php -l and tests for any syntax errors
* @param bool $passthru display the output as comes in
* @param bool $command_only only display the intended command, no checks
* @return int the return value from running php -l (0 = success)
function check_lint($passthru = false, $command_only = false)
$parallel_lint_bin = check_exec('parallel-lint');
// matches a substring of the relative path, leading / is treated as absolute path
$lint_excludes = array('vendor/');
if (defined('HHVM_VERSION') || version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6', '<')) {
$lint_excludes[] = 'lib/influxdb-php/';
$lint_exclude = build_excludes('--exclude ', $lint_excludes);
$lint_cmd = "$parallel_lint_bin $lint_exclude ./";
if ($command_only) {
echo $lint_cmd . PHP_EOL;
return 250;
echo 'Running lint check... ';
if ($passthru) {
echo PHP_EOL;
passthru($lint_cmd, $lint_ret);
} else {
exec($lint_cmd, $lint_output, $lint_ret);
if ($lint_ret > 0) {
print(implode(PHP_EOL, $lint_output) . PHP_EOL);
} else {
echo "success\n";
return $lint_ret;
* Runs phpcs --standard=PSR2 against the code base
* @param bool $passthru display the output as comes in
* @param bool $command_only only display the intended command, no checks
* @return int the return value from phpcs (0 = success)
function check_style($passthru = false, $command_only = false)
$phpcs_bin = check_exec('phpcs');
// matches a substring of the full path
$cs_excludes = array(
$cs_exclude = build_excludes('--ignore=', $cs_excludes);
$cs_cmd = "$phpcs_bin -n -p --colors --extensions=php --standard=PSR2 $cs_exclude ./";
if ($command_only) {
echo $cs_cmd . PHP_EOL;
return 250;
echo 'Running style check... ';
if ($passthru) {
echo PHP_EOL;
passthru($cs_cmd, $cs_ret);
} else {
exec($cs_cmd, $cs_output, $cs_ret);
if ($cs_ret > 0) {
echo "failed\n";
print(implode(PHP_EOL, $cs_output) . PHP_EOL);
} else {
echo "success\n";
return $cs_ret;
* Runs phpunit
* @param bool $passthru display the output as comes in
* @param bool $command_only only display the intended command, no checks
* @return int the return value from phpunit (0 = success)
function check_unit($passthru = false, $command_only = false)
$phpunit_bin = check_exec('phpunit');
$phpunit_cmd = "$phpunit_bin --colors=always";
if ($command_only) {
echo $phpunit_cmd . PHP_EOL;
return 250;
echo 'Running unit tests... ';
if ($passthru) {
echo PHP_EOL;
passthru($phpunit_cmd, $phpunit_ret);
} else {
exec($phpunit_cmd, $phpunit_output, $phpunit_ret);
if ($phpunit_ret > 0) {
echo "failed\n";
print(implode(PHP_EOL, $phpunit_output) . PHP_EOL);
} else {
echo "success\n";
return $phpunit_ret;
* Check if the given options array contains any of the $opts specified
* @param array $options the array from getopt()
* @param string $opts,... options to check for
* @return bool If one of the specified options is set
function check_opt($options)
$args = func_get_args();
$intersect = array_intersect(array_keys($options), $args);
return !empty($intersect);
* Build a list of exclude arguments from an array
* @param string $exclude_string such as "--exclude"
* @param array $excludes array of directories to exclude
* @return string resulting string
function build_excludes($exclude_string, $excludes)
$result = '';
foreach ($excludes as $exclude) {
$result .= $exclude_string . $exclude . ' ';
return $result;
* Find an executable
* @param string|array $execs executable names to find
* @return string the path to the executable, or '' if it is not found
* @throws Exception Could not find the Executable
function find_exec($execs)
foreach ((array)$execs as $exec) {
// check vendor bin first
$vendor_bin_dir = './vendor/bin/';
if (is_executable($vendor_bin_dir . $exec)) {
return $vendor_bin_dir . $exec;
// check path
$path_exec = shell_exec("which $exec 2> /dev/null");
if (!empty($path_exec)) {
return trim($path_exec);
// check the cwd
if (is_executable('./' . $exec)) {
return './' . $exec;
throw new Exception('Executable not found');
* Check for an executable and return the path to it
* If it does not exist, run composer update.
* If composer isn't installed, print error and exit.
* @param string $exec the name of the executable to check
* @return string path to the executable
function check_exec($exec)
try {
return find_exec($exec);
} catch (Exception $e) {
try {
$composer_bin = find_exec(array('composer', 'composer.phar'));
shell_exec("$composer_bin update");
return find_exec($exec);
} catch (Exception $ce) {
echo "\nCould not find $exec. Please install composer.\nYou can find more info at http://docs.librenms.org/Developing/Validating-Code/\n";