mirror of
synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
Travis tests for code conformance. Ignore warnings for now. Fixed all errors, left most warnings.
474 lines
16 KiB
474 lines
16 KiB
// Set Defaults here
if (!isset($vars['format'])) {
$vars['format'] = "list_detail";
$pagetitle[] = "Devices";
echo('<span style="font-weight: bold;">Lists</span> » ');
$menu_options = array('basic' => 'Basic', 'detail' => 'Detail');
$sep = "";
foreach ($menu_options as $option => $text) {
if ($vars['format'] == "list_".$option) {
echo("<span class='pagemenu-selected'>");
echo('<a href="' . generate_url($vars, array('format' => "list_".$option)) . '">' . $text . '</a>');
if ($vars['format'] == "list_".$option) {
$sep = " | ";
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Graphs</span> »
$menu_options = array('bits' => 'Bits',
'processor' => 'CPU',
'ucd_load' => 'Load',
'mempool' => 'Memory',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'storage' => 'Storage',
'diskio' => 'Disk I/O',
'poller_perf' => 'Poller',
'ping_perf' => 'Ping',
'temperature' => 'Temperature'
$sep = "";
foreach ($menu_options as $option => $text) {
if ($vars['format'] == 'graph_'.$option) {
echo("<span class='pagemenu-selected'>");
echo('<a href="' . generate_url($vars, array('format' => 'graph_'.$option, 'from' => '-24h', 'to' => 'now')) . '">' . $text . '</a>');
if ($vars['format'] == 'graph_'.$option) {
$sep = " | ";
<div style="float: right;">
<select name='type' id='type'
onchange="window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,'_top')" >
$type = 'device';
foreach (get_graph_subtypes($type) as $avail_type) {
echo("<option value='".generate_url($vars, array('format' => 'graph_'.$avail_type))."'");
if ('graph_'.$avail_type == $vars['format']) {
echo(" selected");
$display_type = is_mib_graph($type, $avail_type) ? $avail_type : nicecase($avail_type);
if (isset($vars['searchbar']) && $vars['searchbar'] == "hide") {
echo('<a href="'. generate_url($vars, array('searchbar' => '')).'">Restore Search</a>');
} else {
echo('<a href="'. generate_url($vars, array('searchbar' => 'hide')).'">Remove Search</a>');
echo(" | ");
if (isset($vars['bare']) && $vars['bare'] == "yes") {
echo('<a href="'. generate_url($vars, array('bare' => '')).'">Restore Header</a>');
} else {
echo('<a href="'. generate_url($vars, array('bare' => 'yes')).'">Remove Header</a>');
list($format, $subformat) = explode("_", $vars['format'], 2);
if ($format == "graph") {
if (empty($vars['from'])) {
$graph_array['from'] = $config['time']['day'];
} else {
$graph_array['from'] = $vars['from'];
if (empty($vars['to'])) {
$graph_array['to'] = $config['time']['now'];
} else {
$graph_array['to'] = $vars['to'];
echo "
<div class='well well-sm'>
<div class='container-fluid'>
<div class='row'>
<div class='col-md-12'>
include_once 'includes/print-date-selector.inc.php';
echo '
$sql_param = array();
if (isset($vars['state'])) {
if ($vars['state'] == 'up') {
$state = '1';
} elseif ($vars['state'] == 'down') {
$state = '0';
if (!empty($vars['hostname'])) {
$where .= " AND hostname LIKE ?";
$sql_param[] = "%".$vars['hostname']."%";
if (!empty($vars['os'])) {
$where .= " AND os = ?";
$sql_param[] = $vars['os'];
if (!empty($vars['version'])) {
$where .= " AND version = ?";
$sql_param[] = $vars['version'];
if (!empty($vars['hardware'])) {
$where .= " AND hardware = ?";
$sql_param[] = $vars['hardware'];
if (!empty($vars['features'])) {
$where .= " AND features = ?";
$sql_param[] = $vars['features'];
if (!empty($vars['type'])) {
if ($vars['type'] == 'generic') {
$where .= " AND ( type = ? OR type = '')";
$sql_param[] = $vars['type'];
} else {
$where .= " AND type = ?";
$sql_param[] = $vars['type'];
if (!empty($vars['state'])) {
$where .= " AND status= ?";
$sql_param[] = $state;
$where .= " AND disabled='0' AND `ignore`='0'";
$sql_param[] = '';
if (!empty($vars['disabled'])) {
$where .= " AND disabled= ?";
$sql_param[] = $vars['disabled'];
if (!empty($vars['ignore'])) {
$where .= " AND `ignore`= ?";
$sql_param[] = $vars['ignore'];
if (!empty($vars['location']) && $vars['location'] == "Unset") {
$location_filter = '';
if (!empty($vars['location'])) {
$location_filter = $vars['location'];
if (!empty($vars['group'])) {
$where .= " AND ( ";
foreach (GetDevicesFromGroup($vars['group']) as $dev) {
$where .= "device_id = ? OR ";
$sql_param[] = $dev;
$where = substr($where, 0, strlen($where)-3);
$where .= " )";
$query = "SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE 1 ";
if (isset($where)) {
$query .= $where;
$query .= " ORDER BY hostname";
$row = 1;
foreach (dbFetchRows($query, $sql_param) as $device) {
if (is_integer($row/2)) {
$row_colour = $list_colour_a;
} else {
$row_colour = $list_colour_b;
if (device_permitted($device['device_id'])) {
if (!$location_filter || $device['location'] == $location_filter) {
$graph_type = "device_".$subformat;
if ($_SESSION['widescreen']) {
} else {
$graph_array_new = array();
$graph_array_new['type'] = $graph_type;
$graph_array_new['device'] = $device['device_id'];
$graph_array_new['height'] = '110';
$graph_array_new['width'] = $width;
$graph_array_new['legend'] = 'no';
$graph_array_new['title'] = 'yes';
$graph_array_new['from'] = $graph_array['from'];
$graph_array_new['to'] = $graph_array['to'];
$graph_array_zoom = $graph_array_new;
$graph_array_zoom['height'] = '150';
$graph_array_zoom['width'] = '400';
$graph_array_zoom['legend'] = 'yes';
$overlib_link = "device/device=".$device['device_id']."/";
echo "<div style='display: block; padding: 1px; margin: 2px; min-width: ".($width+90)."px; max-width:".($width+90)."px; min-height:170px; max-height:170px; text-align: center; float: left; background-color: #f5f5f5;'>";
echo '<div class="panel panel-default">';
echo overlib_link($overlib_link, generate_lazy_graph_tag($graph_array_new), generate_graph_tag($graph_array_zoom), null);
echo "</div></div>\n\n";
} else {
<div class="panel panel-default panel-condensed">
<div class="table-responsive">
<table id="devices" class="table table-condensed table-hover">
<th data-column-id="status" data-searchable="false" data-formatter="status">Status</th>
<th data-column-id="icon" data-sortable="false" data-searchable="false">Vendor</th>
<th data-column-id="hostname" data-order="asc">Device</th>
<th data-column-id="ports" data-sortable="false" data-searchable="false"></th>
<th data-column-id="hardware">Platform</th>
<th data-column-id="os">Operating System</th>
<th data-column-id="uptime">Uptime/Location</th>
<th data-column-id="actions" data-sortable="false" data-searchable="false">Actions</th>
searchbar = "<div id=\"{{ctx.id}}\" class=\"{{css.header}}\"><div class=\"row\">"+
"<div class=\"col-sm-9 actionBar\"><span class=\"pull-left\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"\" class=\"form-inline\" role=\"form\">"+
"<span class=\"pull-left\"><div class=\"form-group\">"+
"<input type=\"text\" name=\"hostname\" id=\"hostname\" value=\"<?php echo($vars['hostname']); ?>\" class=\"form-control input-sm\" placeholder=\"Hostname\"/>"+
"<div class=\"form-group\">"+
"<select name='os' id='os' class=\"form-control input-sm\">"+
"<option value=''>All OSes</option>"+
if (is_admin() === true || is_read() === true) {
$sql = "SELECT `os` FROM `devices` AS D WHERE 1 GROUP BY `os` ORDER BY `os`";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT `os` FROM `devices` AS `D`, `devices_perms` AS `P` WHERE `P`.`user_id` = ? AND `P`.`device_id` = `D`.`device_id` GROUP BY `os` ORDER BY `os`";
$param[] = $_SESSION['user_id'];
foreach (dbFetch($sql, $param) as $data) {
if ($data['os']) {
$tmp_os = clean_bootgrid($data['os']);
echo('"<option value=\"'.$tmp_os.'\""+');
if ($tmp_os == $vars['os']) {
echo('" selected "+');
"<div class=\"form-group\">"+
"<select name='version' id='version' class=\"form-control input-sm\">"+
"<option value=''>All Versions</option>"+
if (is_admin() === true || is_read() === true) {
$sql = "SELECT `version` FROM `devices` AS D WHERE 1 GROUP BY `version` ORDER BY `version`";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT `version` FROM `devices` AS `D`, `devices_perms` AS `P` WHERE `P`.`user_id` = ? AND `P`.`device_id` = `D`.`device_id` GROUP BY `version` ORDER BY `version`";
$param[] = $_SESSION['user_id'];
foreach (dbFetch($sql, $param) as $data) {
if ($data['version']) {
$tmp_version = clean_bootgrid($data['version']);
echo('"<option value=\"'.$tmp_version.'\""+');
if ($tmp_version == $vars['version']) {
echo('" selected "+');
"<div class=\"form-group\">"+
"<select name=\"hardware\" id=\"hardware\" class=\"form-control input-sm\">"+
"<option value=\"\">All Platforms</option>"+
if (is_admin() === true || is_read() === true) {
$sql = "SELECT `hardware` FROM `devices` AS D WHERE 1 GROUP BY `hardware` ORDER BY `hardware`";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT `hardware` FROM `devices` AS `D`, `devices_perms` AS `P` WHERE `P`.`user_id` = ? AND `P`.`device_id` = `D`.`device_id` GROUP BY `hardware` ORDER BY `hardware`";
$param[] = $_SESSION['user_id'];
foreach (dbFetch($sql, $param) as $data) {
if ($data['hardware']) {
$tmp_hardware = clean_bootgrid($data['hardware']);
echo('"<option value=\"'.$tmp_hardware.'\""+');
if ($tmp_hardware == $vars['hardware']) {
echo('" selected"+');
"<div class=\"form-group\">"+
"<select name=\"features\" id=\"features\" class=\"form-control input-sm\">"+
"<option value=\"\">All Featuresets</option>"+
if (is_admin() === true || is_read() === true) {
$sql = "SELECT `features` FROM `devices` AS D WHERE 1 GROUP BY `features` ORDER BY `features`";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT `features` FROM `devices` AS `D`, `devices_perms` AS `P` WHERE `P`.`user_id` = ? AND `P`.`device_id` = `D`.`device_id` GROUP BY `features` ORDER BY `features`";
$param[] = $_SESSION['user_id'];
foreach (dbFetch($sql, $param) as $data) {
if ($data['features']) {
$tmp_features = clean_bootgrid($data['features']);
echo('"<option value=\"'.$tmp_features.'\""+');
if ($tmp_features == $vars['features']) {
echo('" selected"+');
"</div></span><span class=\"pull-left\">"+
"<div class=\"form-group\">"+
"<select name=\"location\" id=\"location\" class=\"form-control input-sm\">"+
"<option value=\"\">All Locations</option>"+
// fix me function?
foreach (getlocations() as $location) {
if ($location) {
$location = clean_bootgrid($location);
echo('"<option value=\"'.$location.'\""+');
if ($location == $vars['location']) {
echo('" selected"+');
"<div class=\"form-group\">"+
"<select name=\"type\" id=\"type\" class=\"form-control input-sm\">"+
"<option value=\"\">All Device Types</option>"+
if (is_admin() === true || is_read() === true) {
$sql = "SELECT `type` FROM `devices` AS D WHERE 1 GROUP BY `type` ORDER BY `type`";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT `type` FROM `devices` AS `D`, `devices_perms` AS `P` WHERE `P`.`user_id` = ? AND `P`.`device_id` = `D`.`device_id` GROUP BY `type` ORDER BY `type`";
$param[] = $_SESSION['user_id'];
foreach (dbFetch($sql, $param) as $data) {
if ($data['type']) {
echo('"<option value=\"'.$data['type'].'\""+');
if ($data['type'] == $vars['type']) {
echo('" selected"+');
"<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-default input-sm\">Search</button>"+
"<div class=\"form-group\">"+
"<a href=\"<?php echo(generate_url($vars)); ?>\" title=\"Update the browser URL to reflect the search criteria.\" > Update URL</a> |"+
"<a href=\"<?php echo(generate_url(array('page' => 'devices', 'section' => $vars['section'], 'bare' => $vars['bare']))); ?>\" title=\"Reset critera to default.\" > Reset</a>"+
"<div class=\"col-sm-3 actionBar\"><p class=\"{{css.actions}}\"></p></div></div></div>"
if (isset($vars['searchbar']) && $vars['searchbar'] == "hide") {
echo "searchbar = ''";
var grid = $("#devices").bootgrid({
ajax: true,
rowCount: [50,100,250,-1],
columnSelection: false,
formatters: {
"status": function(column,row) {
return "<h4><span class='label label-"+row.extra+" threeqtr-width'>" + row.msg + "</span></h4>";
templates: {
header: searchbar
post: function ()
return {
id: "devices",
format: '<?php echo mres($vars['format']); ?>',
hostname: '<?php echo htmlspecialchars($vars['hostname']); ?>',
os: '<?php echo mres($vars['os']); ?>',
version: '<?php echo mres($vars['version']); ?>',
hardware: '<?php echo mres($vars['hardware']); ?>',
features: '<?php echo mres($vars['features']); ?>',
location: '<?php echo mres($vars['location']); ?>',
type: '<?php echo mres($vars['type']); ?>',
state: '<?php echo mres($vars['state']); ?>',
disabled: '<?php echo mres($vars['disabled']); ?>',
ignore: '<?php echo mres($vars['ignore']); ?>',
group: '<?php echo mres($vars['group']); ?>',
url: "ajax_table.php"