mirror of
synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
git-svn-id: http://www.observium.org/svn/observer/trunk@1609 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8
189 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
189 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
echo("Polling BGP peers\n");
if(!$config['enable_bgp']) { echo("BGP Support Disabled\n"); } else {
$query = "SELECT * FROM bgpPeers WHERE device_id = '" . $device['device_id'] . "'";
$peers = mysql_query($query);
while($peer = mysql_fetch_array($peers)) {
### Poll BGP Peer
echo("Checking ".$peer['bgpPeerIdentifier']." ");
if (!strstr($peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'],':'))
# v4 BGP4 MIB
## FIX ME - needs moved to function
$peer_cmd = $config['snmpget'] . " -M ".$config['mibdir'] . " -m BGP4-MIB -OUvq -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c" . $device['community'] . " " . $device['hostname'].":".$device['port'] . " ";
$peer_cmd .= "bgpPeerState." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . " bgpPeerAdminStatus." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . " bgpPeerInUpdates." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . " bgpPeerOutUpdates." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . " bgpPeerInTotalMessages." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . " ";
$peer_cmd .= "bgpPeerOutTotalMessages." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . " bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . " bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . " ";
$peer_cmd .= "bgpPeerLocalAddr." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . "";
$peer_data = trim(`$peer_cmd`);
list($bgpPeerState, $bgpPeerAdminStatus, $bgpPeerInUpdates, $bgpPeerOutUpdates, $bgpPeerInTotalMessages, $bgpPeerOutTotalMessages, $bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime, $bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime, $bgpLocalAddr) = explode("\n", $peer_data);
if ($device['os'] == "junos")
# v6 for JunOS via Juniper MIB
$peer_ip = ipv62snmp($peer['bgpPeerIdentifier']);
if (!isset($junos_v6))
echo "\nCaching Oids...";
## FIX ME - needs moved to function
$peer_cmd = $config['snmpwalk'] . " -M ".$config['mibdir'] . "/junos -m BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER -OUnq -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c" . $device['community'] . " " . $device['hostname'].":".$device['port'];
$peer_cmd .= " jnxBgpM2PeerStatus.0.ipv6";
foreach (explode("\n",trim(`$peer_cmd`)) as $oid)
list($peer_oid) = split(' ',$oid);
$peer_id = explode('.',$peer_oid);
$junos_v6[implode('.',array_slice($peer_id,35))] = implode('.',array_slice($peer_id,18));
## FIX ME - move to function (and clean up, wtf?)
$peer_cmd = $config['snmpget'] . " -M ".$config['mibdir'] . "/junos -m BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER -OUvq -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c" . $device['community'] . " " . $device['hostname'].":".$device['port'];
$peer_cmd .= " jnxBgpM2PeerState.0.ipv6." . $junos_v6[$peer_ip];
$peer_cmd .= " jnxBgpM2PeerStatus.0.ipv6." . $junos_v6[$peer_ip]; # Should be jnxBgpM2CfgPeerAdminStatus but doesn't seem to be implemented?
$peer_cmd .= " jnxBgpM2PeerInUpdates.0.ipv6." . $junos_v6[$peer_ip];
$peer_cmd .= " jnxBgpM2PeerOutUpdates.0.ipv6." . $junos_v6[$peer_ip];
$peer_cmd .= " jnxBgpM2PeerInTotalMessages.0.ipv6." . $junos_v6[$peer_ip];
$peer_cmd .= " jnxBgpM2PeerOutTotalMessages.0.ipv6." . $junos_v6[$peer_ip];
$peer_cmd .= " jnxBgpM2PeerFsmEstablishedTime.0.ipv6." . $junos_v6[$peer_ip];
$peer_cmd .= " jnxBgpM2PeerInUpdatesElapsedTime.0.ipv6." . $junos_v6[$peer_ip];
$peer_cmd .= " jnxBgpM2PeerLocalAddr.0.ipv6." . $junos_v6[$peer_ip];
$peer_cmd .= ' -M"' . $config['install_dir'] . '/mibs/junos"|grep -v "No Such Instance"';
if ($debug) echo "\n$peer_cmd\n";
$peer_data = trim(`$peer_cmd`);
list($bgpPeerState, $bgpPeerAdminStatus, $bgpPeerInUpdates, $bgpPeerOutUpdates, $bgpPeerInTotalMessages, $bgpPeerOutTotalMessages, $bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime, $bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime, $bgpLocalAddr) = explode("\n", $peer_data);
if ($debug) { echo "State = $bgpPeerState - AdminStatus: $bgpPeerAdminStatus\n"; }
$bgpLocalAddr = str_replace('"','',str_replace(' ','',$bgpLocalAddr));
if ($bgpLocalAddr == "00000000000000000000000000000000")
$bgpLocalAddr = ''; # Unknown?
$bgpLocalAddr = strtolower($bgpLocalAddr);
for ($i = 0;$i < 32;$i+=4)
$bgpLocalAddr6[] = substr($bgpLocalAddr,$i,4);
$bgpLocalAddr = Net_IPv6::compress(implode(':',$bgpLocalAddr6)); unset($bgpLocalAddr6);
if ($bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime)
if ($bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime < $peer['bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime'] || $bgpPeerState != $peer['bgpPeerState'])
if ($peer['bgpPeerState'] == $bgpPeerState)
notify($device, "BGP Session flapped: " . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ' (AS' . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . ' - ' . $peer['astext'] . ')', "BGP Session flapped " . formatUptime($bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime) . " ago.\n\nHostname : " . $device['hostname'] . "\nPeer IP : " . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . "\nRemote AS: " . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . ' ('.$peer['astext'].')');
log_event('BGP Session Flap: ' . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ' (AS' . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . ')', $device['device_id'], 'bgpPeer', $bgpPeer_id);
else if ($bgpPeerState == "established")
notify($device, "BGP Session up: " . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ' (AS' . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . ' - ' . $peer['astext'] . ')', "BGP Session up since " . formatUptime($bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime) . ".\n\nHostname : " . $device['hostname'] . "\nPeer IP : " . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . "\nRemote AS: " . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . ' ('.$peer['astext'].')');
log_event('BGP Session Up: ' . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ' (AS' . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . ')', $device['device_id'], 'bgpPeer', $bgpPeer_id);
else if ($peer['bgpPeerState'] == "established")
notify($device, "BGP Session down: " . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ' (AS' . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . ' - ' . $peer['astext'] . ')', "BGP Session down since " . formatUptime($bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime) . ".\n\nHostname : " . $device['hostname'] . "\nPeer IP : " . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . "\nRemote AS: " . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . ' ('.$peer['astext'].')');
log_event('BGP Session Down: ' . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ' (AS' . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . ')', $device['device_id'], 'bgpPeer', $bgpPeer_id);
$peerrrd = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $device['hostname'] . "/" . safename("bgp-" . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ".rrd");
if(!is_file($peerrrd)) {
$create_rrd = "DS:bgpPeerOutUpdates:COUNTER:600:U:100000000000 \
DS:bgpPeerInUpdates:COUNTER:600:U:100000000000 \
DS:bgpPeerOutTotal:COUNTER:600:U:100000000000 \
DS:bgpPeerInTotal:COUNTER:600:U:100000000000 \
DS:bgpPeerEstablished:GAUGE:600:0:U \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:600 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:700 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:775 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:797 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:1:600 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:6:700 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:24:775 \
rrdtool_create($peerrrd, $create_rrd);
rrdtool_update("$peerrrd", "N:$bgpPeerOutUpdates:$bgpPeerInUpdates:$bgpPeerOutTotalMessages:$bgpPeerInTotalMesages:$bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime");
$update = "UPDATE bgpPeers SET bgpPeerState = '$bgpPeerState', bgpPeerAdminStatus = '$bgpPeerAdminStatus', ";
$update .= "bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime = '$bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime', bgpPeerInUpdates = '$bgpPeerInUpdates' , bgpLocalAddr = '$bgpLocalAddr' , bgpPeerOutUpdates = '$bgpPeerOutUpdates'";
$update .= " WHERE `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND bgpPeerIdentifier = '" . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . "'";
if($device['os_group'] == "ios") {
## Poll each AFI/SAFI for this peer (using CISCO-BGP4-MIB)
$afi_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bgpPeers_cbgp WHERE `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND bgpPeerIdentifier = '" . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . "'");
while($peer_afi = mysql_fetch_array($afi_query)) {
$afi = $peer_afi['afi'];
$safi = $peer_afi['safi'];
if($debug) { echo("$afi $safi". $config['afi'][$afi][$safi]. "\n"); }
## FIX ME - move to function
$cbgp_cmd = $config['snmpget'] . " -M ".$config['mibdir'] . " -m CISCO-BGP4-MIB -Ovq -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c" . $device['community'] . " " . $device['hostname'].":".$device['port'];
$cbgp_cmd .= " cbgpPeerAcceptedPrefixes." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ".$afi.$safi";
$cbgp_cmd .= " cbgpPeerDeniedPrefixes." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ".$afi.$safi";
$cbgp_cmd .= " cbgpPeerPrefixAdminLimit." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ".$afi.$safi";
$cbgp_cmd .= " cbgpPeerPrefixThreshold." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ".$afi.$safi";
$cbgp_cmd .= " cbgpPeerPrefixClearThreshold." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ".$afi.$safi";
$cbgp_cmd .= " cbgpPeerAdvertisedPrefixes." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ".$afi.$safi";
$cbgp_cmd .= " cbgpPeerSuppressedPrefixes." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ".$afi.$safi";
$cbgp_cmd .= " cbgpPeerWithdrawnPrefixes." . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ".$afi.$safi";
if($debug) { echo("$cbgp_cmd\n"); }
$cbgp_data = preg_replace("/^OID.*$/", "", trim(`$cbgp_cmd`));
if($debug) { echo("$cbgp_data\n"); }
list($cbgpPeerAcceptedPrefixes,$cbgpPeerDeniedPrefixes,$cbgpPeerPrefixAdminLimit,$cbgpPeerPrefixThreshold,$cbgpPeerPrefixClearThreshold,$cbgpPeerAdvertisedPrefixes,$cbgpPeerSuppressedPrefixes,$cbgpPeerWithdrawnPrefixes) = explode("\n", $cbgp_data);
$update = "UPDATE bgpPeers_cbgp SET";
$update .= " `cbgpPeerAcceptedPrefixes` = '$cbgpPeerAcceptedPrefixes'";
$update .= ", `cbgpPeerDeniedPrefixes` = '$cbgpPeerDeniedPrefixes'";
$update .= ", `cbgpPeerPrefixAdminLimit` = '$cbgpPeerAdminLimit'";
$update .= ", `cbgpPeerPrefixThreshold` = '$cbgpPeerPrefixThreshold'";
$update .= ", `cbgpPeerPrefixClearThreshold` = '$cbgpPeerPrefixClearThreshold'";
$update .= ", `cbgpPeerAdvertisedPrefixes` = '$cbgpPeerAdvertisedPrefixes'";
$update .= ", `cbgpPeerSuppressedPrefixes` = '$cbgpPeerSuppressedPrefixes'";
$update .= ", `cbgpPeerWithdrawnPrefixes` = '$cbgpPeerWithdrawnPrefixes'";
$update .= " WHERE `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND bgpPeerIdentifier = '" . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . "' AND afi = '$afi' AND safi = '$safi'";
if($debug) { echo("MYSQL: $update\n"); }
$cbgp_rrd = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $device['hostname'] . "/" . safename("cbgp-" . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ".$afi.$safi.rrd");
if(!is_file($cbgp_rrd)) {
$rrd_create = "DS:AcceptedPrefixes:GAUGE:600:U:100000000000 \
DS:DeniedPrefixes:GAUGE:600:U:100000000000 \
DS:AdvertisedPrefixes:GAUGE:600:U:100000000000 \
DS:SuppressedPrefixes:GAUGE:600:U:100000000000 \
DS:WithdrawnPrefixes:GAUGE:600:U:100000000000 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:600 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:700 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:775 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:797 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:1:600 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:6:700 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:24:775 \
rrdtool_create($cbgp_rrd, $rrd_create);
rrdtool_update("$cbgp_rrd", "N:$cbgpPeerAcceptedPrefixes:$cbgpPeerDeniedPrefixes:$cbgpPeerAdvertisedPrefixes:$cbgpPeerSuppressedPrefixes:$cbgpPeerWithdrawnPrefixes");
} ## End While loop on peers
} ## End check for BGP support