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var moment = require('../../moment');
exports['locale:he'] = {
setUp : function (cb) {
moment.createFromInputFallback = function () {
throw new Error('input not handled by moment');
tearDown : function (cb) {
'parse' : function (test) {
var tests = 'ינואר ינו׳_פברואר פבר׳_מרץ מרץ_אפריל אפר׳_מאי מאי_יוני יוני_יולי יוליוגוסט אוג׳_ספטמבר ספט׳וקטובר אוק׳ובמבר נוב׳_דצמבר דצמ׳'.split('_'), i;
function equalTest(input, mmm, i) {
test.equal(moment(input, mmm).month(), i, input + ' should be month ' + (i + 1));
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
tests[i] = tests[i].split(' ');
equalTest(tests[i][0], 'MMM', i);
equalTest(tests[i][1], 'MMM', i);
equalTest(tests[i][0], 'MMMM', i);
equalTest(tests[i][1], 'MMMM', i);
equalTest(tests[i][0].toLocaleLowerCase(), 'MMMM', i);
equalTest(tests[i][1].toLocaleLowerCase(), 'MMMM', i);
equalTest(tests[i][0].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
equalTest(tests[i][1].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
'format' : function (test) {
var a = [
['dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a', 'ראשון, פברואר 14 2010, 3:25:50 pm'],
['ddd, hA', 'א׳, 3PM'],
['M Mo MM MMMM MMM', '2 2 02 פברואר פבר׳'],
['YYYY YY', '2010 10'],
['D Do DD', '14 14 14'],
['d do dddd ddd dd', '0 0 ראשון א׳ א'],
['DDD DDDo DDDD', '45 45 045'],
['w wo ww', '8 8 08'],
['h hh', '3 03'],
['H HH', '15 15'],
['m mm', '25 25'],
['s ss', '50 50'],
['a A', 'pm PM'],
['[the] DDDo [day of the year]', 'the 45 day of the year'],
['L', '14/02/2010'],
['LL', '14 בפברואר 2010'],
['LLL', '14 בפברואר 2010 15:25'],
['LLLL', 'ראשון, 14 בפברואר 2010 15:25'],
['l', '14/2/2010'],
['ll', '14 פבר׳ 2010'],
['lll', '14 פבר׳ 2010 15:25'],
['llll', 'א׳, 14 פבר׳ 2010 15:25']
b = moment(new Date(2010, 1, 14, 15, 25, 50, 125)),
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
test.equal(b.format(a[i][0]), a[i][1], a[i][0] + ' ---> ' + a[i][1]);
'format month' : function (test) {
var expected = 'ינואר ינו׳_פברואר פבר׳_מרץ מרץ_אפריל אפר׳_מאי מאי_יוני יוני_יולי יוליוגוסט אוג׳_ספטמבר ספט׳וקטובר אוק׳ובמבר נוב׳_דצמבר דצמ׳'.split('_'), i;
for (i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
test.equal(moment([2011, i, 1]).format('MMMM MMM'), expected[i], expected[i]);
'format week' : function (test) {
var expected = 'ראשון א׳ א|שני ב׳ ב|שלישי ג׳ ג|רביעי ד׳ ד|חמישי ה׳ ה|שישי ו׳ ו|שבת ש׳ ש'.split('|'), i;
for (i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
test.equal(moment([2011, 0, 2 + i]).format('dddd ddd dd'), expected[i], expected[i]);
'from' : function (test) {
var start = moment([2007, 1, 28]);
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 44}), true), 'מספר שניות', '44 seconds = a few seconds');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 45}), true), 'דקה', '45 seconds = a minute');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 89}), true), 'דקה', '89 seconds = a minute');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 90}), true), '2 דקות', '90 seconds = 2 minutes');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 44}), true), '44 דקות', '44 minutes = 44 minutes');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 45}), true), 'שעה', '45 minutes = an hour');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 89}), true), 'שעה', '89 minutes = an hour');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 90}), true), 'שעתיים', '90 minutes = 2 hours');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 5}), true), '5 שעות', '5 hours = 5 hours');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 21}), true), '21 שעות', '21 hours = 21 hours');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 22}), true), 'יום', '22 hours = a day');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 35}), true), 'יום', '35 hours = a day');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 36}), true), 'יומיים', '36 hours = 2 days');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 1}), true), 'יום', '1 day = a day');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 5}), true), '5 ימים', '5 days = 5 days');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 25}), true), '25 ימים', '25 days = 25 days');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 26}), true), 'חודש', '26 days = a month');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 30}), true), 'חודש', '30 days = a month');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 43}), true), 'חודש', '43 days = a month');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 46}), true), 'חודשיים', '46 days = 2 months');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 74}), true), 'חודשיים', '75 days = 2 months');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 76}), true), '3 חודשים', '76 days = 3 months');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({M: 1}), true), 'חודש', '1 month = a month');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({M: 5}), true), '5 חודשים', '5 months = 5 months');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 345}), true), 'שנה', '345 days = a year');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 548}), true), 'שנתיים', '548 days = 2 years');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({y: 1}), true), 'שנה', '1 year = a year');
test.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({y: 5}), true), '5 שנים', '5 years = 5 years');
'suffix' : function (test) {
test.equal(moment(30000).from(0), 'בעוד מספר שניות', 'prefix');
test.equal(moment(0).from(30000), 'לפני מספר שניות', 'suffix');
'now from now' : function (test) {
test.equal(moment().fromNow(), 'לפני מספר שניות', 'now from now should display as in the past');
'fromNow' : function (test) {
test.equal(moment().add({s: 30}).fromNow(), 'בעוד מספר שניות', 'in a few seconds');
test.equal(moment().add({d: 5}).fromNow(), 'בעוד 5 ימים', 'in 5 days');
'calendar day' : function (test) {
var a = moment().hours(2).minutes(0).seconds(0);
test.equal(moment(a).calendar(), 'היום ב־02:00', 'today at the same time');
test.equal(moment(a).add({m: 25}).calendar(), 'היום ב־02:25', 'Now plus 25 min');
test.equal(moment(a).add({h: 1}).calendar(), 'היום ב־03:00', 'Now plus 1 hour');
test.equal(moment(a).add({d: 1}).calendar(), 'מחר ב־02:00', 'tomorrow at the same time');
test.equal(moment(a).subtract({h: 1}).calendar(), 'היום ב־01:00', 'Now minus 1 hour');
test.equal(moment(a).subtract({d: 1}).calendar(), 'אתמול ב־02:00', 'yesterday at the same time');
'calendar next week' : function (test) {
var i, m;
for (i = 2; i < 7; i++) {
m = moment().add({d: i});
test.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [בשעה] LT'), 'Today + ' + i + ' days current time');
test.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [בשעה] LT'), 'Today + ' + i + ' days beginning of day');
test.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [בשעה] LT'), 'Today + ' + i + ' days end of day');
'calendar last week' : function (test) {
var i, m;
for (i = 2; i < 7; i++) {
m = moment().subtract({d: i});
test.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[ביום] dddd [האחרון בשעה] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days current time');
test.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[ביום] dddd [האחרון בשעה] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days beginning of day');
test.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[ביום] dddd [האחרון בשעה] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days end of day');
'calendar all else' : function (test) {
var weeksAgo = moment().subtract({w: 1}),
weeksFromNow = moment().add({w: 1});
test.equal(weeksAgo.calendar(), weeksAgo.format('L'), '1 week ago');
test.equal(weeksFromNow.calendar(), weeksFromNow.format('L'), 'in 1 week');
weeksAgo = moment().subtract({w: 2});
weeksFromNow = moment().add({w: 2});
test.equal(weeksAgo.calendar(), weeksAgo.format('L'), '2 weeks ago');
test.equal(weeksFromNow.calendar(), weeksFromNow.format('L'), 'in 2 weeks');
// Sunday is the first day of the week.
// The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
'weeks year starting sunday' : function (test) {
test.equal(moment([2012, 0, 1]).week(), 1, 'Jan 1 2012 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2012, 0, 7]).week(), 1, 'Jan 7 2012 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2012, 0, 8]).week(), 2, 'Jan 8 2012 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2012, 0, 14]).week(), 2, 'Jan 14 2012 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2012, 0, 15]).week(), 3, 'Jan 15 2012 should be week 3');
'weeks year starting monday' : function (test) {
test.equal(moment([2006, 11, 31]).week(), 1, 'Dec 31 2006 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2007, 0, 1]).week(), 1, 'Jan 1 2007 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2007, 0, 6]).week(), 1, 'Jan 6 2007 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2007, 0, 7]).week(), 2, 'Jan 7 2007 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2007, 0, 13]).week(), 2, 'Jan 13 2007 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2007, 0, 14]).week(), 3, 'Jan 14 2007 should be week 3');
'weeks year starting tuesday' : function (test) {
test.equal(moment([2007, 11, 29]).week(), 52, 'Dec 29 2007 should be week 52');
test.equal(moment([2008, 0, 1]).week(), 1, 'Jan 1 2008 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2008, 0, 5]).week(), 1, 'Jan 5 2008 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2008, 0, 6]).week(), 2, 'Jan 6 2008 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2008, 0, 12]).week(), 2, 'Jan 12 2008 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2008, 0, 13]).week(), 3, 'Jan 13 2008 should be week 3');
'weeks year starting wednesday' : function (test) {
test.equal(moment([2002, 11, 29]).week(), 1, 'Dec 29 2002 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2003, 0, 1]).week(), 1, 'Jan 1 2003 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2003, 0, 4]).week(), 1, 'Jan 4 2003 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2003, 0, 5]).week(), 2, 'Jan 5 2003 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2003, 0, 11]).week(), 2, 'Jan 11 2003 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2003, 0, 12]).week(), 3, 'Jan 12 2003 should be week 3');
'weeks year starting thursday' : function (test) {
test.equal(moment([2008, 11, 28]).week(), 1, 'Dec 28 2008 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2009, 0, 1]).week(), 1, 'Jan 1 2009 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2009, 0, 3]).week(), 1, 'Jan 3 2009 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2009, 0, 4]).week(), 2, 'Jan 4 2009 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2009, 0, 10]).week(), 2, 'Jan 10 2009 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2009, 0, 11]).week(), 3, 'Jan 11 2009 should be week 3');
'weeks year starting friday' : function (test) {
test.equal(moment([2009, 11, 27]).week(), 1, 'Dec 27 2009 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2010, 0, 1]).week(), 1, 'Jan 1 2010 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2010, 0, 2]).week(), 1, 'Jan 2 2010 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2010, 0, 3]).week(), 2, 'Jan 3 2010 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2010, 0, 9]).week(), 2, 'Jan 9 2010 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2010, 0, 10]).week(), 3, 'Jan 10 2010 should be week 3');
'weeks year starting saturday' : function (test) {
test.equal(moment([2010, 11, 26]).week(), 1, 'Dec 26 2010 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2011, 0, 1]).week(), 1, 'Jan 1 2011 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2011, 0, 2]).week(), 2, 'Jan 2 2011 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2011, 0, 8]).week(), 2, 'Jan 8 2011 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2011, 0, 9]).week(), 3, 'Jan 9 2011 should be week 3');
'weeks year starting sunday format' : function (test) {
test.equal(moment([2012, 0, 1]).format('w ww wo'), '1 01 1', 'Jan 1 2012 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2012, 0, 7]).format('w ww wo'), '1 01 1', 'Jan 7 2012 should be week 1');
test.equal(moment([2012, 0, 8]).format('w ww wo'), '2 02 2', 'Jan 8 2012 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2012, 0, 14]).format('w ww wo'), '2 02 2', 'Jan 14 2012 should be week 2');
test.equal(moment([2012, 0, 15]).format('w ww wo'), '3 03 3', 'Jan 15 2012 should be week 3');