2010-02-20 17:22:22 +00:00

158 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File

$dnsdblink = mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'pass');
$dnsdb = mysql_select_db('tinydns', $dnsdblink);
$link = mysql_connect($config['db_host'], $config['db_user'], $config['db_pass']);
$db = mysql_select_db($config['db_name'], $link);
$query = "SELECT * FROM ipaddr AS A, ports as I, devices as D WHERE A.interface_id = I.interface_id AND I.device_id = D.device_id AND D.hostname LIKE '' AND D.hostname NOT LIKE '%.cust.%' AND D.os = 'ios'";
$data = mysql_query($query, $link);
while($ip = mysql_fetch_array($data)) {
$hostname = $ip['hostname'];
$real_hostname = $hostname;
$hostname = str_replace("", "", $hostname);
list($loc, $host) = explode("-", $hostname);
if($host) {
$hostname = "$host.$";
} else {
$host = $loc; unset ($loc);
$hostname = "$";
$interface = $ip['ifDescr'];
$address = $ip['addr'];
$cidr = $ip['cidr'];
$interface = strtolower(makeshortif(fixifname($interface)));
$interface = str_replace("/", "-", $interface);
list($interface, $sub) = explode(".", $interface);
if($sub) {
$sub = str_replace(" ", "", $sub);
$sub = str_replace("aal5", "", $sub);
$interface = "$sub.$interface";
$hostip = trim(gethostbyname($real_hostname));
if(strstr($hostname, "")) {
list($first, $second, $third, $fourth) = explode(".", $address);
$revzone = "$third.$second.$";
$reverse = "$fourth.$revzone";
$dnsname = "$interface.$hostname";
$rev_sql = "SELECT `domain_id` FROM `domains` WHERE domain = '" . $revzone . "'";
$rev_domain_id = @mysql_result(mysql_query($rev_sql, $dnsdblink),0);
$rows_exist = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(record_id) FROM `records` WHERE `host` = '$reverse'", $dnsdblink),0);
if($rows_exist > '1') { $rows_exist = 1; echo("DELETE FROM `records` WHERE `host` = '$reverse' LIMIT $rows_exist;\n"); }
if($address == $hostip) {
if($rows_exist < '1') {
$reverse_query = "INSERT INTO `records` (`host`, `ttl`, `type`, `val`, `domain_id`) ";
$reverse_query .= "VALUES ('$reverse','38400','P','$real_hostname','$rev_domain_id')";
} else {
$reverse_query = "UPDATE `records` SET `val` = '$real_hostname' WHERE `host` = '".$reverse.".'";
} else {
if($rows_exist < '1') {
$reverse_query = "INSERT INTO `records` (`host`, `ttl`, `type`, `val`, `domain_id`) ";
$reverse_query .= "VALUES ('$reverse','38400','P','$dnsname','$rev_domain_id')";
} else {
$reverse_query = "UPDATE `records` SET `val` = '".$dnsname.".' WHERE `host` = '".$reverse."'";
if($rev_domain_id) {
echo("$reverse_query; \n");
#mysql_query($reverse_query, $dnsdblink);
} else {
#echo("$hostname - $interface - $reverse FAILED\n");
$i = 1;
while ($i <= count($zoneupdated)) {
$thiszone = "$revzone";
if ($zoneupdated[$i] == $thiszone) { $exist = "yes"; }
if(!$exist) { $zoneupdated[] = "$revzone"; }
unset ($forward_query);
if($address != $hostip) {
$rows_exist = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(record_id) FROM `records` WHERE `host` = '$dnsname'", $dnsdblink),0);
if($rows_exist > '1') { $rows_exist--; echo("DELETE FROM `records` WHERE `host` = '$hostname' LIMIT $rows_exist;\n"); }
if($rows_exist < '1') {
$forward_query = "INSERT INTO `records` (`host`, `ttl`, `type`, `val`, `domain_id`) ";
$forward_query .= "VALUES ('$dnsname','38400','A','$address','381')";
} elseif ($address != $hostip) {
$forward_query = "UPDATE `records` SET `val` = '$address' WHERE `host` = '$dnsname'";
if($forward_query && $rev_domain_id) {
echo("$forward_query; \n");
mysql_query($forward_query, $dnsdblink);
# $i = 1;
# unset($exist)
# while ($i <= count($linkdone)) {
# $thiszone = "$";
# if ($zoneupdated[$i] == $thiszone) { $exist = "yes"; }
# $i++;
# }
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($zoneupdated)) {
# $sSQL = "update zones set name = '" . $name . "', ttl = " . $ttl . ", rdtype =
# '" . $rdtype1 . "', rdata = '" . $rdata . "' where zoneid = " . $id;
# $result = mysql_query($sSQL, $dnsdblink);
$domain = $zoneupdated[$i];
$sSQL = "select rdata, zoneid from zones where domain_name = '" . $domain . "' and rdtype = 'SOA'";
# $result = mysql_query($sSQL, $dnsdblink);
# $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$soa = explode(" ", $row[0]);
$year = substr($soa[2],0,4);
$month = substr($soa[2],4,2);
$day = substr($soa[2],6,2);
$serial = substr($soa[2],8,2);
$thisday = date("d",time());
$thismonth = date("m",time());
$thisyear = date("Y", time());
if($day == $thisday && $month == $thismonth && $year = $thisyear) {
else {
$serial = "01";
$date = $thisyear . $thismonth . $thisday . sprintf("%02s",$serial);
$rdata = $soa[0] . " " . $soa[1] . " " . $date . " " . $soa[3] . " " . $soa[4] . " " . $soa[5] . " " . $soa[6];
$sSQL = "update zones set rdata = '" . $rdata . "' where zoneid = " . $row[1];
# echo("$sSQL\n");
# $result = mysql_query($sSQL, $dnsdblink);