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synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
* Show verbose alert details in the alert, alert-log webui update file permissions * Make global admin permission required to use alert details ui * StyleCI patch Co-authored-by: root <root@usopsl-libre001.corp.blizzard.net>
125 lines
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125 lines
4.5 KiB
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. Please see LICENSE.txt at the top level of
* the source code distribution for details.
* @package LibreNMS
* @subpackage graphs
* @link https://www.librenms.org
* @copyright 2018 LibreNMS
* @author LibreNMS Contributors
$alert_severities = [
// alert_rules.status is enum('ok','warning','critical')
'ok' => 1,
'warning' => 2,
'critical' => 3,
'ok only' => 4,
'warning only' => 5,
'critical only' => 6,
$where = 1;
$param = [];
if (is_numeric($vars['device_id'])) {
$where .= ' AND E.device_id = ?';
$param[] = $vars['device_id'];
if ($vars['state'] >= 0) {
$where .= ' AND `E`.`state` = ?';
$param[] = mres($vars['state']);
if (isset($vars['min_severity'])) {
$where .= get_sql_filter_min_severity($vars['min_severity'], 'R');
if (! Auth::user()->hasGlobalRead()) {
$device_ids = Permissions::devicesForUser()->toArray() ?: [0];
$where .= ' AND `E`.`device_id` IN ' . dbGenPlaceholders(count($device_ids));
$param = array_merge($param, $device_ids);
if (isset($searchPhrase) && ! empty($searchPhrase)) {
$where .= ' AND (`D`.`hostname` LIKE ? OR `D`.`sysName` LIKE ? OR `E`.`time_logged` LIKE ? OR `name` LIKE ?)';
$param[] = "%$searchPhrase%";
$param[] = "%$searchPhrase%";
$param[] = "%$searchPhrase%";
$param[] = "%$searchPhrase%";
$sql = " FROM `alert_log` AS E LEFT JOIN devices AS D ON E.device_id=D.device_id RIGHT JOIN alert_rules AS R ON E.rule_id=R.id WHERE $where";
$count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(`E`.`id`) $sql";
$total = dbFetchCell($count_sql, $param);
if (empty($total)) {
$total = 0;
if (! isset($sort) || empty($sort)) {
$sort = 'time_logged DESC';
$sql .= " ORDER BY $sort";
if (isset($current)) {
$limit_low = (($current * $rowCount) - ($rowCount));
$limit_high = $rowCount;
if ($rowCount != -1) {
$sql .= " LIMIT $limit_low,$limit_high";
$sql = "SELECT R.severity, D.device_id,name AS alert,rule_id, state,time_logged,DATE_FORMAT(time_logged, '" . \LibreNMS\Config::get('dateformat.mysql.compact') . "') as humandate,details $sql";
$rulei = 0;
foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, $param) as $alertlog) {
$dev = device_by_id_cache($alertlog['device_id']);
$log = dbFetchCell('SELECT details FROM alert_log WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? AND `state` = 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1', [$alertlog['rule_id'], $alertlog['device_id']]);
$alert_log_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT id FROM alert_log WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1', [$alertlog['rule_id'], $alertlog['device_id']]);
$fault_detail = alert_details($log);
if (empty($fault_detail)) {
$fault_detail = 'Rule created, no faults found';
$alert_state = $alertlog['state'];
if ($alert_state == '0') {
$status = 'label-success';
} elseif ($alert_state == '1') {
$status = 'label-danger';
} elseif ($alert_state == '2') {
$status = 'label-info';
} elseif ($alert_state == '3') {
$status = 'label-warning';
} elseif ($alert_state == '4') {
$status = 'label-primary';
}//end if
$response[] = [
'id' => $rulei++,
'time_logged' => $alertlog['humandate'],
'details' => '<a class="fa fa-plus incident-toggle" style="display:none" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#incident' . ($rulei) . '" data-parent="#alerts"></a>',
'verbose_details' => "<button type='button' class='btn btn-alert-details fa fa-info command-alert-details' style='display:none' aria-label='Details' id='alert-details' data-alert_log_id='{$alert_log_id}'></button>",
'hostname' => '<div class="incident">' . generate_device_link($dev, shorthost($dev['hostname'])) . '<div id="incident' . ($rulei) . '" class="collapse">' . $fault_detail . '</div></div>',
'alert' => htmlspecialchars($alertlog['alert']),
'status' => "<i class='alert-status " . $status . "' title='" . ($alert_state ? 'active' : 'recovered') . "'></i>",
'severity' => $alertlog['severity'],
}//end foreach
$output = [
'current' => $current,
'rowCount' => $rowCount,
'rows' => $response,
'total' => $total,