2015-07-08 19:16:48 +02:00

1609 lines
71 KiB
Executable File

-- Server Administrator Remote Access MIB for Server3 MIB Branch
-- Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Dell Inc.
-- All Rights Reserved.
-- The information and functionality described by this MIB file,
-- like many MIB files, is subject to change without notice.
-- Please examine the version number of this MIB and compare it
-- to the version number you are expecting.
-- MIB Version 1.90 21 January 2003
-- OID Format Legend:
-- <a> = attribute ID
-- <i> = index ID
-- Begin MIB
enterprises, IpAddress
-- Object Identifiers
-- Enterprise ID
dell OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 674 }
-- Server3 Branch
server3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dell 10892 }
-- Server3 Groups
baseboardGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { server3 1 }
drsOutOfBandGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { server3 2 }
-- Server3 Baseboard Groups for Remote Access
-- (All other Server3 Baseboard groups are defined in another MIB file.)
remoteAccessGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 1700 }
-- Textual Conventions
DellObjectRange ::= INTEGER (1..128)
DellUnsigned8BitRange ::= INTEGER (0..255)
DellUnsigned16BitRange ::= INTEGER (0..65535)
DellUnsigned32BitRange ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295)
DellBoolean ::= INTEGER (0..1) -- 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
-- Note About Bit Fields:
-- Attributes with definitions of xxxCapabilities or xxxSettings are integers
-- representing a series of bit definitions. They are NOT enumerations and
-- should be treated as bit fields. The value is passed as a decimal value;
-- it should be converted to hex, and the appropriate bits should be parsed
-- from that. Some of the more common bit combinations are defined in some
-- variables, but not all combinations are or will be defined.
-- Generic State Capabilities
DellStateCapabilities ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero), object has no state capabilities
unknownCapabilities(1), -- object's state capabilities are unknown
-- The object's state capabilities allow it to be set to:
enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online)
notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready
-- Generic State Settings
DellStateSettings ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero), object has no state settings enabled and is disabled
unknown(1), -- object's state is unknown
enabled(2), -- object's state is disabled (offline) if bit is off
-- or enabled (online) if bit is on
notReady(4), -- object's state is not ready
-- Status
DellStatus ::= INTEGER {
other(1), -- status is not one of the following:
unknown(2), -- status of object is unknown (not known or monitored)
ok(3), -- status of object is OK (normal)
nonCritical(4), -- status of object is noncritical (warning)
critical(5), -- status of object is critical (failure)
nonRecoverable(6) -- status of object is non-recoverable (dead)
-- MIB Groups
-- Remote Access Group
-- OID:
-- Remote Access Table
-- OID Format:<a>.<i1>.<i2>
DellRemoteAccessType ::= INTEGER {
remoteAccessTypeIsOther(1), -- the type is not one of the following:
remoteAccessTypeIsUnknown(2), -- remote access type is unknown
remoteAccessTypeIsDRACIII(3), -- remote access type is DRAC III
remoteAccessTypeIsERA(4), -- remote access type is ERA
remoteAccessTypeIsDRAC4(5), -- remote access type is DRAC4
remoteAccessTypeIsDRAC5(6) -- remote access type is DRAC5
DellRemoteAccessControlCapabilities ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities
unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown
-- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to:
logResetCapable(2), -- reset its onboard logs
hardResetCapable(4), -- be hard reset
softResetCapable(8), -- be soft reset
gracefulResetCapable(16), -- be gracefully shutdown and soft reset
defaultConfigResetCapable(32), -- reset to its default settings for the release version
shutdownCapable(64), -- shutdown and disable battery if PCI power is off
DellRemoteAccessControlSettings ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings enabled
unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown
-- Only one of the following settings may be enabled in one set request:
logReset(2), -- Reset the onboard logs
hardReset(4), -- Issue a hard reset to the object
softReset(8), -- Issue a soft reset to the object
gracefulReset(16), -- Issue a graceful shutdown and soft reset to the object
defaultConfigReset(32), -- Reset the object to its default settings
shutdown(64) -- Shutdown (power off) the object
DellRemoteAccessMonitorCapabilities ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities
unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown
-- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to:
extPwrSupplyMonitorIfConnectedCapable(2),-- monitor external power supply if connected
extPwrSupplyMonitorAlwaysEnabledCapable(4),-- monitor external power supply always
DellRemoteAccessMonitorSettings ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings enabled
-- Only one extPwrSupplyMonitor setting may be enabled:
unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown
extPwrSupplyMonitorIfConnectedEnabled(2), -- Monitor ext pwr supply volt probe
-- if the cable is connected to the DRS
extPwrSupplyMonitorAlwaysEnabledEnabled(4)-- Monitor ext pwr supply volt probe
-- regardless of the plug state
DellRemoteAccessLANCapabilities ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities
unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown
-- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to:
nicCapable(2), -- supports a NIC
nicDHCPCapable(4), -- can use DHCP to obtain IP address for NIC
DellRemoteAccessLANSettings ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings enabled
unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown
nicEnabled(2), -- NIC is enabled
nicDHCPEnabled(4), -- NIC should use DHCP to obtain IP address
DellRemoteAccessHostCapabilities ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities
unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown
-- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to:
smtpEmailCapable(2), -- support email using SMTP
tftpRemoteFloppyCapable(4), -- support remote floppy boot from TFTP server
tftpRemoteFwUpdateCapable(8), -- support remote FW update from TFTP server
DellRemoteAccessHostSettings ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings enabled
unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown
smtpEmailEnabled(2), -- SMTP client for email is enabled (R)
tftpRemoteFloppyEnabled(4), -- TFTP client for remote floppy boot is enabled (R)
tftpRemoteFwUpdateEnabled(8), -- TFTP client for FW update is enabled (R)
DellRemoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPCapabilities ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities
unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown
-- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to:
oobSNMPAgentCapable(2), -- object has an out-of-band SNMP agent
oobSNMPTrapsCapable(4), -- object can send out-of-band SNMP traps
DellRemoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPSettings ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings enabled
unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown
oobSNMPAgentEnabled(2), -- out-of-band SNMP agent is enabled
oobSNMPTrapsEnabled(4), -- out-of-band SNMP traps are enabled
RemoteAccessTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
remoteAccessChassisIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteAccessAdapterIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteAccessType DellRemoteAccessType,
remoteAccessStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities,
remoteAccessStateSettings DellStateSettings,
remoteAccessStatus DellStatus,
remoteAccessProductInfoName DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)),
remoteAccessDescriptionInfoName DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)),
remoteAccessVersionInfoName DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)),
remoteAccessControlCapabilities DellRemoteAccessControlCapabilities,
remoteAccessControlSettings DellRemoteAccessControlSettings,
remoteAccessMonitorCapabilities DellRemoteAccessMonitorCapabilities,
remoteAccessMonitorSettings DellRemoteAccessMonitorSettings,
remoteAccessLANCapabilities DellRemoteAccessLANCapabilities,
remoteAccessLANSettings DellRemoteAccessLANSettings,
remoteAccessHostCapabilities DellRemoteAccessHostCapabilities,
remoteAccessHostSettings DellRemoteAccessHostSettings,
remoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPCapabilities DellRemoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPCapabilities,
remoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPSettings DellRemoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPSettings,
remoteAccessSMTPServerIPAddress IpAddress,
remoteAccessFloppyTFTPIPAddress IpAddress,
remoteAccessFloppyTFTPPathName DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)),
remoteAccessFirmwareUpdateIPAddress IpAddress,
remoteAccessFirmwareUpdatePathName DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)),
remoteAccessNICStaticIPAddress IpAddress,
remoteAccessNICStaticNetmaskAddress IpAddress,
remoteAccessNICStaticGatewayAddress IpAddress,
remoteAccessPCMCIAInfoName DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)),
remoteAccessMiscInfoName DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)),
remoteAccessNICCurrentIPAddress IpAddress,
remoteAccessNICCurrentNetmaskAddress IpAddress,
remoteAccessNICCurrentGatewayAddress IpAddress,
remoteAccessNICCurrentInfoFromDHCP DellBoolean,
remoteAccessRemoteConnectURL DisplayString (SIZE (0..63))
remoteAccessTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RemoteAccessTableEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010 This object defines the Remote Access table."
::= { remoteAccessGroup 10 }
remoteAccessTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RemoteAccessTableEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001 This object defines the Remote Access table entry."
INDEX { remoteAccessChassisIndex,
remoteAccessAdapterIndex }
::= { remoteAccessTable 1 }
remoteAccessChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the
chassis containing the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 1 }
remoteAccessAdapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 2 }
remoteAccessType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessType
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the type of the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 3 }
remoteAccessStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state capabilities of the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 4 }
remoteAccessStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellStateSettings
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the state setting of the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 5 }
remoteAccessStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellStatus
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the status of the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 6 }
remoteAccessProductInfoName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63))
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0007 This attribute defines the name of the
product providing the Remote Access functionality."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 7 }
remoteAccessDescriptionInfoName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0008 This attribute defines the description of the
product providing the Remote Access functionality."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 8 }
remoteAccessVersionInfoName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63))
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0009 This attribute defines the version of the
product providing the Remote Access functionality."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 9 }
remoteAccessControlCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessControlCapabilities
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0010 This attribute defines the control capabilities of the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 10 }
remoteAccessControlSettings OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessControlSettings
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0011 This attribute defines the control settings of the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 11 }
remoteAccessMonitorCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessMonitorCapabilities
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0012 This attribute defines the monitor capabilities of the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 12 }
remoteAccessMonitorSettings OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessMonitorSettings
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0013 This attribute defines the monitor settings of the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 13 }
remoteAccessLANCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessLANCapabilities
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0014 This attribute defines the LAN capabilities of the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 14 }
remoteAccessLANSettings OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessLANSettings
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0015 This attribute defines the LAN settings of the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 15 }
remoteAccessHostCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessHostCapabilities
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0016 This attribute defines the host capabilities of the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 16 }
remoteAccessHostSettings OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessHostSettings
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0017 This attribute defines the host settings of the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 17 }
remoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPCapabilities
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0018 This attribute defines the out-of-band SNMP capabilities
of the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 18 }
remoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPSettings OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPSettings
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0019 This attribute defines the out-of-band SNMP settings
of the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 19 }
remoteAccessSMTPServerIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0020 This attribute defines the IP address of the
SMTP server provided by the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 20 }
remoteAccessFloppyTFTPIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0021 This attribute defines the IP address of the
TFTP server providing the operating system image used by the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 21 }
remoteAccessFloppyTFTPPathName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0022 This attribute defines the file name of the
the operating system image obtained from the TFTP server used by the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 22 }
remoteAccessFirmwareUpdateIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0023 This attribute defines the IP address of the
update server providing the firmware image used by the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 23 }
remoteAccessFirmwareUpdatePathName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0024 This attribute defines the file name of the
the firmware image obtained from the update server used by the
Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 24 }
remoteAccessNICStaticIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0025 This attribute defines the static IP address to be used
by the onboard NIC provided by the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 25 }
remoteAccessNICStaticNetmaskAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0026 This attribute defines the netmask for the static
IP address to be used by the onboard NIC provided by the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 26 }
remoteAccessNICStaticGatewayAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0027 This attribute defines the IP address for the gateway
associated with the static IP address to be used by the onboard NIC provided
by the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 27 }
remoteAccessPCMCIAInfoName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63))
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0028 This attribute defines the information for the
PCMCIA device used by the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 28 }
remoteAccessMiscInfoName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0029 This attribute defines miscellaneous information
for the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 29 }
remoteAccessNICCurrentIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0030 This attribute defines the IP address currently being used
by the onboard NIC provided by the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 30 }
remoteAccessNICCurrentNetmaskAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0031 This attribute defines the netmask currently being used
by the onboard NIC provided by the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 31 }
remoteAccessNICCurrentGatewayAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0032 This attribute defines the IP address for the gateway
currently being used by the onboard NIC provided by the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 32 }
remoteAccessNICCurrentInfoFromDHCP OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellBoolean
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0033 This attribute defines if DHCP was used to obtain
the NIC information currently being used by the onboard NIC provided by
the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 33 }
remoteAccessRemoteConnectURL OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63))
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0010.0001.0034 This attribute defines the URL for launching the
Remote Access Remote Connect Interface."
::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 34 }
-- Remote User Administration Table
-- OID Format:<a>.<i1>.<i2>.<i3>
DellRemoteUserAdminStateCapabilities ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities
unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown
-- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to:
enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online)
notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready
numericPagerCapable(8), -- support numeric paging
alphaPagerCapable(16), -- support alphanumeric paging
emailCapable(32), -- support electronic mailing
privilegeCapable(64), -- support user privileges
DellRemoteUserAdminStateSettings ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and its state is disabled
unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown
enabled(2), -- The object's state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled (online) 1
notReady(4), -- The object's state is not ready
numericPagerEnabled(8), -- Numeric paging support is enabled
alphaPagerEnabled(16), -- Alphanumeric paging support is enabled
emailEnabled(32), -- Electronic mailing is enabled
DellRemoteUserAdminControlCapabilities ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities
unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown
-- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to:
numericPagerTestCapable(2), -- support testing of the numeric paging function
alphaPagerTestCapable(4), -- support testing of the alphanumeric pager function
emailTestCapable(8), -- support sending a test electronic mail message
DellRemoteUserAdminControlSettings ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and its state is disabled
unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown
-- Only one of the following settings may be enabled in one set request:
numericPagerTest(2), -- Perform a numeric pager test
alphaPagerTest(4), -- Perform an alphanumeric pager test
emailTest(8) -- Send a test email
DellRemoteUserAdminAlphaProtocolType ::= INTEGER {
other(1), -- the alphanumeric protocol is not one of the following:
unknown(2), -- alphanumeric protocol is unknown
alpha7E0(3), -- alphanumeric protocol is 7E0
alpha8N1(4) -- alphanumeric protocol is 8N1
DellRemoteUserAdminAlphaBaudType ::= INTEGER {
other(1), -- the alphanumeric baud rate is not one of the following:
unknown(2), -- alphanumeric baud rate is unknown
alphaBaud300(3), -- alphanumeric baud rate is 300
alphaBaud1200(4) -- alphanumeric baud rate is 1200
RemoteUserAdminTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
remoteUserAdminChassisIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteUserAdminAdapterIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteUserAdminUserIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteUserAdminStateCapabilities DellRemoteUserAdminStateCapabilities,
remoteUserAdminStateSettings DellRemoteUserAdminStateSettings,
remoteUserAdminStatus DellStatus,
remoteUserAdminUserName DisplayString (SIZE (0..19)),
remoteUserAdminUserPasswordName DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)),
remoteUserAdminUserPrivilege DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)),
remoteUserAdminUserPrivilegeCapabilities DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)),
remoteUserAdminAlertFilterDrsEventsMask DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteUserAdminAlertFilterSysEventsMask DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteUserAdminAlertFilterDrsCapabilities DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteUserAdminAlertFilterSysCapabilities DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteUserAdminPagerNumericNumberName DisplayString (SIZE (0..95)),
remoteUserAdminPagerNumericMessageName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)),
remoteUserAdminPagerNumericHangupDelay DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaPhoneNumberName DisplayString (SIZE (0..95)),
remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaProtocol DellRemoteUserAdminAlphaProtocolType,
remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaBaudRate DellRemoteUserAdminAlphaBaudType,
remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaCustomMessageName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)),
remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaModemConnectTimeout DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaPagerIdName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)),
remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaPasswordName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)),
remoteUserAdminPagerModemInitStringName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)),
remoteUserAdminPagerModemPort DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteUserAdminEmailAddressName DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)),
remoteUserAdminEmailCustomMessageName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)),
remoteUserAdminControlCapabilities DellRemoteUserAdminControlCapabilities,
remoteUserAdminControlSettings DellRemoteUserAdminControlSettings,
remoteUserAdminUserType DellUnsigned8BitRange
remoteUserAdminTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RemoteUserAdminTableEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020 This object defines the Remote Access User Administration table."
::= { remoteAccessGroup 20 }
remoteUserAdminTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RemoteUserAdminTableEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001 This object defines the Remote Access User Administration
table entry."
INDEX { remoteUserAdminChassisIndex,
remoteUserAdminUserIndex }
::= { remoteUserAdminTable 1 }
remoteUserAdminChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the
chassis containing the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 1 }
remoteUserAdminAdapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the
Remote Access hardware used by this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 2 }
remoteUserAdminUserIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0003 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this
Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 3 }
remoteUserAdminStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteUserAdminStateCapabilities
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state capabilities for this
Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 4 }
remoteUserAdminStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteUserAdminStateSettings
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0005 This attribute defines the state settings for this
Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 5 }
remoteUserAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellStatus
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0006 This attribute defines the status for this
Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 6 }
remoteUserAdminUserName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..19))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0007 This attribute defines the name for this
Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 7 }
remoteUserAdminUserPasswordName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0008 This attribute defines the password for this
Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 8 }
remoteUserAdminUserPrivilege OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0009 This attribute defines the privileges for this
Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 9 }
remoteUserAdminUserPrivilegeCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0010 This attribute defines the privilege capabilities for this
Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 10 }
remoteUserAdminAlertFilterDrsEventsMask OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0011 This attribute defines the DRS events filter mask for this
Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 11 }
remoteUserAdminAlertFilterSysEventsMask OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0012 This attribute defines the system events filter mask
for this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 12 }
remoteUserAdminAlertFilterDrsCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0013 This attribute defines the DRS events filter capabilities
for this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 13 }
remoteUserAdminAlertFilterSysCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0014 This attribute defines the system events filter capabilities
for this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 14 }
remoteUserAdminPagerNumericNumberName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..95))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0015 This attribute defines the numeric pager number for this
for this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 15 }
remoteUserAdminPagerNumericMessageName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0016 This attribute defines the message to send to the numeric
pager for this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 16 }
remoteUserAdminPagerNumericHangupDelay OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0017 This attribute defines the numeric pager hangup delay
for this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 17 }
remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaPhoneNumberName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..95))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0018 This attribute defines the alphanumeric pager phone number
for this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 18 }
remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteUserAdminAlphaProtocolType
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0019 This attribute defines the protocol used by the
alphanumeric pager provider for this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 19 }
remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaBaudRate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteUserAdminAlphaBaudType
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0020 This attribute defines the baud rate used by the
alphanumeric pager provider for this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 20 }
remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaCustomMessageName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0021 This attribute defines the message to be sent to the
alphanumeric pager to inform the user of a call by this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 21 }
remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaModemConnectTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0022 This attribute defines the modem connection timeout
for the alhpanumeric pager for this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 22 }
remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaPagerIdName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0023 This attribute defines the ID to be sent to the
alphanumeric pager to inform the user of a call by this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 23 }
remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaPasswordName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0024 This attribute defines the password for the
alphanumeric pager for this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 24 }
remoteUserAdminPagerModemInitStringName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0025 This attribute defines the initialization string
to be sent to the pager modem for this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 25 }
remoteUserAdminPagerModemPort OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0026 This attribute defines the port for the pager modem
for this Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 26 }
remoteUserAdminEmailAddressName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0027 This attribute defines the email address for this
Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 27 }
remoteUserAdminEmailCustomMessageName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0028 This attribute defines the email message to send to this
Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 28 }
remoteUserAdminControlCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteUserAdminControlCapabilities
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0029 This attribute defines the control capabilities for this
Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 29 }
remoteUserAdminControlSettings OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteUserAdminControlSettings
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0030 This attribute defines the control settings for this
Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 30 }
remoteUserAdminUserType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned8BitRange
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0020.0001.0031 This attribute defines the type of this
Remote Access user."
::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 31 }
-- Remote SNMP Trap Table
-- OID Format:<a>.<i1>.<i2>.<i3>
DellRemoteSNMPTrapStateCapabilities ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities
unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown
-- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to:
enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online)
notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready
DellRemoteSNMPTrapStateSettings ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and its state is disabled
unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown
enabled(2), -- The object's state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled (online) 1
notReady(4), -- The object's state is not ready
DellRemoteSNMPTrapControlCapabilities ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities
unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown
-- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to:
trapTestCapable(2) -- support generating a test SNMP trap
DellRemoteSNMPTrapControlSettings ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and its state is disabled
unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown
-- Only one of the following settings may be enabled in one set request:
trapTest(2) -- Generate a test SNMP trap
RemoteSNMPTrapTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
remoteSNMPTrapChassisIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteSNMPTrapAdapterIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteSNMPTrapIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteSNMPTrapStateCapabilities DellRemoteSNMPTrapStateCapabilities,
remoteSNMPTrapStateSettings DellRemoteSNMPTrapStateSettings,
remoteSNMPTrapStatus DellStatus,
remoteSNMPTrapDestinationIPAddress IpAddress,
remoteSNMPTrapSNMPCommunityName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)),
remoteSNMPTrapFilterDrsEventsMask DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteSNMPTrapFilterSysEventsMask DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteSNMPTrapFilterDrsCapabilities DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteSNMPTrapFilterSysCapabilities DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteSNMPTrapControlCapabilities DellRemoteSNMPTrapControlCapabilities,
remoteSNMPTrapControlSettings DellRemoteSNMPTrapControlSettings
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030 This object defines the Remote Access SNMP Trap Destination table."
::= { remoteAccessGroup 30 }
remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RemoteSNMPTrapTableEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001 This object defines the Remote Access SNMP Trap Destination
table entry."
INDEX { remoteSNMPTrapChassisIndex,
remoteSNMPTrapIndex }
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTable 1 }
remoteSNMPTrapChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the
chassis containing the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 1 }
remoteSNMPTrapAdapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the
Remote Access hardware that uses this SNMP trap destination."
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 2 }
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001.0003 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this
Remote Access SNMP trap destination."
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 3 }
remoteSNMPTrapStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteSNMPTrapStateCapabilities
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state capabilities of this
Remote Access SNMP trap destination."
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 4 }
remoteSNMPTrapStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteSNMPTrapStateSettings
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001.0005 This attribute defines the state settings of this
Remote Access SNMP trap destination."
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 5 }
remoteSNMPTrapStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellStatus
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001.0006 This attribute defines the status of this
Remote Access SNMP trap destination."
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 6 }
remoteSNMPTrapDestinationIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001.0007 This attribute defines the IP address of this
Remote Access SNMP trap destination."
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 7 }
remoteSNMPTrapSNMPCommunityName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001.0008 This attribute defines the community for traps sent to this
Remote Access SNMP trap destination."
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 8 }
remoteSNMPTrapFilterDrsEventsMask OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001.0009 This attribute defines the DRS events filter mask for this
Remote Access SNMP trap destination."
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 9 }
remoteSNMPTrapFilterSysEventsMask OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001.0010 This attribute defines the system events filter mask for
this Remote Access SNMP trap destination."
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 10 }
remoteSNMPTrapFilterDrsCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001.0011 This attribute defines the DRS events filter capabilities
for this Remote Access SNMP trap destination."
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 11 }
remoteSNMPTrapFilterSysCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001.0012 This attribute defines the system events filter
capabilities for this Remote Access SNMP trap destination."
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 12 }
remoteSNMPTrapControlCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteSNMPTrapControlCapabilities
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001.0013 This attribute defines the control capabilities of this
Remote Access SNMP trap destination."
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 13 }
remoteSNMPTrapControlSettings OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteSNMPTrapControlSettings
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0030.0001.0014 This attribute defines the control settings of this
Remote Access SNMP trap destination."
::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 14 }
-- Remote Dial Up Table
-- OID Format:<a>.<i1>.<i2>.<i3>
DellRemoteDialUpStateCapabilities ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities
unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown
-- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to:
enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online)
notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready
dialInCapable(8), -- support dial-in
dialOutCapable(16), -- support dial-out
dialInDHCPCapable(32), -- support use of DHCP to obtain IP addresses
dialInAuthAnyCapable(64), -- support any auth type including clear text
dialInAuthEncryptedCapable(128), -- support only encrypted passwords (CHAP)
dialInAuthMschapCapable(256), -- support only MSCHAP
DellRemoteDialUpStateSettings ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and its state is disabled
-- One and only one dialInAuth setting must be enabled:
unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown
enabled(2), -- The object's state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled (online) 1
notReady(4), -- The object's state is not ready
dialInEnabled(8), -- Dial-in is enabled
dialOutEnabled(16), -- Dial-out is enabled
dialInDHCPEnabled(32), -- Object uses DHCP to obtain IP addresses
dialInAuthAnyEnabled(64), -- Object accepts any auth type including clear text
dialInAuthEncryptedEnabled(128), -- Object accepts only encrypted passwords (CHAP)
dialInAuthMschapEnabled(256), -- Object accepts only MSCHAP
DellRemoteDialUpModemDialType ::= INTEGER {
remoteDialUpIsOther(1), -- the type is not one of the following:
remoteDialUpIsUnknown(2), -- dial type is unknown
remoteDialUpIsTone(3), -- dial type is tone
remoteDialUpIsPulse(4) -- dial type is pulse
RemoteDialUpTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
remoteDialUpChassisIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteDialUpAdapterIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteDialUpIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteDialUpStateCapabilities DellRemoteDialUpStateCapabilities,
remoteDialUpStateSettings DellRemoteDialUpStateSettings,
remoteDialUpStatus DellStatus,
remoteDialUpPPPDialInBaseIPAddress IpAddress,
remoteDialUpPPPDialInIdleTimeout DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteDialUpPPPDialInMaxConnectTimeout DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteDialUpDialOutModemConnectTimeout DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteDialUpModemDialType DellRemoteDialUpModemDialType,
remoteDialUpModemInitStringName DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)),
remoteDialUpModemBaudRate DellUnsigned32BitRange,
remoteDialUpModemPort DellUnsigned32BitRange
remoteDialUpTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040 This object defines the Remote Access Dial Up table."
::= { remoteAccessGroup 40 }
remoteDialUpTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RemoteDialUpTableEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001 This object defines the Remote Access Dial Up table entry."
INDEX { remoteDialUpChassisIndex,
remoteDialUpIndex }
::= { remoteDialUpTable 1 }
remoteDialUpChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the
chassis containing the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 1 }
remoteDialUpAdapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the
Remote Access hardware that supports this Remote Access Dial Up functionality."
::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 2 }
remoteDialUpIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001.0003 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this
Remote Access Dial Up functionality."
::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 3 }
remoteDialUpStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteDialUpStateCapabilities
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state capabilities of this
Remote Access Dial Up functionality."
::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 4 }
remoteDialUpStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteDialUpStateSettings
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001.0005 This attribute defines the state settings of this
Remote Access Dial Up functionality."
::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 5 }
remoteDialUpStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellStatus
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001.0006 This attribute defines the status of this
Remote Access Dial Up functionality."
::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 6 }
remoteDialUpPPPDialInBaseIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001.0007 This attribute defines the base IP address of the
PPP server for this Remote Access Dial Up functionality."
::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 7 }
remoteDialUpPPPDialInIdleTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001.0008 This attribute defines the PPP idle timeout value
in seconds for this Remote Access Dial Up functionality."
::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 8 }
remoteDialUpPPPDialInMaxConnectTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001.0009 This attribute defines the PPP connect timeout value
in seconds for this Remote Access Dial Up functionality."
::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 9 }
remoteDialUpDialOutModemConnectTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001.0010 This attribute defines the modem dial out connect timeout
value in seconds for this Remote Access Dial Up functionality."
::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 10 }
remoteDialUpModemDialType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteDialUpModemDialType
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001.0011 This attribute defines the dial type for the modem
used by this Remote Access Dial Up functionality."
::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 11 }
remoteDialUpModemInitStringName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001.0012 This attribute defines the initialization string to be sent
to the modem for this Remote Access Dial Up functionality."
::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 12 }
remoteDialUpModemBaudRate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001.0013 This attribute defines the baud rate for the modem
used by this Remote Access Dial Up functionality."
::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 13 }
remoteDialUpModemPort OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0040.0001.0014 This attribute defines the port for the modem
used by this Remote Access Dial Up functionality."
::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 14 }
-- Remote User Dial In Configuration Table
-- OID Format:<a>.<i1>.<i2>.<i3>
DellRemoteUserDialInStateCapabilities ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities
unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown
-- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to:
enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online)
notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready
dialInCallbackPresetNumberCapable(8), -- support callback with preset number
dialInCallbackUserSpecifiedCapable(16),-- support callback with user-specified number
DellRemoteUserDialInStateSettings ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and its state is disabled
-- Only one dialInCallback setting may be enabled:
unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown
enabled(2), -- The object's state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled (online) 1
notReady(4), -- The object's state is not ready
dialInCallbackPresetNumberEnabled(8), -- Callback with preset number enabled
dialInCallbackUserSpecifiedEnabled(16),-- Callback with user-specified number enabled
RemoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
remoteUserDialInCfgChassisIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteUserDialInCfgAdapterIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteUserDialInCfgUserIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteUserDialInCfgStateCapabilities DellRemoteUserDialInStateCapabilities,
remoteUserDialInCfgStateSettings DellRemoteUserDialInStateSettings,
remoteUserDialInCfgStatus DellStatus,
remoteUserDialInCfgPPPUserName DisplayString (SIZE (0..15)),
remoteUserDialInCfgPPPUserPasswordName DisplayString (SIZE (0..15)),
remoteUserDialInCfgCallbackPhoneNumberName DisplayString (SIZE (0..95))
remoteUserDialInCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RemoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0050 This object defines the Remote Access User Dial In Configuration
::= { remoteAccessGroup 50 }
remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RemoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0050.0001 This object defines the Remote Access User Dial In Configuration
table entry."
INDEX { remoteUserDialInCfgChassisIndex,
remoteUserDialInCfgUserIndex }
::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTable 1 }
remoteUserDialInCfgChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0050.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the
chassis containing the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 1 }
remoteUserDialInCfgAdapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0050.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one based) of
Remote Access hardware that supports this Remote Access Dial In user."
::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 2 }
remoteUserDialInCfgUserIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0050.0001.0003 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this
Remote Access Dial In user."
::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 3 }
remoteUserDialInCfgStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteUserDialInStateCapabilities
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0050.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state capabilities of this
Remote Access Dial In user."
::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 4 }
remoteUserDialInCfgStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteUserDialInStateSettings
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0050.0001.0005 This attribute defines the state settings of this
Remote Access Dial In user."
::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 5 }
remoteUserDialInCfgStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellStatus
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0050.0001.0006 This attribute defines the status of this
Remote Access Dial In user."
::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 6 }
remoteUserDialInCfgPPPUserName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0050.0001.0007 This attribute defines the PPP user name of this
Remote Access Dial In user."
::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 7 }
remoteUserDialInCfgPPPUserPasswordName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0050.0001.0008 This attribute defines the PPP password for this
Remote Access Dial In user."
::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 8 }
remoteUserDialInCfgCallbackPhoneNumberName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..95))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0050.0001.0009 This attribute defines the callback phone number for this
Remote Access Dial In user."
::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 9 }
-- Remote Dial Out Table
-- OID Format:<a>.<i1>.<i2>.<i3>
DellRemoteDialOutStateCapabilities ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities
unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown
-- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to:
enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online)
notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready
dialOutPPPAuthAnyCapable(8), -- support "any PPP auth including clear text"
dialOutPPPAuthEncryptedCapable(16), -- support "require encrypted PPP Password"
dialOutPPPAuthMschapCapable(32), -- support "require MSCHAP"
DellRemoteDialOutStateSettings ::= INTEGER {
-- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and its state is disabled
-- One and only one dialOutPPPAuth setting must be enabled:
unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown
enabled(2), -- The object's state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled (online) 1
notReady(4), -- The object's state is not ready
dialOutPPPAuthAnyEnabled(8), -- Ojbect supports "use any PPP authentication including clear text"
dialOutPPPAuthEncryptedEnabled(16), -- Object supports "require encrypted PPP Authentication"
dialOutPPPAuthMschapEnabled(32), -- Object supports "require MSCHAP PPP Authentication"
RemoteDialOutTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
remoteDialOutChassisIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteDialOutAdapterIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteDialOutDialOutIndex DellObjectRange,
remoteDialOutStateCapabilities DellRemoteDialOutStateCapabilities,
remoteDialOutStateSettings DellRemoteDialOutStateSettings,
remoteDialOutStatus DellStatus,
remoteDialOutIPAddress IpAddress,
remoteDialOutPhoneNumberName DisplayString (SIZE (0..95)),
remoteDialOutPPPUserName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)),
remoteDialOutPPPPasswordName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
remoteDialOutTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RemoteDialOutTableEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0060 This object defines the Remote Access Dial Out table."
::= { remoteAccessGroup 60 }
remoteDialOutTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RemoteDialOutTableEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0060.0001 This object defines the Remote Access Dial Out table entry."
INDEX { remoteDialOutChassisIndex,
remoteDialOutDialOutIndex }
::= { remoteDialOutTable 1 }
remoteDialOutChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0060.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the
chassis containing the Remote Access hardware."
::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 1 }
remoteDialOutAdapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0060.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the
Remote Access hardware that supports this Remote Access Dial Out functionality."
::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 2 }
remoteDialOutDialOutIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellObjectRange
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0060.0001.0003 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this
Remote Access Dial Out functionality."
::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 3 }
remoteDialOutStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteDialOutStateCapabilities
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0060.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state capabilities of this
Remote Access Dial Out functionality."
::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 4 }
remoteDialOutStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellRemoteDialOutStateSettings
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0060.0001.0005 This attribute defines the state settings of this
Remote Access Dial Out functionality."
::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 5 }
remoteDialOutStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DellStatus
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0060.0001.0006 This attribute defines the status of this
Remote Dial Out functionality."
::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 6 }
remoteDialOutIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0060.0001.0007 This attribute defines the IP address for this
Remote Access Dial Out destination."
::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 7 }
remoteDialOutPhoneNumberName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..95))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0060.0001.0008 This attribute defines the phone number for this
Remote Access Dial Out destination."
::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 8 }
remoteDialOutPPPUserName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0060.0001.0009 This attribute defines the PPP user name for this
Remote Access Dial Out destination."
::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 9 }
remoteDialOutPPPPasswordName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"1700.0060.0001.0010 This attribute defines the PPP password for this
Remote Access Dial Out destination."
::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 10 }
-- End MIB