Joseph Tingiris c2dfe7b21c Renovated Alert Rules (#11115)
* Change select order from id to name

* added example icmp/snmp down rules given by @kkrumm1

* Renovated Alert Rules

* Defaulted sort by name
* Moved top buttons and results selector outside of table and aligned them with pull-left and pull-right
* Collapsed '#' (ID) into 'Type' and added titles for the icons
* Added Devices and Transports columns for each rule
* Moved Extra column next to transports
* Added icons for Enabled when a user does not have global admin
* Changed row_# variable to rule_id_#
* Some 'else' cleanup
* Added various title tags for more information when hovering
* Moved pagination outside of table and align it with pull-left and added a bootgrid style summary pulled-right
* Added table & th tags for bootgrid (but didn't turn it on)

* code climate, round 1

* code climate, round 2

* add hrefs for device & device group edit

* added trailing slash for device-groups/../edit/

* prevent #name conflict with transport modal

* add hrefs for transport & transport group edit

* use popover consistently

* code climate, round 3

* removed unused variables

* code climate, round 4

* popover variables

* reload after successful delete

* more informative feedback

* use toastr, not #message, & don't reload

* added license header & fail faster if not admin

* use (more informative) ajax error message

* delete confirmation with alert name in the modal

* print each device per line

* add href for all devices

* refresh status & enabled data-content when/if a rule is turned on/off

* use DRY style per @SourceDoctor (& my) preference); codeclimate meh

* point devices popover to the right
2020-02-10 02:06:12 +01:00
2019-04-01 20:03:54 -05:00