Adam Amstrong cacf913a55 # -> / for phpdoc
git-svn-id: 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8
2012-05-25 11:29:53 +00:00

153 lines
6.7 KiB

if ($device['os_group'] == "cisco")
$oids = array();
echo("Caching OIDs:");
if (!is_array($entity_array))
$entity_array = array();
echo(" entPhysicalDescr");
$entity_array = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, "entPhysicalDescr", $entity_array, "CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB");
echo(" entPhysicalName");
$entity_array = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, "entPhysicalName", $entity_array, "CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB");
echo(" entSensorType");
$oids = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, "entSensorType", $oids, "CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB");
echo(" entSensorScale");
$oids = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, "entSensorScale", $oids, "CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB");
echo(" entSensorValue");
$oids = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, "entSensorValue", $oids, "CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB");
echo(" entSensorMeasuredEntity");
$oids = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, "entSensorMeasuredEntity", $oids, "CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB");
echo(" entSensorPrecision");
$oids = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, "entSensorPrecision", $oids, "CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB");
$t_oids = array();
echo(" entSensorThresholdSeverity");
$t_oids = snmpwalk_cache_twopart_oid($device, "entSensorThresholdSeverity", $t_oids, "CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB");
echo(" entSensorThresholdRelation");
$t_oids = snmpwalk_cache_twopart_oid($device, "entSensorThresholdRelation", $t_oids, "CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB");
echo(" entSensorThresholdValue");
$t_oids = snmpwalk_cache_twopart_oid($device, "entSensorThresholdValue", $t_oids, "CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB");
if ($debug) { print_r($oids); }
$entitysensor['voltsDC'] = "voltage";
$entitysensor['voltsAC'] = "voltage";
$entitysensor['amperes'] = "current";
$entitysensor['watt'] = "power";
$entitysensor['hertz'] = "freq";
$entitysensor['percentRH'] = "humidity";
$entitysensor['rpm'] = "fanspeed";
$entitysensor['celsius'] = "temperature";
$entitysensor['watts'] = "power";
$entitysensor['dBm'] = "dbm";
if (is_array($oids))
foreach ($oids as $index => $entry)
#echo("[" . $entry['entSensorType'] . "|" . $entry['entSensorValue']. "|" . $index . "]");
if ($entitysensor[$entry['entSensorType']] && is_numeric($entry['entSensorValue']) && is_numeric($index))
$entPhysicalIndex = $index;
if ($entity_array[$index]['entPhysicalName'] || $device['os'] == "iosxr")
$descr = rewrite_entity_descr($entity_array[$index]['entPhysicalName']) . " - " . rewrite_entity_descr($entity_array[$index]['entPhysicalDescr']);
} else {
$descr = $entity_array[$index]['entPhysicalDescr'];
$descr = rewrite_entity_descr($descr);
/// Set description based on measured entity if it exists
if (is_numeric($entry['entSensorMeasuredEntity']) && $entry['entSensorMeasuredEntity'])
$measured_descr = $entity_array[$entry['entSensorMeasuredEntity']]['entPhysicalName'];
if (!$measured_descr)
$measured_descr = $entity_array[$entry['entSensorMeasuredEntity']]['entPhysicalDescr'];
$descr = $measured_descr . " - " . $descr;
/// Bit dirty also, clean later
$descr = str_replace("Temp: ", "", $descr);
$descr = str_ireplace("temperature ", "", $descr);
$oid = ".".$index;
$current = $entry['entSensorValue'];
$type = $entitysensor[$entry['entSensorType']];
#echo("$index : ".$entry['entSensorScale']."|");
/// FIXME this stuff is foul
if ($entry['entSensorScale'] == "nano") { $divisor = "1000000000"; $multiplier = "1"; }
if ($entry['entSensorScale'] == "micro") { $divisor = "1000000"; $multiplier = "1"; }
if ($entry['entSensorScale'] == "milli") { $divisor = "1000"; $multiplier = "1"; }
if ($entry['entSensorScale'] == "units") { $divisor = "1"; $multiplier = "1"; }
if ($entry['entSensorScale'] == "kilo") { $divisor = "1"; $multiplier = "1000"; }
if ($entry['entSensorScale'] == "mega") { $divisor = "1"; $multiplier = "1000000"; }
if ($entry['entSensorScale'] == "giga") { $divisor = "1"; $multiplier = "1000000000"; }
if (is_numeric($entry['entSensorPrecision']) && $entry['entSensorPrecision'] > "0") { $divisor = $divisor . str_pad('', $entry['entSensorPrecision'], "0"); }
$current = $current * $multiplier / $divisor;
/// Set thresholds to null
$limit = NULL; $low_limit = NULL; $warn_limit = NULL; $warn_limit_low = NULL;
/// Check thresholds for this entry (bit dirty, but it works!)
if (is_array($t_oids[$index]))
foreach ($t_oids[$index] as $t_index => $entry)
/// Critical Limit
if ($entry['entSensorThresholdSeverity'] == "major" && $entry['entSensorThresholdRelation'] == "greaterOrEqual")
$limit = $entry['entSensorThresholdValue'] * $multiplier / $divisor;
if ($entry['entSensorThresholdSeverity'] == "major" && $entry['entSensorThresholdRelation'] == "lessOrEqual")
$limit_low = $entry['entSensorThresholdValue'] * $multiplier / $divisor;
/// Warning Limit
if ($entry['entSensorThresholdSeverity'] == "minor" && $entry['entSensorThresholdRelation'] == "greaterOrEqual")
$warn_limit = $entry['entSensorThresholdValue'] * $multiplier / $divisor;
if ($entry['entSensorThresholdSeverity'] == "minor" && $entry['entSensorThresholdRelation'] == "lessOrEqual")
$warn_limit_low = $entry['entSensorThresholdValue'] * $multiplier / $divisor;
/// End Threshold code
$ok = TRUE;
if ($current == "-127") { $ok = FALSE; } /// False reading
# if ($type == "temperature" && $current < 1) { $ok = FALSE; } /// False reading. Temperature <1 :)
if ($descr == "") { $ok = FALSE; } /// Invalid description. Lots of these on Nexus
if ($ok) {
# echo("\n".$valid['sensor'].", $type, $device, $oid, $index, 'cisco-entity-sensor', $descr, $divisor, $multiplier, $limit_low, $warn_limit_low, $warn_limit, $limit, $current");
discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], $type, $device, $oid, $index, 'cisco-entity-sensor', $descr, $divisor, $multiplier, $limit_low, $warn_limit_low, $warn_limit, $limit, $current, 'snmp', $entPhysicalIndex, $entry['entSensorMeasuredEntity']);
$cisco_entity_temperature = 1;
unset($limit, $limit_low, $warn_limit, $warn_limit_low);