PipoCanaja 95820bf5d4 Improve Huawei VRP bgp discovery (#11054)
* vrp bgp rewrite

VRP BGP code isolated and VRF aware

Ipv6 peer and afi typo

* mib-update

* avoid malformed OIDs in discovery

* Restore BGP4 MIB calls for some Campus devices

* CodeClimate
2020-02-11 20:54:12 +01:00

1485 lines
58 KiB

* LibreNMS Network Management and Monitoring System
* Copyright (C) 2006-2011, Observium Developers - http://www.observium.org
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See COPYING for more details.
use LibreNMS\Config;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\HostExistsException;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\InvalidIpException;
use LibreNMS\OS;
use LibreNMS\Util\IP;
use LibreNMS\Util\IPv6;
use LibreNMS\Device\YamlDiscovery;
function discover_new_device($hostname, $device = '', $method = '', $interface = '')
d_echo("discovering $hostname\n");
if (IP::isValid($hostname)) {
$ip = $hostname;
if (!Config::get('discovery_by_ip', false)) {
d_echo('Discovery by IP disabled, skipping ' . $hostname);
log_event("$method discovery of " . $hostname . " failed - Discovery by IP disabled", $device['device_id'], 'discovery', 4);
return false;
} elseif (is_valid_hostname($hostname)) {
if ($mydomain = Config::get('mydomain')) {
$full_host = rtrim($hostname, '.') . '.' . $mydomain;
if (isDomainResolves($full_host)) {
$hostname = $full_host;
$ip = gethostbyname($hostname);
if ($ip == $hostname) {
d_echo("name lookup of $hostname failed\n");
log_event("$method discovery of " . $hostname . " failed - Check name lookup", $device['device_id'], 'discovery', 5);
return false;
} else {
d_echo("Discovery failed: '$hostname' is not a valid ip or dns name\n");
return false;
d_echo("ip lookup result: $ip\n");
$hostname = rtrim($hostname, '.'); // remove trailing dot
$ip = IP::parse($ip, true);
if ($ip->inNetworks(Config::get('autodiscovery.nets-exclude'))) {
d_echo("$ip in an excluded network - skipping\n");
return false;
if (!$ip->inNetworks(Config::get('nets'))) {
d_echo("$ip not in a matched network - skipping\n");
return false;
try {
$remote_device_id = addHost($hostname, '', '161', 'udp', Config::get('distributed_poller_group'));
$remote_device = device_by_id_cache($remote_device_id, 1);
echo '+[' . $remote_device['hostname'] . '(' . $remote_device['device_id'] . ')]';
device_by_id_cache($remote_device_id, 1);
if ($remote_device_id && is_array($device) && !empty($method)) {
$extra_log = '';
$int = cleanPort($interface);
if (is_array($int)) {
$extra_log = ' (port ' . $int['label'] . ') ';
log_event('Device ' . $remote_device['hostname'] . " ($ip) $extra_log autodiscovered through $method on " . $device['hostname'], $remote_device_id, 'discovery', 1);
} else {
log_event("$method discovery of " . $remote_device['hostname'] . " ($ip) failed - Check ping and SNMP access", $device['device_id'], 'discovery', 5);
return $remote_device_id;
} catch (HostExistsException $e) {
// already have this device
} catch (Exception $e) {
log_event("$method discovery of " . $hostname . " ($ip) failed - " . $e->getMessage(), $device['device_id'], 'discovery', 5);
return false;
//end discover_new_device()
* @param $device
function load_discovery(&$device)
$yaml_discovery = Config::get('install_dir') . '/includes/definitions/discovery/' . $device['os'] . '.yaml';
if (file_exists($yaml_discovery)) {
$device['dynamic_discovery'] = Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(
} else {
* @param array $device The device to poll
* @param bool $force_module Ignore device module overrides
* @return bool if the device was discovered or skipped
function discover_device(&$device, $force_module = false)
if ($device['snmp_disable'] == '1') {
return false;
global $valid;
$valid = array();
// Reset $valid array
$attribs = DeviceCache::getPrimary()->getAttribs();
$device['attribs'] = $attribs;
$device_start = microtime(true);
// Start counting device poll time
echo $device['hostname'] . ' ' . $device['device_id'] . ' ' . $device['os'] . ' ';
$response = device_is_up($device, true);
if ($response['status'] !== '1') {
return false;
if ($device['os'] == 'generic') {
// verify if OS has changed from generic
$device['os'] = getHostOS($device);
if ($device['os'] != 'generic') {
echo "\nDevice os was updated to " . $device['os'] . '!';
dbUpdate(array('os' => $device['os']), 'devices', '`device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id']));
register_mibs($device, Config::getOsSetting($device['os'], 'register_mibs', array()), 'includes/discovery/os/' . $device['os'] . '.inc.php');
$os = OS::make($device);
echo "\n";
$discovery_devices = Config::get('discovery_modules', array());
$discovery_devices = array('core' => true) + $discovery_devices;
foreach ($discovery_devices as $module => $module_status) {
$os_module_status = Config::getOsSetting($device['os'], "discovery_modules.$module");
d_echo("Modules status: Global" . (isset($module_status) ? ($module_status ? '+ ' : '- ') : ' '));
d_echo("OS" . (isset($os_module_status) ? ($os_module_status ? '+ ' : '- ') : ' '));
d_echo("Device" . (isset($attribs['discover_' . $module]) ? ($attribs['discover_' . $module] ? '+ ' : '- ') : ' '));
if ($force_module === true ||
$attribs['discover_' . $module] ||
($os_module_status && !isset($attribs['discover_' . $module])) ||
($module_status && !isset($os_module_status) && !isset($attribs['discover_' . $module]))
) {
$module_start = microtime(true);
$start_memory = memory_get_usage();
echo "\n#### Load disco module $module ####\n";
try {
include "includes/discovery/$module.inc.php";
} catch (Exception $e) {
// isolate module exceptions so they don't disrupt the polling process
echo $e->getTraceAsString() .PHP_EOL;
c_echo("%rError in $module module.%n " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL);
logfile("Error in $module module. " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . $e->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL);
$module_time = microtime(true) - $module_start;
$module_time = substr($module_time, 0, 5);
$module_mem = (memory_get_usage() - $start_memory);
printf("\n>> Runtime for discovery module '%s': %.4f seconds with %s bytes\n", $module, $module_time, $module_mem);
echo "#### Unload disco module $module ####\n\n";
} elseif (isset($attribs['discover_' . $module]) && $attribs['discover_' . $module] == '0') {
echo "Module [ $module ] disabled on host.\n\n";
} elseif (isset($os_module_status) && $os_module_status == '0') {
echo "Module [ $module ] disabled on os.\n\n";
} else {
echo "Module [ $module ] disabled globally.\n\n";
if (is_mib_poller_enabled($device)) {
$devicemib = array($device['sysObjectID'] => 'all');
register_mibs($device, $devicemib, "includes/discovery/functions.inc.php");
$device_time = round(microtime(true) - $device_start, 3);
dbUpdate(array('last_discovered' => array('NOW()'), 'last_discovered_timetaken' => $device_time), 'devices', '`device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id']));
echo "Discovered in $device_time seconds\n";
echo PHP_EOL;
return true;
//end discover_device()
// Discover sensors
function discover_sensor(&$valid, $class, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $divisor = 1, $multiplier = 1, $low_limit = null, $low_warn_limit = null, $warn_limit = null, $high_limit = null, $current = null, $poller_type = 'snmp', $entPhysicalIndex = null, $entPhysicalIndex_measured = null, $user_func = null, $group = null)
$guess_limits = Config::get('sensors.guess_limits', true);
$low_limit = set_null($low_limit);
$low_warn_limit = set_null($low_warn_limit);
$warn_limit = set_null($warn_limit);
$high_limit = set_null($high_limit);
if (!is_numeric($divisor)) {
$divisor = 1;
if (can_skip_sensor($device, $type, $descr)) {
return false;
d_echo("Discover sensor: $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $poller_type, $divisor, $multiplier, $entPhysicalIndex, $current, (limits: LL: $low_limit, LW: $low_warn_limit, W: $warn_limit, H: $high_limit)\n");
if (isset($warn_limit, $low_warn_limit) && $low_warn_limit > $warn_limit) {
// Fix high/low thresholds (i.e. on negative numbers)
list($warn_limit, $low_warn_limit) = [$low_warn_limit, $warn_limit];
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ?', array($poller_type, $class, $device['device_id'], $type, (string)$index)) == '0') {
if ($guess_limits && is_null($high_limit)) {
$high_limit = sensor_limit($class, $current);
if ($guess_limits && is_null($low_limit)) {
$low_limit = sensor_low_limit($class, $current);
if (!is_null($high_limit) && $low_limit > $high_limit) {
// Fix high/low thresholds (i.e. on negative numbers)
list($high_limit, $low_limit) = array($low_limit, $high_limit);
$insert = array(
'poller_type' => $poller_type,
'sensor_class' => $class,
'device_id' => $device['device_id'],
'sensor_oid' => $oid,
'sensor_index' => $index,
'sensor_type' => $type,
'sensor_descr' => $descr,
'sensor_divisor' => $divisor,
'sensor_multiplier' => $multiplier,
'sensor_limit' => $high_limit,
'sensor_limit_warn' => $warn_limit,
'sensor_limit_low' => $low_limit,
'sensor_limit_low_warn' => $low_warn_limit,
'sensor_current' => $current,
'entPhysicalIndex' => $entPhysicalIndex,
'entPhysicalIndex_measured' => $entPhysicalIndex_measured,
'user_func' => $user_func,
'group' => $group,
foreach ($insert as $key => $val_check) {
if (!isset($val_check)) {
$inserted = dbInsert($insert, 'sensors');
d_echo("( $inserted inserted )\n");
echo '+';
log_event('Sensor Added: ' . $class . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $index . ' ' . $descr, $device, 'sensor', 3, $inserted);
} else {
$sensor_entry = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ?', array($class, $device['device_id'], $type, (string)$index));
if (!isset($high_limit)) {
if ($guess_limits && !$sensor_entry['sensor_limit']) {
// Calculate a reasonable limit
$high_limit = sensor_limit($class, $current);
} else {
// Use existing limit
$high_limit = $sensor_entry['sensor_limit'];
if (!isset($low_limit)) {
if ($guess_limits && !$sensor_entry['sensor_limit_low']) {
// Calculate a reasonable limit
$low_limit = sensor_low_limit($class, $current);
} else {
// Use existing limit
$low_limit = $sensor_entry['sensor_limit_low'];
// Fix high/low thresholds (i.e. on negative numbers)
if ($low_limit > $high_limit) {
list($high_limit, $low_limit) = array($low_limit, $high_limit);
if ($high_limit != $sensor_entry['sensor_limit'] && $sensor_entry['sensor_custom'] == 'No') {
$update = array('sensor_limit' => ($high_limit == null ? array('NULL') : $high_limit));
$updated = dbUpdate($update, 'sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($sensor_entry['sensor_id']));
d_echo("( $updated updated )\n");
echo 'H';
log_event('Sensor High Limit Updated: ' . $class . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $index . ' ' . $descr . ' (' . $high_limit . ')', $device, 'sensor', 3, $sensor_id);
if ($sensor_entry['sensor_limit_low'] != $low_limit && $sensor_entry['sensor_custom'] == 'No') {
$update = array('sensor_limit_low' => ($low_limit == null ? array('NULL') : $low_limit));
$updated = dbUpdate($update, 'sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($sensor_entry['sensor_id']));
d_echo("( $updated updated )\n");
echo 'L';
log_event('Sensor Low Limit Updated: ' . $class . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $index . ' ' . $descr . ' (' . $low_limit . ')', $device, 'sensor', 3, $sensor_id);
if ($warn_limit != $sensor_entry['sensor_limit_warn'] && $sensor_entry['sensor_custom'] == 'No') {
$update = array('sensor_limit_warn' => ($warn_limit == null ? array('NULL') : $warn_limit));
$updated = dbUpdate($update, 'sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($sensor_entry['sensor_id']));
d_echo("( $updated updated )\n");
echo 'WH';
log_event('Sensor Warn High Limit Updated: ' . $class . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $index . ' ' . $descr . ' (' . $warn_limit . ')', $device, 'sensor', 3, $sensor_id);
if ($sensor_entry['sensor_limit_low_warn'] != $low_warn_limit && $sensor_entry['sensor_custom'] == 'No') {
$update = array('sensor_limit_low_warn' => ($low_warn_limit == null ? array('NULL') : $low_warn_limit));
$updated = dbUpdate($update, 'sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($sensor_entry['sensor_id']));
d_echo("( $updated updated )\n");
echo 'WL';
log_event('Sensor Warn Low Limit Updated: ' . $class . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $index . ' ' . $descr . ' (' . $low_warn_limit . ')', $device, 'sensor', 3, $sensor_id);
if ($oid == $sensor_entry['sensor_oid'] &&
$descr == $sensor_entry['sensor_descr'] &&
$multiplier == $sensor_entry['sensor_multiplier'] &&
$divisor == $sensor_entry['sensor_divisor'] &&
$entPhysicalIndex_measured == $sensor_entry['entPhysicalIndex_measured'] &&
$entPhysicalIndex == $sensor_entry['entPhysicalIndex'] &&
$user_func == $sensor_entry['user_func'] &&
$group == $sensor_entry['group']
) {
echo '.';
} else {
$update = array(
'sensor_oid' => $oid,
'sensor_descr' => $descr,
'sensor_multiplier' => $multiplier,
'sensor_divisor' => $divisor,
'entPhysicalIndex' => $entPhysicalIndex,
'entPhysicalIndex_measured' => $entPhysicalIndex_measured,
'user_func' => $user_func,
'group' => $group,
$updated = dbUpdate($update, 'sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($sensor_entry['sensor_id']));
echo 'U';
log_event('Sensor Updated: ' . $class . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $index . ' ' . $descr, $device, 'sensor', 3, $sensor_id);
d_echo("( $updated updated )\n");
}//end if
$valid[$class][$type][$index] = 1;
//end discover_sensor()
function sensor_low_limit($class, $current)
// matching an empty case executes code until a break is reached
switch ($class) {
case 'temperature':
$limit = $current - 10;
case 'voltage':
$limit = $current * 0.85;
case 'humidity':
$limit = 30;
case 'fanspeed':
$limit = $current * 0.80;
case 'power_factor':
$limit = -1;
case 'signal':
$limit = -80;
case 'airflow':
case 'snr':
case 'frequency':
case 'pressure':
case 'cooling':
$limit = $current * 0.95;
return null;
}//end switch
return round($limit, 11);
//end sensor_low_limit()
function sensor_limit($class, $current)
// matching an empty case executes code until a break is reached
switch ($class) {
case 'temperature':
$limit = $current + 20;
case 'voltage':
$limit = $current * 1.15;
case 'humidity':
$limit = 70;
case 'fanspeed':
$limit = $current * 1.80;
case 'power_factor':
$limit = 1;
case 'signal':
$limit = -30;
case 'load':
$limit = 80;
case 'airflow':
case 'snr':
case 'frequency':
case 'pressure':
case 'cooling':
$limit = $current * 1.05;
return null;
}//end switch
return round($limit, 11);
//end sensor_limit()
function check_valid_sensors($device, $class, $valid, $poller_type = 'snmp')
$entries = dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ?', array($class, $device['device_id'], $poller_type));
if (count($entries)) {
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$index = $entry['sensor_index'];
$type = $entry['sensor_type'];
$class = $entry['sensor_class'];
d_echo($index . ' -> ' . $type . "\n");
if (!$valid[$class][$type][$index]) {
echo '-';
if ($class == 'state') {
dbDelete('sensors_to_state_indexes', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($entry['sensor_id']));
dbDelete('sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($entry['sensor_id']));
log_event('Sensor Deleted: ' . $entry['sensor_class'] . ' ' . $entry['sensor_type'] . ' ' . $entry['sensor_index'] . ' ' . $entry['sensor_descr'], $device, 'sensor', 3, $sensor_id);
//end check_valid_sensors()
function discover_juniAtmVp(&$valid, $device, $port_id, $vp_id, $vp_descr)
d_echo("Discover Juniper ATM VP: $port_id, $vp_id, $vp_descr\n");
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `juniAtmVp` WHERE `port_id` = ? AND `vp_id` = ?', array($port_id, $vp_id)) == '0') {
$inserted = dbInsert(array('port_id' => $port_id, 'vp_id' => $vp_id, 'vp_descr' => $vp_descr), 'juniAtmVp');
d_echo("( $inserted inserted )\n");
// FIXME vv no $device!
log_event('Juniper ATM VP Added: port ' . $port_id . ' vp ' . $vp_id . ' descr' . $vp_descr, $device, 'juniAtmVp', 3, $inserted);
} else {
echo '.';
$valid[$port_id][$vp_id] = 1;
//end discover_juniAtmVp()
function discover_link($local_port_id, $protocol, $remote_port_id, $remote_hostname, $remote_port, $remote_platform, $remote_version, $local_device_id, $remote_device_id)
global $link_exists;
d_echo("Discover link: $local_port_id, $protocol, $remote_port_id, $remote_hostname, $remote_port, $remote_platform, $remote_version, $remote_device_id\n");
if (dbFetchCell(
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `links` WHERE `remote_hostname` = ? AND `local_port_id` = ? AND `protocol` = ? AND `remote_port` = ?',
) == '0') {
$insert_data = array(
'local_port_id' => $local_port_id,
'local_device_id' => $local_device_id,
'protocol' => $protocol,
'remote_hostname' => $remote_hostname,
'remote_device_id' => (int)$remote_device_id,
'remote_port' => $remote_port,
'remote_platform' => $remote_platform,
'remote_version' => $remote_version,
if (!empty($remote_port_id)) {
$insert_data['remote_port_id'] = (int)$remote_port_id;
$inserted = dbInsert($insert_data, 'links');
echo '+';
d_echo("( $inserted inserted )");
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT `id`,`local_device_id`,`remote_platform`,`remote_version`,`remote_device_id`,`remote_port_id` FROM `links`';
$sql .= ' WHERE `remote_hostname` = ? AND `local_port_id` = ? AND `protocol` = ? AND `remote_port` = ?';
$data = dbFetchRow($sql, array($remote_hostname, $local_port_id, $protocol, $remote_port));
$update_data = array(
'local_device_id' => $local_device_id,
'remote_platform' => $remote_platform,
'remote_version' => $remote_version,
'remote_device_id' => (int)$remote_device_id,
'remote_port_id' => (int)$remote_port_id
$id = $data['id'];
if ($data == $update_data) {
echo '.';
} else {
$updated = dbUpdate($update_data, 'links', '`id` = ?', array($id));
echo 'U';
d_echo("( $updated updated )");
}//end if
}//end if
$link_exists[$local_port_id][$remote_hostname][$remote_port] = 1;
//end discover_link()
function discover_storage(&$valid, $device, $index, $type, $mib, $descr, $size, $units, $used = null)
if (ignore_storage($device['os'], $descr)) {
d_echo("Discover Storage: $index, $type, $mib, $descr, $size, $units, $used\n");
if ($descr && $size > '0') {
$storage = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `storage_index` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ?', array($index, $device['device_id'], $mib));
if ($storage === false || !count($storage)) {
if (Config::getOsSetting($device['os'], 'storage_perc_warn')) {
$perc_warn = Config::getOsSetting($device['os'], 'storage_perc_warn');
} else {
$perc_warn = Config::get('storage_perc_warn', 60);
$insert = dbInsert(
'device_id' => $device['device_id'],
'storage_descr' => $descr,
'storage_index' => $index,
'storage_mib' => $mib,
'storage_type' => $type,
'storage_units' => $units,
'storage_size' => $size,
'storage_used' => $used,
'storage_perc_warn' => $perc_warn,
echo '+';
} else {
$updated = dbUpdate(array('storage_descr' => $descr, 'storage_type' => $type, 'storage_units' => $units, 'storage_size' => $size), 'storage', '`device_id` = ? AND `storage_index` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $index, $mib));
if ($updated) {
echo 'U';
} else {
echo '.';
}//end if
$valid[$mib][$index] = 1;
}//end if
//end discover_storage()
function discover_processor(&$valid, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision = '1', $current = null, $entPhysicalIndex = null, $hrDeviceIndex = null)
d_echo("Discover Processor: $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision, $current, $entPhysicalIndex, $hrDeviceIndex\n");
if ($descr) {
$descr = trim(str_replace('"', '', $descr));
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(processor_id) FROM `processors` WHERE `processor_index` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `processor_type` = ?', array($index, $device['device_id'], $type)) == '0') {
$insert_data = array(
'device_id' => $device['device_id'],
'processor_descr' => $descr,
'processor_index' => $index,
'processor_oid' => $oid,
'processor_usage' => $current,
'processor_type' => $type,
'processor_precision' => $precision,
$insert_data['hrDeviceIndex'] = (int)$hrDeviceIndex;
$insert_data['entPhysicalIndex'] = (int)$entPhysicalIndex;
$inserted = dbInsert($insert_data, 'processors');
echo '+';
log_event('Processor added: type ' . $type . ' index ' . $index . ' descr ' . $descr, $device, 'processor', 3, $inserted);
} else {
echo '.';
$update_data = array(
'processor_descr' => $descr,
'processor_oid' => $oid,
'processor_usage' => $current,
'processor_precision' => $precision,
dbUpdate($update_data, 'processors', '`device_id`=? AND `processor_index`=? AND `processor_type`=?', array($device['device_id'], $index, $type));
}//end if
$valid[$type][$index] = 1;
}//end if
//end discover_processor()
function discover_mempool(&$valid, $device, $index, $type, $descr, $precision = '1', $entPhysicalIndex = null, $hrDeviceIndex = null, $perc_warn = '90')
$descr = substr($descr, 0, 64);
d_echo("Discover Mempool: $index, $type, $descr, $precision, $entPhysicalIndex, $hrDeviceIndex, $perc_warn\n");
// FIXME implement the mempool_perc, mempool_used, etc.
if ($descr) {
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(mempool_id) FROM `mempools` WHERE `mempool_index` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `mempool_type` = ?', array($index, $device['device_id'], $type)) == '0') {
$insert_data = array(
'device_id' => $device['device_id'],
'mempool_descr' => $descr,
'mempool_index' => $index,
'mempool_type' => $type,
'mempool_precision' => $precision,
'mempool_perc' => 0,
'mempool_used' => 0,
'mempool_free' => 0,
'mempool_total' => 0,
'mempool_perc_warn' => $perc_warn,
if (is_numeric($entPhysicalIndex)) {
$insert_data['entPhysicalIndex'] = $entPhysicalIndex;
if (is_numeric($hrDeviceIndex)) {
$insert_data['hrDeviceIndex'] = $hrDeviceIndex;
$inserted = dbInsert($insert_data, 'mempools');
echo '+';
log_event('Memory pool added: type ' . $type . ' index ' . $index . ' descr ' . $descr, $device, 'mempool', 3, $inserted);
} else {
echo '.';
$update_data = array(
'mempool_descr' => $descr,
if (is_numeric($entPhysicalIndex)) {
$update_data['entPhysicalIndex'] = $entPhysicalIndex;
if (is_numeric($hrDeviceIndex)) {
$update_data['hrDeviceIndex'] = $hrDeviceIndex;
dbUpdate($update_data, 'mempools', 'device_id=? AND mempool_index=? AND mempool_type=?', array($device['device_id'], $index, $type));
}//end if
$valid[$type][$index] = 1;
}//end if
//end discover_mempool()
function discover_toner(&$valid, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $capacity_oid = null, $capacity = null, $current = null)
d_echo("Discover Toner: $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $capacity_oid, $capacity, $current\n");
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(toner_id) FROM `toner` WHERE device_id = ? AND toner_type = ? AND `toner_index` = ? AND `toner_oid` =?', array($device['device_id'], $type, $index, $oid)) == '0') {
$inserted = dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'toner_oid' => $oid, 'toner_capacity_oid' => $capacity_oid, 'toner_index' => $index, 'toner_type' => $type, 'toner_descr' => $descr, 'toner_capacity' => $capacity, 'toner_current' => $current), 'toner');
echo '+';
log_event('Toner added: type ' . $type . ' index ' . $index . ' descr ' . $descr, $device, 'toner', 3, $inserted);
} else {
$toner_entry = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `toner` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `toner_type` = ? AND `toner_index` =?', array($device['device_id'], $type, $index));
if ($oid == $toner_entry['toner_oid'] && $descr == $toner_entry['toner_descr'] && $capacity == $toner_entry['toner_capacity'] && $capacity_oid == $toner_entry['toner_capacity_oid']) {
echo '.';
} else {
dbUpdate(array('toner_descr' => $descr, 'toner_oid' => $oid, 'toner_capacity_oid' => $capacity_oid, 'toner_capacity' => $capacity), 'toner', 'device_id=? AND toner_type=? AND `toner_index`=?', array($device['device_id'], $type, $index));
echo 'U';
$valid[$type][$oid] = 1;
//end discover_toner()
function discover_entity_physical(&$valid, $device, $entPhysicalIndex, $entPhysicalDescr, $entPhysicalClass, $entPhysicalName, $entPhysicalModelName, $entPhysicalSerialNum, $entPhysicalContainedIn, $entPhysicalMfgName, $entPhysicalParentRelPos, $entPhysicalVendorType, $entPhysicalHardwareRev, $entPhysicalFirmwareRev, $entPhysicalSoftwareRev, $entPhysicalIsFRU, $entPhysicalAlias, $entPhysicalAssetID, $ifIndex)
d_echo("Discover Inventory Item: $entPhysicalIndex, $entPhysicalDescr, $entPhysicalClass, $entPhysicalName, $entPhysicalModelName, $entPhysicalSerialNum, $entPhysicalContainedIn, $entPhysicalMfgName, $entPhysicalParentRelPos, $entPhysicalVendorType, $entPhysicalHardwareRev, $entPhysicalFirmwareRev, $entPhysicalSoftwareRev, $entPhysicalIsFRU, $entPhysicalAlias, $entPhysicalAssetID, $ifIndex\n");
if ($entPhysicalDescr || $entPhysicalName) {
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $entPhysicalIndex)) == '0') {
$insert_data = array(
'device_id' => $device['device_id'],
'entPhysicalIndex' => $entPhysicalIndex,
'entPhysicalDescr' => $entPhysicalDescr,
'entPhysicalClass' => $entPhysicalClass,
'entPhysicalName' => $entPhysicalName,
'entPhysicalModelName' => $entPhysicalModelName,
'entPhysicalSerialNum' => $entPhysicalSerialNum,
'entPhysicalContainedIn' => $entPhysicalContainedIn,
'entPhysicalMfgName' => $entPhysicalMfgName,
'entPhysicalParentRelPos' => $entPhysicalParentRelPos,
'entPhysicalVendorType' => $entPhysicalVendorType,
'entPhysicalHardwareRev' => $entPhysicalHardwareRev,
'entPhysicalFirmwareRev' => $entPhysicalFirmwareRev,
'entPhysicalSoftwareRev' => $entPhysicalSoftwareRev,
'entPhysicalIsFRU' => $entPhysicalIsFRU,
'entPhysicalAlias' => $entPhysicalAlias,
'entPhysicalAssetID' => $entPhysicalAssetID,
if (!empty($ifIndex)) {
$insert_data['ifIndex'] = $ifIndex;
$inserted = dbInsert($insert_data, 'entPhysical');
echo '+';
log_event('Inventory Item added: index ' . $entPhysicalIndex . ' descr ' . $entPhysicalDescr, $device, 'entity-physical', 3, $inserted);
} else {
echo '.';
$update_data = array(
'entPhysicalIndex' => $entPhysicalIndex,
'entPhysicalDescr' => $entPhysicalDescr,
'entPhysicalClass' => $entPhysicalClass,
'entPhysicalName' => $entPhysicalName,
'entPhysicalModelName' => $entPhysicalModelName,
'entPhysicalSerialNum' => $entPhysicalSerialNum,
'entPhysicalContainedIn' => $entPhysicalContainedIn,
'entPhysicalMfgName' => $entPhysicalMfgName,
'entPhysicalParentRelPos' => $entPhysicalParentRelPos,
'entPhysicalVendorType' => $entPhysicalVendorType,
'entPhysicalHardwareRev' => $entPhysicalHardwareRev,
'entPhysicalFirmwareRev' => $entPhysicalFirmwareRev,
'entPhysicalSoftwareRev' => $entPhysicalSoftwareRev,
'entPhysicalIsFRU' => $entPhysicalIsFRU,
'entPhysicalAlias' => $entPhysicalAlias,
'entPhysicalAssetID' => $entPhysicalAssetID,
'ifIndex' => $ifIndex,
dbUpdate($update_data, 'entPhysical', '`device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=?', array($device['device_id'], $entPhysicalIndex));
}//end if
$valid[$entPhysicalIndex] = 1;
}//end if
//end discover_entity_physical()
function discover_process_ipv6(&$valid, $ifIndex, $ipv6_address, $ipv6_prefixlen, $ipv6_origin, $context_name = '')
global $device;
if (!IPv6::isValid($ipv6_address, true)) {
// ignore link-locals (coming from IPV6-MIB)
$ipv6 = new IPv6($ipv6_address);
$ipv6_network = $ipv6->getNetwork($ipv6_prefixlen);
$ipv6_compressed = $ipv6->compressed();
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = ? AND `ifIndex` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ifIndex)) != '0' && $ipv6_prefixlen > '0' && $ipv6_prefixlen < '129' && $ipv6_compressed != '::1') {
$port_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT port_id FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = ? AND ifIndex = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ifIndex));
if (is_numeric($port_id)) {
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv6_networks` WHERE `ipv6_network` = ?', array($ipv6_network)) < '1') {
dbInsert(array('ipv6_network' => $ipv6_network, 'context_name' => $context_name), 'ipv6_networks');
echo 'N';
} else {
//Update Context
dbUpdate(array('context_name' => $device['context_name']), 'ipv6_networks', '`ipv6_network` = ?', array($ipv6_network));
echo 'n';
if ($context_name == null) {
$ipv6_network_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `ipv6_network_id` FROM `ipv6_networks` WHERE `ipv6_network` = ? AND `context_name` IS NULL', array($ipv6_network));
} else {
$ipv6_network_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `ipv6_network_id` FROM `ipv6_networks` WHERE `ipv6_network` = ? AND `context_name` = ?', array($ipv6_network, $context_name));
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv6_addresses` WHERE `ipv6_address` = ? AND `ipv6_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ?', array($ipv6_address, $ipv6_prefixlen, $port_id)) == '0') {
'ipv6_address' => $ipv6_address,
'ipv6_compressed' => $ipv6_compressed,
'ipv6_prefixlen' => $ipv6_prefixlen,
'ipv6_origin' => $ipv6_origin,
'ipv6_network_id' => $ipv6_network_id,
'port_id' => $port_id,
'context_name' => $context_name
), 'ipv6_addresses');
echo '+';
} else if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv6_addresses` WHERE `ipv6_address` = ? AND `ipv6_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ? AND `ipv6_network_id` = ""', [$ipv6_address, $ipv6_prefixlen, $port_id]) == '1') {
// Update IPv6 network ID if not set
if ($context_name == null) {
$ipv6_network_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `ipv6_network_id` FROM `ipv6_networks` WHERE `ipv6_network` = ? AND `context_name` IS NULL', [$ipv6_network]);
} else {
$ipv6_network_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `ipv6_network_id` FROM `ipv6_networks` WHERE `ipv6_network` = ? AND `context_name` = ?', [$ipv6_network, $context_name]);
dbUpdate(['ipv6_network_id' => $ipv6_network_id], 'ipv6_addresses', '`ipv6_address` = ? AND `ipv6_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ?', [$ipv6_address, $ipv6_prefixlen, $port_id]);
echo 'u';
} else {
//Update Context
dbUpdate(array('context_name' => $device['context_name']), 'ipv6_addresses', '`ipv6_address` = ? AND `ipv6_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ?', array($ipv6_address, $ipv6_prefixlen, $port_id));
echo '.';
$full_address = "$ipv6_address/$ipv6_prefixlen";
$valid_address = $full_address . '-' . $port_id;
$valid['ipv6'][$valid_address] = 1;
}//end if
}//end discover_process_ipv6()
* Check entity sensors to be excluded
* @param string value to check
* @param array device
* @return bool true if sensor is valid
* false if sensor is invalid
function check_entity_sensor($string, $device)
$fringe = array_merge(Config::get('bad_entity_sensor_regex', array()), Config::getOsSetting($device['os'], 'bad_entity_sensor_regex', array()));
foreach ($fringe as $bad) {
if (preg_match($bad . "i", $string)) {
d_echo("Ignored entity sensor: $bad : $string");
return false;
return true;
* Get the device divisor, account for device specific quirks
* The default divisor is 10
* @param array $device device array
* @param string $os_version firmware version poweralert quirks
* @param string $sensor_type the type of this sensor
* @param string $oid the OID of this sensor
* @return int
function get_device_divisor($device, $os_version, $sensor_type, $oid)
if ($device['os'] == 'poweralert') {
if ($sensor_type == 'current' || $sensor_type == 'frequency') {
if (version_compare($os_version, '12.06.0068', '>=')) {
return 10;
} elseif (version_compare($os_version, '12.04.0055', '=')) {
return 10;
} elseif (version_compare($os_version, '12.04.0056', '>=')) {
return 1;
} elseif ($sensor_type == 'load') {
if (version_compare($os_version, '12.06.0064', '=')) {
return 10;
} else {
return 1;
} elseif ($device['os'] == 'huaweiups') {
if ($sensor_type == 'frequency') {
if (starts_with($device['hardware'], "UPS2000")) {
return 10;
return 100;
} elseif ($device['os'] == 'hpe-rtups') {
if ($sensor_type == 'voltage' && !starts_with($oid, '.') && !starts_with($oid, '.')) {
return 1;
} elseif ($device['os'] == 'apc-mgeups') {
if ($sensor_type == 'voltage') {
return 10;
// UPS-MIB Defaults
if ($sensor_type == 'load') {
return 1;
if ($sensor_type == 'voltage' && !starts_with($oid, '.')) {
return 1;
if ($sensor_type == 'runtime') {
if (starts_with($oid, '.')) {
return 60;
if (starts_with($oid, '.')) {
if ($device['os'] == 'routeros') {
return 60;
} else {
return 1;
return 10;
* @param int $raw_capacity The value return from snmp
* @return int normalized capacity value
function get_toner_capacity($raw_capacity)
// unknown or unrestricted capacity, assume 100
if (empty($raw_capacity) || $raw_capacity < 0) {
return 100;
return $raw_capacity;
* Should we ignore this storage device based on teh description? (usually the mount path or drive)
* @param string $os The OS of the device
* @param string $descr The description of the storage
* @return boolean
function ignore_storage($os, $descr)
foreach (Config::getOsSetting($os, 'ignore_mount') as $im) {
if ($im == $descr) {
d_echo("ignored $descr (matched: $im)\n");
return true;
foreach (Config::getOsSetting($os, 'ignore_mount_string') as $ims) {
if (str_contains($descr, $ims)) {
d_echo("ignored $descr (matched: $ims)\n");
return true;
foreach (Config::getOsSetting($os, 'ignore_mount_regexp') as $imr) {
if (preg_match($imr, $descr)) {
d_echo("ignored $descr (matched: $imr)\n");
return true;
return false;
* @param $valid
* @param $device
* @param $sensor_type
* @param $pre_cache
function discovery_process(&$valid, $device, $sensor_type, $pre_cache)
if ($device['dynamic_discovery']['modules']['sensors'][$sensor_type] && ! can_skip_sensor($device, $sensor_type, '')) {
$sensor_options = array();
if (isset($device['dynamic_discovery']['modules']['sensors'][$sensor_type]['options'])) {
$sensor_options = $device['dynamic_discovery']['modules']['sensors'][$sensor_type]['options'];
d_echo("Dynamic Discovery ($sensor_type): ");
foreach ($device['dynamic_discovery']['modules']['sensors'][$sensor_type]['data'] as $data) {
$tmp_name = $data['oid'];
$raw_data = (array)$pre_cache[$tmp_name];
d_echo("Data $tmp_name: ");
foreach ($raw_data as $index => $snmp_data) {
$user_function = null;
if (isset($data['user_func'])) {
$user_function = $data['user_func'];
// get the value for this sensor, check 'value' and 'oid', if state string, translate to a number
$data_name = isset($data['value']) ? $data['value'] : $data['oid']; // fallback to oid if value is not set
$snmp_value = $snmp_data[$data_name];
if (!is_numeric($snmp_value)) {
if ($sensor_type === 'temperature') {
// For temp sensors, try and detect fahrenheit values
if (ends_with($snmp_value, array('f', 'F'))) {
$user_function = 'fahrenheit_to_celsius';
preg_match('/-?\d*\.?\d+/', $snmp_value, $temp_response);
if (!empty($temp_response[0])) {
$snmp_value = $temp_response[0];
if (is_numeric($snmp_value)) {
$value = $snmp_value;
} elseif ($sensor_type === 'state') {
// translate string states to values (poller does this as well)
$states = array_column($data['states'], 'value', 'descr');
$value = isset($states[$snmp_value]) ? $states[$snmp_value] : false;
} else {
$value = false;
d_echo("Final sensor value: $value\n");
$skippedFromYaml = YamlDiscovery::canSkipItem($value, $index, $data, $sensor_options, $pre_cache);
if ($skippedFromYaml === false && is_numeric($value)) {
$oid = str_replace('{{ $index }}', $index, $data['num_oid']);
// if index is a string, we need to convert it to OID
// strlen($index) as first number, and each letter converted to a number, separated by dots
$oid = str_replace('{{ $index_string }}', strlen($index) . '.' . implode(".", unpack("c*", $index)), $oid);
// process the description
$descr = YamlDiscovery::replaceValues('descr', $index, null, $data, $pre_cache);
// process the group
$group = YamlDiscovery::replaceValues('group', $index, null, $data, $pre_cache) ?: null;
$divisor = $data['divisor'] ?: ($sensor_options['divisor'] ?: 1);
$multiplier = $data['multiplier'] ?: ($sensor_options['multiplier'] ?: 1);
$limits = ['low_limit', 'low_warn_limit', 'warn_limit', 'high_limit'];
foreach ($limits as $limit) {
if (is_numeric($data[$limit])) {
$$limit = $data[$limit];
} else {
$$limit = YamlDiscovery::getValueFromData($limit, $index, $data, $pre_cache, 'null');
if (is_numeric($$limit)) {
$$limit = ($$limit / $divisor) * $multiplier;
echo "Cur $value, Low: $low_limit, Low Warn: $low_warn_limit, Warn: $warn_limit, High: $high_limit".PHP_EOL;
$entPhysicalIndex = YamlDiscovery::replaceValues('entPhysicalIndex', $index, null, $data, $pre_cache) ?: null;
$entPhysicalIndex_measured = isset($data['entPhysicalIndex_measured']) ? $data['entPhysicalIndex_measured'] : null;
$sensor_name = $device['os'];
if ($sensor_type === 'state') {
$sensor_name = $data['state_name'] ?: $data['oid'];
create_state_index($sensor_name, $data['states']);
} else {
// We default to 1 for both divisors / multipliers so it should be safe to do the calculation using both.
$value = ($value / $divisor) * $multiplier;
//user_func must be applied after divisor/multiplier
if (isset($user_function) && is_callable($user_function)) {
$value = $user_function($value);
$uindex = str_replace('{{ $index }}', $index, isset($data['index']) ? $data['index'] : $index);
discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], $sensor_type, $device, $oid, $uindex, $sensor_name, $descr, $divisor, $multiplier, $low_limit, $low_warn_limit, $warn_limit, $high_limit, $value, 'snmp', $entPhysicalIndex, $entPhysicalIndex_measured, $user_function, $group);
if ($sensor_type === 'state') {
create_sensor_to_state_index($device, $sensor_name, $uindex);
* @param $types
* @param $device
* @param array $pre_cache
function sensors($types, $device, $valid, $pre_cache = array())
foreach ((array)$types as $sensor_class) {
echo ucfirst($sensor_class) . ': ';
$dir = Config::get('install_dir') . '/includes/discovery/sensors/' . $sensor_class .'/';
if (is_file($dir . $device['os_group'] . '.inc.php')) {
include $dir . $device['os_group'] . '.inc.php';
if (is_file($dir . $device['os'] . '.inc.php')) {
include $dir . $device['os'] . '.inc.php';
if (Config::getOsSetting($device['os'], 'rfc1628_compat', false)) {
if (is_file($dir . '/rfc1628.inc.php')) {
include $dir . '/rfc1628.inc.php';
discovery_process($valid, $device, $sensor_class, $pre_cache);
check_valid_sensors($device, $sensor_class, $valid['sensor']);
echo "\n";
function build_bgp_peers($device, $data, $peer2)
d_echo("Peers : $data\n");
$remove = array(
$peers = trim(str_replace($remove, '', $data));
$peerlist = array();
$ver = '';
foreach (explode("\n", $peers) as $peer) {
$local_ip = null;
if ($peer2 === true) {
list($ver, $peer) = explode('.', $peer, 2);
list($peer_ip, $peer_as) = explode(' ', $peer);
if ($device['os'] === 'junos') {
$ver = '';
$octets = count(explode(".", $peer_ip));
if ($octets > 11) {
// ipv6
$peer_ip = (string)IP::parse(snmp2ipv6($peer_ip), true);
} else {
// ipv4
$peer_ip = implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', $peer_ip), -4));
} else {
if (strstr($peer_ip, ':')) {
$peer_ip_snmp = preg_replace('/:/', ' ', $peer_ip);
$peer_ip = preg_replace('/(\S+\s+\S+)\s/', '$1:', $peer_ip_snmp);
$peer_ip = str_replace('"', '', str_replace(' ', '', $peer_ip));
if ($peer && $peer_ip != '') {
d_echo("Found peer $peer_ip (AS$peer_as)\n");
$peerlist[] = array(
'ip' => $peer_ip,
'as' => $peer_as,
'localip' => $local_ip ?: '',
'ver' => $ver,
return $peerlist;
function build_cbgp_peers($device, $peer, $af_data, $peer2)
d_echo('afi data :: ');
$af_list = array();
foreach ($af_data as $k => $v) {
if ($peer2 === true) {
list(,$k) = explode('.', $k, 2);
d_echo("AFISAFI = $k\n");
$afisafi_tmp = explode('.', $k);
if ($device['os_group'] === 'vrp') {
$vpninst_id = array_shift($afisafi_tmp);
$afi = array_shift($afisafi_tmp);
$safi = array_shift($afisafi_tmp);
$peertype = array_shift($afisafi_tmp);
$bgp_ip = implode('.', $afisafi_tmp);
} else {
$safi = array_pop($afisafi_tmp);
$afi = array_pop($afisafi_tmp);
$bgp_ip = str_replace(".$afi.$safi", '', $k);
if ($device['os_group'] === 'arista') {
$bgp_ip = str_replace("$afi.", '', $bgp_ip);
$bgp_ip = preg_replace('/:/', ' ', $bgp_ip);
$bgp_ip = preg_replace('/(\S+\s+\S+)\s/', '$1:', $bgp_ip);
$bgp_ip = str_replace('"', '', str_replace(' ', '', $bgp_ip));
if ($afi && $safi && $bgp_ip == $peer['ip']) {
$af_list[$bgp_ip][$afi][$safi] = 1;
add_cbgp_peer($device, $peer, $afi, $safi);
return $af_list;
function add_bgp_peer($device, $peer)
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) from `bgpPeers` WHERE device_id = ? AND bgpPeerIdentifier = ?', array($device['device_id'], $peer['ip'])) < '1') {
$bgpPeers = array(
'device_id' => $device['device_id'],
'bgpPeerIdentifier' => $peer['ip'],
'bgpPeerRemoteAs' => $peer['as'],
'context_name' => $device['context_name'],
'astext' => $peer['astext'],
'bgpPeerState' => 'idle',
'bgpPeerAdminStatus' => 'stop',
'bgpLocalAddr' => $peer['localip'] ?: '',
'bgpPeerRemoteAddr' => '',
'bgpPeerInUpdates' => 0,
'bgpPeerOutUpdates' => 0,
'bgpPeerInTotalMessages' => 0,
'bgpPeerOutTotalMessages' => 0,
'bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime' => 0,
'bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime' => 0,
dbInsert($bgpPeers, 'bgpPeers');
if (Config::get('autodiscovery.bgp')) {
$name = gethostbyaddr($peer['ip']);
discover_new_device($name, $device, 'BGP');
echo '+';
} else {
dbUpdate(array('bgpPeerRemoteAs' => $peer['as'], 'astext' => $peer['astext']), 'bgpPeers', 'device_id=? AND bgpPeerIdentifier=?', array($device['device_id'], $peer['ip']));
echo '.';
function add_cbgp_peer($device, $peer, $afi, $safi)
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) from `bgpPeers_cbgp` WHERE device_id = ? AND bgpPeerIdentifier = ? AND afi=? AND safi=?', array($device['device_id'], $peer['ip'], $afi, $safi)) == 0) {
$cbgp = array(
'device_id' => $device['device_id'],
'bgpPeerIdentifier' => $peer['ip'],
'afi' => $afi,
'safi' => $safi,
'context_name' => $device['context_name'],
'AcceptedPrefixes' => 0,
'DeniedPrefixes' => 0,
'PrefixAdminLimit' => 0,
'PrefixThreshold' => 0,
'PrefixClearThreshold' => 0,
'AdvertisedPrefixes' => 0,
'SuppressedPrefixes' => 0,
'WithdrawnPrefixes' => 0,
'AcceptedPrefixes_delta' => 0,
'AcceptedPrefixes_prev' => 0,
'DeniedPrefixes_delta' => 0,
'DeniedPrefixes_prev' => 0,
'AdvertisedPrefixes_delta' => 0,
'AdvertisedPrefixes_prev' => 0,
'SuppressedPrefixes_delta' => 0,
'SuppressedPrefixes_prev' => 0,
'WithdrawnPrefixes_delta' => 0,
'WithdrawnPrefixes_prev' => 0,
dbInsert($cbgp, 'bgpPeers_cbgp');
* check if we should skip this sensor from discovery
* @param $device
* @param string $sensor_type
* @param string $sensor_descr
* @return bool
function can_skip_sensor($device, $sensor_type = '', $sensor_descr = '')
if (! empty($sensor_type) && Config::getCombined($device['os'], "disabled_sensors.$sensor_type", false)) {
return true;
foreach (Config::getCombined($device['os'], "disabled_sensors_regex", []) as $skipRegex) {
if (! empty($sensor_descr) && preg_match($skipRegex, $sensor_descr)) {
return true;
return false;
* check if we should skip this device from discovery
* @param string $sysName
* @param string $sysDescr
* @param string $platform
* @return bool
function can_skip_discovery($sysName, $sysDescr = '', $platform = '')
if ($sysName) {
foreach ((array)Config::get('autodiscovery.xdp_exclude.sysname_regexp') as $needle) {
if (preg_match($needle .'i', $sysName)) {
d_echo("$sysName - regexp '$needle' matches '$sysName' - skipping device discovery \n");
return true;
if ($sysDescr) {
foreach ((array)Config::get('autodiscovery.xdp_exclude.sysdesc_regexp') as $needle) {
if (preg_match($needle .'i', $sysDescr)) {
d_echo("$sysName - regexp '$needle' matches '$sysDescr' - skipping device discovery \n");
return true;
if ($platform) {
foreach ((array)Config::get('autodiscovery.cdp_exclude.platform_regexp') as $needle) {
if (preg_match($needle .'i', $platform)) {
d_echo("$sysName - regexp '$needle' matches '$platform' - skipping device discovery \n");
return true;
return false;
* Try to find a device by sysName, hostname, ip, or mac_address
* If a device cannot be found, returns 0
* @param string $name sysName or hostname
* @param string $ip May be an IP or hex string
* @param string $mac_address
* @return int the device_id or 0
function find_device_id($name = '', $ip = '', $mac_address = '')
$where = array();
$params = array();
if ($name && is_valid_hostname($name)) {
$where[] = '`sysName`=?';
$params[] = $name;
$where[] = '`hostname`=?';
$params[] = $name;
if ($mydomain = Config::get('mydomain')) {
$where[] = '`hostname`=?';
$params[] = "$name.$mydomain";
if ($ip) {
$where[] = '`hostname`=?';
$params[] = $ip;
try {
$params[] = IP::fromHexString($ip)->packed();
$where[] = '`ip`=?';
} catch (InvalidIpException $e) {
if (!empty($where)) {
$sql = 'SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ' . implode(' OR ', $where);
if ($device_id = dbFetchCell($sql, $params)) {
return (int)$device_id;
if ($mac_address && $mac_address != '000000000000') {
if ($device_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `device_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `ifPhysAddress`=?', array($mac_address))) {
return (int)$device_id;
return 0;
* Try to find a port by ifDescr, ifName, ifAlias, or MAC
* @param string $description matched against ifDescr, ifName, and ifAlias
* @param string $identifier matched against ifDescr, ifName, and ifAlias
* @param int $device_id restrict search to ports on a specific device
* @param string $mac_address check against ifPhysAddress (should be in lowercase hexadecimal)
* @return int
function find_port_id($description, $identifier = '', $device_id = 0, $mac_address = null)
if (!($device_id || $mac_address)) {
return 0;
$statements = array();
$params = array();
if ($device_id) {
if ($description) {
// order is important here, the standard says this is ifDescr, which some mfg confuse with ifName
$statements[] = "SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id`=? AND (`ifDescr`=? OR `ifName`=?)";
$params[] = $device_id;
$params[] = $description;
$params[] = $description;
// we check ifAlias last because this is a user editable field, but some bad LLDP implementations use it
$statements[] = "SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `ifAlias`=?";
$params[] = $device_id;
$params[] = $description;
if ($identifier) {
if (is_numeric($identifier)) {
$statements[] = 'SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id`=? AND (`ifIndex`=? OR `ifAlias`=?)';
} else {
$statements[] = 'SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id`=? AND (`ifDescr`=? OR `ifName`=?)';
$params[] = $device_id;
$params[] = $identifier;
$params[] = $identifier;
if ($mac_address) {
$mac_statement = 'SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE ';
if ($device_id) {
$mac_statement .= '`device_id`=? AND ';
$params[] = $device_id;
$mac_statement .= '`ifPhysAddress`=?';
$statements[] = $mac_statement;
$params[] = $mac_address;
if (empty($statements)) {
return 0;
$queries = implode(' UNION ', $statements);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ($queries LIMIT 1) p";
return (int)dbFetchCell($sql, $params);