mirror of
synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
* Extract DiscoveryItem and move some things to better places. Extract model class Fix up model construction. I have problem with construction... Makeshift model working. Switch constructor to factory. discover() and create() Support legacy discovery. Remove uneeded custom pollers Remove netonix custom detection as we try ucd on all os now. Add a few yaml procs. Fix a couple things. More processor discovery conversions Move Calix e7 to standard hrProcessorLoad, but it doesn't fully implement the HR-MIB, move things around to make it work. Add a few yaml procs. Fix a couple things. Correct some stupid mib stuff. Move more, drop php 5.3 Add netscaler which uses string indexes. Port fiberhome to yaml and use skip_values More conversions. BroadcomProcessorUsage Trait Serveriron and Ironware share some mibs. Create a common abstract os for them. Add yaml support for mib specification in each data entry Make legacy discover_processor() set 0 for hrDeviceIndex Untangle Dell switch OS processors Use use shared OS for groups if they don't have a specific group. fix silly mib mistake Make index optional Move HR and UCD to Traits and out of Processor. * forgot to update the fortiswitch index * Make sgos and avaya-ers match the old index. * fix comware test data * fix merge errors * fix dsm and remove pointless empty modules * file not found exception is in the wrong place. * Updated processor development docs
1449 lines
54 KiB
1449 lines
54 KiB
* LibreNMS Network Management and Monitoring System
* Copyright (C) 2006-2011, Observium Developers - http://www.observium.org
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See COPYING for more details.
use LibreNMS\Config;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\HostExistsException;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\InvalidIpException;
use LibreNMS\OS;
use LibreNMS\Util\IP;
use LibreNMS\Util\IPv6;
function discover_new_device($hostname, $device = '', $method = '', $interface = '')
d_echo("discovering $hostname\n");
if (IP::isValid($hostname)) {
$ip = $hostname;
if (!Config::get('discovery_by_ip', false)) {
d_echo('Discovery by IP disabled, skipping ' . $hostname);
log_event("$method discovery of " . $hostname . " failed - Discovery by IP disabled", $device['device_id'], 'discovery', 4);
return false;
} elseif (is_valid_hostname($hostname)) {
if ($mydomain = Config::get('mydomain')) {
$full_host = rtrim($hostname, '.') . '.' . $mydomain;
if (isDomainResolves($full_host)) {
$hostname = $full_host;
$ip = gethostbyname($hostname);
if ($ip == $hostname) {
d_echo("name lookup of $hostname failed\n");
log_event("$method discovery of " . $hostname . " failed - Check name lookup", $device['device_id'], 'discovery', 5);
return false;
} else {
d_echo("Discovery failed: '$hostname' is not a valid ip or dns name\n");
return false;
d_echo("ip lookup result: $ip\n");
$hostname = rtrim($hostname, '.'); // remove trailing dot
$ip = IP::parse($ip, true);
if ($ip->inNetworks(Config::get('autodiscovery.nets-exclude'))) {
d_echo("$ip in an excluded network - skipping\n");
return false;
if (!$ip->inNetworks(Config::get('nets'))) {
d_echo("$ip not in a matched network - skipping\n");
return false;
try {
$remote_device_id = addHost($hostname, '', '161', 'udp', Config::get('distributed_poller_group'));
$remote_device = device_by_id_cache($remote_device_id, 1);
echo '+[' . $remote_device['hostname'] . '(' . $remote_device['device_id'] . ')]';
device_by_id_cache($remote_device_id, 1);
if ($remote_device_id && is_array($device) && !empty($method)) {
$extra_log = '';
$int = cleanPort($interface);
if (is_array($int)) {
$extra_log = ' (port ' . $int['label'] . ') ';
log_event('Device ' . $remote_device['hostname'] . " ($ip) $extra_log autodiscovered through $method on " . $device['hostname'], $remote_device_id, 'discovery', 1);
} else {
log_event("$method discovery of " . $remote_device['hostname'] . " ($ip) failed - Check ping and SNMP access", $device['device_id'], 'discovery', 5);
return $remote_device_id;
} catch (HostExistsException $e) {
// already have this device
} catch (Exception $e) {
log_event("$method discovery of " . $hostname . " ($ip) failed - " . $e->getMessage(), $device['device_id'], 'discovery', 5);
return false;
//end discover_new_device()
* @param $device
function load_discovery(&$device)
$yaml_discovery = Config::get('install_dir') . '/includes/definitions/discovery/' . $device['os'] . '.yaml';
if (file_exists($yaml_discovery)) {
$device['dynamic_discovery'] = Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(
} else {
function discover_device(&$device, $options = null)
if ($device['snmp_disable'] == '1') {
global $valid;
$valid = array();
// Reset $valid array
$attribs = get_dev_attribs($device['device_id']);
$device['attribs'] = $attribs;
$device['snmp_max_repeaters'] = $attribs['snmp_max_repeaters'];
$device_start = microtime(true);
// Start counting device poll time
echo $device['hostname'] . ' ' . $device['device_id'] . ' ' . $device['os'] . ' ';
$response = device_is_up($device, true);
if ($response['status'] !== '1') {
if ($device['os'] == 'generic') {
// verify if OS has changed from generic
$device['os'] = getHostOS($device);
if ($device['os'] != 'generic') {
echo "\nDevice os was updated to " . $device['os'] . '!';
dbUpdate(array('os' => $device['os']), 'devices', '`device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id']));
register_mibs($device, Config::getOsSetting($device['os'], 'register_mibs', array()), 'includes/discovery/os/' . $device['os'] . '.inc.php');
$os = OS::make($device);
echo "\n";
$force_module = false;
// If we've specified modules, use them, else walk the modules array
if ($options['m']) {
Config::set('discovery_modules', array());
foreach (explode(',', $options['m']) as $module) {
if (is_file("includes/discovery/$module.inc.php")) {
Config::set("discovery_modules.$module", 1);
$force_module = true;
$discovery_devices = Config::get('discovery_modules', array());
$discovery_devices = array('core' => true) + $discovery_devices;
foreach ($discovery_devices as $module => $module_status) {
$os_module_status = Config::getOsSetting($device['os'], "discovery_modules.$module");
d_echo("Modules status: Global" . (isset($module_status) ? ($module_status ? '+ ' : '- ') : ' '));
d_echo("OS" . (isset($os_module_status) ? ($os_module_status ? '+ ' : '- ') : ' '));
d_echo("Device" . (isset($attribs['discover_' . $module]) ? ($attribs['discover_' . $module] ? '+ ' : '- ') : ' '));
if ($force_module === true ||
$attribs['discover_' . $module] ||
($os_module_status && !isset($attribs['discover_' . $module])) ||
($module_status && !isset($os_module_status) && !isset($attribs['discover_' . $module]))
) {
$module_start = microtime(true);
$start_memory = memory_get_usage();
echo "\n#### Load disco module $module ####\n";
include "includes/discovery/$module.inc.php";
$module_time = microtime(true) - $module_start;
$module_time = substr($module_time, 0, 5);
$module_mem = (memory_get_usage() - $start_memory);
printf("\n>> Runtime for discovery module '%s': %.4f seconds with %s bytes\n", $module, $module_time, $module_mem);
echo "#### Unload disco module $module ####\n\n";
} elseif (isset($attribs['discover_' . $module]) && $attribs['discover_' . $module] == '0') {
echo "Module [ $module ] disabled on host.\n\n";
} elseif (isset($os_module_status) && $os_module_status == '0') {
echo "Module [ $module ] disabled on os.\n\n";
} else {
echo "Module [ $module ] disabled globally.\n\n";
if (is_mib_poller_enabled($device)) {
$devicemib = array($device['sysObjectID'] => 'all');
register_mibs($device, $devicemib, "includes/discovery/functions.inc.php");
$device_time = round(microtime(true) - $device_start, 3);
dbUpdate(array('last_discovered' => array('NOW()'), 'last_discovered_timetaken' => $device_time), 'devices', '`device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id']));
echo "Discovered in $device_time seconds\n";
global $discovered_devices;
echo "\n";
//end discover_device()
// Discover sensors
function discover_sensor(&$valid, $class, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $divisor = 1, $multiplier = 1, $low_limit = null, $low_warn_limit = null, $warn_limit = null, $high_limit = null, $current = null, $poller_type = 'snmp', $entPhysicalIndex = null, $entPhysicalIndex_measured = null, $user_func = null)
$low_limit = set_null($low_limit);
$low_warn_limit = set_null($low_warn_limit);
$warn_limit = set_null($warn_limit);
$high_limit = set_null($high_limit);
if (!is_numeric($divisor)) {
$divisor = 1;
d_echo("Discover sensor: $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $poller_type, $divisor, $multiplier, $entPhysicalIndex, $current\n");
if (is_null($low_warn_limit) && !is_null($warn_limit)) {
// Warn limits only make sense when we have both a high and a low limit
$low_warn_limit = null;
$warn_limit = null;
} elseif (!is_null($warn_limit) && $low_warn_limit > $warn_limit) {
// Fix high/low thresholds (i.e. on negative numbers)
list($warn_limit, $low_warn_limit) = array($low_warn_limit, $warn_limit);
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ?', array($poller_type, $class, $device['device_id'], $type, $index)) == '0') {
if (is_null($high_limit)) {
$high_limit = sensor_limit($class, $current);
if (is_null($low_limit)) {
$low_limit = sensor_low_limit($class, $current);
if (!is_null($high_limit) && $low_limit > $high_limit) {
// Fix high/low thresholds (i.e. on negative numbers)
list($high_limit, $low_limit) = array($low_limit, $high_limit);
$insert = array(
'poller_type' => $poller_type,
'sensor_class' => $class,
'device_id' => $device['device_id'],
'sensor_oid' => $oid,
'sensor_index' => $index,
'sensor_type' => $type,
'sensor_descr' => $descr,
'sensor_divisor' => $divisor,
'sensor_multiplier' => $multiplier,
'sensor_limit' => $high_limit,
'sensor_limit_warn' => $warn_limit,
'sensor_limit_low' => $low_limit,
'sensor_limit_low_warn' => $low_warn_limit,
'sensor_current' => $current,
'entPhysicalIndex' => $entPhysicalIndex,
'entPhysicalIndex_measured' => $entPhysicalIndex_measured,
'user_func' => $user_func,
foreach ($insert as $key => $val_check) {
if (!isset($val_check)) {
$inserted = dbInsert($insert, 'sensors');
d_echo("( $inserted inserted )\n");
echo '+';
log_event('Sensor Added: ' . mres($class) . ' ' . mres($type) . ' ' . mres($index) . ' ' . mres($descr), $device, 'sensor', 3, $inserted);
} else {
$sensor_entry = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ?', array($class, $device['device_id'], $type, $index));
if (!isset($high_limit)) {
if (!$sensor_entry['sensor_limit']) {
// Calculate a reasonable limit
$high_limit = sensor_limit($class, $current);
} else {
// Use existing limit
$high_limit = $sensor_entry['sensor_limit'];
if (!isset($low_limit)) {
if (!$sensor_entry['sensor_limit_low']) {
// Calculate a reasonable limit
$low_limit = sensor_low_limit($class, $current);
} else {
// Use existing limit
$low_limit = $sensor_entry['sensor_limit_low'];
// Fix high/low thresholds (i.e. on negative numbers)
if ($low_limit > $high_limit) {
list($high_limit, $low_limit) = array($low_limit, $high_limit);
if ($high_limit != $sensor_entry['sensor_limit'] && $sensor_entry['sensor_custom'] == 'No') {
$update = array('sensor_limit' => ($high_limit == null ? array('NULL') : $high_limit));
$updated = dbUpdate($update, 'sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($sensor_entry['sensor_id']));
d_echo("( $updated updated )\n");
echo 'H';
log_event('Sensor High Limit Updated: ' . mres($class) . ' ' . mres($type) . ' ' . mres($index) . ' ' . mres($descr) . ' (' . $high_limit . ')', $device, 'sensor', 3, $sensor_id);
if ($sensor_entry['sensor_limit_low'] != $low_limit && $sensor_entry['sensor_custom'] == 'No') {
$update = array('sensor_limit_low' => ($low_limit == null ? array('NULL') : $low_limit));
$updated = dbUpdate($update, 'sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($sensor_entry['sensor_id']));
d_echo("( $updated updated )\n");
echo 'L';
log_event('Sensor Low Limit Updated: ' . mres($class) . ' ' . mres($type) . ' ' . mres($index) . ' ' . mres($descr) . ' (' . $low_limit . ')', $device, 'sensor', 3, $sensor_id);
if ($warn_limit != $sensor_entry['sensor_limit_warn'] && $sensor_entry['sensor_custom'] == 'No') {
$update = array('sensor_limit_warn' => ($warn_limit == null ? array('NULL') : $warn_limit));
$updated = dbUpdate($update, 'sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($sensor_entry['sensor_id']));
d_echo("( $updated updated )\n");
echo 'WH';
log_event('Sensor Warn High Limit Updated: ' . mres($class) . ' ' . mres($type) . ' ' . mres($index) . ' ' . mres($descr) . ' (' . $warn_limit . ')', $device, 'sensor', 3, $sensor_id);
if ($sensor_entry['sensor_limit_low_warn'] != $low_warn_limit && $sensor_entry['sensor_custom'] == 'No') {
$update = array('sensor_limit_low_warn' => ($low_warn_limit == null ? array('NULL') : $low_warn_limit));
$updated = dbUpdate($update, 'sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($sensor_entry['sensor_id']));
d_echo("( $updated updated )\n");
echo 'WL';
log_event('Sensor Warn Low Limit Updated: ' . mres($class) . ' ' . mres($type) . ' ' . mres($index) . ' ' . mres($descr) . ' (' . $low_warn_limit . ')', $device, 'sensor', 3, $sensor_id);
if ($oid == $sensor_entry['sensor_oid'] &&
$descr == $sensor_entry['sensor_descr'] &&
$multiplier == $sensor_entry['sensor_multiplier'] &&
$divisor == $sensor_entry['sensor_divisor'] &&
$entPhysicalIndex_measured == $sensor_entry['entPhysicalIndex_measured'] &&
$entPhysicalIndex == $sensor_entry['entPhysicalIndex'] &&
$user_func == $sensor_entry['user_func']
) {
echo '.';
} else {
$update = array(
'sensor_oid' => $oid,
'sensor_descr' => $descr,
'sensor_multiplier' => $multiplier,
'sensor_divisor' => $divisor,
'entPhysicalIndex' => $entPhysicalIndex,
'entPhysicalIndex_measured' => $entPhysicalIndex_measured,
'user_func' => $user_func,
$updated = dbUpdate($update, 'sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($sensor_entry['sensor_id']));
echo 'U';
log_event('Sensor Updated: ' . mres($class) . ' ' . mres($type) . ' ' . mres($index) . ' ' . mres($descr), $device, 'sensor', 3, $sensor_id);
d_echo("( $updated updated )\n");
}//end if
$valid[$class][$type][$index] = 1;
//end discover_sensor()
function sensor_low_limit($class, $current)
$limit = null;
switch ($class) {
case 'temperature':
$limit = $current - 10;
case 'voltage':
if ($current < 0) {
$limit = ($current * (1 + (sgn($current) * 0.15)));
} else {
$limit = ($current * (1 - (sgn($current) * 0.15)));
case 'humidity':
$limit = '30';
case 'current':
$limit = null;
case 'fanspeed':
$limit = ($current * 0.80);
case 'power':
$limit = null;
case 'signal':
$limit = -80;
case 'airflow':
case 'dbm':
case 'snr':
case 'frequency':
case 'pressure':
case 'cooling':
$limit = ($current * 0.95);
case 'delay':
case 'quality_factor':
case 'chromatic_dispersion':
case 'ber':
case 'eer':
case 'waterflow':
}//end switch
return $limit;
//end sensor_low_limit()
function sensor_limit($class, $current)
$limit = null;
switch ($class) {
case 'temperature':
$limit = $current + 20;
case 'voltage':
if ($current < 0) {
$limit = ($current * (1 - (sgn($current) * 0.15)));
} else {
$limit = ($current * (1 + (sgn($current) * 0.15)));
case 'humidity':
$limit = '70';
case 'current':
case 'power':
$limit = ($current * 1.50);
case 'fanspeed':
$limit = ($current * 1.80);
case 'signal':
$limit = -30;
case 'load':
$limit = 80;
case 'airflow':
case 'dbm':
case 'snr':
case 'frequency':
case 'pressure':
case 'cooling':
$limit = ($current * 1.05);
}//end switch
return $limit;
//end sensor_limit()
function check_valid_sensors($device, $class, $valid, $poller_type = 'snmp')
$entries = dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ?', array($class, $device['device_id'], $poller_type));
if (count($entries)) {
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$index = $entry['sensor_index'];
$type = $entry['sensor_type'];
$class = $entry['sensor_class'];
d_echo($index . ' -> ' . $type . "\n");
if (!$valid[$class][$type][$index]) {
echo '-';
if ($class == 'state') {
dbDelete('sensors_to_state_indexes', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($entry['sensor_id']));
dbDelete('sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($entry['sensor_id']));
log_event('Sensor Deleted: ' . $entry['sensor_class'] . ' ' . $entry['sensor_type'] . ' ' . $entry['sensor_index'] . ' ' . $entry['sensor_descr'], $device, 'sensor', 3, $sensor_id);
//end check_valid_sensors()
function discover_juniAtmVp(&$valid, $device, $port_id, $vp_id, $vp_descr)
d_echo("Discover Juniper ATM VP: $port_id, $vp_id, $vp_descr\n");
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `juniAtmVp` WHERE `port_id` = ? AND `vp_id` = ?', array($port_id, $vp_id)) == '0') {
$inserted = dbInsert(array('port_id' => $port_id, 'vp_id' => $vp_id, 'vp_descr' => $vp_descr), 'juniAtmVp');
d_echo("( $inserted inserted )\n");
// FIXME vv no $device!
log_event('Juniper ATM VP Added: port ' . mres($port_id) . ' vp ' . mres($vp_id) . ' descr' . mres($vp_descr), $device, 'juniAtmVp', 3, $inserted);
} else {
echo '.';
$valid[$port_id][$vp_id] = 1;
//end discover_juniAtmVp()
function discover_link($local_port_id, $protocol, $remote_port_id, $remote_hostname, $remote_port, $remote_platform, $remote_version, $local_device_id, $remote_device_id)
global $link_exists;
d_echo("Discover link: $local_port_id, $protocol, $remote_port_id, $remote_hostname, $remote_port, $remote_platform, $remote_version, $remote_device_id\n");
if (dbFetchCell(
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `links` WHERE `remote_hostname` = ? AND `local_port_id` = ? AND `protocol` = ? AND `remote_port` = ?',
) == '0') {
$insert_data = array(
'local_port_id' => $local_port_id,
'local_device_id' => $local_device_id,
'protocol' => $protocol,
'remote_hostname' => $remote_hostname,
'remote_device_id' => (int)$remote_device_id,
'remote_port' => $remote_port,
'remote_platform' => $remote_platform,
'remote_version' => $remote_version,
if (!empty($remote_port_id)) {
$insert_data['remote_port_id'] = (int)$remote_port_id;
$inserted = dbInsert($insert_data, 'links');
echo '+';
d_echo("( $inserted inserted )");
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT `id`,`local_device_id`,`remote_platform`,`remote_version`,`remote_device_id`,`remote_port_id` FROM `links`';
$sql .= ' WHERE `remote_hostname` = ? AND `local_port_id` = ? AND `protocol` = ? AND `remote_port` = ?';
$data = dbFetchRow($sql, array($remote_hostname, $local_port_id, $protocol, $remote_port));
$update_data = array(
'local_device_id' => $local_device_id,
'remote_platform' => $remote_platform,
'remote_version' => $remote_version,
'remote_device_id' => (int)$remote_device_id,
'remote_port_id' => (int)$remote_port_id
$id = $data['id'];
if ($data == $update_data) {
echo '.';
} else {
$updated = dbUpdate($update_data, 'links', '`id` = ?', array($id));
echo 'U';
d_echo("( $updated updated )");
}//end if
}//end if
$link_exists[$local_port_id][$remote_hostname][$remote_port] = 1;
//end discover_link()
function discover_storage(&$valid, $device, $index, $type, $mib, $descr, $size, $units, $used = null)
if (ignore_storage($device['os'], $descr)) {
d_echo("Discover Storage: $index, $type, $mib, $descr, $size, $units, $used\n");
if ($descr && $size > '0') {
$storage = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `storage_index` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ?', array($index, $device['device_id'], $mib));
if ($storage === false || !count($storage)) {
$insert = dbInsert(
'device_id' => $device['device_id'],
'storage_descr' => $descr,
'storage_index' => $index,
'storage_mib' => $mib,
'storage_type' => $type,
'storage_units' => $units,
'storage_size' => $size,
'storage_used' => $used,
echo '+';
} else {
$updated = dbUpdate(array('storage_descr' => $descr, 'storage_type' => $type, 'storage_units' => $units, 'storage_size' => $size), 'storage', '`device_id` = ? AND `storage_index` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $index, $mib));
if ($updated) {
echo 'U';
} else {
echo '.';
}//end if
$valid[$mib][$index] = 1;
}//end if
//end discover_storage()
function discover_processor(&$valid, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision = '1', $current = null, $entPhysicalIndex = null, $hrDeviceIndex = null)
d_echo("Discover Processor: $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision, $current, $entPhysicalIndex, $hrDeviceIndex\n");
if ($descr) {
$descr = trim(str_replace('"', '', $descr));
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(processor_id) FROM `processors` WHERE `processor_index` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `processor_type` = ?', array($index, $device['device_id'], $type)) == '0') {
$insert_data = array(
'device_id' => $device['device_id'],
'processor_descr' => $descr,
'processor_index' => $index,
'processor_oid' => $oid,
'processor_usage' => $current,
'processor_type' => $type,
'processor_precision' => $precision,
$insert_data['hrDeviceIndex'] = (int)$hrDeviceIndex;
$insert_data['entPhysicalIndex'] = (int)$entPhysicalIndex;
$inserted = dbInsert($insert_data, 'processors');
echo '+';
log_event('Processor added: type ' . mres($type) . ' index ' . mres($index) . ' descr ' . mres($descr), $device, 'processor', 3, $inserted);
} else {
echo '.';
$update_data = array(
'processor_descr' => $descr,
'processor_oid' => $oid,
'processor_usage' => $current,
'processor_precision' => $precision,
dbUpdate($update_data, 'processors', '`device_id`=? AND `processor_index`=? AND `processor_type`=?', array($device['device_id'], $index, $type));
}//end if
$valid[$type][$index] = 1;
}//end if
//end discover_processor()
function discover_mempool(&$valid, $device, $index, $type, $descr, $precision = '1', $entPhysicalIndex = null, $hrDeviceIndex = null)
d_echo("Discover Mempool: $index, $type, $descr, $precision, $entPhysicalIndex, $hrDeviceIndex\n");
// FIXME implement the mempool_perc, mempool_used, etc.
if ($descr) {
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(mempool_id) FROM `mempools` WHERE `mempool_index` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `mempool_type` = ?', array($index, $device['device_id'], $type)) == '0') {
$insert_data = array(
'device_id' => $device['device_id'],
'mempool_descr' => $descr,
'mempool_index' => $index,
'mempool_type' => $type,
'mempool_precision' => $precision,
'mempool_perc' => 0,
'mempool_used' => 0,
'mempool_free' => 0,
'mempool_total' => 0,
if (is_numeric($entPhysicalIndex)) {
$insert_data['entPhysicalIndex'] = $entPhysicalIndex;
if (is_numeric($hrDeviceIndex)) {
$insert_data['hrDeviceIndex'] = $hrDeviceIndex;
$inserted = dbInsert($insert_data, 'mempools');
echo '+';
log_event('Memory pool added: type ' . mres($type) . ' index ' . mres($index) . ' descr ' . mres($descr), $device, 'mempool', 3, $inserted);
} else {
echo '.';
$update_data = array(
'mempool_descr' => $descr,
if (!empty($entPhysicalIndex)) {
$update_data['entPhysicalIndex'] = $entPhysicalIndex;
if (!empty($hrDeviceIndex)) {
$update_data['hrDeviceIndex'] = $hrDeviceIndex;
dbUpdate($update_data, 'mempools', 'device_id=? AND mempool_index=? AND mempool_type=?', array($device['device_id'], $index, $type));
}//end if
$valid[$type][$index] = 1;
}//end if
//end discover_mempool()
function discover_toner(&$valid, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $capacity_oid = null, $capacity = null, $current = null)
d_echo("Discover Toner: $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $capacity_oid, $capacity, $current\n");
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(toner_id) FROM `toner` WHERE device_id = ? AND toner_type = ? AND `toner_index` = ? AND `toner_oid` =?', array($device['device_id'], $type, $index, $oid)) == '0') {
$inserted = dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'toner_oid' => $oid, 'toner_capacity_oid' => $capacity_oid, 'toner_index' => $index, 'toner_type' => $type, 'toner_descr' => $descr, 'toner_capacity' => $capacity, 'toner_current' => $current), 'toner');
echo '+';
log_event('Toner added: type ' . mres($type) . ' index ' . mres($index) . ' descr ' . mres($descr), $device, 'toner', 3, $inserted);
} else {
$toner_entry = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `toner` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `toner_type` = ? AND `toner_index` =?', array($device['device_id'], $type, $index));
if ($oid == $toner_entry['toner_oid'] && $descr == $toner_entry['toner_descr'] && $capacity == $toner_entry['toner_capacity'] && $capacity_oid == $toner_entry['toner_capacity_oid']) {
echo '.';
} else {
dbUpdate(array('toner_descr' => $descr, 'toner_oid' => $oid, 'toner_capacity_oid' => $capacity_oid, 'toner_capacity' => $capacity), 'toner', 'device_id=? AND toner_type=? AND `toner_index`=?', array($device['device_id'], $type, $index));
echo 'U';
$valid[$type][$oid] = 1;
//end discover_toner()
function discover_process_ipv6(&$valid, $ifIndex, $ipv6_address, $ipv6_prefixlen, $ipv6_origin, $context_name = '')
global $device;
if (!IPv6::isValid($ipv6_address, true)) {
// ignore link-locals (coming from IPV6-MIB)
$ipv6 = new IPv6($ipv6_address);
$ipv6_network = $ipv6->getNetwork($ipv6_prefixlen);
$ipv6_compressed = $ipv6->compressed();
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = ? AND `ifIndex` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ifIndex)) != '0' && $ipv6_prefixlen > '0' && $ipv6_prefixlen < '129' && $ipv6_compressed != '::1') {
$port_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT port_id FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = ? AND ifIndex = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ifIndex));
if (is_numeric($port_id)) {
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv6_networks` WHERE `ipv6_network` = ?', array($ipv6_network)) < '1') {
dbInsert(array('ipv6_network' => $ipv6_network, 'context_name' => $context_name), 'ipv6_networks');
echo 'N';
} else {
//Update Context
dbUpdate(array('context_name' => $device['context_name']), 'ipv6_networks', '`ipv6_network` = ?', array($ipv6_network));
echo 'n';
$ipv6_network_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `ipv6_network_id` FROM `ipv6_networks` WHERE `ipv6_network` = ? AND `context_name` = ?', array($ipv6_network, $context_name));
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv6_addresses` WHERE `ipv6_address` = ? AND `ipv6_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ?', array($ipv6_address, $ipv6_prefixlen, $port_id)) == '0') {
'ipv6_address' => $ipv6_address,
'ipv6_compressed' => $ipv6_compressed,
'ipv6_prefixlen' => $ipv6_prefixlen,
'ipv6_origin' => $ipv6_origin,
'ipv6_network_id' => $ipv6_network_id,
'port_id' => $port_id,
'context_name' => $context_name
), 'ipv6_addresses');
echo '+';
} else {
//Update Context
dbUpdate(array('context_name' => $device['context_name']), 'ipv6_addresses', '`ipv6_address` = ? AND `ipv6_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ?', array($ipv6_address, $ipv6_prefixlen, $port_id));
echo '.';
$full_address = "$ipv6_address/$ipv6_prefixlen";
$valid_address = $full_address . '-' . $port_id;
$valid['ipv6'][$valid_address] = 1;
}//end if
}//end discover_process_ipv6()
* Check entity sensors to be excluded
* @param string value to check
* @param array device
* @return bool true if sensor is valid
* false if sensor is invalid
function check_entity_sensor($string, $device)
$fringe = array_merge(Config::get('bad_entity_sensor_regex', array()), Config::getOsSetting($device['os'], 'bad_entity_sensor_regex', array()));
foreach ($fringe as $bad) {
if (preg_match($bad . "i", $string)) {
d_echo("Ignored entity sensor: $bad : $string");
return false;
return true;
* Get the device divisor, account for device specific quirks
* The default divisor is 10
* @param array $device device array
* @param string $os_version firmware version poweralert quirks
* @param string $sensor_type the type of this sensor
* @param string $oid the OID of this sensor
* @return int
function get_device_divisor($device, $os_version, $sensor_type, $oid)
if ($device['os'] == 'poweralert') {
if ($sensor_type == 'current' || $sensor_type == 'frequency') {
if (version_compare($os_version, '12.06.0068', '>=')) {
return 10;
} elseif (version_compare($os_version, '12.04.0055', '=')) {
return 10;
} elseif (version_compare($os_version, '12.04.0056', '>=')) {
return 1;
} elseif ($sensor_type == 'load') {
if (version_compare($os_version, '12.06.0064', '=')) {
return 10;
} else {
return 1;
} elseif ($device['os'] == 'huaweiups') {
if ($sensor_type == 'frequency') {
return 100;
} elseif ($device['os'] == 'hpe-rtups') {
if ($sensor_type == 'voltage' && !starts_with($oid, '.') && !starts_with($oid, '.')) {
return 1;
// UPS-MIB Defaults
if ($sensor_type == 'load') {
return 1;
if ($sensor_type == 'voltage' && !starts_with($oid, '.')) {
return 1;
if ($sensor_type == 'runtime') {
if (starts_with($oid, '.')) {
return 60;
if (starts_with($oid, '.')) {
if ($device['os'] == 'routeros') {
return 60;
} else {
return 1;
return 10;
* @param int $raw_capacity The value return from snmp
* @return int normalized capacity value
function get_toner_capacity($raw_capacity)
// unknown or unrestricted capacity, assume 100
if (empty($raw_capacity) || $raw_capacity < 0) {
return 100;
return $raw_capacity;
* Should we ignore this storage device based on teh description? (usually the mount path or drive)
* @param string $os The OS of the device
* @param string $descr The description of the storage
* @return boolean
function ignore_storage($os, $descr)
foreach (Config::getOsSetting($os, 'ignore_mount') as $im) {
if ($im == $descr) {
d_echo("ignored $descr (matched: $im)\n");
return true;
foreach (Config::getOsSetting($os, 'ignore_mount_string') as $ims) {
if (str_contains($descr, $ims)) {
d_echo("ignored $descr (matched: $ims)\n");
return true;
foreach (Config::getOsSetting($os, 'ignore_mount_regexp') as $imr) {
if (preg_match($imr, $descr)) {
d_echo("ignored $descr (matched: $imr)\n");
return true;
return false;
* @param $value
* @param $data
* @param $group
* @param null $index
* @param array $pre_cache
* @return bool
function can_skip_sensor($value, $data, $group, $pre_cache = array())
$skip_values = array_replace((array)$group['skip_values'], (array)$data['skip_values']);
foreach ($skip_values as $skip_value) {
if (is_array($skip_value) && $pre_cache) {
// Dynamic skipping of data
$op = isset($skip_value['op']) ? $skip_value['op'] : '!=';
$tmp_value = $pre_cache[$skip_value['oid']];
if (compare_var($tmp_value, $skip_value['value'], $op) == true) {
return true;
if ($value == $skip_value) {
return true;
$skip_value_lt = array_replace((array)$group['skip_value_lt'], (array)$data['skip_value_lt']);
foreach ($skip_value_lt as $skip_value) {
if ($value < $skip_value) {
return true;
$skip_value_gt = array_reduce((array)$group['skip_value_gt'], (array)$data['skip_value_gt']);
foreach ($skip_value_gt as $skip_value) {
if ($value > $skip_value) {
return true;
return false;
* @param $valid
* @param $device
* @param $sensor_type
* @param $pre_cache
function discovery_process(&$valid, $device, $sensor_type, $pre_cache)
if ($device['dynamic_discovery']['modules']['sensors'][$sensor_type]) {
$sensor_options = array();
if (isset($device['dynamic_discovery']['modules']['sensors'][$sensor_type]['options'])) {
$sensor_options = $device['dynamic_discovery']['modules']['sensors'][$sensor_type]['options'];
d_echo("Dynamic Discovery ($sensor_type): ");
foreach ($device['dynamic_discovery']['modules']['sensors'][$sensor_type]['data'] as $data) {
$tmp_name = $data['oid'];
$raw_data = (array)$pre_cache[$tmp_name];
d_echo("Data $tmp_name: ");
foreach ($raw_data as $index => $snmp_data) {
$user_function = null;
if (isset($data['user_func'])) {
$user_function = $data['user_func'];
// get the value for this sensor, check 'value' and 'oid', if state string, translate to a number
$data_name = isset($data['value']) ? $data['value'] : $data['oid']; // fallback to oid if value is not set
$snmp_value = $snmp_data[$data_name];
if (!is_numeric($snmp_value)) {
if ($sensor_type === 'temperature') {
// For temp sensors, try and detect fahrenheit values
if (ends_with($snmp_value, array('f', 'F'))) {
$user_function = 'fahrenheit_to_celsius';
preg_match('/-?\d*\.?\d+/', $snmp_value, $temp_response);
if (!empty($temp_response[0])) {
$snmp_value = $temp_response[0];
if (is_numeric($snmp_value)) {
$value = $snmp_value;
} elseif ($sensor_type === 'state') {
// translate string states to values (poller does this as well)
$states = array_column($data['states'], 'value', 'descr');
$value = isset($states[$snmp_value]) ? $states[$snmp_value] : false;
} else {
$value = false;
d_echo("Final sensor value: $value\n");
if (can_skip_sensor($value, $data, $sensor_options, $raw_data[$index]) === false && is_numeric($value)) {
$oid = $data['num_oid'] . $index;
// process the description
$descr = dynamic_discovery_get_value('descr', $index, $data, $pre_cache);
if (is_null($descr)) {
$descr = str_replace('{{ $index }}', $index, $data['descr']);
preg_match_all('/{{ \$([a-zA-Z0-9.]+) }}/', $descr, $matches);
foreach ($matches[1] as $tmp_var) {
$replace = dynamic_discovery_get_value($tmp_var, $index, $data, $pre_cache, null);
if (!is_null($replace)) {
$descr = str_replace("{{ \$$tmp_var }}", $replace, $descr);
$divisor = $data['divisor'] ?: ($sensor_options['divisor'] ?: 1);
$multiplier = $data['multiplier'] ?: ($sensor_options['multiplier'] ?: 1);
$low_limit = is_numeric($data['low_limit']) ? $data['low_limit'] : dynamic_discovery_get_value('low_limit', $index, $data, $pre_cache, 'null');
$low_warn_limit = is_numeric($data['low_warn_limit']) ? $data['low_warn_limit'] : dynamic_discovery_get_value('low_warn_limit', $index, $data, $pre_cache, 'null');
$warn_limit = is_numeric($data['warn_limit']) ? $data['warn_limit'] : dynamic_discovery_get_value('warn_limit', $index, $data, $pre_cache, 'null');
$high_limit = is_numeric($data['high_limit']) ? $data['high_limit'] : dynamic_discovery_get_value('high_limit', $index, $data, $pre_cache, 'null');
$entPhysicalIndex = str_replace('{{ $index }}', $index, $data['entPhysicalIndex']) ?: null;
$entPhysicalIndex_measured = isset($data['entPhysicalIndex_measured']) ? $data['entPhysicalIndex_measured'] : null;
$sensor_name = $device['os'];
if (isset($user_function) && function_exists($user_function)) {
$value = $user_function($value);
if ($sensor_type === 'state') {
$sensor_name = $data['state_name'] ?: $data['oid'];
create_state_index($sensor_name, $data['states']);
} else {
if (is_numeric($divisor)) {
$value = $value / $divisor;
if (is_numeric($multiplier)) {
$value = $value * $multiplier;
$uindex = str_replace('{{ $index }}', $index, $data['index'] ?: $index);
discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], $sensor_type, $device, $oid, $uindex, $sensor_name, $descr, $divisor, $multiplier, $low_limit, $low_warn_limit, $warn_limit, $high_limit, $value, 'snmp', $entPhysicalIndex, $entPhysicalIndex_measured, $user_function);
if ($sensor_type === 'state') {
create_sensor_to_state_index($device, $sensor_name, $uindex);
* Helper function for dynamic discovery to search for data from pre_cached snmp data
* @param string $name The name of the field from the discovery data or just an oid
* @param int $index The index of the current sensor
* @param array $discovery_data The discovery data for the current sensor
* @param array $pre_cache all pre-cached snmp data
* @param mixed $default The default value to return if data is not found
* @return mixed
function dynamic_discovery_get_value($name, $index, $discovery_data, $pre_cache, $default = null)
if (isset($discovery_data[$name])) {
$name = $discovery_data[$name];
if (isset($pre_cache[$discovery_data['oid']][$index][$name])) {
return $pre_cache[$discovery_data['oid']][$index][$name];
if (isset($pre_cache[$name])) {
if (is_array($pre_cache[$name])) {
if (isset($pre_cache[$name][$index][$name])) {
return $pre_cache[$name][$index][$name];
} elseif (isset($pre_cache[$index][$name])) {
return $pre_cache[$index][$name];
} elseif (count($pre_cache[$name]) === 1) {
return current($pre_cache[$name]);
} else {
return $pre_cache[$name];
return $default;
* @param $types
* @param $device
* @param array $pre_cache
function sensors($types, $device, $valid, $pre_cache = array())
foreach ((array)$types as $sensor_type) {
echo ucfirst($sensor_type) . ': ';
$dir = Config::get('install_dir') . '/includes/discovery/sensors/' . $sensor_type .'/';
if (is_file($dir . $device['os_group'] . '.inc.php')) {
include $dir . $device['os_group'] . '.inc.php';
if (is_file($dir . $device['os'] . '.inc.php')) {
include $dir . $device['os'] . '.inc.php';
if (Config::getOsSetting($device['os'], 'rfc1628_compat', false)) {
if (is_file($dir . '/rfc1628.inc.php')) {
include $dir . '/rfc1628.inc.php';
discovery_process($valid, $device, $sensor_type, $pre_cache);
check_valid_sensors($device, $sensor_type, $valid['sensor']);
echo "\n";
function build_bgp_peers($device, $data, $peer2)
d_echo("Peers : $data\n");
$remove = array(
$peers = trim(str_replace($remove, '', $data));
$peerlist = array();
$ver = '';
foreach (explode("\n", $peers) as $peer) {
if ($peer2 === true) {
list($ver, $peer) = explode('.', $peer, 2);
list($peer_ip, $peer_as) = explode(' ', $peer);
if ($device['os'] === 'junos') {
$ver = '';
$octets = count(explode(".", $peer_ip));
if ($octets > 11) {
// ipv6
$peer_ip = (string)IP::parse(snmp2ipv6($peer_ip), true);
} else {
// ipv4
$peer_ip = implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', $peer_ip), -4));
} else {
if (strstr($peer_ip, ':')) {
$peer_ip_snmp = preg_replace('/:/', ' ', $peer_ip);
$peer_ip = preg_replace('/(\S+\s+\S+)\s/', '$1:', $peer_ip_snmp);
$peer_ip = str_replace('"', '', str_replace(' ', '', $peer_ip));
if ($peer && $peer_ip != '') {
d_echo("Found peer $peer_ip (AS$peer_as)\n");
$peerlist[] = array(
'ip' => $peer_ip,
'as' => $peer_as,
'ver' => $ver,
return $peerlist;
function build_cbgp_peers($device, $peer, $af_data, $peer2)
d_echo('afi data :: ');
$af_list = array();
foreach ($af_data as $k => $v) {
if ($peer2 === true) {
list(,$k) = explode('.', $k, 2);
d_echo("AFISAFI = $k\n");
$afisafi_tmp = explode('.', $k);
$safi = array_pop($afisafi_tmp);
$afi = array_pop($afisafi_tmp);
$bgp_ip = str_replace(".$afi.$safi", '', $k);
if ($device['os_group'] === 'arista') {
$bgp_ip = str_replace("$afi.", '', $bgp_ip);
$bgp_ip = preg_replace('/:/', ' ', $bgp_ip);
$bgp_ip = preg_replace('/(\S+\s+\S+)\s/', '$1:', $bgp_ip);
$bgp_ip = str_replace('"', '', str_replace(' ', '', $bgp_ip));
if ($afi && $safi && $bgp_ip == $peer['ip']) {
$af_list[$bgp_ip][$afi][$safi] = 1;
add_cbgp_peer($device, $peer, $afi, $safi);
return $af_list;
function add_bgp_peer($device, $peer)
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) from `bgpPeers` WHERE device_id = ? AND bgpPeerIdentifier = ?', array($device['device_id'], $peer['ip'])) < '1') {
$bgpPeers = array(
'device_id' => $device['device_id'],
'bgpPeerIdentifier' => $peer['ip'],
'bgpPeerRemoteAs' => $peer['as'],
'context_name' => $device['context_name'],
'astext' => $peer['astext'],
'bgpPeerState' => 'idle',
'bgpPeerAdminStatus' => 'stop',
'bgpLocalAddr' => '',
'bgpPeerRemoteAddr' => '',
'bgpPeerInUpdates' => 0,
'bgpPeerOutUpdates' => 0,
'bgpPeerInTotalMessages' => 0,
'bgpPeerOutTotalMessages' => 0,
'bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime' => 0,
'bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime' => 0,
dbInsert($bgpPeers, 'bgpPeers');
if (Config::get('autodiscovery.bgp')) {
$name = gethostbyaddr($peer['ip']);
discover_new_device($name, $device, 'BGP');
echo '+';
} else {
dbUpdate(array('bgpPeerRemoteAs' => $peer['as'], 'astext' => mres($peer['astext'])), 'bgpPeers', 'device_id=? AND bgpPeerIdentifier=?', array($device['device_id'], $peer['ip']));
echo '.';
function add_cbgp_peer($device, $peer, $afi, $safi)
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) from `bgpPeers_cbgp` WHERE device_id = ? AND bgpPeerIdentifier = ? AND afi=? AND safi=?', array($device['device_id'], $peer['ip'], $afi, $safi)) == 0) {
$cbgp = array(
'device_id' => $device['device_id'],
'bgpPeerIdentifier' => $peer['ip'],
'afi' => $afi,
'safi' => $safi,
'context_name' => $device['context_name'],
'AcceptedPrefixes' => 0,
'DeniedPrefixes' => 0,
'PrefixAdminLimit' => 0,
'PrefixThreshold' => 0,
'PrefixClearThreshold' => 0,
'AdvertisedPrefixes' => 0,
'SuppressedPrefixes' => 0,
'WithdrawnPrefixes' => 0,
'AcceptedPrefixes_delta' => 0,
'AcceptedPrefixes_prev' => 0,
'DeniedPrefixes_delta' => 0,
'DeniedPrefixes_prev' => 0,
'AdvertisedPrefixes_delta' => 0,
'AdvertisedPrefixes_prev' => 0,
'SuppressedPrefixes_delta' => 0,
'SuppressedPrefixes_prev' => 0,
'WithdrawnPrefixes_delta' => 0,
'WithdrawnPrefixes_prev' => 0,
dbInsert($cbgp, 'bgpPeers_cbgp');
* check if we should skip this device from discovery
* @param string $sysName
* @param string $sysDescr
* @param string $platform
* @return bool
function can_skip_discovery($sysName, $sysDescr = '', $platform = '')
if ($sysName) {
foreach ((array)Config::get('autodiscovery.xdp_exclude.sysname_regexp') as $needle) {
if (preg_match($needle .'i', $sysName)) {
d_echo("$sysName - regexp '$needle' matches '$sysName' - skipping device discovery \n");
return true;
if ($sysDescr) {
foreach ((array)Config::get('autodiscovery.xdp_exclude.sysdesc_regexp') as $needle) {
if (preg_match($needle .'i', $sysDescr)) {
d_echo("$sysName - regexp '$needle' matches '$sysDescr' - skipping device discovery \n");
return true;
if ($platform) {
foreach ((array)Config::get('autodiscovery.cdp_exclude.platform_regexp') as $needle) {
if (preg_match($needle .'i', $platform)) {
d_echo("$sysName - regexp '$needle' matches '$platform' - skipping device discovery \n");
return true;
return false;
* Try to find a device by sysName, hostname, ip, or mac_address
* If a device cannot be found, returns 0
* @param string $name sysName or hostname
* @param string $ip May be an IP or hex string
* @param string $mac_address
* @return int the device_id or 0
function find_device_id($name = '', $ip = '', $mac_address = '')
$where = array();
$params = array();
if ($name && is_valid_hostname($name)) {
$where[] = '`sysName`=?';
$params[] = $name;
$where[] = '`hostname`=?';
$params[] = $name;
if ($mydomain = Config::get('mydomain')) {
$where[] = '`hostname`=?';
$params[] = "$name.$mydomain";
if ($ip) {
$where[] = '`hostname`=?';
$params[] = $ip;
try {
$params[] = IP::fromHexString($ip)->packed();
$where[] = '`ip`=?';
} catch (InvalidIpException $e) {
if (!empty($where)) {
$sql = 'SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ' . implode(' OR ', $where);
if ($device_id = dbFetchCell($sql, $params)) {
return (int)$device_id;
if ($mac_address && $mac_address != '000000000000') {
if ($device_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `device_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `ifPhysAddress`=?', array($mac_address))) {
return (int)$device_id;
return 0;
* Try to find a port by ifDescr, ifName, or MAC
* @param string $description matched against ifDescr and ifName
* @param string $identifier matched against ifDescr and ifName
* @param int $device_id restrict search to ports on a specific device
* @param string $mac_address check against ifPysAddress (should be in lowercase hexadecimal)
* @return int
function find_port_id($description, $identifier = '', $device_id = 0, $mac_address = null)
if (!($device_id || $mac_address)) {
return 0;
$statements = array();
$params = array();
if ($device_id) {
if ($description) {
$statements[] = "SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id`=? AND (`ifDescr`=? OR `ifName`=?)";
$params[] = $device_id;
$params[] = $description;
$params[] = $description;
if ($identifier) {
if (is_numeric($identifier)) {
$statements[] = 'SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id`=? AND (`ifIndex`=? OR `ifAlias`=?)';
} else {
$statements[] = 'SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id`=? AND (`ifDescr`=? OR `ifName`=?)';
$params[] = $device_id;
$params[] = $identifier;
$params[] = $identifier;
if ($mac_address) {
$mac_statement = 'SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE ';
if ($device_id) {
$mac_statement .= '`device_id`=? AND ';
$params[] = $device_id;
$mac_statement .= '`ifPhysAddress`=?';
$statements[] = $mac_statement;
$params[] = $mac_address;
if (empty($statements)) {
return 0;
$queries = implode(' UNION ', $statements);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ($queries LIMIT 1) p";
return (int)dbFetchCell($sql, $params);