Jozef Pivarník 2dc05ee501 Fixed Cisco MAC accounting discovery, polling and HTML templates. (#10158)
* Fix Cisco MAC acounting discovery, polling and HTML templates.

* Remove empty code.

* Provide test data for cisco-mac-accounting module.

* Added module test dependency.
2019-05-20 20:56:19 -05:00

125 lines
4.6 KiB

use LibreNMS\RRD\RrdDefinition;
if ($device['os_group'] == 'cisco') {
$acc_rows = dbFetchRows('SELECT *, A.poll_time AS poll_time FROM `mac_accounting` as A, `ports` AS I where A.port_id = I.port_id AND I.device_id = ?', array($device['device_id']));
if (!empty($acc_rows)) {
$cip_oids = array(
$cip_array = array();
foreach (array_merge($cip_oids, array('cipMacSwitchedBytes', 'cipMacSwitchedPkts')) as $oid) {
echo "$oid ";
$cip_array = snmpwalk_cache_cip($device, $oid, $cip_array, 'CISCO-IP-STAT-MIB');
// Normalize cip_array
$cip_array = array_map(function ($entries) {
return array_map(function ($entry) {
$new_entry = array();
foreach (array('Bytes', 'Pkts') as $unit) {
$returned_oid = (array_key_exists('cipMacHCSwitched'.$unit, $entry)) ? 'cipMacHCSwitched' : 'cipMacSwitched';
$new_value = array();
foreach ($entry[$returned_oid.$unit] as $key => $value) {
$new_value[$key] = intval($value);
$new_entry['cipMacHCSwitched'.$unit] = $new_value;
return $new_entry;
}, $entries);
}, $cip_array);
$polled = time();
$mac_entries = 0;
foreach ($acc_rows as $acc) {
$device_id = $acc['device_id'];
$ifIndex = $acc['ifIndex'];
$mac = $acc['mac'];
$polled_period = ($polled - $acc['poll_time']);
if ($cip_array[$ifIndex][$mac]) {
$acc['update']['poll_time'] = $polled;
$acc['update']['poll_prev'] = $acc['poll_time'];
$acc['update']['poll_period'] = $polled_period;
$b_in = $cip_array[$ifIndex][$mac]['cipMacHCSwitchedBytes']['input'];
$b_out = $cip_array[$ifIndex][$mac]['cipMacHCSwitchedBytes']['output'];
$p_in = $cip_array[$ifIndex][$mac]['cipMacHCSwitchedPkts']['input'];
$p_out = $cip_array[$ifIndex][$mac]['cipMacHCSwitchedPkts']['output'];
$this_ma = &$cip_array[$ifIndex][$mac];
// Update metrics
foreach ($cip_oids as $oid) {
foreach (array('input', 'output') as $dir) {
$oid_dir = $oid . '_' . $dir;
$acc['update'][$oid_dir] = $this_ma[$oid][$dir];
$acc['update'][$oid_dir . '_prev'] = $acc[$oid_dir];
$oid_prev = $oid_dir . '_prev';
if ($this_ma[$oid][$dir]) {
$oid_diff = ($this_ma[$oid][$dir] - $acc[$oid_dir]);
$oid_rate = ($oid_diff / $polled_period);
$acc['update'][$oid_dir . '_rate'] = $oid_rate;
$acc['update'][$oid_dir . '_delta'] = $oid_diff;
d_echo("\n $oid_dir ($oid_diff B) $oid_rate Bps $polled_period secs\n");
d_echo("\n" . $acc['hostname'] . ' ' . $acc['ifDescr'] . " $mac -> $b_in:$b_out:$p_in:$p_out ");
$rrd_name = array('cip', $ifIndex, $mac);
$rrd_def = RrdDefinition::make()
->addDataset('IN', 'COUNTER', 0, 12500000000)
->addDataset('OUT', 'COUNTER', 0, 12500000000)
->addDataset('PIN', 'COUNTER', 0, 12500000000)
->addDataset('POUT', 'COUNTER', 0, 12500000000);
// FIXME - use memcached to make sure these values don't go backwards?
$fields = array(
'IN' => $b_in,
'OUT' => $b_out,
'PIN' => $p_in,
'POUT' => $p_out,
$tags = compact('ifIndex', 'mac', 'rrd_name', 'rrd_def');
data_update($device, 'cip', $tags, $fields);
if ($acc['update']) {
// Do Updates
dbUpdate($acc['update'], 'mac_accounting', '`ma_id` = ?', array($acc['ma_id']));
} //end if
}//end if
}//end foreach
if ($mac_entries) {
echo " $mac_entries MAC accounting entries\n";
echo "\n";
}//end if