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git-svn-id: http://www.observium.org/svn/observer/trunk@3222 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8
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* Observium
* This file is part of Observium.
* @package observium
* @subpackage discovery
* @author Adam Armstrong <adama@memetic.org>
* @copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Adam Armstrong
# MIB-Dell-10892::temperatureProbechassisIndex.1.1 = INTEGER: 1
# MIB-Dell-10892::temperatureProbeIndex.1.1 = INTEGER: 1
# MIB-Dell-10892::temperatureProbeStateCapabilities.1.1 = INTEGER: 0
# MIB-Dell-10892::temperatureProbeStateSettings.1.1 = INTEGER: enabled(2)
# MIB-Dell-10892::temperatureProbeStatus.1.1 = INTEGER: ok(3)
# MIB-Dell-10892::temperatureProbeReading.1.1 = INTEGER: 320
# MIB-Dell-10892::temperatureProbeType.1.1 = INTEGER: temperatureProbeTypeIsAmbientESM(3)
# MIB-Dell-10892::temperatureProbeLocationName.1.1 = STRING: "BMC Planar Temp"
# MIB-Dell-10892::temperatureProbeUpperCriticalThreshold.1.1 = INTEGER: 530
# MIB-Dell-10892::temperatureProbeUpperNonCriticalThreshold.1.1 = INTEGER: 480
# MIB-Dell-10892::temperatureProbeLowerNonCriticalThreshold.1.1 = INTEGER: 70
# MIB-Dell-10892::temperatureProbeLowerCriticalThreshold.1.1 = INTEGER: 30
# MIB-Dell-10892::temperatureProbeProbeCapabilities.1.1 = INTEGER: 0
if (strstr($device['hardware'], "Dell"))
// stuff partially copied from akcp sensor
$oids = snmp_walk($device, "temperatureProbeStatus", "-Osqn", "MIB-Dell-10892");
if ($debug) { echo($oids."\n"); }
$oids = trim($oids);
if ($oids) echo("Dell OMSA ");
foreach (explode("\n", $oids) as $data)
$data = trim($data);
if ($data)
list($oid,$status) = explode(" ", $data, 2);
if ($debug) { echo("status : ".$status."\n"); }
if ($status == "ok") # 2 = normal, 0 = not connected
$split_oid = explode('.',$oid);
$temperature_id = $split_oid[count($split_oid)-2].".".$split_oid[count($split_oid)-1];
$descr_oid = ".$temperature_id";
$temperature_oid = ".$temperature_id";
$limit_oid = ".$temperature_id";
$warnlimit_oid = ".$temperature_id";
$lowwarnlimit_oid = ".$temperature_id";
$lowlimit_oid = ".$temperature_id";
$descr = trim(snmp_get($device, $descr_oid, "-Oqv", "MIB-Dell-10892"),'"');
$temperature = snmp_get($device, $temperature_oid, "-Oqv", "MIB-Dell-10892");
$lowwarnlimit = snmp_get($device, $lowwarnlimit_oid, "-Oqv", "MIB-Dell-10892");
$warnlimit = snmp_get($device, $warnlimit_oid, "-Oqv", "MIB-Dell-10892");
$limit = snmp_get($device, $limit_oid, "-Oqv", "MIB-Dell-10892");
$lowlimit = snmp_get($device, $lowlimit_oid, "-Oqv", "MIB-Dell-10892");
discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'temperature', $device, $temperature_oid, $temperature_id, 'dell', $descr, '10', '1', $lowlimit/10, $low_warn_limit/10, $warnlimit/10, $limit/10, $temperature/10);