# This is an example of TOML configuration file for Podsync. # Web server related configuration. [server] # HTTP server port. port = 8080 # Optional. If you want to hide Podsync behind reverse proxy like nginx, you can use hostname field. # Server will be accessible from http://localhost:8080, but episode links will point to https://my.test.host:4443/ID1/XYZ hostname = "https://my.test.host:4443" # Bind a specific IP addresses for server ,"*": bind all IP addresses which is default option, localhost or bind a single IPv4 address bind_address = "" # Specify path for reverse proxy and only [A-Za-z0-9] path = "test" # Configure where to store the episode data [storage] # Could be "local" (default) for the local file system, or "s3" for a S3-compatible storage provider (e.g. AWS S3) type = "local" [storage.local] data_dir = "/app/data" # Don't change if you run podsync via docker # To configure for a S3 provider, set key and secret in environment variables `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`, respectively; # then fillout the API endpoint, region, and bucket below. [storage.s3] endpoint = "https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com" region = "us-west-2" bucket = "example-bucket-name" # API keys to be used to access Youtube and Vimeo. # These can be either specified as string parameter or array of string (so those will be rotated). [tokens] youtube = "YOUTUBE_API_TOKEN" # YouTube API Key. See https://developers.google.com/youtube/registering_an_application vimeo = [ # Multiple keys will be rotated. "VIMEO_API_KEY_1", # Vimeo developer keys. See https://developer.vimeo.com/api/guides/start#generate-access-token "VIMEO_API_KEY_2" ] # The list of data sources to be hosted by Podsync. # These are channels, users, playlists, etc. [feeds] # Each channel must have a unique identifier (in this example "ID1"). [feeds.ID1] # URL address of a channel, group, user, or playlist. url = "https://www.youtube.com/channel/CHANNEL_NAME_TO_HOST" # The number of episodes to query each update (keep in mind, that this might drain API token) page_size = 50 # How often query for updates, examples: "60m", "4h", "2h45m" update_period = "12h" quality = "high" # or "low" format = "video" # or "audio" playlist_sort = "asc" # or "desc", which will fetch playlist items from the end # Optional maximal height of video, example: 720, 1080, 1440, 2160, ... max_height = 720 # Optinally include this feed in OPML file (default value: false) opml = true # Optional cron expression format for more precise update schedule. # If set then overwrite 'update_period'. cron_schedule = "@every 12h" # Whether to cleanup old episodes. # Keep last 10 episodes (order desc by PubDate) clean = { keep_last = 10 } # Optional Golang regexp format. # If set, then only download matching episodes. filters = { title = "regex for title here", not_title = "regex for negative title match", description = "...", not_description = "..." } # Optional extra arguments passed to youtube-dl when downloading videos from this feed. # This example would embed available English closed captions in the videos. # Note that setting '--audio-format' for audio format feeds, or '--format' or '--output' for any format may cause # unexpected behaviour. You should only use this if you know what you are doing, and have read up on youtube-dl's options! youtube_dl_args = ["--write-sub", "--embed-subs", "--sub-lang", "en,en-US,en-GB"] # When set to true, podcasts indexers such as iTunes or Google Podcasts will not index this podcast private_feed = true # Optional feed customizations [feeds.ID1.custom] title = "Level1News" description = "News sections of Level1Techs, in a podcast feed!" author = "Level1Tech" cover_art = "{IMAGE_URL}" cover_art_quality = "high" category = "TV" subcategories = ["Documentary", "Tech News"] explicit = true lang = "en" author = "Mrs. Smith (mrs@smith.org)" ownerName = "Mrs. Smith" ownerEmail = "mrs@smith.org" # optional: this will override the default link (usually the URL address) in the generated RSS feed with another link link = "https://example.org" # Podsync uses local database to store feeds and episodes metadata. # This section is optional and usually not needed to configure unless some very specific corner cases. # Refer to https://dgraph.io/docs/badger/get-started/#memory-usage for documentation. [database] badger = { truncate = true, file_io = true } # Youtube-dl specific configuration. [downloader] # Optional, auto update youtube-dl every 24 hours self_update = true # Download timeout in minutes. timeout = 15 # Optional log config. If not specified logs to the stdout [log] filename = "podsync.log" max_size = 50 # MB max_age = 30 # days max_backups = 7 compress = true