2023-03-30 11:32:59 -07:00
import re
import typing
2023-06-23 21:31:30 +05:30
from collections import OrderedDict
2023-03-30 11:32:59 -07:00
2023-05-01 10:45:19 -04:00
from drf_spectacular.extensions import OpenApiSerializerFieldExtension
2023-03-30 11:32:59 -07:00
from drf_spectacular.openapi import AutoSchema
from drf_spectacular.plumbing import (
2023-05-01 10:45:19 -04:00
build_basic_type, build_choice_field, build_media_type_object, build_object_type, get_doc,
2023-03-30 11:32:59 -07:00
from drf_spectacular.types import OpenApiTypes
from rest_framework.relations import ManyRelatedField
from netbox.api.fields import ChoiceField, SerializedPKRelatedField
from netbox.api.serializers import WritableNestedSerializer
# see netbox.api.routers.NetBoxRouter
BULK_ACTIONS = ("bulk_destroy", "bulk_partial_update", "bulk_update")
class FixTimeZoneSerializerField(OpenApiSerializerFieldExtension):
target_class = 'timezone_field.rest_framework.TimeZoneSerializerField'
def map_serializer_field(self, auto_schema, direction):
return build_basic_type(OpenApiTypes.STR)
class ChoiceFieldFix(OpenApiSerializerFieldExtension):
target_class = 'netbox.api.fields.ChoiceField'
def map_serializer_field(self, auto_schema, direction):
2023-06-23 21:31:30 +05:30
build_cf = build_choice_field(self.target)
2023-03-30 11:32:59 -07:00
if direction == 'request':
2023-06-23 21:31:30 +05:30
return build_cf
2023-03-30 11:32:59 -07:00
elif direction == "response":
2023-06-23 21:31:30 +05:30
value = build_cf
label = {**build_basic_type(OpenApiTypes.STR), "enum": list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(self.target.choices.values()))}
2023-03-30 11:32:59 -07:00
return build_object_type(
2023-06-23 21:31:30 +05:30
"value": value,
"label": label
2023-03-30 11:32:59 -07:00
class NetBoxAutoSchema(AutoSchema):
Overrides to drf_spectacular.openapi.AutoSchema to fix following issues:
1. bulk serializers cause operation_id conflicts with non-bulk ones
2. bulk operations should specify a list
3. bulk operations don't have filter params
4. bulk operations don't have pagination
5. bulk delete should specify input
writable_serializers = {}
def is_bulk_action(self):
if hasattr(self.view, "action") and self.view.action in BULK_ACTIONS:
return True
return False
def get_operation_id(self):
bulk serializers cause operation_id conflicts with non-bulk ones
bulk operations cause id conflicts in spectacular resulting in numerous:
Warning: operationId "xxx" has collisions [xxx]. "resolving with numeral suffixes"
code is modified from drf_spectacular.openapi.AutoSchema.get_operation_id
if self.is_bulk_action:
tokenized_path = self._tokenize_path()
# replace dashes as they can be problematic later in code generation
tokenized_path = [t.replace('-', '_') for t in tokenized_path]
if self.method == 'GET' and self._is_list_view():
# this shouldn't happen, but keeping it here to follow base code
action = 'list'
# action = self.method_mapping[self.method.lower()]
# use bulk name so partial_update -> bulk_partial_update
action = self.view.action.lower()
if not tokenized_path:
if re.search(r'<drf_format_suffix\w*:\w+>', self.path_regex):
return '_'.join(tokenized_path + [action])
# if not bulk - just return normal id
return super().get_operation_id()
def get_request_serializer(self) -> typing.Any:
# bulk operations should specify a list
serializer = super().get_request_serializer()
if self.is_bulk_action:
return type(serializer)(many=True)
# handle mapping for Writable serializers - adapted from dansheps original code
# for drf-yasg
if serializer is not None and self.method in WRITABLE_ACTIONS:
writable_class = self.get_writable_class(serializer)
if writable_class is not None:
if hasattr(serializer, "child"):
child_serializer = self.get_writable_class(serializer.child)
serializer = writable_class(context=serializer.context, child=child_serializer)
serializer = writable_class(context=serializer.context)
return serializer
def get_response_serializers(self) -> typing.Any:
# bulk operations should specify a list
response_serializers = super().get_response_serializers()
if self.is_bulk_action:
return type(response_serializers)(many=True)
return response_serializers
def get_serializer_ref_name(self, serializer):
# from drf-yasg.utils
"""Get serializer's ref_name (or None for ModelSerializer if it is named 'NestedSerializer')
:param serializer: Serializer instance
:return: Serializer's ``ref_name`` or ``None`` for inline serializer
:rtype: str or None
serializer_meta = getattr(serializer, 'Meta', None)
serializer_name = type(serializer).__name__
if hasattr(serializer_meta, 'ref_name'):
ref_name = serializer_meta.ref_name
elif serializer_name == 'NestedSerializer' and isinstance(serializer, serializers.ModelSerializer):
ref_name = None
ref_name = serializer_name
if ref_name.endswith('Serializer'):
ref_name = ref_name[: -len('Serializer')]
return ref_name
def get_writable_class(self, serializer):
properties = {}
fields = {} if hasattr(serializer, 'child') else serializer.fields
2023-04-17 14:39:39 -07:00
remove_fields = []
2023-03-30 11:32:59 -07:00
for child_name, child in fields.items():
2023-04-17 14:39:39 -07:00
# read_only fields don't need to be in writable (write only) serializers
if 'read_only' in dir(child) and child.read_only:
2023-03-30 11:32:59 -07:00
if isinstance(child, (ChoiceField, WritableNestedSerializer)):
properties[child_name] = None
elif isinstance(child, ManyRelatedField) and isinstance(child.child_relation, SerializedPKRelatedField):
properties[child_name] = None
if not properties:
return None
if type(serializer) not in self.writable_serializers:
writable_name = 'Writable' + type(serializer).__name__
meta_class = getattr(type(serializer), 'Meta', None)
if meta_class:
ref_name = 'Writable' + self.get_serializer_ref_name(serializer)
2023-04-17 14:39:39 -07:00
# remove read_only fields from write-only serializers
fields = list(meta_class.fields)
for field in remove_fields:
writable_meta = type('Meta', (meta_class,), {'ref_name': ref_name, 'fields': fields})
2023-03-30 11:32:59 -07:00
properties['Meta'] = writable_meta
self.writable_serializers[type(serializer)] = type(writable_name, (type(serializer),), properties)
writable_class = self.writable_serializers[type(serializer)]
return writable_class
def get_filter_backends(self):
# bulk operations don't have filter params
if self.is_bulk_action:
return []
return super().get_filter_backends()
def _get_paginator(self):
# bulk operations don't have pagination
if self.is_bulk_action:
return None
return super()._get_paginator()
def _get_request_body(self, direction='request'):
# bulk delete should specify input
if (not self.is_bulk_action) or (self.method != 'DELETE'):
return super()._get_request_body(direction)
# rest from drf_spectacular.openapi.AutoSchema._get_request_body
# but remove the unsafe method check
request_serializer = self.get_request_serializer()
if isinstance(request_serializer, dict):
content = []
request_body_required = True
for media_type, serializer in request_serializer.items():
schema, partial_request_body_required = self._get_request_for_media_type(serializer, direction)
examples = self._get_examples(serializer, direction, media_type)
if schema is None:
content.append((media_type, schema, examples))
request_body_required &= partial_request_body_required
schema, request_body_required = self._get_request_for_media_type(request_serializer, direction)
if schema is None:
return None
content = [
(media_type, schema, self._get_examples(request_serializer, direction, media_type))
for media_type in self.map_parsers()
request_body = {
'content': {
media_type: build_media_type_object(schema, examples) for media_type, schema, examples in content
if request_body_required:
request_body['required'] = request_body_required
return request_body
2023-04-25 11:37:05 -07:00
def get_description(self):
Return a string description for the ViewSet.
# If a docstring is provided, use it.
if self.view.__doc__:
return get_doc(self.view.__class__)
# When the action method is decorated with @action, use the docstring of the method.
action_or_method = getattr(self.view, getattr(self.view, 'action', self.method.lower()), None)
if action_or_method and action_or_method.__doc__:
return get_doc(action_or_method)
# Else, generate a description from the class name.
return self._generate_description()
def _generate_description(self):
Generate a docstring for the method. It also takes into account whether the method is for list or detail.
model_name = self.view.queryset.model._meta.verbose_name
# Determine if the method is for list or detail.
if '{id}' in self.path:
return f"{self.method.capitalize()} a {model_name} object."
return f"{self.method.capitalize()} a list of {model_name} objects."