2023-02-02 10:06:23 -05:00
# Generated by Django 4.1.5 on 2023-02-02 02:37
import django . core . validators
from django . db import migrations , models
import django . db . models . deletion
import taggit . managers
import utilities . json
class Migration ( migrations . Migration ) :
initial = True
dependencies = [
( ' extras ' , ' 0084_staging ' ) ,
operations = [
migrations . CreateModel (
name = ' DataSource ' ,
fields = [
( ' id ' , models . BigAutoField ( auto_created = True , primary_key = True , serialize = False ) ) ,
( ' created ' , models . DateTimeField ( auto_now_add = True , null = True ) ) ,
( ' last_updated ' , models . DateTimeField ( auto_now = True , null = True ) ) ,
( ' custom_field_data ' , models . JSONField ( blank = True , default = dict , encoder = utilities . json . CustomFieldJSONEncoder ) ) ,
( ' description ' , models . CharField ( blank = True , max_length = 200 ) ) ,
( ' comments ' , models . TextField ( blank = True ) ) ,
( ' name ' , models . CharField ( max_length = 100 , unique = True ) ) ,
( ' type ' , models . CharField ( default = ' local ' , max_length = 50 ) ) ,
( ' source_url ' , models . CharField ( max_length = 200 ) ) ,
( ' status ' , models . CharField ( default = ' new ' , editable = False , max_length = 50 ) ) ,
( ' enabled ' , models . BooleanField ( default = True ) ) ,
( ' ignore_rules ' , models . TextField ( blank = True ) ) ,
( ' parameters ' , models . JSONField ( blank = True , null = True ) ) ,
( ' last_synced ' , models . DateTimeField ( blank = True , editable = False , null = True ) ) ,
( ' tags ' , taggit . managers . TaggableManager ( through = ' extras.TaggedItem ' , to = ' extras.Tag ' ) ) ,
] ,
options = {
' ordering ' : ( ' name ' , ) ,
} ,
) ,
migrations . CreateModel (
name = ' DataFile ' ,
fields = [
( ' id ' , models . BigAutoField ( auto_created = True , primary_key = True , serialize = False ) ) ,
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( ' created ' , models . DateTimeField ( auto_now_add = True ) ) ,
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( ' last_updated ' , models . DateTimeField ( editable = False ) ) ,
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( ' path ' , models . CharField ( editable = False , max_length = 1000 ) ) ,
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( ' size ' , models . PositiveIntegerField ( editable = False ) ) ,
( ' hash ' , models . CharField ( editable = False , max_length = 64 , validators = [ django . core . validators . RegexValidator ( message = ' Length must be 64 hexadecimal characters. ' , regex = ' ^[0-9a-f] {64} $ ' ) ] ) ) ,
( ' data ' , models . BinaryField ( ) ) ,
( ' source ' , models . ForeignKey ( editable = False , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , related_name = ' datafiles ' , to = ' core.datasource ' ) ) ,
] ,
options = {
' ordering ' : ( ' source ' , ' path ' ) ,
} ,
) ,
migrations . AddConstraint (
model_name = ' datafile ' ,
constraint = models . UniqueConstraint ( fields = ( ' source ' , ' path ' ) , name = ' core_datafile_unique_source_path ' ) ,
) ,
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migrations . AddIndex (
model_name = ' datafile ' ,
index = models . Index ( fields = [ ' source ' , ' path ' ] , name = ' core_datafile_source_path ' ) ,
) ,
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