NetBox supports integration with the [NAPALM automation]( library. NAPALM allows NetBox to serve a proxy for operational data, fetching live data from network devices and returning it to a requester via its REST API. Note that NetBox does not store any NAPALM data locally.
To make NAPALM requests via the NetBox REST API, a NetBox user must have assigned a permission granting the `napalm_read` action for the device object type.
By default, the [`NAPALM_USERNAME`](../configuration/ and [`NAPALM_PASSWORD`](../configuration/ configuration parameters are used for NAPALM authentication. They can be overridden for an individual API call by specifying the `X-NAPALM-Username` and `X-NAPALM-Password` headers.
The list of supported NAPALM methods depends on the [NAPALM driver]( configured for the platform of a device. Because there is no granular mechanism in place for limiting potentially disruptive requests, NetBox supports only read-only [get]( methods.
The behavior of NAPALM drivers can be adjusted according to the [optional arguments]( NetBox exposes those arguments using headers prefixed with `X-NAPALM-`. For example, the SSH port is changed to 2222 in this API call: