2021-07-16 09:15:19 -04:00
{% extends 'ipam/iprange/base.html' %}
2021-12-14 15:31:42 -05:00
{% load helpers %}
2021-07-16 09:15:19 -04:00
{% block extra_controls %}
{% if perms.ipam.add_ipaddress and active_tab == 'ip-addresses' and object.first_available_ip %}
2021-08-03 10:03:22 -07:00
<a href="{% url 'ipam:ipaddress_add' %}?address={{ object.first_available_ip }}&vrf={{ object.vrf.pk }}&tenant_group={{ object.tenant.group.pk }}&tenant={{ object.tenant.pk }}" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">
2021-07-20 13:46:59 -04:00
<i class="mdi mdi-plus-thick" aria-hidden="true"></i> Add IP Address
2021-07-16 09:15:19 -04:00
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
2022-04-28 07:47:04 +02:00
{% include 'inc/table_controls_htmx.html' with table_modal="IPAddressTable_config" %}
2021-12-14 15:31:42 -05:00
<form method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body" id="object_list">
{% include 'htmx/table.html' %}
<div class="noprint bulk-buttons">
<div class="bulk-button-group">
2022-06-29 14:21:57 -04:00
{% if 'bulk_edit' in actions %}
2021-12-14 15:31:42 -05:00
<button type="submit" name="_edit" formaction="{% url 'ipam:ipaddress_bulk_edit' %}?return_url={% url 'ipam:iprange_ipaddresses' pk=object.pk %}" class="btn btn-warning btn-sm">
<i class="mdi mdi-pencil" aria-hidden="true"></i> Edit
{% endif %}
2022-06-29 14:21:57 -04:00
{% if 'bulk_delete' in actions %}
2021-12-14 15:31:42 -05:00
<button type="submit" name="_delete" formaction="{% url 'ipam:ipaddress_bulk_delete' %}?return_url={% url 'ipam:iprange_ipaddresses' pk=object.pk %}" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm">
<i class="mdi mdi-trash-can-outline" aria-hidden="true"></i> Delete
{% endif %}
2021-07-16 09:15:19 -04:00
2021-12-14 15:31:42 -05:00
2021-07-16 09:15:19 -04:00
{% endblock %}
2022-01-05 09:21:48 -05:00
{% block modals %}
2022-01-10 09:30:50 -05:00
{{ block.super }}
2022-01-05 09:21:48 -05:00
{% table_config_form table %}
{% endblock modals %}