NetBox is maintained as a [GitHub project]( under the Apache 2 license. Users are encouraged to submit GitHub issues for feature requests and bug reports, however we are very selective about pull requests. Please see the `CONTRIBUTING` guide for more direction on contributing to NetBox.
All development of the current NetBox release occurs in the `develop` branch; releases are packaged from the `master` branch. The `master` branch should _always_ represent the current stable release in its entirety, such that installing NetBox by either downloading a packaged release or cloning the `master` branch provides the same code base.
NetBox components are arranged into functional subsections called _apps_ (a carryover from Django verancular). Each app holds the models, views, and templates relevant to a particular function:
*`circuits`: Communications circuits and providers (not to be confused with power circuits)
*`dcim`: Datacenter infrastructure management (sites, racks, and devices)