Custom scripting was introduced to provide a way for users to execute custom logic from within the NetBox UI. Custom scripts enable the user to directly and conveniently manipulate NetBox data in a prescribed fashion. They can be used to accomplish myriad tasks, such as:
Custom scripts are Python code and exist outside of the official NetBox code base, so they can be updated and changed without interfering with the core NetBox installation. And because they're completely custom, there is no inherent limitation on what a script can accomplish.
All custom scripts must inherit from the `extras.scripts.Script` base class. This class provides the functionality necessary to generate forms and log activity.
Scripts comprise two core components: a set of variables and a `run()` method. Variables allow your script to accept user input via the NetBox UI, but they are optional: If your script does not require any user input, there is no need to define any variables.
The `run()` method is where your script's execution logic lives. (Note that your script can have as many methods as needed: this is merely the point of invocation for NetBox.)
The `commit` argument was introduced in NetBox v2.7.8. Backward compatibility is maintained for scripts which accept only the `data` argument, however beginning with v2.10 NetBox will require the `run()` method of every script to accept both arguments. (Either argument may still be ignored within the method.)
You can define `name` within a script module (the Python file which contains one or more scripts) to set the module name. If `name` is not defined, the module's file name will be used.
The checkbox to commit database changes when executing a script is checked by default. Set `commit_default` to False under the script's Meta class to leave this option unchecked by default.
Details of the current HTTP request (the one being made to execute the script) are available as the instance attribute `self.request`. This can be used to infer, for example, the user executing the script and the client IP address:
For a complete list of available request parameters, please see the [Django documentation](
A particular object within NetBox. Each ObjectVar must specify a particular model, and allows the user to select one of the available instances. ObjectVar accepts several arguments, listed below.
The `display_field` argument is useful when referencing a model which does not have a `name` field. For example, when displaying a list of device types, you would likely use the `model` field:
device_type = ObjectVar(
To limit the selections available within the list, additional query parameters can be passed as the `query_params` dictionary. For example, to show only devices with an "active" status:
device = ObjectVar(
'status': 'active'
Multiple values can be specified by assigning a list to the dictionary key. It is also possible to reference the value of other fields in the form by prepending a dollar sign (`$`) to the variable's name.
An uploaded file. Note that uploaded files are present in memory only for the duration of the script's execution: They will not be automatically saved for future use. The script is responsible for writing file contents to disk where necessary.
To run a custom script, a user must be assigned the `extras.run_script` permission. This is achieved by assigning the user (or group) a permission on the Script object and specifying the `run` action in the admin UI as shown below.

### Via the Web UI
Custom scripts can be run via the web UI by navigating to the script, completing any required form data, and clicking the "run script" button.
### Via the API
To run a script via the REST API, issue a POST request to the script's endpoint specifying the form data and commitment. For example, to run a script named `example.MyReport`, we would make a request such as the following:
Below is an example script that creates new objects for a planned site. The user is prompted for three variables:
* The name of the new site
* The device model (a filtered list of defined device types)
* The number of access switches to create
These variables are presented as a web form to be completed by the user. Once submitted, the script's `run()` method is called to create the appropriate objects.