* [#3304](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/3304) - Fix caching invalidation issue related to device/virtual machine primary IP addresses
* [#4545](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4545) - Removed all squashed schema migrations to allow direct upgrades from very old releases
* [#4584](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4584) - Ensure consistent support for filtering objects by `id` across all REST API endpoints
In accordance with the fix in [#4459](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4459), users that are experiencing invalid nested data with
regions, rack groups, or tenant groups can perform a one-time operation using the NetBox shell to rebuild the correct nested relationships after upgrading:
$ python netbox/manage.py nbshell
### NetBox interactive shell (localhost)
### Python 3.6.4 | Django 3.0.5 | NetBox 2.8.1
### lsmodels() will show available models. Use help(<model>) for more info.
* [#4459](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4459) - Fix caching issue resulting in erroneous nested data for regions, rack groups, and tenant groups
This releases introduces two new features in beta status. While they are expected to be functional, their precise implementation is subject to change during the v2.8 release cycle. It is recommended to wait until NetBox v2.9 to deploy them in production.
#### Remote Authentication Support ([#2328](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/2328))
Several new configuration parameters provide support for authenticating an incoming request based on the value of a specific HTTP header. This can be leveraged to employ remote authentication via an nginx or Apache plugin, directing NetBox to create and configure a local user account as needed. The configuration parameters are:
*`REMOTE_AUTH_ENABLED` - Enables remote authentication (disabled by default)
*`REMOTE_AUTH_HEADER` - The name of the HTTP header which conveys the username
*`REMOTE_AUTH_AUTO_CREATE_USER` - Enables the automatic creation of new users (disabled by default)
*`REMOTE_AUTH_DEFAULT_GROUPS` - A list of groups to assign newly created users
*`REMOTE_AUTH_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS` - A list of permissions to assign newly created users
If further customization of remote authentication is desired (for instance, if you want to pass group/permission information via HTTP headers as well), NetBox allows you to inject a custom [Django authentication backend](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/topics/auth/customizing/) to retain full control over the authentication and configuration of remote users.
This release introduces support for custom plugins, which can be used to extend NetBox's functionality beyond what the core product provides. For example, plugins can be used to:
For NetBox plugins to be recognized, they must be installed and added by name to the `PLUGINS` configuration parameter. (Plugin support is disabled by default.) Plugins can be configured under the `PLUGINS_CONFIG` parameter. More information can be found the in the [plugins documentation](https://netbox.readthedocs.io/en/stable/plugins/).
* The `_choices` API endpoints have been removed. Instead, use an `OPTIONS` request to a model's endpoint to view the available values for all fields. ([#3416](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/3416))
* The `id__in` filter has been removed from all models ([#4313](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4313)). Use the format `?id=1&id=2` instead.
* [#4081](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4081) - The `family` field has been removed from the Aggregate, Prefix, and IPAddress models. The field remains available in the API representations of these models, however the column has been removed from the database table.